Political Analysis Archive

This section gives political analysis for all sorts of subjects. Social unrest, the militarization of local law enforcement, poverty, wealth, survival, NSA spying, money laundering by the biggest banks, crime, global fraud, unpunished top bankers and the politicians that turn a blind eye to it will all be some of what is talked about here. From Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Communists, Socialists, the Tea Party and their effects on American life will be part of the conversation.

Some of the people lending their analysis here include former top HUD official Catherine Austin Fitts, top trends forecaster Gerald Celente, former Treasury Assistant Secretary Paul Craig Roberts, best-selling authors Robert Wiedemer and John Perkins, $2 billion money manager Peter Schiff, hit documentary filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza, Shadowstats.com economist John Williams, futurist Chris Martenson and economic genius Martin Armstrong.

Politics often overlap with money issues. The views here are seldom brought to light in the mainstream media. Whether it’s from Main Street or the Middle East, you will get a unique perspective found only on USAWatchdog.com.

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Clinton Foundation is Robin Hood in Reverse-Charles Ortel

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Early Sunday Release) Financial expert Charles Ortel says “The Clinton Foundation is the biggest charity frauds in history.” Ortel, who does high powered research for top Wall Street investment firms, applied his skills to analyzing the Clinton

US & Clinton Beyond the Law-Catherine Austin Fitts

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Early Sunday Release) Financial expert and former Assistant Secretary of Housing, Catherine Austin Fitts, says the U.S. government’s actions with Hillary Clinton means it is more lawless than ever. Fitts explains, “The entire country now looks like

Separate Laws for Political Nobility & Economic Elite-Gerald Celente

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com  (Early Sunday release) Trends researcher Gerald Celente says Hillary Clinton not being charged by the FBI for having a private unprotected email server is just a small part of an ongoing major trend. Celente explains, “It’s bigger

Collapse of Empires is Upon Us-Gregory Mannarino

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com  Trader and analyst Gregory Mannarino says what is going on today with the FBI refusing to indict Hillary Clinton is nothing new when considering the “fall of empires.” Mannarino explains, “This is a cycle, and we are

Disintegration & Overthrow of Global Elite Regime-Michael Krieger

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com  (Early Sunday Release) Former Wall Street analyst and journalist Michael Krieger contends the recent so-called “Brexit” chaos is signaling something much bigger than coming economic trouble. Krieger explains, “I think the biggest thing with Brexit, and I

Brexit is the Match that Ignites the Powder Keg-Peter Schiff

Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com Money manager Peter Schiff says don’t believe the so-called “Brexit” was the real cause of the recent chaos in the financial markets. Schiff explains, “If the global financial system and the markets were healthy, ‘Brexit’ would be a

Special Report on Brexit/Fantasy Meets Reality

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Addendum to the WNW ) Do not believe the mainstream media that the Brexit vote crashed the global markets. The real reason why all markets tanked is record debt levels around the world that will never be

Jim Sinclair-Next Crash Will Look Like Mad Max

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Early Sunday Release) Renowned gold and financial expert Jim Sinclair says recent dire predictions from Wall Street icons are more than a warning. They are telegraphing their trading positions.  Sinclair explains, “They are preparing for what they

Criminal Bankers Threaten Entire World Economy-Helen Chaitman

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com Helen Davis Chaitman was the lead attorney representing the victims of the $65 billion Bernie Madoff scam. Madoff had help form JP Morgan Chase Bank, and what she found out was stunning.  Chaitman explains, “JP Morgan Chase

All Electronic Assets Wiped Out in Fall Crash

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com  (Early Sunday Release) Financial analyst Bix Weir has laid out a timeline for the next financial collapse that he says is underway. Bix explains, “It’s happening now, and it has been happening since the beginning of the

Multiple Collapse Triggers Everywhere-V the Guerilla Economist

Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Early Sunday Release) “V” the “Guerilla Economist” fears another global financial collapse “every day and every night.” “V” explains, “Economically speaking . . . What I see is it’s not one event. There are multiple triggers everywhere.  If Deutsche

Silent Coup Beginning to Overtake America Now-Larry Nichols

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com  Former Clinton insider Larry Nichols has worked with, and now against, the Clintons. Nichols has some of the top political and financial connections on the planet.  Nichols hopes the public is finally realizing the enormous power struggle

Tsunami of Dollars Coming Back to America Soon-Rob Kirby

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Special Release)  Emergency Fed meetings at the White House, the launching of new gold trading market at the Shanghai Gold Exchange, revelations Deutsche Bank admitting it manipulated gold and silver prices, China starting its own global payment

Clinton Email Server Greatest Intel Disaster in History-Scott Uehlinger

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com Former frontline CIA Officer Scott Uehlinger says Hillary Clinton clearly broke the law with her private unprotected server. Uehlinger explains, “What the Clintons rely on is most Americans don’t really understand the security procedures. So, they can throw

All-Out Assault on All Life on Earth-Dane Wigington

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com   (Early Sunday Release) Dane Wigington, founder of the global climate engineering informational website, GeoengineeringWatch.org, says climate manipulation, commonly referred to as chemtrails, is the number one factor in destroying the planet and much of humanity. Wigington contends,