Political Analysis Archive

This section gives political analysis for all sorts of subjects. Social unrest, the militarization of local law enforcement, poverty, wealth, survival, NSA spying, money laundering by the biggest banks, crime, global fraud, unpunished top bankers and the politicians that turn a blind eye to it will all be some of what is talked about here. From Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Communists, Socialists, the Tea Party and their effects on American life will be part of the conversation.

Some of the people lending their analysis here include former top HUD official Catherine Austin Fitts, top trends forecaster Gerald Celente, former Treasury Assistant Secretary Paul Craig Roberts, best-selling authors Robert Wiedemer and John Perkins, $2 billion money manager Peter Schiff, hit documentary filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza, Shadowstats.com economist John Williams, futurist Chris Martenson and economic genius Martin Armstrong.

Politics often overlap with money issues. The views here are seldom brought to light in the mainstream media. Whether it’s from Main Street or the Middle East, you will get a unique perspective found only on USAWatchdog.com.

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Why Can’t We Have Honest Money?

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com  Back in the late 60’s and early 70’s prime interest rates averaged 6 or 7 percent.  Back before 1971 it was possible to save money at a reasonable guaranteed rate of return and easily keep ahead of

Where is the Outrage!

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com  The uneven form the financial bailout has taken is really quite galling to me.  The headline: Not a single bank president has been asked to step down or a single plan asked for from the big banks.