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Frankenstein Debt Monster Has Peaked-Gregory Mannarino

By Greg Hunter’s  (Early Sunday Release) Stock trader Gregory Mannarino says Greece is the tip of the debt iceberg.  Mannarino explains, “Never in history have we been so overwhelmed and buried underneath a mountain of debt.  I believe we are

Greece to Puerto Rico Unpayable Debt, More Phony Jobs, Drought and Floods

By Greg Hunter’s   (WNW 197) Whether it is Greece or Puerto Rico, the story is the same—the debt is unpayable.  Greece is going through a referendum and they are taking a que from the Clash song “Should I Stay or

New Recession Starts After Mid-Year-John Williams

By Greg Hunter’s Economist John Williams correctly predicted the first quarter GDP in 2015 would turn negative.  What is his second quarter prediction for GDP?  Williams says, “I am looking for an outright contraction in the second quarter as well. 

Every Asset in a Bubble, Except Gold and Silver-Michael Pento

Greg Hunter’s  Money manager Michael Pento thinks the Greek debt crisis is small when you consider the enormously leveraged global economy.  Pento contends, “That’s why I consider Greece as more of a distraction.  It’s a small piece to the puzzle. 

Obama Care Upheld at SCOTUS, Trade Treason Now Law, Lost Lerner Emails Destroyed-WNW 196

By Greg Hunter’s (6.26.15)  The huge concocted lie that is Obama Care was upheld by the Supreme Court.  The majority opinion simply reworded the law because it did not want to stop subsidies to more than 8 million people.  They

We Don’t Know How Bad Secret Obama Trade Deal Really Is-Ellen Brown

By Greg Hunter’s Attorney and public banking expert Ellen Brown says the recent Obama trade deal is bad news.  Brown contends, “We don’t even know how bad it is.  All we know we got out of WikiLeaks.  It’s all secret. 

Federal Reserve System a Run Away Machine-G. Edward Griffin

By Greg Hunter’s  (Early Sunday Release) Edward Griffin, author of “The Creature from Jekyll Island,” says the global monetary system is out of control. Griffin contends, “There is nothing that can be done about it. This thing is a runaway

CA Drought Worst Ever, Greek Debt Crisis Latest, Fed Cannot Raise Rates, Secret Trade Deal Advances-WNW 195

By Greg Hunter’s (6.19.15  A picture is worth a thousand words, and here is a picture of an unfolding calamity in California.  Check out the latest drought map of the state.  Almost 100% of the state is in severe drought

Next Financial Calamity Unavoidable-John Embry

By Greg Hunter’s  John Embry, Senior Investment Strategist at Sprott Asset Management, says there is no doubt another financial calamity is coming.  In fact, Embry says, “It’s unavoidable.  It’s inevitable is the word I would use.  There is no getting

Cashless Society Needed for Negative Rates-Gordon Long

By Greg Hunter’s  (Early Sunday Release) Macroeconomist Gordon Long says elite bankers want and need negative interest rates.  How do they get them?  Long says, “We need a cashless society in order to get negative interest rates.  We have had

WNW 194-Secret Trade Deals, Not Serious About Stopping ISIS, Obama Care and Economy in Trouble

By Greg Hunter’s  (6.12.15)  The Republicans are pushing trade agreements, but they are secret.  Congressman Paul Ryan says “We the People” do not get to know the secret details until Congress votes them through.  On the trade packages in Asia

The Collapse Is Now-Gregory Mannarino

By Greg Hunter’s Financial analyst Gregory Mannarino says time is short for the next financial calamity.  Mannarino contends, “Not only are things are getting close, but we are here now.  This is it. . . . The collapse is now. 

Wave Coming Too Large to Duck Under-Warren Pollock

By Greg Hunter’s    (Early Sunday Release) Financial and geopolitical analyst Warren Pollock warns, “When I go swimming in the ocean, sometimes I have to duck under a wave.  This wave may be too large to duck under, and I think

WNW 193-Greek Debt Crisis Conclusion, Economic Propaganda, Iraq Finger Pointing

Greg Hunter’s   (6.5.15) The Greek debt crisis looks like it will be coming to an end.  I don’t know if it is this month, but it is definitely this year.  Everybody is worried about a Greece default, but a default

Panic Exit Out of Currencies & Into Gold & Silver-David Morgan

By Greg Hunter’s Finance and economic writer David Morgan thinks the global economy very likely could take a sudden turn for the worst.  Morgan says, “There is going to be a panic buy into the metals, and there is only