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Conspiracy to Remove Trump at All Costs – Paul Craig Roberts

By Greg Hunter’s  Dr. Paul Craig Roberts agrees that Democrats, RINO Republicans, military complex and the Deep State want Donald Trump removed from the White House at any and all costs. Dr. Roberts explains, “That’s correct and, again, it’s several different

Rising Rates, Causing Chaos, Dangerous Territory – Michael Pento

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Money manager and analyst Michael Pento says the fundamentals show the financial markets are in “dangerous territory.” All central banks are pulling back on the money printing that has been propelling the markets to

McCain Kills Skinny, Congress Curtails President, Sessions Drama

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 294 7.28.17)  The Senate and House have just passed a veto-proof bill that will increase Russian sanctions. The Russians vow to retaliate, but that is not the big story.  This new sanctions bill looks to curtail

Earthquakes, Volcanos, Giants & Economic Calamity – Steve Quayle

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Author, filmmaker and renowned radio host Steve Quayle says don’t believe what you hear from the mainstream media about earthquakes signaling that Yellowstone National Park is on the verge of erupting. Quayle, who has studied

Trump Stops Syrian War, Mueller Witch Hunt Continues, Bankers Keep Cheating

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 293 7.21.17)  Did President Donald Trump just signal an end to the Syrian civil war? President Trump just announced he was ending a covert CIA program to arm the so-called rebels.  It was ISIS and al

We Are Now into Controlled Demolition-Catherine Austin Fitts

By Greg Hunter’s Renowned financial expert Catherine Austin Fitts warns there is not much time left for the current system. Fitts contends, “We have built an infrastructure that doesn’t make economic sense, and we are going to have to change. 

Biggest Fed Flip Flop in History-Gregory Mannarino

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Analyst/trader Gregory Mannarino says the Federal Reserve just did an about-face on raising interest rates in a matter of weeks. Mannarino contends, “This is incredible and hard to get my head around.  This has

Trump Jr. Treason – NOT, Russian Lawyer Worked for Democrats, Fed Rate Update

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 292 7.14.17)  There is still no there there with the Russian collusion story in its latest version featuring Donald Trump Jr. This looks more like an episode of “Punk’d,” but there is no crime and no

Bitcoin Civil War Coming Soon-Kevin Lawton

By Greg Hunter’s Keven Lawton is a tech entrepreneur with 10 startups under his belt. He is also an expert in crypto currencies and sees a Bitcoin civil war coming soon.  Lawton says, “In Bitcoin, there are huge scalability issues

North Korea ICBM Danger, Economic Update, DNC Server Still Hidden

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW291 7.7.17) North Korea celebrated the Fourth of July with a bang by successfully launching a brand new ICBM.  An emergency meeting was called at the UN, and the President said it was “dangerous” and would have

CNN Proven Very Fake News, Dollar Tanking, Yellowstone Could Blow

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 290 6.30.17) A CNN producer and a top on air talent were both caught on hidden camera admitting the so-called Trump collusion story was a “nothing burger,” “pretty much BS” and was being followed “because of

Consequence of Rigged Markets is Currency Crisis – James Howard Kunstler

By Greg Hunter’s  Author/journalist James Howard Kunstler has been in the writing business for decades and has never seen the geopolitical and economic landscape in America look like it does today. Kunstler explains, “I have never lived through a time,

War & Financial Calamity Two Biggest Trends – Gerald Celente

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Top trends forecaster Gerald Celente thinks of all the things he studies, war and financial calamity are the two biggest trends he sees. The big game changer in the geopolitical global landscape is war coming

Middle East Dog Fight, Economic Update Not Good, 6 Million Vote Illegally

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 289 6.23.17) The Middle East had near dogfight aerial combat in the skies over Syria. The U.S. shot down a Syrian fighter jet and an Iranian drone.  Russia immediately halted cooperation with the U.S. in Syria,

Fed Trying to Cripple Trump Economy-Danielle DiMartino Booth

By Greg Hunter’s Financial expert and former top Federal Reserve insider Danielle DiMartino Booth says the latest Fed rate hike is nothing less than an attempt to make life worse for President Trump. DiMartino Booth explains, “They are trying to