Earthquakes, Volcanos, Giants & Economic Calamity – Steve Quayle
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)
Author, filmmaker and renowned radio host Steve Quayle says don’t believe what you hear from the mainstream media about earthquakes signaling that Yellowstone National Park is on the verge of erupting. Quayle, who has studied Yellowstone for decades and lives nearby, contends, “Yellowstone gets between 1,000 to 3,000 earthquakes a year. (Steve Quayle called and got me to correct this quote that originally said “1,000 to 3,000 a day.” Quayle says that was a slip of the tongue, and it is in fact 1,000 to 3,000 earthquakes per YEAR.) I personally have been there filming when there were 880 earthquakes. So, the panic over Yellowstone is misplaced. I personally think it’s a red herring. . . . The reason why I am calling it a red herring is there are probably 37 active volcanos going off in the world. There are earthquakes happening all over the ring of fire, which is the area around the Pacific Rim. We have a situation in the Long Valley and Mammoth Mountain area between California and Nevada.”
Quayle says he has inside sources at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that say the government is in a near panic about a massive earthquake possibly erupting soon in Northern California that could leave millions dead. Quayle says, “I want to get this message out, and that is ‘people you are on your own.’ They will not come and help you. . . . I don’t think people can fathom or wrap their heads around 3 to 10 million people possibly dying. Once again, this is according to DHS. There are no official statements coming out from them because it’s not open for discussion. The question is what information do they possess that they are basing their training and warning all their people on that the American people do not have access to? If they won’t tell you the truth, and information is your first bastion of defense, they, I can only submit to you, number one, they are unable to handle the carnage. Number two, they are worried about the panic and number three, what it would do to the “E” word. The “E” word is the economy. So, the thing they have to do is maintain a level of hypnosis.”
Quayle, who has produced a new video in his “True Legends” series titled “Holocaust of Giants,” says, “The militaries of the world are looking for the Jurassic giants that they can absolutely culture the DNA from these things to put into their super solider program.”
Quayle, who is a Biblical researcher on the subject of giants mentioned in the Bible and ancient alien technology, says the deceptions and lies are only going to get bigger. Quayle says, “Ancient technology was so far advanced. First of all, the Maya, Inca and Aztecs did not claim they built any of their pyramids. The Incas built Machu Picchu on top of the Cyclopean architecture. There were different building styles. The Cyclopean architecture fits together so perfectly you can’t stick a razor blade in between the blocks. . . . The technology that is there, I claim is fallen angel technology. Fallen angel technology stands in direct opposition. . . . How did we get from the 1880’s to now? Dr. Wernher von Braun basically said we have two types of technology– ours and theirs. He said we had help from them (aliens). If you want to deceive an entire group of people, that you ultimately want to destroy, you would make them think you were gods. . . . The big lie is simply this: Lucifer is good. God was a mean God. He was a demiurge (subordinate) and Lucifer is going to come and give you eternal life. . . .” Steve points out, once again, these are all lies that will be used to control the population.
Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Steve Quayle, who is out with his tenth book titled “Unearthing the Lost World of the Cloudeaters.”
After the Interview:
There is lots of free information on If you want to view the free trailer of the latest in the “True Legends” series called “Holocaust of Giants,” or if you wish to buy or download the entire presentation of “Holocaust of Giants,” click here.
For a copy of Steve Quayle’s new book “Unearthing the Lost World of the Cloudeaters,” or any other of his 10 books, click here.
For part one of the DHS insider information on the coming California earthquake, click here.
For part two of the DHS insider information on the coming California earthquake, click here.
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Dear Paul … 07/17/2017 •
What a woderfull hope and story. Bears repeating in case missed! That we may all be living soon enough, after this dark time.
A handpicked selection from BBC Future, Earth;
A live tableaux of the Book of Isaiah’s famous verses foretelling the harmonious coexistence of all of God’s creatures, including us!
By Kelly Grovier 7 July 2017
Thank you, for so thoughtfully posting on USAWatchdog .com! Your a great American! Or whatever nationality you are, LOL. On USAWatchdog you never know sometimes. . .. Thanks again!
Thank you Katja … all species are God’s children … and we were entrusted with the responsibility to “take care” of all God’s creations … throwing plutonium into the Pacific Ocean is obviously “not taking care” … nor is the trafficking in women and children for sex and their organs “taking care” … all of us in our own way must work to rid the world of all the evil greedy Satanistic pedophile warmongers living among us in these dark times … and eventually … the world will transition into the paradise God had in mind for us … the harmonious coexistence of all God’s creatures on this beautiful blue planet he created … it will take a lot of hard work … but eventually I know we will re-create God’s Garden of Eden here on Earth … that is the New World Order God envisioned for us (not the Satanist’s New World Order of genetically manipulated monsters)!
All species are not God’s children. Only believers in Jesus Christ are God’s children.
John 1:12-13 (NKJV)
“But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name: who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.”
J … Open your mind … God created more then man!
No kidding that God created more than man. But not every living thing that God created are called His children. According to the Bible only people who are believers in Jesus Christ are God’s children.
Give me a break J … are you telling me that God is comparable to a woman who has a baby but will not call it her child unless the kid says he believes in Jesus?
Just stating what the Bible clearly says Paul. You obviously do not believe in the Bible or the God of the Bible but your own god.
I agree jmiller we are all God’s creation but not all His children….only those who receive Jesus are a child of God….cheers
J … It is a matter of how each individual interprets the Bible … in a strict orthodox fashion exactly as he is told … or with some leeway to allow for ones own mind (created by God) to function!
It is NOT a matter of how each person interprets the Bible, Paul. If that were the case – then every person in the world could twist the Bible to mean whatever they wanted. The Holy bible is goven by God so that man can come into agreement with Him; and consequently in unison with others.
Very good Charles. I am always praying I get it right and do not mislead–even by accident.
Your illustration of a woman having a baby and not calling it her child is NOT accurate to what the Bible teaches about how people become one of God’s children. People are not born into the family of God when they are physically born. When someone believes in the gospel it is then that they are ADOPTED into the family of God as a son (child) and they also become an heir of God’s.
Romans 8:15-17 (NKJV)
“For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.” The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together.”
Galatians 4:4-5 (NKJV)
But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons.”
Ephesians 1:5 (NKJV)
“having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will”
“Anthropomorphism”: assigning the attibutes of humanity to another being, as like to God. God cannot be likened to His Creation. To do so is to degrade Him. Such reasoning is to make God in man’s image. Rubbish.
There is Natural; and there is Spiritual. All Nature, man included, is corrupted by sin. ONLY those who accept Biblical faith can receive Spiritual birth and adoption into God’s ‘family’. God set the terms; and man cannot change them.
Only people who obey the Father’s will are Jesus’ brothers and sisters…that’s from Jesus Himself.
“Many are called but few are chosen.”
You might want to pull the Bible out. Only man/woman have a soul and were made in God’s image. Read Genisis for a start. God gave dominion to all plants and animals with the exception of the Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life.
Then keep reading until the end. I eat meat, I wear leather. All in accordance with the will of God.
G500 … If we open our minds … and imagine a sculptor (who fashions out of clay his own image) and has the power to breathe life into this clay … then this sculptor fashions out of clay a deer, a bird, etc., etc., etc. and breathes life into them … of all the artwork created by God … man then claims “only he” has a soul … seems to me “this claim” by mankind is simply “specie prejudice” … all things created out of clay by God are “endowed with God’s spirit as he breathe life into them” the same way he did with us!
It is you, Paul who make claims here – in the form of innacuate statements. God breathed into man and he became a living soul – a term NOT assigned to animals. Animals are called “living creatures” – a distinctionof much importance.
You mix and match terms that do NOT apply. “Let the earth bring forth…” – give NO SPECIFIC origin of the animals; nor God breathing anything into them. For all we know they could have been made out of the grass or trees. With man, however, there are very spcific details which distinguish that creative act. You base much argument an the assumption that all the phases of Creation are the same: and this cannot be said.
And the feable attempt at attaching stigma with such a description of “specie prejudice” (prejudice being the key-word), well, unoriginal. Natural Law establishes the Food Chain; and the animals certainly are not prejudiced at all about eating weaker or smaller species than themselves. The bears that eat salmon must not realize the brotherhood of living creatures.
Man isn’t making any claims, only sticking to the Text. It is you who seems intent on putting words into God’s mouth.
After listening for 43 minutes and 22 seconds, I truly appreciate and fully understand the term………….Ignorance is Bliss.
The quote is from Robert Gray
“where ignorance is bliss, ‘Tis folly to be wise.”
Often misquoted but never said, “Ignorance is bliss…”
Where Ignorance is Bliss ( a place called Washington, DC) then it truly is folly for us to be wise. But we are going to drain that DC swamp and these politicians destroying the country for their personal aggrandizement and financial gain will be punished. And greatly so.
The deranged pedophile warmongers in the DC swamp (and worldwide) are being rounded up by Trump to be brought to justice … and that is why they are in an all out battle to kill Trump and remove him from power … these “people without souls” who traffic in women and children (selling their organs and creating wars of human annihilation) are not children of God (even though they may have his image) … they are worse then animals!!
Once Trump rounds up the neocon warmongers he should put a mark on them (like 666) … this will mean they are slated for “genetic modification” where “dog genes” are added to their genetic code … this will make the neocons “less warlike” and actually make them friendly to people of every nation … thus stopping the continual wars they start … and their incessant nonstop killing of innocent women and children …
Thank you for clarifying that for me and I thought you may like to correct others who are misguided like myself.
I suppose or presume that I’m like most people in that I trust what others have to say mostly on a visceral basis, even though logic does come into play. Greg, you’re one of those whom I trust along with most of your guests, including Steve Quayle. I’ll likely never let go of my agnosticism, but I do hope and pray (to what or whomever) that you’re right.
A good man with intelligence and balls.
Go back to the Book of Genesis and read the narrative of how it all started. Giants were not part of the created world, but may have been introduced after The Fall. Everything changed following the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden. Sin and Death were the new realities, since we disobeyed God’s prohibition not to eat of the Tree of Life. Funny how eating one apple exposed us to separation and death.
The fossil and geologic records are replete with evidence and stones that tell tales. Its very interesting stuff. So, yes, I expect a significant earthquake to hit Northern California sometime. Nobody knows when but it may be the big kickoff for a series of related disturbances such as economic chaos, financial chaos, Debt defaults, wars, and all that End of Days drama we have come to believe in.
What will be will be but our world was shaped through upheaval and every so often, its reshaped by sharp, dramatic upheavals. Its just part of the natural order of things ( A reshuffling). DHS bureaucrats are petrified that the Federal Government could be rendered impotent. What a surprise, indeed! Viagra was engineered especially for them. Watch this new Documentary about the Book of Genesis and the Biblical Account of the Flood. The entire world was violently reshaped in a short 40 Day period maybe 10,000 years ago or possibly less. We are not the first nor the last.
If we do go back to the Book of Genesis and read the narrative of how it all started, we would learn Adam and Eve were initially forbidden to eat of the “Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil”….not the “Tree of Life”.
But eating the fruit of the “Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil” (not necessarily an apple) did not directly cause their death; rather death occurred because God subsequently did not allow them to eat of the Tree of Life and live forever.
Gen 3:22 -24: “and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the Tree of Life, and eat, and live for ever……He placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the Tree of Life.”
Notice how “eating” was such a big deal back then … seems “eating” is also a big deal today looking at all the overweight Americans … and the globalists complain that the entire world is full of “useless eaters” … now if the meaning of life “is eating” … then it would make sense that we should be trying to eat the right food … God tried to help us from eating the wrong food … but the elites continue to “eat young children and drink their blood” … what God does to those who eat the wrong food … is deny them eternal life!!!
Some wrong foods that God would warn us not to eat today are the genetically engineered ones (like the ones that Monsanto took the seeds out of) … along with red meat loaded with antibiotics and hormones … God has provided a multitude of trees from which we could eat (without being poisoned) … we simply have to use our brains!!
Interesting interview, the only problem is that time went so fast. 10/10. I disagree with Mr Quayle on one issue, that the “Enlightened Ones” use sci-fi to alert us.
But they definitely use other movies that help alert us … like Julius Caesar being stabbed in the back by his Senate and best friend …
Paul – It is important to recall that it was the Aristocrats (Brutus and Cassius) that Killed Caesar , and that they, Brutus and Cassius, represented the big money (the Banks?) of Rome. Caesar had put forth eliminating the interest on loans for a short period to boast the economy of Rome … The gall of Caesar to stand between the banks and their interest … Moral of the story – Big banks (and/or Politicians, and/or the deep state) will not let Trump remain if he comes in between them and their money/power!
Freebreezer … Was not aware of that … so I guess Trump won’t be lowering the interest rate on my credit cards anytime soon (to boost the economy) … wonder if the Aristoc-rats will allow some tax breaks through for the common people and not just themselves!!
One of the worst interviews and guests you have ever had on. He likes the sound of his own voice too much. He wants to be the one who gets credit for giving the warning. He bounces from one topic to another without credulity or depth. Therefore, criticism is too easy.
I’m not wasting my time debunking him. He is a salesman. His product is snake oil. Too many others have torn him to pieces that is all online. This is how he makes a living. Selling crap ideas. So many sources he claims are dead already.
You Greg hurt your own credibility when you entertain guests like him. Please do not have him on again.
Finally, the deadline/timeline from this interview was Beginning Fall 2017 and ending Summer 2018. For what it’s worth.
Thank you for the intense WNW 2 days ago. I am not thanking you for the early Sunday release interview, nor am I apologizing to you for this commentary.
I am just being honest.
I do what I think should be done and say what should be said. That is the beauty of owning your own enterprise. “You can please some of the people some of the time and you can please all of the people some of the time but you cannot please all of the people all of the time.”
Just being honest too.
Greg my friend, you have certainly gone down the Rabbit Hole with Mr. Quayle. He will attract many detractors for he is very intense and very intense in his beliefs. I do not know how much of it he has right, but I would not be surprised if he has most of it right in the end. There are not too many that can handle the concept of giants and it is not without reason that Enoch was removed from the Bible. We humans are hunted and we have been so hunted since the very first man and woman. So much has been withheld from us by those men who have sold us all out in the institutions of deceit regarding those that protect us and those that hunt us that it is very easy to understand why many have been called but few will be chosen. The last time the Cast Out and the Fallen were able to corrupt mankind’s DNA to this level, the Creator was compelled to flood the planet to solve the problem. This time, we all know how He will deal with the problem. In the end there can be only ONE!
I feel compelled to put these views out there and let people decide. If Quayle is only half right it is good for people to know. He’s certainly not totally wrong. Thank you for your comment.
Honesty is best.
And I want you to know what I think.
Nothing personal. Just my opinion.
Looking forward to your next effort.
“His product is snake oil…… This is how he makes a living. Selling crap ideas????
You Greg hurt your own credibility when you entertain guests like him??????”
You should open your mind and your eyes. These megaliths in the links are not crap ideas, you can touch them if you would get on a plane every once in awhile.
Ancient megaliths that blew mainstream archeology away. Impossible polygonal wall:
American Doctor Inspects Amazing Ancient Elongated Humanoid Skulls In Bolivia.
They are just megaliths. One of my specialties. We, you TFH, and I, are not going there. Sorry. I know too much about this.
Economics? Fine. I can be wrong, have been many times, even costly mistakes, and some heartbreakers too along the way.
Some topics I chose not to respond viciously. I just state an opinion and move on. No harm no foul. This is one of those times.
Just being honest.
I did vacation in Peru and Greece. The megaliths at Saksaywaman are not comparable to the megaliths at the Parthenon. I climbed the steps of the Chichin Itza and the Great Wall of China, neither one is nearly as impressive as Saksaywaman.
With sufficient manpower and time, I believe Parthenon, Chichin Itza and the Great Wall could be build by ancient man. Saksaywaman is totally different, I seriously don’t think we can duplicate Saksaywaman with all the technologies we have today.
I sincerely hope you can tell me how they cut those huge rocks into curvy polygonal shape and put them together perfectly like a jigsaw puzzle.
Economics? Both of us can be wrong. I have had many costly mistakes too. Heartbreakers?? I haven’t got one of those yet.
Elongated skull made by binding infants skull during development. Just like the Chinese bound feet, tribes in Africa elongated the necks of their women.
Tin foil hat is a great nom de plume. You will buy anything .
I have an open mind. I merely don’t except the suspension of God’s laws, etc in my fantasies.
Elongated skull made by binding doesn’t increase cranial volume by 25%. Btw, no tribe in Africa elongated the neck of the women. I believe you are referring to a tribe which resides somewhere in Thailand.
If you had an open mind, you would have done a little research before making a counter-argument.
But we ALL know he doesn’t have an open mind Far from it actually and sadly
Actually – there are African tribe that wear neck rings. And the ribs and collar are pushed down.
“The custom of wearing neck rings is related to an ideal of beauty: an elongated neck. Neck rings push the clavicle and ribs down.[3] The neck stretching is mostly illusory: the weight of the rings twists the collarbone and eventually the upper ribs at an angle 45 degrees lower than what is natural, causing the illusion of an elongated neck. The vertebrae do not elongate, though the space between them may increase as the intervertebral discs absorb liquid.
Traditional Ndebele dress
The South Ndebele peoples of Africa also wear neck rings as part of their traditional dress and as a sign of wealth and status. Only married women are allowed to wear the rings, called dzilla.”
Wonder if those with “Elongated Human Skulls” thought they were the ones made in the image of God??
I think they were probably the descendants of the fallen angels. However, the DNA is similar to the Indo-European and some of them have red hair.
Do Africans, Asians and Mayans think they are ones made in the image of God? Perhaps God looks Philippino since they are probably the most genetically mixed race.
The more I muse, the more I realize how much things don’t make sense or “The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don’t know.”
Tin Foil … lets take it one step further … maybe the “alien greys” were made in the image of God … but to be more realistic and not so “specie centric” … we should consider “every specie” created by God as a reflection of his mind and thoughts … and thus to know God’s mind completely … we should “be one” with all his creations … just like the blue people in the movie Avatar “were one” with all that existed on Pandora!!
I like Buddhism but I will never stop eating meat. I believe Jesus Christ is our savior but I will never turn my other cheek.
If God looked like alien grey, I’d probably kill God by reflex.
I don’t know. If there were a haven, I will likely end up somewhere in hell.
Scott, I totally agree with you. He says things he’d like to believe with nothing to back it up but scant evidence and his religious beliefs. I agree with Quayle on Yellowstone but not much else.
Hi Greg, Interesting interview with Steve Quayle – and found lots of additional info on his site –
HOWEVER, I wish you had probed his ‘knowledge’ of, ‘the complex gold backed currency being developed by China, India, and Russia’ (probably not an exact quote). I’m sure this topic would have been of deep interest to your audience. Maybe you could ask Steve and add the info in reply to this comment.
I am passing along this article on the new gold backed cryptocurrency that
Andrew Maguire has been talking about:
I am seeing a lot of interest in this story and I plan to continue to follow it over the next few weeks until this product launches. From what I have seen, there could be some significant news related to this announced at the launch. Could be some interesting sovereign and institutinal support behind this.
Greg….Always enjoy the diversity of conversation and views your site brings to the table…never boring ! All views have relevance and a right to be heard…and let the people decide or find the truth rather than have their ‘minds shaped’ as to what the ‘truth’ should be. I have my own ‘opinions’ not so unlike your guest…with the questions raised by my interests in ancient sites and pyramids and their timelines…
Considering those and the works of people such as Carl Munck, Stan Deyo, Michael Tellinger & Tarsion, Gil Boursaard, Manly Hall, The Emerald Tablets, and the Talmud…. what people find is so hard a stretch in grasp in this interview….only shows a lack of critical thinking and tolerance of an openness of one’s mind to at least investigate possibilities and their possibility of to lead to answers yet un-resolved or hidden from the people…
Good show Greg…and thanks for keeping the trolls at bay ! lol I agree – they should simply start up their own site…build one and see who shows up …but then …we know that answer…and that is why they come to sites like yours seeking attention ! lol
Larry, as to your comment…yes thanks for your link…the cypto currencys are stirring much concern for the PPPT…and other CFR connected globalists from the sounds of this…
Gold and silver in hand (outside the system) is much better to own then crypto … because crypto can be more easily “denied access to you” by those who have complete control of the internet!!
Along with other reasons …
I wish theyd make these cryptocoins as easy to buy as stocks are through a brokerage like Ameritrade.
try , they are US licensed once you wire them money one time you can do ACH transfers with your checking account once or twice daily $500 each time. They only have bitcoin and ETH (etherium token), but then you can send both of those to other exchanges for other coins or to your hardware wallet like trezor or nano-S. bank deposits freeze withdrawls until 5 business days, but once the freeze is lifted, do what you will with your coins.
Robert … you know how brokerage houses sell more stocks then the companies actually issue … what will prevent these same brokerage houses from issuing more bitcoins then originally allocated??
And these brokerage houses will eventually sell bitcoin ETF’s … and do with these ETF’s what they did with the gold and silver ETF’s … selling 300 bitcoin ETF shares to the public for every 1 bitcoin they actually hold!! … who in their right mind will deal with such people??
I have an idea … instead of using “electrons” for bit coin money … lets use photons … assign a monetary value to each photon that can lite up an LED bulb … then sell to the public a quantity of photons that represent a few hours of light … we can call these “cold storage packets” containing a limited amount of photons “bat coins” … where AA bat coins are worth more then AAA bat coins as they can generate more photons … we can then sell these “battery coins” to the public as “a store of wealth” along with a tulip bulb … so as to shine a light in peoples minds!!
Or we could use the “God Particle” CERN has found as a “bit coin” … however … I think God the Father may have a big issue with “Satanist Loving” CERN being the “central banker” creating all the God Particles for use as the new reserve currency (his son Jesus is known to have overturned the tables on men such as these)!!
McGuire is really good at weaving threads together to make a good story however none of his predictions ever come true. He’s forecasted massive moves in the gold market for multiple years.
WOW what a interview. Made my coffee boil over. I could not pull away. Greg this cleared up some of my thoughts about Steve I had over the years listening to him. I always thought he was just about fear for money. Thank you so much.
Great interview with Steve Quayle! I am sending this one and the one with Catherine Austin Fitts to all my friends! Thank you Greg.
Excellent interview. Thank you Greg.
The fear in this one is strong, lets see what happens. Gregg, you seem to be really bent on get ur guests to pick a date when they/you think TSHTF, so what are you going to do when it doesnt happen, when the date comes and goes and the sun rises and sets and its not mad max out there ??? Will you kick the can down the road more and say ” 2019 is the end, all hell will break loose” ?? Change is coming, just not on your timeline or doom n gloomish level you predict.
Yes change is coming and it is so big of a change I’d rather people be a year or two early than a day too late. By the way you don’t know when the change is going to happen either but we can both admit change is coming and it will be like a tsunami. “GET OFF THE BEACH” is the message, and yet people are still playing and sunning themselves there like nothing bad will ever happen.
What if you are a generation, or two, or three, early?
What if I am not?
That’s why “going all in” means 20-25%, not 100%. The only ones who can afford to go 100% all in are the squids, because they are the ones who will pull the plug.
You are 100% correct, and we all appreciate what you are doing in trying to inform the masses. Good man Greg Hunter, a true Christian.
This Chester Bennington “suicide” smells very fishy to me Something about it feels very “Clintonesque” Sorry to change the subject
That’s because he is tony polestar son! Sick world.
*tony pedesta’s son
BJ it certainly IS that my friend
He’s tony Podesta’s kid!
You also have a 5 million dollar tax free insurance policy to his heirs. Do not discount that as a motivation
I don’t believe it was a suicide
What happened to my comment?
I do not remember seeing your comment. Sometimes the spam filter kicks it out. Post it again.
Greg I’m in Warsaw for some business and I met a guy on the plane who is a lieutenant Colonel in the Marines serving in Kabul at the airport in Istanbul Were hanging out together for the next week so I should have some great on the ground reporting coming up He’s on leave from the green zone
I regard Vladimir Putin’s reelection as Russian president as a critical Black Swan-avoidance event. It doesn’t rank in geologic or economic and financial significance, but read between the lines, those who follow any number of disciplines.
I would expect CIA and George Soros- induced chaos to permeate Russian life between now and the Russian election in 2018.
I could probably go on, but my simply, and possibly naive message is this: Mr. Putin, you need to kick out the Americans–and probably more than a few westerners.
People need a new shining light, and the Americans aren’t bringing it. My hope is for a future with a relatively free Russia.
America won’t be that hope much longer.
Greg, in the same vein of false disaster narratives, check out Harry Hubbard’s piece on how there was no Carrington Event in 1859. Looks like the narrative was invented in the 1990’s, presaging some other kind of attack (electronic hacking?) on the grid. There are no documents pre-1990’s which describe the Carrington Event. The only event that happened during Carrington’s days was a mechanical failure of a telegraph line, and it was characterized that way in literature.
Connecting dots, Eric Dollard (perhaps the greatest living electrical engineer) says that in California, they began replacing transformers and re-wiring them in Y-Y configuration. That makes both sides of the transform metallically connected, thus conveying transients to a much larger area of the grid. Degraded quality of service, great expense to the taxpayer and vulnerable to EMP etc.
Looks like what we have is predictive programming and planned sabotage.
More people trying to rewrite history. This was covered in classes and in text books … You know this paper thinhs that are much harder to make than a web page and a conspiracy theory. You think the linemen don’t use electricity?
Please send a link to a single encyclopedia reference, before the time-frame that Harry mentions, which references the
“Carrington Event”. You won’t send one, because one doesn’t exist. Incoherent emotional mumblings are not helpful.
The first long-distance electrical transmission was in 1884, well after the supposed event. What existed were telegraph lines. All of Carrington’s doings are well documented through multiple decades of encyclopedias (which a few people saved), including a mechanical failure of a line. No mention of a solar event taking down a line. Good luck finding those references. All you’ll find are the modern circular references of people quoting other people quoting other people …
“History is a set of lies agreed upon.”
Napoleon Bonaparte
David Coddington: It doesn’t take too much research to find references, in 1859, to the solar phenomenon called the “Carrington Event.” Yes, there were no electrical grids then, so none could be knocked out (except for the much noted telegraph line of which we’ve heard so much). However, as is widely known, much of the electrical grid in Quebec was knocked out by a lesser solar event in 1989. Are you claiming that “event” didn’t happen either?
William, I said nothing of the 1989 event you reference.
And you provided no “easy to find” references.
More circular reasoning and nonsense. Statement stands. Feel free to debate Harry Hubbard. He’s busted a record number of myths and still stands unrefuted. At any rate, the logic (or lack thereof) in the replies would not stand in a 5th grade classroom. Real info and logic welcome.
David: Hi! Forgive me, perhaps we are talking past each other. Since I found this so easily, I assumed everyone else would too. I should have been more helpful. Check this out:
Note the 1859 newspaper article. The solar flares and, apparently, the coronal mass ejection were reported at the time.
As for the 1989 event, I’ll just assume you knew all about it.
William, what this article talks about is an association of auroral phenomena with a crackling sound in the telegraph line. Nothing about a CME event taking down the telegraph line. Will you do everyone a favor and actually look up the references that Harry Hubbard gives. The only referenced documented for a line failure was identified as mechanical in nature.
Further, the crackling sound in the telegraph line (and transients in general) come from telluric (Earth) currents induced from solar events. The Y-Y transformer connections which have been wired recently in some areas, invites this. Let me give you another link for research. Please actually do the homework. There are decades of research behind me posting. Somehow people programmed with something by the establishment have a hard time accepting the thruth and will find verification of the lie quickly on Google, even if it means “crackling noises proves the Carrington Event”. The best guy is Eric Dollard, perhaps the greatest living electrical engineer:
Btw, if anyone wants to listen to sounds created by Auroral phenomena, check out the work of Stephen McGreevy. For decades, he has made inexpensive receivers for listening and visited the most remote areas of the globe, with the least noise from power lines and such.
Ironically, as per the work of Stephen McGreevy and Eric Dollard (who has a gigantic miles-long version of the receiver), the sun is in a very dead phase (the opposite of the Carrington Event). Dollard’s work indicates we’re heading into a minor ice age (as opposed to the global warming programming). At any rate, the auroral receiver is very cool (Stephen has years of mp3’s available as well):
Also related, Dollard makes electrical associations of tornados, hurricanes, volcanoes and such. Fascinating stuff:
Hi Steve and Greg!
The reason our Father said Noah was righteous in his generation was because his dad Lamech had many sons and daughters after Noah his firstborn:
Genesis 5:30 And Lamech lived after he begat Noah five hundred ninety and five years, and begat sons and daughters:
Genesis 6:9 These are the generations of Noah. Noah was a righteous man, and perfect in his generations: Noah walked with God.
The “sons of God” were Seth’s lineage who were to remain separate from Cain’s lineage and walk with God, but much like the church today, they chose to marry the things of the world over obedience to Father’s Word:
Genesis 6:2-3 that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all that they chose. (3) And Jehovah said, My Spirit shall not strive with man for ever, for that he also is flesh: yet shall his days be a hundred and twenty years.
1 John 2:15-17 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. (16) For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the vainglory of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. (17) And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.
Jesus said the last days would be just as the days of Noah where the sons of God would lust for the things of the world more than the Word:
Luke 17:25-27 But first must he suffer many things and be rejected of this generation. (26) And as it came to pass in the days of Noah, even so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. (27) They ate, they drank, they married, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.
2 Timothy 3:1-7 But know this, that in the last days grievous times shall come. (2) For men shall be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, haughty, railers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, (3) without natural affection, implacable, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, no lovers of good, (4) traitors, headstrong, puffed up, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God; (5) holding a form of godliness, but having denied the power thereof: from these also turn away. (6) For of these are they that creep into houses, and take captive silly women laden with sins, led away by divers lusts, (7) ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
Just as the Lord saved Noah out of his generation of the sons of God, Jesus is now calling his own sheep out of the many sheep folds(churches) of His generation:
John 10:1-4 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the fold of the sheep, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber. (2) But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. (3) To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out. (4) When he hath put forth all his own, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice.
History(His~story) repeats with every generation because He seeks again that which is passed away:
Ecclesiastes 3:14-15 I know that, whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for ever: nothing can be put to it, nor anything taken from it; and God hath done it, that men should fear before him. (15) That which is hath been long ago; and that which is to be hath long ago been: and God seeketh again that which is passed away.
Love in CHRIST! Rob
Hello Russ,
I would like to respectfully disagree with your wisdom. Please leave the KJV alone and look at the Hebrew being used in these scriptures. You can do that by looking up the words of the KJV in a Strong’s concordance. I do not expect everyone to read, write and speak Hebrew but you can use a Strong’s Concordance and get a better meaning. Please remember, Strong’s is a concordance and not a lexicon but it will suffice.
Let’s look at Genesis 6:9: These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect(H8549) in his generations, and Noah walked with God.
H8549 is the Hebrew word taw-neem. Taw-neem means without spot or blemish, undefiled or whole. Please check this with the Strong’s and you will see the correlation. This has nothing to do with Lamech and his sons and daughters ut that his bloodline was uncorrupted by the sin of the angels. This is referring to his DNA as undefiled by the fallen angels “Watchers” that comingled their DNA with “all” life, not just man. All those centaurs and giants and Medusas and other things in mythology were real in the “days of Noah”.
Next is the use of “sons of God”. This phrase is ba-nay El-o-heem. Please look to Job 1:6. This is the same phrase in Hebrew as: Job 1:6 Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them.
Are you saying that Satan was a son of Cain? Please show me the scripture for that. Also, it is used again Job 2:1: Again there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them to present himself before the LORD.
The modern Christian church does not teach about the “Watchers” nor do they look at scripture in the Hebrew language or theology. The “sons of God” clearly indicates in most, not all but you have to look at the Hebrew to know the difference, the angels. ((When is read =reed and when is read=red? Context!)) Look at Psalms 82:1 A Psalm of Asaph. God standeth in the congregation of the mighty (gods); he judgeth among the gods.
Psa 82:2 How long will ye judge unjustly, and accept the persons of the wicked? Selah.
Psa 82:3 Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy.
Psa 82:4 Deliver the poor and needy: rid them out of the hand of the wicked.
Psa 82:5 They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth are out of course.
Psa 82:6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.
Psa 82:7 But ye shall die like men, (gods are going to die like men for judging wrongly) and fall like one of the princes.
Psa 82:8 Arise, O God, judge the earth: for thou shalt inherit all nations. ((This is called the Divine Council of Elohim in Hebrew. In Hebrew it is very clear that YHVH (God) is talking to other gods.)) Please read the attached article for a little background.
This is all that I will address because the rest of your comments are based on scriptures that have little to nothing to do with the topic. If you read all the series “Fro we Wrestle Not Against Flesh and Blood” I think you will have a better grasp of what is spoken about and also the “supernatural” spiritual natural of the war that is going on around us.
Hi Country Codger!
All verses I posted are from the ASV not the KJV and yes I use the Strong’s Concordance found on my Esword as well as at:
Father put the generations from Adam to Noah in Genesis chapter 5 to prove that He appointed another seed to Adam and Eve named Seth to replace her righteous son Abel whom Cain slew. These “generations” from Seth to Noah were the sons of God “who began to call upon the Lord”:
Genesis 4:25-26 And Adam knew his wife again; and she bare a son, and called his name Seth: For, said she, God hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel; for Cain slew him. (26) And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Enosh. Then began men to call upon the name of the Lord.
Please notice that Adam’s first born Cain and his lineage is not included in the “generations” of Adam beginning in chapter 5 because Seth was “begat in the image and likeness of Adam” which was never said in the scriptures about Cain:
Genesis 5:1-4 This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him; (2) male and female created he them, and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created. (3) And Adam lived a hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth: (4) and the days of Adam after he begat Seth were eight hundred years: and he begat sons and daughters.
During the next 1500 years from Adam through Seth to Noah many sons and daughters were born out of the ten generations named in chapter 5 but just like the church today most do not “walk” with god as true sons but are in name only are “sons of God”:
Genesis 5:22 and Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years, and begat sons and daughters:
Genesis 6:9 These are the generations of Noah. Noah was a righteous man, and perfect in his generations: Noah walked with God.
Your proposition that the Hebrew word “taw-neem” means to not be undefiled by the fallen angels DNA is rediculus because the very same Hebrew word is used by God when He told Abraham to be “perfect”:
Genesis 17:1 And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, Jehovah appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am God Almighty; walk before me, and be thou perfect.
If “satan” was one of the sons of God as your implying why did the Lord differentiate him from the sons of God by saying “Satan also came among them” in Job 1:6~
Job 1:6 Now it came to pass on the day when the sons of God came to present themselves before Jehovah, that Satan also came among them.
This is because satan is the murderer from the beginning who spiritually fathered the first murder through his spiritual son Cain:
John 8:44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father it is your will to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and standeth not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father thereof.
Please notice the glaring mistake you made in Psalm 82:1 in your reply above where you assigned the Mighty as “gods” who is actually the Most High mentioned in Psalm 82:6:
Psalms 82:1 A Psalm of Asaph. God(Elohim~gods~plural) standeth in the congregation of God(El~God~singular~mighty) ; He judgeth among the gods(Elohim~gods~plural).
Verse 7 where it says “Nevertheless ye shall die like men” has nothing to do with your purported idea that “gods are going to die like men for judging wrongly” and everything to do with what Jesus was rebuking the Jews for when He quoted Psalm 82:6 to them:
John 10:33-38 The Jews answered him, For a good work we stone thee not, but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God. (34) Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? (35) If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came (and the scripture cannot be broken), (36) say ye of him, whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God? (37) If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not. (38) But if I do them, though ye believe not me, believe the works: that ye may know and understand that the Father is in me, and I in the Father.
To “die like men” is to give up our life for the life of Jesus as a true “son of God” which has not changed since the death of Abel who brought the better sacrifice that proved he was looking for the death of the Lamb of God:
2 Corinthians 4:10-11 always bearing about in the body the dying of Jesus, that the life also of Jesus may be manifested in our body. (11) For we who live are always delivered unto death for Jesus’ sake, that the life also of Jesus may be manifested in our mortal flesh.
Manifesting the life of Jesus in our mortal flesh means the here and now because the New covenant requires us to apply the OT in Spirit and not in the letter as you are clearly doing:
2 Corinthians 3:4-6 And such confidence have we through Christ to God-ward: (5) not that we are sufficient of ourselves, to account anything as from ourselves; but our sufficiency is from God; (6) who also made us sufficient as ministers of a new covenant; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life .
Here is our bible study from last night where every verse you posted above in your reply is covered in the “Spirit” that “giveth life” and not the “letter” that “killeth”:
Love in CHRIST! Rob
Genesis 6:4 tells us that “giants” existed BEFORE the ‘sons of God took wives from the daughters of men and had children’. And they also existed AFTERWARDS. These giants were not the result of the sexual misconduct but were one of the other reasons God sent the judgment on Noah’s world.
Could it be that Adam and Eve were created MUCH bigger than 6 feet tall? Could it be that after the fall as men lived shorter and shorter lives some retained this giant size in their DNA while others not so much. Goliath was a giant and I believe represents those humans who retained some of the DNA of Adam and Eve in regard to physical size and strength. These bigger men, like Goliath, preyed on smaller humans and explains why there was so much violence on the earth in Noah’s day. The combination of giants violently roaming the earth as tyrants and no doubt warring with one another….. and the line of Seth marrying the daughters of Cain explain why God’s Spirit ceased striving with the human race in those days bringing about the judgment of God.
Sounds like the same scenario taking place in this our generation!
Hi BB!
The dinosaurs lived before the flood because the atmospheric pressure was double what it is today. Noah brought their young through the flood but they soon died off due to the atmospheric pressure being cut in half. This would also explain why there were many more giants before the flood than after :o)
Love in CHRIST! Rob
Hi Rob,
Jude rebuke the angels for leaving their first estate. Why?
Peter told about Jesus going to the spirits in prison who were disobedient while Elohim waited for Noah to build the ark. Were these descendants of Cain? When did the spirits in the Abyss go into the abyss and how? Are these the sons of Cain? What about the Amorites, who were as tall as the cedars. Were they sons of Cain as well? What about the Anakim who frightened the children of Israel, when they came into the promised land, were they sons of Cain? Og of Bashan? Why Bashan? Who was Sihon? The are rephaim. Who are the rephaim?
Hi Country Codger!
Lets examine these passages you reference:
Jude 1:6 And angels that kept not their own principality, but left their proper habitation, he hath kept in everlasting bonds under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.
The “first estate” of angels was to serve God as ministering spirits but some of them chose to fall with satan and now are in a spiritual state of everlasting bonds under darkness unto the judgment of the great day:
Hebrews 1:13-14 But of which of the angels hath he said at any time, Sit thou on my right hand, Till I make thine enemies the footstool of thy feet? (14) Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to do service for the sake of them that shall inherit salvation?
The KJV is a poor translation of the Greek word “arche” using “first estate” rather than “principalities” which confuses the understanding when the same Greek word is used in such verses as this:
Ephesians 6:12 For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world-rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
These “principalities” are not physically bound in some pit in hell or we would not be wrestling against them! Let’s move on to your next reference:
1 Peter 3:17-20 For it is better, if the will of God should so will, that ye suffer for well-doing than for evil-doing. (18) Because Christ also suffered for sins once, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God; being put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit; (19) in which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison, (20) that aforetime were disobedient, when the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls, were saved through water:
Jesus had no converts when He went to “preach to the spirits in prison” who were made up of all of the lineage of Cain and those of Seth’s lineage that walked in disobedience because He was only proclaiming what He accomplished in His life which was stated in the previous verses in 1 Peter 3:17-18.
The Amorites, Anakim, Og, and the Rephaim were all after the flood so if you are claiming that the giants were the seed of fallen angels and the daughters of men then you are also claiming God failed to do what He set out to do with the flood. NO God never fails at anything He does. What you are failing to realize is that God can make any soul grow into a giant any time He desires. He does not need any seed from anyone as He put Jesus into the womb of Mary with out sex from any man or fallen angel and He was the spiritual giant above all! Here is a link that will help you understand truth on this subject:
Love in CHRIST! Rob
Your ASV version is the Bible used by the JW’s. The American Standard Version is the JW Bible. It is a false religion.
Repent and come out from this false belief system. Time is short.
“American Standard Version – Translation method
The ASV relies on the translation method known as formal equivalence or word-for-word translation. The New Testament texts used in the ASV of 1901 were the Westcott-Hort and Tregelles Greek texts. The 2015 edition of the ASV New Testament follows the Nestle-Aland, 28th edition. Using primarily the Masoretic Text for the Old Testament, the name of God (the tetragrammaton YHWH) is consistently rendered “Jehovah” in the ASV, rather than “LORD” as it appears in the King James Bible. This made the ASV the favorite of the Jehovah’s Witnesses and is the basis of their New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, translated by members of their group and published by the Watchtower Society. Other changes from the RV to the ASV included (but were not limited to) substituting who and that for which when referring to people, and Holy Spirit in place of Holy Ghost. Page headings were added, and footnotes were improved.”
Hi eddiemd!
Sorry but I am not a Jehovah Witness as they are a very leavened sheep fold who distort the Word of God as much as all the other sheep folds(denominations) but Jesus is calling His own out of all the sheep folds as He did with me in 2002:
John 10:1-5 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the fold of the sheep, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber. (2) But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. (3) To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out. (4) When he hath put forth all his own, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice. (5) And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers.
I use the ASV because it is indeed the most accurate translation available and has been proven by Ivan Panin and his work on numerics:
Love in CHRIST! Rob
Are you a Jehovah’s Witness?
Hi Greg!
No bro I do not belong to any denomination for they all go beyond what is written in our Father’s Word:
1 Corinthians 4:6 Now these things, brethren, I have in a figure transferred to myself and Apollos for your sakes; that in us ye might learn not to go beyond the things which are written; that no one of you be puffed up for the one against the other.
Love in CHRIST! Rob
Thank you.
I agree with a lot of what you wrote except
All those centaurs and giants and Medusas and other things in mythology were real in the “days of Noah”.
Gotta call Bovine Slat on that. We find bones from millions of years ago, but not a 1 from 5 K years ago?
What verses are you getting the Angels commiting bestiality?
Hey Galaxy,
Why did God destroy “all flesh” if just mankind was corrupted? Why not just kill the people and save the animals? (Gen 6:12) All flesh was corrupted.
The people and the animals had to be destroyed because the angels were “divine”. You can find this in literature across Mesopotamia, Sumeria, Babylon, etc. But you can find it in most cultures world wide just like you can a “legend” about the flood. The American Indians have the same stories as the Asians (the middle east is Asia), southern Europe, Africa. I cannot believe it is a worldwide coincidence.
The church avoided Gen. 6:1-4 because they could not explain it. That is also why they took 1 Enoch out of scripture. ((Paul, Peter and Jude all quote from Enoch.)) It is also why Revelation was not allowed into the canon of scripture in the “first draft”.
With the Bible being “modified” all the time throughout history … how about updating John 8:44 to include the lying MSM:
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father it is your will to do. He was a murderer of the truth from the beginning, and standeth not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh exactly like the MSM: for as he is a liar, and the father thereof, so are his obedient followers in the MSM !!
Timothy 3:1-7: But know this MSM, that in the last days grievous times shall come. Men shall be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, haughty, railers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, implacable, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, no lovers of good, traitors, headstrong, puffed up, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God; and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
“The Nephilim were in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them; the same were the mighty men that were of old, the men of renown.”
“The Nephilim were in the earth in those days …” This is a citation of the time when the unlawful marriages proliferated and represents those marriages as “an event that followed the appearance of the Nephilim.”[7] We must therefore disagree with Willis who thought that the context here “suggests that the Nephilim were the children born to the sons of God and the daughters of men, and who became the mighty men of old.”[8] On the other hand, the Nephilim existed before and after the sinful marriages came into view.
“The mighty men that were of old …” Some of the older versions render this word as “giants” instead of mighty men. Although it is likely that the men in view were men of great physical stature, the thought appears to pertain more to their exploits of daring and violent deeds. This could be a reference to the Nephilim already mentioned, but Keil and others thought that the reference is to the sons of the mixed marriages. In neither case, is there any reference to angelic or superhuman progenitors of these mighty men. Such views are due solely to the error of “commentators who have been obliged to insert them here to save their angelic marriages!”[9] As to the meaning of “mighty men,” the most probable interpretation “is that which understands them as men of violence, roving, lawless gallants.”[10] “The term in Hebrew implies not so much the idea of great stature as of reckless ferocity, impious, and daring characters, who spread devastation and carnage far and wide.”[11] The current century has witnessed the appearance of the same type of “mighty men”: Kaiser Wilhelm, Benito Mussolini (Il Duce), Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Mao Tse-tung, etc. Such men were referred to in this verse as “men of renown”! Some dependable exegetes believe that the teaching here indicates that these (or at least some of them) were posterity produced by the mixed marriages, but, if that is the understanding of the place, there could have been no connection between these “men of renown” and the Nephilim, already mentioned as existing when those marriages occurred. In any case, the alleged union between supernatural and human beings is absolutely foreign to everything in the Bible, and particularly to this passage.
Where in the Bible does it support this?
The “sons of God” were Seth’s lineage who were to remain separate from Cain’s lineage and walk with God, but much like the church today, they chose to marry the things of the world over obedience to Father’s Word:
You are putting this put as fact and it is not
After reading your piece a few times. PlEase let me say that so does fashion and distortions to the teachings of the word of God.
History(His~story) repeats with every generation because He seeks again that which is passed away:
Hi Galaxy!
Please pay very close attention to what Cain said of God’s punishment to him for killing Abel:
Genesis 4:13-16 And Cain said unto Jehovah, My punishment is greater than I can bear. (14) Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the ground; and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and a wanderer in the earth; and it will come to pass, that whosoever findeth me will slay me. (15) And Jehovah said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And Jehovah appointed a sign for Cain, lest any finding him should smite him. (16) And Cain went out from the presence of Jehovah, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden.
God drove Cain out from His face separating Cain from those who began to call upon the name of Jehovah:
Genesis 4:25-26 And Adam knew his wife again; and she bare a son, and called his name Seth: For, said she, God hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel; for Cain slew him. (26) And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Enosh. Then began men to call upon the name of Jehovah.
It is very obvious that God demanded separation between Cain’s lineage and Seth’s lineage but it was not long before the majority of the “sons of God” started choosing to lust for beauty over purity and began to marry the “daughters of men”:
Genesis 6:1-3 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the ground, and daughters were born unto them, (2) that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all that they chose. (3) And Jehovah said, My Spirit shall not strive with man for ever, for that he also is flesh: yet shall his days be a hundred and twenty years.
If the “sons of God” in verse 2 were “fallen angels” why is God finding fault with men saying “My Spirit shall not strive with man for ever, for that he also is flesh” in verse 3?
It is very obvious that the “sons of God” are the lineage of Seth that were to remain separate from the rest of the world just as God led Isaac to command Jacob to marry within his lineage but Esau did the opposite and married of Ishmael’s lineage who was driven out from Abraham’s lineage though he was Abraham’s son:
Genesis 28:6-9 Now Esau saw that Isaac had blessed Jacob and sent him away to Paddan-aram, to take him a wife from thence; and that as he blessed him he gave him a charge, saying, Thou shalt not take a wife of the daughters of Canaan; (7) and that Jacob obeyed his father and his mother, and was gone to Paddan-aram: (8) and Esau saw that the daughters of Canaan pleased not Isaac his father; (9) and Esau went unto Ishmael, and took, besides the wives that he had, Mahalath the daughter of Ishmael Abraham’s son, the sister of Nebaioth, to be his wife.
History indeed repeats as God demanded Israel not to marry anyone outside their lineage:
Deuteronomy 7:1-6 When Jehovah thy God shall bring thee into the land whither thou goest to possess it, and shall cast out many nations before thee, the Hittite, and the Girgashite, and the Amorite, and the Canaanite, and the Perizzite, and the Hivite, and the Jebusite, seven nations greater and mightier than thou; (2) and when Jehovah thy God shall deliver them up before thee, and thou shalt smite them; then thou shalt utterly destroy them: thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor show mercy unto them; (3) neither shalt thou make marriages with them; thy daughter thou shalt not give unto his son, nor his daughter shalt thou take unto thy son. (4) For he will turn away thy son from following me, that they may serve other gods: so will the anger of Jehovah be kindled against you, and he will destroy thee quickly. (5) But thus shall ye deal with them: ye shall break down their altars, and dash in pieces their pillars, and hew down their Asherim, and burn their graven images with fire. (6) For thou art a holy people unto Jehovah thy God: Jehovah thy God hath chosen thee to be a people for his own possession, above all peoples that are upon the face of the earth.
But it was not long before the “sons of God” were again choosing to marry the “daughters of men”:
Judges 3:5-7 And the children of Israel dwelt among the Canaanites, the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites: (6) and they took their daughters to be their wives, and gave their own daughters to their sons and served their gods. (7) And the children of Israel did that which was evil in the sight of Jehovah, and forgat Jehovah their God, and served the Baalim and the Asheroth.
The church today is commanded not to be unequally yoked with the world including marriage:
2 Corinthians 6:14-18 Be not unequally yoked with unbelievers: for what fellowship have righteousness and iniquity? or what communion hath light with darkness? (15) And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what portion hath a believer with an unbeliever? (16) And what agreement hath a temple of God with idols? for we are a temple of the living God; even as God said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. (17) Wherefore Come ye out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, And touch no unclean thing; And I will receive you, (18) And will be to you a Father, And ye shall be to me sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.
But sadly today many professing Christians are unequally yoked not only in marriage but to all the worlds lusts and behaviors just as Paul prophesied would happen:
2 Timothy 3:1-7 But know this, that in the last days grievous times shall come. (2) For men shall be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, haughty, railers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, (3) without natural affection, implacable, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, no lovers of good, (4) traitors, headstrong, puffed up, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God; (5) holding a form of godliness, but having denied the power thereof: from these also turn away. (6) For of these are they that creep into houses, and take captive silly women laden with sins, led away by divers lusts, (7) ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
Yes history(His~story) does repeat because most Christians do not make time to study the only history book in the world that will make us approved unto God:
2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Ecclesiastes 1:9-11 That which hath been is that which shall be; and that which hath been done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun. (10) Is there a thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? it hath been long ago, in the ages which were before us. (11) There is no remembrance of the former generations; neither shall there be any remembrance of the latter generations that are to come, among those that shall come after.
So now we have demon doctrines such as this idea that fallen angels married women because “Christians” seek knowledge outside canon scripture such as the book of Enoch when we should actually have a book burning like they did in the book of Acts:
Acts 19:18-20 And many that believed came, and confessed, and shewed their deeds. (19) Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them before all men: and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver. (20) So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed.
Love in CHRIST! Rob
Go away with your JW interpretation.
Leave this cult while you can. The time is short.
Hi eddiemd!
While the Jehovah Witness has many unscriptural beliefs if they do happen to teach the fact that the “sons of God” were the lineage of Seth then for that I commend them but I would never encourage anyone to join that wicked cult!
Love in CHRIST! Rob
To ascribe that Seth and his lineage are “the sons of God” because Enos began to call upon the name of the Lord: is an assumption, and a stretch. Line upon line; precept upon precept gives the rule of progressive revelation. To take New Testament doctrine and apply it to Old Testament foundation violates the direction of progression. This is like using modern technical meaning to redefine the Old English word. The First Mention and definition establishes original meaning and context – which bears majority meaning by nature of order of mention on all that follows; thus conveying harmony throughout Scripture, progressively.
It is not until Abram that God begins to enter into covenant with man; and with covenant – the specification of race and separation. To read this latter relationship to man back where no covenant existed is incorrect.
There were giants; and there were sons of God, which produced mighty men of renown. Giants are not a cohesion, like the sons of God. Scripture could have said there were migits or dwarfs in those days along with the sons of God – but that would deviate from the impression. The REAL ISSUE is to not read-into Scripture what is does not say of itself. There is no specific precision that the line of Seth comprises the “sons of God”.
The ONLY other (Old Testament) time the “sons of God” is mentioned is in Job 2:1 – and THAT scene does not appear to be on earth as Satan confessed he CAME from going to and fro in the earth: so the scene is likely heavenly. And if heavenly – then man is not there to present themselves before the LORD, as in Seth’s line.
The Old Testament is full of types; and types do not comprise the fulfillment of latter truths – because types are partialities and latter realities the fulfillments. This is again an example of progression. King David is a type of prophet, priest, and king: but you don’t take Jesus Christ, Who actually IS prophet, priest, and king – to justify sinful David. Types are foreshadowings: and not the same as the end result. Seth’s line is a type of those who call upon the Lord – as is done in the New Testament for salvation, which doesn’t conform to any racial specifications or prohibitions. I am afraid you are reading into Scripture what it does not specify for itself.
Hi Charles!
Enosh is just one of the clues that prove the lineage of Seth are the sons of God:
Genesis 4:25-26 And Adam knew his wife again; and she bare a son, and called his name Seth: For, said she, God hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel; for Cain slew him. (26) And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Enosh. Then began men to call upon the name of Jehovah.
Clue #1~ God appointed Seth’s seed to replace Abel’s
Clue #2~ Adam, Seth, Enosh and their offspring were the “men” who began to call upon the name of Jehovah.
Genesis 5:1-3 This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him; (2) male and female created he them, and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created. (3) And Adam lived a hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth:
Clue #3~ Adam begat Seth in his own likeness, after his image which is never said of Cain or his lineage.
Clue #4~ the book of the generations of Adam lists only Seth’s lineage as “sons of God” as Luke’s account proves:
Luke 3:38 the son of Enos, the son of Seth, the son of Adam, the son of God.
Genesis 4:14 Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the ground; and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and a wanderer in the earth; and it will come to pass, that whosoever findeth me will slay me.
Clue #5~ Cain and his lineage were driven from the face of God and no longer considered as sons of God.
That is enough clues to prove the sons of God were Seth’s lineage :o)
I think you need to spend more time in the Word because God made covenants with Noah 400 years before Abraham:
Genesis 6:18 But I will establish my covenant with thee; and thou shalt come into the ark, thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, and thy sons’ wives with thee.
Genesis 9:8-9 And God spake unto Noah, and to his sons with him, saying, (9) And I, behold, I establish my covenant with you, and with your seed after you;
Please read Genesis 6:1-7 and tell me why “men” are the ones being punished by God if the “sons of God” were fallen angels as you promote:
Genesis 6:1-7 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the ground, and daughters were born unto them, (2) that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all that they chose. (3) And Jehovah said, My Spirit shall not strive with man for ever, for that he also is flesh: yet shall his days be a hundred and twenty years. (4) The Nephilim were in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them: the same were the mighty men that were of old, the men of renown. (5) And Jehovah saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. (6) And it repented Jehovah that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. (7) And Jehovah said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the ground; both man, and beast, and creeping things, and birds of the heavens; for it repenteth me that I have made them.
God said in verse 5 that He “saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth” after He described the wickedness He saw in verse 4 which was the sons of God marrying the daughters of men???
So God destroyed men for something they had no control over because fallen angels are much more powerful than a man.
The only ones reading non truth into scripture are the silly people who ascribe to the notion that fallen angels are sons of God which borders blasphemy 🙁
Love in CHRIST! Rob
The “likeness” of Seth – is followed by “image” in verse 3. This modifies verse two which specifies ‘male and female’ from verse 2. You are reading-into Scripture again.
If anything, the likeness of Seth would be a SINNER and DISOBEDIENT as is Adam’s hallmark: which he conveyed on ALL mankind.
Likely – Adan had female children up to the time Seth came along – thus the “image” of being male.
You have made a vestment into a certain conclusion: and now everything is made to conform to it. If the conclusion is wrong: then all subsequent conclusions are then based upon a error. This is why reading into Scripture what is doesn’t say; or following the conclusions of others, as in commentaries – is not profitable.
The attempt to establish “a righteous line” in human history is fallacy. Even the lineage of Jesus Christ is crossed by a Moabitess Ruth. James 2:25 declares Rahab the harlot justified, because her works proved her faith.
It has alway and only been justification by Faith. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. There is none righteous, no not one. But still people TRY to establish a ‘righteous line’?!?? It is a blaring contradiction. I don’t buy it.
Hi again Charles!
You are very good at trying to confuse the audience when you know you are proven wrong. You must have one of those
“pastors” degree from a bible college 🙁
First you are not allowed to assume Adam had daughters before Seth when it very clearly says that “the days of Adam AFTER he begat Seth were eight hundred years: and he begat sons and daughters”:
Genesis 5:3-4 And Adam lived a hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth: (4) and the days of Adam after he begat Seth were eight hundred years: and he begat sons and daughters.
The entire bible is written from a masculine perspective so the incredibly confusing point your trying to make does absolutely nothing for your argument!
Nowhere above did I say that Seth’s lineage was righteous to the point of sinless as you are trying to imply any more than we can say the sons of God in todays church are sinless:
1 John 1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
The 5 clues I pointed out above prove God had favor toward Seth’s lineage while driving Cain’s lineage from His face. God did the exact same thing with Seth’s lineage which fathered Abraham’s lineage who became Israel who were told by God to keep completely separate from Ishmael their brother’s descendants who Abraham fathered.
God even called Israel “gods” and sons of the Most High(God):
Psalms 82:6-7 I said, Ye are gods, And all of you sons of the Most High. (7) Nevertheless ye shall die like men, And fall like one of the princes.
So the sons of the Most High God are gods and will die like men. Since when do fallen angels die like men??? The answer is never because the term “sons of God” only ever applied to men who were chosen from the foundation of the world:
Ephesians 1:3-4 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ: (4) even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blemish before him in love:
Before the foundation of the world was way before Adam so God choose the men and women from Adam on who He would show mercy on to overcome and inherit as sons of God:
Revelation 21:7 He that overcometh shall inherit these things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.
Love in CHRIST! Rob
I don’t understand where you think it necessary to denigrate or tear me down – as if your comments could disqualify my answers. but I will answer for the sake of others who may read here.
I did graduate from a small Christian College in the late 80’s: Trinity Baptist College. I finished my VA benefits there too, as I worked my way through. My “Major” was Missions in a Pastoral Theology base. I was saved in a Southern Baptist outreach; and educated in an Independent/Fundamental realm – so my ‘roots’ go way back, in a good way; not as you attach a negative connotation toward.
In order for Adam not to have daughters before Seth came along – there would have to have been a special dispensation in Nature: which I can’t buy. Also in Gen. 4:17 “And Cain knew his wife and she conceived…” WHERE did SHE come from, genius, as there is still ONLY Adam, Eve, and Cain to this point?!?? Seth doesn’t appear until verse 25. So here is an Internal Evidence that Adam and Eve had daughter(s?) BEFORE Seth came along – which fits my assertion that you call an assumption and “not allowed”. Cain evidently married a younger sister from Adam and Eve BEFORE SETH came along. The only one confused about the Bible written from a masculine perspective here: is you.
You come piling in tons of Scripture and you don’t get even the simplest things right: but still you posture yourself as some kind of expert. Perhaps the background of Unleavned Bread Ministries (UBM) has NOT served you well in your training of Scripture. That and the figure of David Eells places one close to a kind of latter-day cult. At least my background and training places me square in the middle of traditional conservative church history.
I no where exerted the idea that: “Seth’s lineage was to the point of sinless”. You read into my comment here. Talk about twisting. Anyway – my point in raising that issue is because of “exceptionalism”. This is a common attempt at inferring by association some special status through tracing organically back to an elevated identity. The Muslims do this in Abraham: yet they are illegitimate and spiritually on the wrong side. What is seen under the title ‘Christian’ is this tendency to trace back to such-and-such lineage to gain an air of special connection and authority… balderdash. And the whole concept can be measured by the use of two terms: “righteous”, and “lineage” – which is found in your comments. (“He appointed another seed to Adam and Eve named Seth to replace her righteous son Abel whom Cain slew.”) So first – you cannot say God “appointed” because Scripture does not indicate this. Second, you transfer Abels’s righteousness to Seth: and THIS cannot be legitimately done! God had respect to Abel and his offering to the LORD. Jesus Christ declares this as righteous in Matt. 23:35 – but Seth only began to call upon the name of the Lord: and no such tranferrence of righteousness can be made. This in itself is reading-into Scripture what it does not say for itself.
And this ties into your mention of some pseudo-Calvinistic tripe from your comment above: “because the term “sons of God” only ever applied to men who were chosen from the foundation of the world:” – which again is to form an air of exclusiveness or speciality.
There is only the spiritual man, and the natural or sinful/unregenrate man – all based in Faith which brings man into agreement and acceptence with God; or belief in something else God doesn’t accept. This is all on an individual basis: NOT LINEAGE. All this leads to confusion between God’s Covenants to the Jews and the relationship of born-again Christians have to God. It is popular to make cross claims which are not legitimate; and some go so far as to believe that the N.T. Church replaces Israel – an absolute FALSITY, by the way.
Go away, Rob. “eddiemd” correctly triggers on your comments as being a Jehovah’s Witness because you behave and compose comments – just like their cult does. Volumes of scriptural references: but missing the mark and coming to a false conclusion ; which is made into a doctrine.
Neither of us will change each other’s views – but I write these lines for the edification of readers, and for Greg Hunter.
Hi again Charles!
I was raised in a fundamental bible church with the basic Baptist theology and was there till Father moved me on to greener pastures when I was 40 :o)
I hope you do realize that just because God our Father listed the genealogy of Cain in chapter 4 and the genealogy of Seth in chapter 5 of Genesis does not mean Cain fathered children before Seth’s birth.
Let’s build a little time line to see if it’s possible for Seth to have been born before Cain had a wife.
First you must remember it is Father who opens and closes wombs as He did Sarah at the ripe old age of 90 and this happened after the flood when God began shortening the life span of man.
Since God only shared Adam’s age of 130 when he fathered Seth, let’s hypothetically suggest God opened Eve’s womb with the birth of Cain when Adam was 80 and then Abel was born when Adam was 90.
Cain then slew Abel when Adam was 120 years old.
10 years later Father opens Eve’s womb again when Adam was 130 and they have Seth.
Let’s say Eve has her first daughter 10 years after Seth’s birth and she reaches adulthood 20 years later and ready for marriage when Adam was 160.
If Cain took her to wife and God immediately opened her womb then Cain would only be 80 years old when he fathered his 1st child which falls right in line with the ages given in Genesis chapter 5 of the firstborns from Seth to Noah:
Genesis 5:6 And Seth lived a hundred and five years, and begat Enosh:
I am not even going to waste my time or Greg Hunter’s by entertaining all your other useless dribble
when you can not even do simple math.
Love in CHRIST! Rob
Still persisting to prove yourself right when you are wrong, ROB?
You AGAIN attempt to overlay Scripture with your own conclusions whenever you “hypothetically suggest ” anything. You just don’t get it. Scripture is what we are to conform our understanding to; but you try to conform it to your own understanding – and show this by hypothesizing.
Since you still ignore the progressive nature of Scripture – let me school you here. Genesis Chapter 1 lays out the Creation, in it’s largest, briefest terms. Chapter 2 REVISITS and reviews Chapter 1 with more information: hence progression. Ch.4 deals with the first expansion of the first family; and ends with the transition to Seth. Ch. 5 picks up there and follows the outline of Ch. 4, with more information – that leads to the Flood, and the main character for that. That Ch. 5 mentions that Adam and Eve had sons and daughters reflects the whole of their lives: it is NOT a specification of reproductive speciality. This is real, true cultic interpretation. Adam live 800 years after begetting Seth: but the sons and daughters follow the designation of the span of life. It is additional information: not some hyper-rationalized, special dispensation of nature. The sons and daughters is a modifying clause to the span of Adams life And like Ch. 4 – the segway to Seth’s lineage follows the lineage of Cain; but leads to Noah.
Back to Natural Law. Gen. 1:28 ‘…be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it…” Gen. 2:16 “…I will greatly multiply they sorrow and thy CONCEPTION…” But somehow, between Abel and Seth there just couldn’t be any girls: despite the Natural Law fact that male/female births roughly equal out?!?? (NO – stick to hyper-interpreting!) From Enoch to Lamech reveal five generations – of marriage, children, and even multiple wives. But the kicker is WHO is the young man Lamech slays? Obviously Scripture is not revealing everything; and these mysteries aren’t going to get figured out. At least Cain realizes he will be a “vagabond” – a descriptive of relationship to other men; and was afraid of being found and slain. This brings in view the idea that the world was going to be well populated even from Cains viewpoint.
The real “hoot” is your overlaying, hypothetical timeline – I will call the “Rob the Cradle Timeline” Cain is 80, and takes a 20 year old to wife. WOW!, he must have had dibbs a long time! ABSURD! A complete stretch. But you condemn me for not doing the math on an absurd hypothesis?!?!? Sorry, ROB – it is not where you begin; but where you end-up that counts: and you are way out in Left Field. Your argument goes against Natural Law (sexual variation in births); against the Biblical narrative, where Cain is the only proceeding son of the original family – set by God to replenish the earth. Even Tubal-Cain lists a sister, Naamah. Nope, you are going against a bulk of evidence in order to hold to the idea that there weren’t any females born until after Seth. Nuts.
Consider that Adam and Eve were fully formed and mature at Creation. They didn’t have to wait to grow up. Cain and Abel could have come in the first few years. And in that “process of time” the only indication of is that they are laboring, and be like 20 themselves. So after Cain kills Abel – Adam and Eve won’t get busy for near an hundred years? NO, ROB – you have ended-up so far in a small and “IFFY” group; which tends to hyper-analyze/interpret Scripture. The Bible doesn’t spell everything out: and we don’t get to fill-in the mysteries with made-up ideas that are different from mainline stuff. You are like a moth being held to a false flame. I only restate Scripture; tie-in, harmoniously with other Scripture; and make observations which fit the narrative. You call that dribble? Or the results that come-up from searching UBM ministries is dribble?
Poor, horny Adam; and cradle-robbing Cain! But stick to your story – and be as closed as any Jehovah’s Witness is to outside what they are being taught.
“That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Marvel not that say unto thee, Ye must be born again.”
Greg would you please put this reply below Charles’ last reply in our thread as there is no reply buttons there :o(
Charles it is no stretch to assume God did not open Eve’s womb until Adam was 80 when it is very clear that Seth’s first born Enosh was not until Seth was 105:
Genesis 5:6-7 And Seth lived a hundred and five years, and begat Enosh: (7) and Seth lived after he begat Enosh eight hundred and seven years, and begat sons and daughters:
Your assuming that Adam had daughters before the scriptures says Adam had daughters which is “overlaying scripture with your own conclusions and hypothetically suggesting something the Word does not say”.
I “hypothetically” suggested Cain at the age of 80 married a wife who was 20 so if Cain lived as long as Seth who died at 912 years his wife would have been 832 years old when Cain died. If we divide their ages by 10 which is what God reduced life expectancy to after the flood, that would put Cain at 91.2 years of age at death and his wife at 83.2 years old when Cain died or only 8 years apart.
That is not a stretch but very possible :o)
Since you seem to think all the Word of God is written with “progressive nature of Scripture” please tell me why the prophet Jeremiah, who came over 400 years after king David, says that “in that day they shall serve David their king:
Jeremiah 30:8-9 And it shall come to pass in that day, saith the Lord of hosts, that I will break his yoke from off thy neck, and will burst thy bonds; and strangers shall no more make him their bondman; (9) but they shall serve the Lord their God, and David their king, whom I will raise up unto them.
Scripture is not as progressive as you would like to think.
Love in CHRIST! Rob
Scripture will contain ALL the grammatical features of language – from precise expression, to hyperbole, to poetic, to prophetic:it only takes the education and intelligence to RECOGNIZE which is what and where. This is WHY jumping from foundational historic and precise – to non-chronoigical prophetic verse to suggest I err in the importance of progression in Scripture is ludicrous: it is apples and oranges.
Trying to turn my argument around on me by using my own words is nothing but the: ‘I’m rubber and you are glue: everyting you say bounces off of me and sticks to you’ tactic. What I do by layong-out Scripture and attaching explanations in the order it appears: is NOTHING like you taking a Scripture and back-engineering it into the previous stuff. I follow line upon line; but you take a line and then say the line before it means “this” because of it. It doesn’t work that way. “First the blade, then the ear, then the full corn in the ear.” But you go ahead and thrash-about with trying to explain something in a way no one else does, in order to establish a perception to be an abitor of Truth – when you are getting it wrong. It is God Who you will face; not me.
And the answer to your trick question is: 1Cor. 15:45 – “The first Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.” Jesus Christ is here assigned that name to fulfill the TYPE.
Jer. 30:8,9 uses David, as prophet, preist ,and king – all the arch-types of the Lord Jesus Christ in the line of fulfillment of restoration, looking toward the very end of days – make a full end of all nations – verse 11.
Greg Hunter – I regret coming down so hard on ROB: but I consider his manners and methodologies as dangerous; and just as much a deviation from sound doctrine as a Jehovah’s Witness’: only the Unleavened Bread Ministeries has not grown so far. It’s teaching on salvation is cultic and conditional: not what the Bible teaches: so I refute error.
I feel USAWD is too important to allow ‘way-out’ people to clickbait those who come here and thereby be mislead.
ROB: Concerning Noah and his days, read the book of Enoch, it fills in a lot of gaps { its available at amazon.
Hi Bill!
The book of Enoch is full of heresy that contradicts the canonical scripture 🙁
Love in CHRIST! Rob
How can you believe any of this crap? Burning bushes…virgin births…talking snakes and donkeys…noahs ark which is 100% not possible….the bible is filled witb stories of. God condoning genocide…slavery…murder…child sacrifice….its a bunch of barbaric nonsense.
The Bible also talks about Atheism in great detail: “Psalm 14:1: To the choirmaster. Of David. The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds, there is none who does good.” There are many more references to Atheism here: Seek Christ. We now know how you feel, so no more comments about this.
Not so, Kevin. Evidence of the universal Flood is well documented in the majority of cultural histories. It is a matter of which authority you choose. NASA just came out with scientific evidence that the oceans have receded for the last two years: but do you get this in the Mainstream Media?
You are still in the Matrix. Christianity is real; the Holy Bible, true; and judgment by God, certain.
Hi Kevin!
Just because Father through His Son Jesus has not opened your eyes to understand truth yet does not mean those of us that He has can not pray for you that hopefully He will:
Luke 24:45 Then opened he their mind, that they might understand the scriptures;
Of course this all has to do with who Father chooses to have mercy on and who He chooses to harden:
Romans 9:17-19 For the scripture saith unto Pharaoh, For this very purpose did I raise thee up, that I might show in thee my power, and that my name might be published abroad in all the earth. (18) So then he hath mercy on whom he will, and whom he will he hardeneth. (19) Thou wilt say then unto me, Why doth he still find fault? For who withstandeth his will?
It is the Christians who choose in self will and hardened hearts to take away from the pure unleavened truth of Father’s Word such as this silly notion that fallen angels were marrying humans that I am concerned might lose their right to the tree of life:
Revelation 22:19 and if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the tree of life, and out of the holy city, which are written in this book.
And please make no mistake as the entire Book of God from Genesis to Revelation is Prophesy hidden in history(His~story) :
Revelation 19:10 And I fell down before his feet to worship him. And he saith unto me, See thou do it not: I am a fellow-servant with thee and with thy brethren that hold the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
Ecclesiastes 3:14-15 I know that, whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for ever: nothing can be put to it, nor anything taken from it; and God hath done it, that men should fear before him. (15) That which is hath been long ago; and that which is to be hath long ago been: and God seeketh again that which is passed away.
Love in CHRIST! Rob
David: It seems that I may have again failed to get my point across: the “Carrington Event” was a solar event causing fluctuating magnetic fields on and around the Earth. As you know, fluctuating magnetic fields induce fluctuating electric fields. The Carrington Event was not the reported associated induced electric currents in long line electrical conductors, i.e. the sparking in telegraph lines. Solar “geomagnetic storms” are associated with sunspots, coronal mass ejections and the resulting northern and southern lights, i.e., aurora borealis. It was the strength of the aurora borealis and sunspots, as much as anything, that indicated the strength of the event which has later been called the 1859 “Carrington” event. (Although, as I think you pointed out) direct measurements of fluctuating magnetic fields were also reported). The 1859 aurora was witnessed widely and as far south in the Northern Hemisphere as Cuba. As the article I sent you pointed out, 1n 1859 Southern Lights were also seen and reported. It was only later that scientists fully understood the association between auroras and coronal mass ejections. However, by 1989 the phenomenon was much better understood, and as I have previously pointed out to you, a much weaker event (i.e., coronal mass ejection) in 1989 brought down much of the electric grid in Quebec by inducing unwanted currents in long-line electrical conductors.
So if your point is that there is nothing to fear from coronal mass ejections causing problems with modern power grids, you are mistaken. If your point is that the “Carrington” event didn’t happen, you are also mistaken. Since I have read widely on this topic, I doubt further conversation will prove productive. Sometimes people just have to agree to disagree and leave it there.
Thanks Greg — Steve Quayle is always interesting.
I totally agree with his thoughts on Yellowstone being hyped while the Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ) is the real threat. There was talk a while back about the CSZ being “locked”, meaning that pressure was building due to the energy not being released — — As I recall peeps were talking anything west of I-5 would be toast; there’s a lot west of the I-5 between SF and Vancouver Island. The tsunami generated from the last CSZ event (January, 1700) hit and caused damage in Japan.
IMO surviving the next big event is all about preparedness and luck. Basing your survival on luck is not a good plan, so my recommendation is to look around and determine the primary threat to you today. Whether it’s a Gulf coast hurricane, a central state tornado or earthquakes on the Pacific rim, remember the “rule of 3’s” — and prepare accordingly. You’ll find that the basic preparation of food, water, shelter arefairly universal. If you live in a low coastal area, think about where you will bug-out to if an event happens. (Did I hear someone mention 3 seconds without brain function? Yeah, well if true I’m surprised half of us are still here.). So for the non-thinkers among us, good luck 😉
As for Giants, Fallen Angels and the Anunnaki, I can’t really comment — possibly true, possibly a rationalization to explain something beyond comprehension. Don’t know.
BTW, as I understand, Plato’s Atlantis is most likely based on the island of Santorini aka Thera back in the day. What remains is essentially a volcanic caldera left from an eruption 3500 years +/- back. The resulting tsunami reportedly left an impact on the island of Crete.
Russ – A guy I follow per earth quacks is Dutchsinse ( He has developed his own models (the very best to be found on the internet) to help explain where and when earth quacks will hit. Well worth the viewing. I have followed him (on/off) for a ~ year and he has a decent track record. Plus, the BIG indicator that he could be on to something is that the USGS hates him (this says it all!), and they have labeled him Fake news.
Freebreezer … I also follow Dutchsinse … he is very good at predicting quakes (likely why the USGS hates him) … here is what he had to say about the Pacific Northwest and Yellowstone after the recent big quake in the North Pacific … also interesting that “turmoil on the Sun” can produce major quakes on Earth …
The reasons why this passage cannot be applied either to angels or to other supernatural creatures are as follows:
1. No angels have been mentioned in the Bible up to this point, and the supposition that they make their first appearance in Scripture under the title “sons of God” is untenable.
2. The term “sons of God” is nowhere in the Bible, either in the O.T. or in the N.T., applied to angels. The passages usually cited where this expression is allegedly a reference to angels have no reference at all to angels, the word angels not even appearing in such references as Job 1:6; Daniel 3:25; and Psalms 89:6, the passages cited by Elliott.[2]
3. In the N.T., particularly, it is human beings who are led by God’s Spirit who are called “sons of God” (1 John 3:1; Romans 8:14; Galatians 4:6, etc.).
4. There are only two classes of angels, the holy angels, and the angels of Satan (fallen angels); and neither class could be viewed here. Holy angels would not have induced men to sin; and the fallen angels, in a million years, would never have been designated by the Holy Spirit as “the sons of God!”
5. Note too that these “sons of God” “took them wives of all that they chose,” an unmistakable reference to marriage; and Jesus our Lord flatly declared that angels do not marry (Matthew 22:30). The myth-hunters who attempt to drag mythology into this passage are contradicted by this, and we may only smile at some of the tactics of avoidance employed. Skinner, for example, after mentioning this, wrote, “But this must not be pressed.”[3] Indeed, why not? We are delighted to “press it” as a complete refutation of the error of finding “angels” in this passage.
6. If angels, or other supernatural creatures, had been to blame for the gross wickedness about to envelop mankind, then God would have announced their punishment and destruction, instead of the punishment and destruction of men. Those who would like to place the blame for human debauchery upon the supernatural creatures are frustrated by the fact that God’s punishment always falls upon the guilty, and that it was men, not angels, who received the punishment here.
7. The two classes of men visible in these verses had already been carefully introduced in Genesis 4 and Genesis 5, the sons of men (in their hardened state) being the line of the Cainites, and the “sons of God” being the people in the line of Seth. Scholars who deny the obvious unity and logical sequence of this narrative are, of course, totally unaware of this.
The “sons of God” DOES appear in Job 1:2. Satan, the covering Cherub(im) is among them – so in this is some context as to the order of beings assembled before the LORD. And Satan confesses to having come from earth to whatever scene of the assembly is – so here again is a suggestion that the scene is neither earthly, nor the participants human. I don’t get the idea that the lineage of Seth would be witness to Job and his sufferings.
Quayle is in a league of his own. Great guest. Even if you don’t believe the stuff he is spouting, he is very talented, and quite convincing. A gem.
What if something happens in the Long Valley and Mammoth Mountain area between California and Nevada? … and people are “on their own” as the government can’t help them … this is going to generate a big “lack of faith in the government” … and it is at such times that gold and silver become dear … looking at silver-futures short positions from 2009 to 2012 they ran at approximately 21.5k contracts … currently silver-futures short positions is way up at approximately 72.1k contracts! (that is huge … the equivalent of 360 million ounces of silver or about 1/3 of annual worldwide demand) … in the first half of 2016 silver shot up about 50% on 55.6k contracts of long buying … so another 50% gain is not hard to imagine … in fact … we could easily see a 100% gain in the silver price to $32 dollars an ounce as panic buying ensues … and that will only be “the start” of the next precious metal bull market!
“An eruption is taking place” … right now before your very eyes (for those with eyes to see) … it is not an eruption of magma from Yellowstone or Long Valley … but a worldwide eruption of hot molten “Precious Metals” … it began “with a giant bullish candlestick geyser” in early July 2017 … people still short silver and gold will soon be in a panic to get out of their positions (like they were in a panic to get into bitcoins) … this gold and silver eruption will be monumental … and on a scale and magnitude never before seen in precious metal history!!
Many people will say: “so silver will rise from $16 dollars to $32 dollars … so what … that is nothing compared to bitcoin” … however silver going from $16 to $32 will be a minuscule blip on its eventual upward spike in price … avoid being inundated every night with “subliminal messages on TV” by the globalists saying “SELL YOUR GOLD” … turn your TV’s off … and use your God given brains … do you realize that the inflation adjusted 1980 price of gold is currently right now up to $18,416 dollars per ounce and climbing as the Fed begins a new round of QE!! … this means silver at a 10 to 1 ratio should right now be selling for $1,841 dollars per ounce … that is equivalent to a gain of over 1000 times your money (even better then buying bitcoin) but only if you buy silver now … how many people think buying bitcoin now at $2500 will see it multiply 1000 times to two million five hundred dollars? … and even if it did … do you think you will have access to it if the globalists have control of the internet?!! … don’t put other people between you and your money!
Forgive my math … my mind is always thinking of gold and silver eventually selling at the “same price” … so adjust the 10 to 1 ratio I used above to a 1 to 1 ratio and things will work out correctly!!
Bitcoin is like a penny stock. The vast majority is owed by people that don’t trade it, the FIB and early minors own most of it.
So like like penny stocks you have big moves thst do not represent the true value.
It only works on the internet.
Why is money [U$D] valuable? Because people believe they can freely trade it for stuff the world over.
Gold is under valued. But you pick the high from a time where it was openly manipulate and the price crashed back down. Use the average yearly price the preceding this spike for good methodology.
But PM now. It is like buying insurance. Also buy food, water and protection.
Paul,we are still waiting for NY currency trader to take silver down before September.I personally asked for 12 dollars an ounce.What happened to him.Didn’t comment for over a week or so.Has he thrown in the towel on rigging the markets.Currency trader where are you hiding ?Where is my 12 dollars an ounce?
NY Currency Trader probably got the short squeeze of his life and jumped off the ground floor balcony. He is likely still nursing the bruised ankles and sucking on his thumb in his mom’s basement somewhere in the Bronx.
Keith … he is probably trading the US dollar as it crashes lower (to make up for what he is losing on his silver short position)!
Until we talk honestly about the Zionist powers as opposed to Elites, TPTB, Illuminati, and so on, we wont get anywhere. The Synagogue of Satan Rev 2: and 3:9. I hope someday we will.
We are not talking “honestly” about your Jew hating “Zionist powers” here. Got it? Go somewhere else with this. I am not buying it, and I never will.
Thanks Greg!
It’s real $#!! Gregory! So listen up.
Do You find fault with the Torah Jews opinion of Zionism?
You were provided their Website. In my opinion, you are wrong about Zionism. Are you going to call Jews anti Jewish for not supporting Zionism? You need to research how the Zionist state came into being. Start with the Balfour Declaration.
The truth is more important than our personal opinions.
Please Greg, read what the Torah Jews have to say about Zionism.
Thank you and with all due respect to you and your readers.
I find when people bring up the “Zionist” term it is not an academic discussion. It’s just a back door Jew hating tactic. I do not have the time to pars and vet every “Zionist” comment. So, please don’t post them. Same with the Khazar myth–Don’t post it. It really has nothing to do with what we are talking about.
Greg, I am a Zionist in the sense that I am pro-Israel. In fact, I am prejudiced in that I am prone to take the Israeli side in any issue, especially the borders issue, the so-called Palestinian homeland issue, and the right-to-exist/ survival of Israel issue. I am sure many Watchdoggers are of a similar mindset. Idi Amin of Uganda once got a resolution through the UN that stated that Zionism is a form of racism. The UN voted to confirm. So, in the eyes of many, I am racist. This is the risk one runs when one chooses sides. Do not Jews have a right to be pro-Jewish? Should one be surprised if that is the case? Best always. PM
There is nothing wrong with being pro-Jewish … but one should be able to criticize the Jewish leadership without being stoned … especially when Netanyahu goes before the world with a picture of a possible Iranian bomb he says he is “so scared of” yet has no problem fighting Russia in Syria (who has thousands of nuclear bombs) that can totally wipe out and destroy Israel … is anyone aware of the fact that the “Iranian Deal” helps to protect Israel because part of the “deal” was that Iran bury it’s nuclear facilities in concrete (and they did)!!
US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has just certified to the Congress that Iran is fulfilling its obligations under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) regarding its nuclear program … this is good for Israel!
Who controls the flow of information out of Israel/Palestine? If you control the information released to the world you control the narrative.
Greg –
I grow weary of hearing people repeating the same tired old crap like you wrote to Michael. If someone criticizes Israel and Zionism then they must be “anti-Semitic” and a Jew hater.. . . (This is Greg Hunter and I have cut off this comment. Before I allow anymore of your comment just answer me one question. Does Israel have a right to exist right where it is now? Yes or No. By the way I too “grow weary” Jew haters hiding behind Zionism to disguise their hate. Oh!! and by the way, Muslims have turned Christian and have criticized Hamas and Islam too.)
Pretty cowardly Greg, editing my comment like that. You ask a question but don’t allow your readers to see my entire comment in context. Your question – does Israel have a right to exist where it is now? – is a red herring. Like many others I’d be just fine with Israel returning to its pre 1967 borders. However the continuing expansion in the West Bank is immoral. It’s really a silly question. Much like asking – does America have a right to exist where it is now? I would guess that the native people in the west would have an opinion about that. The complete answer about Israel is far more complex but you seem given to censoring those with opposing opinions. That’s okay though because it is your site and you have the right to do that. Just like I have the right to not visit it, buy any products you promote or support you monetarily. You insensate that I am a “Jew hater” but have no clue who I am and the work I have done. It’s actually laughable to me that you, like many other ignorant Americans, conflate criticism of Zionism and the nation state of Israel with Jew hating. It is ignorance on a grand scale. Here’s a challenge to you. Get on a plane, fly to Tel Aviv, take a shuttle to Hebron and witness the situation yourself. Go to Bethlehem and visit David Nassar’s family (strong, non violent Christians by the way, Google Tent of Nations) and see how they are treated by Israeli settlers daily. Get their perspective. Of course to get the truth requires work and open mindedness and frankly I don’t think you have the courage to do that. If you saw with your two eyes what Palestinian Christians had to endure you might change your tune a little. Then again, perhaps not because after all those Christians have brown skin and aren’t really all that important are they?
No David, not “cowardly.” I just want to know where you are coming from. You do realize why the borders of Israel were changed? It was attacked by all the surrounding nations. You answer is lukewarm at best. You say, “It’s really a silly question. Much like asking – does America have a right to exist where it is now?” So you don’t like my question and you call it “silly” how pathetic. The U.S. does not have attackers and enemies on all sides that want its destruction. What you are giving is your perspective and that is fine, but it sounds an awful lot like veiled Jew hating to me. You should crack the Bible and see what it says about Israel–starting with Genesis. “Genesis 12:3 I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” Israel is so important to God he brought it up in the first chapter of his book, and continued to bring up how important Israel is throughout the Bible.
So sorry you do not realize how enemies of the Jewish State want it destroyed, but I really think that too would be “fine” with you as well. Please do not come on here with you pompous, condescending attitude and tell me what to think because you took a vacation there once. There is a lot of sin to go around in the Middle East. Might I remind you, I had enough “courage” to start this site (2009) with my own capital and work for 5 years for nothing to give ungrateful people like you a free huge platform. And while we are on the cowardly subject, why don’t you man-up and use a real and verifiable full name when you comment, I DO. Not fully identifying yourself is what I call “cowardly.” Don’t bother to answer this post unless you offer a verifiable full name and offer a picture of yourself, just like I provide. I did not build this to allow you to bash Israel. You’ve had your say and the subject is closed. By the way, you hate Jews so much you bring this up, and it had nothing to do with the Steve Quayle interview.
One more thing, The Israelis control the Golan Heights and took it in battle. It is a strategic location as is the other lands won in the 1967 and 1973 wars that the Muslims started and lost. You cannot get a UN do-over when you make a miscalculation and lose the war you start. God says “Israel will have an everlasting name.” Get used to it.
Just for a start, the big “Jewish conspiracy” is totally contrary to Jewish character. I’ve never known an authoritarian, tightly organized, militant Jewish person…not in music, nor college, nor next door, nor in business….the species just doesn’t exist on land or sea. Clannish, yes….argumentative just for the fun of it, always.
We should first talk honestly about the Demon-rats … who are all in “a huff” about Trump’s plan to pardon himself and those around him (for “any imagined crimes” to do with the Demon-rats Russia probe) … just like the banksters pardon themselves and Hillary pardons herself for “very very real crimes”!!! …
Now the Clinton News Network (CNN) is saying Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is about to resign (based upon “anonymous sources”) … most likely this is just more “fake news” to put the Trump administration in disarray …
And to top it all off … the Demon-rats in conjunction with their long term goal of trashing our Constitution are now trying to pass a law that takes away both Trumps right to free speech and his right to privacy …
How about a conversation on Satan guiding people into an irrational hatred of the people of God: Jew.
Zionist my ass. It is just so you can claim you don’t hate all Jews, just those bad Zionist.
I consider Zionism a political movement. I consider a Torah Jew as one who worships the Almighty G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Is there not a big difference between a Talmudic Jew and a Torah Jew?
You should read what Torah Jews have to say about Zionism.
This is the Torah Jew “mission statement” …
Thank you for posting the link to THE TORAH JEWS MISSION STATEMENT.
Greg, I hope this opens your mind to how Torah Jews feel about Zionism.
Thank you,
Galaxy … if someone is an evil pedophile warmonger killing women and children and selling their organs … I’m going to hate him “irrespective of the Religion” they say they believe in (as they lie … they have no religious beliefs) … they should be held to account for their evil crimes against humanity because “they are not” people of God!!
Just like Jehovah removing evil Cain … President Trump is rooting out the immoral pedophiles from government positions (irrespective of their religious affiliation) … and he has just announced today a ban on all transgender individuals from serving in the US military (in any capacity) … it will be interesting to see what Obama and the weirdo Satan worshiping Demon-rats have to say about Trump cleaning out the swamp creatures!!
I recently saw an article that estimated preppers in America at about 3 to 5 Million. That about 1% to 2% percent of the population. Add in that most Americans have less than a week’s worth of food on hand and you have a recipe for disaster.
Best thing anyone can do is what Greg and Steve both said, have food and water on hand. As Steve said, “if you do no possess it, you do not own it”. If you put back (which you should do), plan to put back more for those family and friends that don’t. What you think is sufficient for a month will be insufficient when others ask for assistance.
APS,I have told all my friends about the economic collapse coming.Also told them that the fiat currencies are worthless.They don’t listen.They purchase new cars,new TV,don’t stock supplies of water,food,toilet rolls,medicine,etc.Call me a fruitcake and clown for preparing for tomorrows collapse.When the shtf do you expect me to share out and give away all my supplies.It will be another world when they wake up.
You can look stupid now or look stupid later.
I have already decide that I will share my foods and water when the SHTF. I figure we will all have to go sooner or later, I would rather leave as a man than a rat.
Tin foil hat.Your right? What I am going to do is this.Use up all my supplies,but nothing away for the shtf event.When the shtf . I and my family of 6 will come around to your house and help you eat and drink all you have .Could you try to put away at least 8months worth of goodies for my family and myself.Make sure you have plenty on the shelves for I will be bringing my dogs also.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you ? Your a star.
Thank you for standing up for the Truth Greg, the truth being Jesus!!
Lol…Ancient Aliems….running out of fear monger material Greg? Wtf!
If I did not spend hundreds of hours over the past few years doing research on the deep state, Vatican, L.U.C.I.F.E.R Telescope manned by Jesuits/Vatican Astronomers, sex trafficking, and so on it would have been hard to digest the the volume of info. There is much more and understand time constraints.
Great job Greg in getting the word out on what is actually going on outside of MSM. Third highest ranking religious leader in Vatican arrested in middle of gay drug induced orgy.
So much shock that most people will not want to believe!!
Appreciate you getting this interview out to the people.
Thank you for the additional info BDS!!!
Lucky for me I don’t eat seafood. But couple that with a massive volcanic eruption, and things would be fun in Seattle.
Fascinating and insightful. True all around reporting from the MASTER of media, Greg Hunter. Awesome! Thanks again for a great interview.
REQUEST: Greg, please get Erik Townsend on, he’s a big wig in the know and owns the youtube channel “Macro Voices”. He has an interesting take on the present and future of cryptocurrencies. Please have him on.
Thank you Al.
Your guest had many interesting things to say, but since I have listened to him several tines before, I know that that he always finds a way to push his Christian religion on the listeners and I am sick of hearing it. Your interview with Mr. Quayle was not advertised as a religious show but then both of you began so spot off about your religious views. Who cares what religious beliefs you or your guest have Greg? Likely nobody listening. Then you actually stated that the Jesus story of the Bible is fact?Really Greg and Steve claims that a guy written about in the Bible lived for over 900 years? Please provided actual proof Greg before you claim the Jesus story is a fact. That is why your guest has “faith” in his story, because he has zero proof.
So sorry you do not believe in Jesus. The death and resurrection of Christ is VERY well documented and scientifically backed up. Award winning journalist Lee Strobel was an atheist when he tried to prove Christ was a myth. He turned Christian at the end of his investigation. You can chose not to believe but please don’t come here and tell us there is “zero proof.” Rent the movie “The Case for Christ.”
Correct Greg … scientifically even we ourselves can now resurrect dinosaurs (or even the Giants of old) from the DNA found in their bones!
I know one of the optics researchers involved with the shroud at one time and it is not fake – per my understanding from my friend – the image being formed by a very strong gravitational field that we could not reproduce today with current technology – think vertical collimation of energy forming within a gravitational field with duration in time measured in picoseconds and releasing its energy on the surface as it went through the varying layers of linen – the image being appreciated as a hologram with three dimensional data when viewed by a special camera designed several decades ago to investigate nuclear explosions and map the moon. Was the shroud evidence of the resurrection by a nuclear event beyond our current comprehension but given to those who are weak in faith to help them see that Yeshua was not a myth but could be validated by science?
There is more actual manuscript evidence for Christ and the New Testament than ANY book ever written… FACT… Chip
Don’t fret. The truth is none of us really know.
Words taken from a book written years ago that some people truly believe and others don’t.
I had long discussions recently about various religions, the bible and theology with some Aboriginal people here in Australia, their ancestry dates back 65,000 years, they say as I do that we are all tired of being told how it is.
Anthony, (Greg, you might want to report this in your next weeky ROUNDUP.)
Does not the Book of Revelations forewarn of THE MARK OF THE BEAST?
An American company is providing a small chip to be put in THE RIGHT HAND so its employees can purchase things in the company with it.
The book of Revelation was written almost 2,000 years ago.
Check it out. Wake up Anthony; Do not take the MARK OF THE BEAST.
Anthony … Being “told” is not allowing one to “think for themselves” … could Issac Newton be told in math class about Newtonian Physics or Einstein about Relativity by teachers who only have limited knowledge passed down through the generations … breakthroughs in science and other fields of knowledge are made by “independent thinkers” who use logic and reason to guide them … and thus can break out of the “orthodox”view” taught by “teachers” who just tell their students to memorize and repeat after them!!
My father told me he rebelled against the Lutheran church at the ripe age of 10 because they were telling him what to believe Needless to say my grandmother was horrified by such blastphomis behavior
Christianity doesn’t teach that the human race had no natural law in their hearts all along. It teaches that we have a bent nature, prone to weaknesses that must be opposed for our own good, and the good of others. Jesus often referred to this state of affairs, calling it in His own words, “common sense”.
The sort of “Christianity” you harangue is not Christianity at all. If you want an example, read the harangues of Hitler against Christianity…he defined it quite well and loathed it.
Those who harmed the Aboriginal people of the world were not Christians except in name only…and that only to cloak rampant greed and racial excuses. There were genuine Christians in Spain and in Australia who fought on behalf of the aboriginal people….if you give an actual dam, I suggest you do some real research: Las Casas, for a start.
I wanted to say for the record that there is no malice or hateful intent towards your belief sets. I grew up in a catholic household and it only that I studied various other religions did I then choose for myself Buddha.
Most of my family are still Christians and its I who look like the odd one out and are forever told I’m in the wrong. I’m strong and worldly enough to ignore this and continue to love them as I do you. I will continue to enjoy your production and when possible donate a dollar or two. Stop getting angry and people who have different faiths and beliefs as you because we are fighting for the same thing, ultimately the survival of the human race.
Thank you AA. I will never give you grief over what you believe even though we don’t believe in the same thing. I believe in Christ, and he’s there anytime somebody wants him.
I have followed Quayle for years. I don’t always agree, nor do I buy into some of his agendas. But I will say that he is first and best with the news on his website, and I believe he is literally awake night and day trying to warn and equip as he sees fit. Wish there were more like him.
I agree Oxfarmer … we need more people like Quayle who think for themselves … why would God give us brains if we were not supposed to use them … we were not made to simply allow our brains to atrophy (repeating like robots what we are told by some elite “authority”) … look at all the Demon-rats marching against Trump who don’t use their brains and simply follow what Soros preaches to them (color revolution)!!
Quayle is smoking something. Man was created by God the Father Son and Holy Spirit. There were no space aliens podding people here and angels do NOT have ability to reproduce. If Greg actaully believes this then I will not be visiting this site much if at all.
You need to listen to this again. Quayle DOES NOT think aliens created man. That is the “Big Lie” the elites will tell the world.
Greg , Quayle is fantastic ! Would be great to see him more often. What this man knows and has dedicated his life to is simply inspiring . Greg I applaud you for having Steve on to raise our knowledge and awareness
You absolutely kick the MSM ‘s butts !! Love your show. Jason in Toronto
Through out the whole interview of talking of half humans/half animals, skeletons of giants etc. not one shred of actual evidence was shared. Honestly, your other guests share evidence, like charts, etc. Where were the photos of these objects someone vocally shared with him, or field trips he was on that searched out giant skeletons?
I Love this channel and will not give up watching it, but this interview did not convince me to believe anything of what most of what this man shared. Unbelievable!
Giants are talked about in Genesis 6 in the Bible. Read the Bible.
As it says in an old book…
M … there are bones of “giants” found all over America and they are turned in to museums … the reason you don’t see “giant bones” in museums (along with dinosaur bones) is because the museum directors lock them away in crates down the basement … they don’t want the public to begin “to think” about what really was in our past except for their “official story” of evolution … I bet if they could they would burn all the Bibles and behead all the Christians that make any mention of “giants”!!
What if … it was not an asteroid that killed off all the dinosaurs but “the giants” who caught them all and roasted them on their barbecues? … and what if “the giants” also ate humans? … how could they put that story into the history books?
That old book is the Word of God –
Jesus said that His words will live forever.
Is there an older book anywhere that has been slammed – scrutinized – pissed on and still has major relevance for as long as “that old book”
— a book or document anywhere that has lasted longer or has been beat up as bad as the bible. This is not just “that old book”
Matthew 24:35 Heaven and earth will disappear, but my words will never disappear
So far so good id say
Ok – well not that we got that out of the way .. we can move on
The dollar is possibly weeks away from losing its reserve currency status. Want proof?–20170722-0020.html
In business the inly time you loose a paying customer is if there’s a better deal. And in this case Bolivia has found one courtesy of the Chinese and the new BRICS gold backed currency alternative that they help set up two years ago in South America. According to my sources HSBC is on standby status to begin transfers when they are given the go ahead. Watch the dollar this week.
More evidence that the global currency reset is under way.
One by one the pillars holding up the dollars reserve currency status are coming down. Still have doubts? Ask yourself when was the last time you heard of a deal, any deal being made using the dollar? Unfortunately most Americans are basking in the illusion of false security being offered up by the fake media. They labor under the delusion of normalcy bias in which they believe that a 0.5% GDP can actually support 125 trillion dollars in unfunded liability debt. Get real. The only thing that allows this insanity to continue is reserve currency status of the dollar, which at this point is on life support.
Keep em coming Jerry. I appreciate your following.
Love your work Jerry,
Thank you MURCUS.
Most people (me included) have been looking for one single event for a global currency reset, when in fact it has been transitioning inside the banking industry for quite some time.
You are killing it Jerry!! Thank you. Christine Lagarde this week said, “Lagarde Hints At IMF Being Based In China In Future ” Everybody is asleep except you my Brother!
Jerry I see bitcoin as a limited fix for a distraction of what happens when a pyramided scheme runs out of victims. When all the crypto has no new victims it will rot in the wind. Gain is not the solution it is the problem.
America needs to do what we are doing. Sit on our ass till our leaders realize they have no slaves.
No it doesn’t. While I think the bitchain teck has some value. The actual bitcoin is not anytjing more than a penny stock. 80+% is not traded. Think about that. Ever heard of penny stocks?
And the currency of a communist country that has zero property right and no rule of law is some how going to pay you put in gold when you want it. That seems what a rational person would invest in.
I look and found a lot of deals in USDs.
Yes the sky is falling and that Chinese communist sheet of paper at some point is going to be backed by gold. Hahaha, yeah, sure. Why not?
I agree with you on bitcoin but the dollar is going the way of the dodo…
Bitcoin will be absorbed by a bigger, multi-national entity.The digital snowball can’t be stopped.
Jerry, I seldom find your links meaning any where near what you claim.
Yes, ING will lend money to a corrupt AS country if they can control it. So Bolivia and Argentian are going to join … You know they are bankrupt right.
And I have been gone for a while and the BRICS still have not destroyed anything but their people’s future .
Where can I buy some of this gold back currency and where can you cash it in to gold? The bank counters in China. I would like to buy some
Believe whatever you want to, but I know for a FACT from personal family members who work with Wells Fargo that:
– 1. crypto currency patches have been installed in the banking system.
-2. trade is being done with them across the border.
Still think I’m full of crap? Go to “The Working Group” web site and read the agenda’s for yourself. Hank Paulsen and Timothy Geithner head this organization for a reason.
The trouble with you G500 is that you think that decisions made in board rooms would be published in newspapers. NOT. Go back to sleep with the rest if the sheep.
This is for you, and anyone else that needs to understand what is transitioning inside our banking system as we approach reset.
It is my belief that the main reason Hank Paulsen is involved with this enterprise is because he was instrumental in obtaining loans from the Chinese to avoid the last economic collapse, putting him in a position of leverage to help orchestrate the current economic reset. It is also my belief that the Chinese would not have loaned us close to 3 trillion dollars without some type of assurance that we would help restructure the system to stem any future calamity. But hey. That’s just my opinion.
Perhaps Jerry may be onto something. PIMCO effectively calling for massive gold revaluation. Why gold and why now are the two million dollar questions. Something is definitely cooking behind the curtain.
PIMCO – Rumpelstiltskin At The Fed
“the Fed should unleash a massive Fed gold purchase program that could echo a Depression-era effort that effectively boosted the U.S. economy.”
Global consumers are more familiar with gold than the banking system, thus this avenue of monetary expansion might finally lift the anchor on inflationary expectations and their associated spending habits.
Home run Greg!
Thank you for your fine work.
Thank you Rock. I took a risk but it’s well worth it.
Here is the big picture for you; What is a dollar from 1913 worth compared to todays value of a dollar and consider all the improvement and advancements America has made since 1913. Jerry has provided Greg’s website with vital news concerning the Petro Dollar
and you fault him?
Galaxy come back to Earth and thank Jerry for all his efforts in reporting the future of the PETRO DOLLAR. Just stick your head in a hole and wait for the Banks to do a BAILIN on you. Put your faith in Alan, Ben and Janet and you won’t have any dollars to worry about.
With all due respect,
Banks do not have the authority to do bail-ins. The banking regulators are the ones who decide how to handle an insolvent bank. And if and when any bank bail-ins take place in the U.S., it will not involve insured depositors. May be some uninsured deposits in the larger banks will be part of a bail-in.
So far what we have seen in Italy and Spain with their recent bail-ins is that stockholders and unsecured bondholders got wiped out while secured bondholders and uninsured depositors have been spared. There has also been some taxpayer assistance from what I have read. Contrary to what some say, “No more bailouts, only bail-ins”, I think bailouts of some kind are still very possible.
The main risk for most people who have money in a bank or credit union is dollar devaluation, hyperinflation, or things that would prevent you from accessing your money such as the grid going down because of an EMP attack or a cyber attack on your bank. Or may be capital controls being put in place because of bank runs. While these things are not likely to happen in the near future they still must be taking into account.
Do you really think the Banking Sysyem will give you advance warning to a Bail In? I Think not! How much have they taken from you with their inflation of the dollar?
THE BIG BANKS WILL DO WHAT EVER IT TAKES TO STAY AFLOAT WITH THE BLESSINGS FROM THE REGULATORS AND THAT WILL SET PRECEDENCE FOR THE SMALLER BANKS. THE FEDERAL RESERVE MAKES ITS OWN RULES AND THEY DO NOT ANSWER TO ANY FEDERAL AGENCY. Where were the regulators, when we went off the gold standard? We are headed for a cashless society and when we do all of your digital dollars will be controlled by the banks and available for taxation by the Federal, State and Local governments. Viola!!!
Why would I need an advanced warning for bail-ins? The money that I have deposited in my bank is not at any measurable risk of being part of a bail-in. Why is that? First, it is in a good community bank which is not subject to bail-ins if it fails. Secondly, insured depositors are not part of any bail-in laws. And even if insured depositors were part of a bail-in, which really has very little chance of happening, FDIC insurance would cover those deposits. And if insured deposits somehow were used in a bail-in it would create massive bank runs and no one would deposit money in a bank again for a long time. So a bail-in that involved insured deposits would be the last thing that banking regulators would do. If any bank becomes insolvent, a taxpayer bailout would happen before one penny is lost to any insured depositor. A bail-in involving insured depositors would have severe immediate consequences while a bailout does not. And we have seen how the government can literally paper over problems.
You said, “The big banks will do what ever it takes to stay afloat with the blessings from the regulators”. I definitely agree with that. But one thing banks can’t do to stay afloat is bail-ins. If any bank officially becomes insolvent in the U.S., the bank is liquidated. This includes systemically important banks. Any bail-in that would happen because of an insolvent TBTF bank would not be used to keep the bank alive. According to the FDIC, any bail-in would be used to capitalize a newly created bridge bank. JPMorgan Chase, Citibank, Bank of America etc… would be eventually be liquidated. This is why I think it could be a long time before any of these banks officially become insolvent. The government can print tens of trillions of dollars without the public even knowing about it.
You are correct that we are headed for a cashless society but we are no where near that happening in the U.S. at least in the very near future unless the U.S. has an EMP attack or gets nuked. Of course even when we do go to a cashless society a person is not forced to keep their digital dollars in the control of the banks. They can put their digital dollars any where they like just like they can today.
No matter where or what you have your money in, there are always risks involved. Even owning precious metals. In reality the risk of bail-ins especially for insured depositors are way overblown by some in the ALT media. There are greater risks at this time for people who have money in a bank or credit union.
Thank you Greg for constantly reminding us that God the Father is always in charge. I can never hear that enough.
And the name of Jesus Christ defeats Satan every time ( just ask any Catholic exorcist worth his salt), and we shouldn’t forget the Holy Spirit who is mysterious and powerful in bringing a tiny sliver of heaven to us humans on earth — who are always in need of miracles, divine assistance, and God’s mercy.
According to my own eclectic study of Catholic prophecy ( both biblical and private revelations to holy people), we are going to have : 1.) WWIII 2.) a global economic collapse 3.) natural disasters of epic proportions. They will all likely happen somewhat simultaneously or at least in very rapid succession. The misery of these combined misfortunes would be unbearable without the special help from God who can do anything.
Only God can bring goodness out of bad, and He often uses both divine and earthly punishments to help bring His children back — just as parents often discipline children for their own good.
God always wins, so it would be very foolish for us to play on the opposing team that worships sin and death, and the “father of lies”(John 8:44). God never said that following Him would be easy, just ask any Catholic saint.
Thank you John for adding to the discussion!
John M
“God never said following him would be easy,just ask any Catholic saint, would you include Cardinal Pell and the staggering amounts of the priests that have been charged with historical sex acts against children…..
I love what Trump is doing to uncover the pedofile and human sacrifice rings that involve our children, the fact is that the biggest abuses of children is the Catholic religion, It is real ignorance in what you preach when they hide behind this cult , until all of theses sick Catholics are put away i can not understand the support you show them, I was raised to follow this doctorian and as a result on why i discovered your news is because of the abuse I TRUST NO ONE OR ALL THEY TAUGHT ME IT IS ALL VERY SINISTER. How can you preach the word of god and then abuse the ones you teach ??
From the beginning there were those who claimed to be Christians but only on the outside. The same is true of the Jews of old, for Jesus complained of it a lot. The character of Jesus isn’t popular…here at the 8th Air Force museum we have a large cardboard photo of Adolph holding the hands of 2 of Goebbels charming small children. People often complain because it makes Hitler look sweet. He claimed to be saving Christian civilization. But under the photo is a long quote, voicing his true opinion of Jesus Christ and HIS CHARACTER TRAITS.
So what’s in any label.?..nothing at all.
The Pope knew if Trump was elected it was curtains for the huge Vat-o-cain homosexual pedophile empire … so the Pope was out strongly campaigning for Hillary … but God the Father put the Pope in his place … and now all the pedophiles in the world have no place to hide!!
Ever wonder why the Demon-rats found it perfectly legal for the Pope to interfere in our election on the side of Hillary … but totally illegal for Russia to root for Trump?
Really good point. Or why the MSM ignore the dozens of times of US interference i.e. Ukraine?
I don’t see it that way. Corruption in the elections is rife. I think the Papacy got enough of Hillary Clinton’s anti-Catholic rants (and they were not about pedophiles and homosexuals). it became clear she was unbalanced and couldn’t be depended on as an operative. Her lifestyle, friendships and finances were too shamelessly open.
Deanna: With the Trump vote committee receiving permission from the judge to look into state election voter registrations, this will create more evidence of voter fraud, and maybe somebody will go to jail. But ill definitely have an influence on the next election.
Tell us more about the voter fraud investigation please!! Thank you for this.
I wasn’t talking about Trump winning, but about Hillary losing….major world players behind the scenes way above Koch and Soros and our pack of clowns in the Hamptons.
I to enjoyed the interview, i watched it twice just let it sink in….i do believe we a fighting a war between god and evil men, and one must understand it is all man crafted…..their might be other influences from other dimensions other worlds, but we are the owners of this earth and while we are here we have the birthright of this earth, meaning that no other being, be it interdimensional, spiritual, alien,dimensional or any other form that may exist can draw upon or take my home, energy without my CONSENT. Consent is the key word, if the majority of man conceded to other identities then we will loose this world, we are powerful beings and once we open our minds that we are not alone and begin to honor the land we were born unto mankind will never evolve to our true potential that we were intended to be. It is to easy to say Jesus will fix just follow me, I think Jesus was a man that understood that to resolve this all man must work together be as one with this world, I dont read the Bible as i fear that we have be given the tools to know what is right from wrong at birth, it is no more or no less, Man has chosen to live outside of his role on this plant out of touch with all he is connected to. Man has gone backwards in the connection of his world, for power and greed,
we are all guilty of greed.
Giant of Kandahar Afghanistan Nephilim: TRUE STORY of Satan, Fallen Angels, Giants, Aliens, Hybrids, Elongated Skulls & Nephilim
LA Marzulli Finds Pictures Of Giant Skeleton
Please look at the work of author John Casey, formerly of NASA. He states that the sun has begun a grand solar minimum (colder) that will basically cause a near mass extinction event for humans over the next 20 years through extreme weather, crop losses, catastrophic earthquake and volcanic events. Look no further than the catastrophic weather world-wide that is the usual product of a grand minimum, that won’t even be at it’s worse for several years to come. No man-made global warming, no Planet X and no aliens. Economic collapse and civil unrest will be side shows to mass starvation.
Ben Davidson of Suspicious Observers plus many other scientists also agree that we’ve entered into this period, courtesy of the sun every 206 years.
This is what I believe “they” are really hiding.
It is very humbling to realise how big the known universe is and how insignificant we are in gods creation. The nearest plant to Earth that could host human life is two light years away. As way of example if the earth was laid out flat, to go from one end to the other would take 0.15 light seconds to travel the full distance. One of the struggles being a Christian is to differentiate between ‘faith’ and ‘blind faith’. True faith is to believe in the Lord God and Jesus saving us. Blind faith is to ignore that Gods reach and creation is far vaster than any of our minds are equipped to deal with and occasionally we get glimpses of just how vast this is.
We should not be blinded by “blind faith” … this is why God endowed us with a mind … to think things through and use reason and logic … otherwise “what are we” if we just follow what we are told without thinking!!
During WWII many German soldiers did what they were told “without thinking” … lets make sure that never happens again!!
It IS happening again Paul
Fredrick … to stop it from happening … everyone needs get out in the open air under a warm sunny blue sky … and take a deep breath … absorb God’s magnificent Earth all around with the eyes he gave us to see … listen to the birds singing in the trees … the bees buzzing from flower to flower … the butterfly’s flapping from flower to flower … absorb every one of God’s creations … take it within our souls “for it is good” and we will “know” God … then in thanks for all of God’s wonderful gifts he created for us tell God … “I will fight all evil in the world that tries to take away all this precious life you have created around us” … tell God “I reject continual war and will fight to bring the “evil ones” to justice (who work for Satan and profit) … and Vow to God … No Women (will be made sex slaves)! … and No Children (will be raped by pedophiles, killed and their organs sold)!!
** Greg, this is for you and I only. . . (This is Greg Hunter and I cut this comment as you wanted. This is for you to read and digest: The “Khazar” myth is just that– a myth. Do you really think God the Father does not know who his chosen people are?? Stop with this ridiculous Jew hating trash.
Greg )
I watched this interview 4 times. There were so many things discussed that were worth reviewing over and over.
I have listened to Steve Quayle for a few years now on various sites and go to his site every day. His talks coincide with things that Fr. Martin used to refer to more cryptically. SQ is very interesting and comes across as sincere.
His kind of conversations can sound way out there or too preachy to some if the MSM is what your used to and programmed by. As a renegade Catholic, I appreciate SQ, the Hagmanns, John Wells, and you in particular as conduits for His word. We have two choices, go with the light or join the dark that is all around us, it seems.
Thanks for a good and fitting Sunday program.
Hairdryer thrown in the pool …. funny graphic.
Greg, I thought he was a provocative guest even before I finished the interview. Many of your guests have everyone living in perpetual fear of the sky falling, but due to an economic collapse. This one seemed like a different story.
Humble request: Please clarify that there is no relation between him and Dan Quayle.
Also, if you’re ever in NC, could I meet you at a book signing of yours?
I don’t think there is a relationship and I have no books to sign. I do have a few T-shirts.
Hello Steve and Greg,
Steve, very good interview and I trust your knowledge and wisdom on the Yellowstone analysis. It was odd that yesterday afternoon a report came out telling about hundreeds more earthquakes in the Mammoth Lake area.
Greg, this is just a plug from me. I have bought precious metals from Steve. His prices are competitive and his delivery speed is second to none. Here is the thing. Steve only sell metal that he has. Some companies, that advertise big specials, do not actually have the metal and are playing the market with your money for as long as 6 weeks. I am by no means referring to Melody Cedarstrom. I purchased metals from her in the 90’s and she is top notch as well.
I do not believe there has been a time in history when the war between good and evil has been so intense, evidenced by the struggle going on in our government. Steve Quayle is a man well versed in this matter. While some will say that you are just as much a whack job as Steve is for having him on, They would do well to heed his warnings. Steve has spent years educating himself in these matters and is knowledgeable. Thanks for having Steve, and may God bless you richly in your work
— Annunaki did not create Earth humans. They created a kind of human designed to function as gold mining workers, “miner humans” so to speak. These miner humans do not exist anymore. Annunaki killed them all after the gold mining project was over and incinerated their skeletons. There is no remain of miner humans skeletons anywhere. Strange skeletons found in some archaelogical sites are not the skeletons of miner humans.
— Annunaki did not enslave any Earth human. They created the miner humans so they did not have to enslave Earth humans to work in the dark and hazardous gold mines.
— Some of Annunaki might have intermingled with Earth female humans, but they can not impregnate the Earth female humans. Annunaki have 38 DNA strands while Earth female humans have only 32 DNA strands. There can be no crossbreeding of Annunaki and Earth female humans.
— Yellowstone volcano will erupt in about 140 years. There is no reason to be afraid of it as long as we have Rambo, Captain America, Hulk, and Hawkman among us.
Wow! That was different. You were on the other side. 🙂 Good interview too.
I always look forward to your interviews. I am one that lives in CA. Hard to believe I am still here and not because of the upcoming earthquake(s). I have been watching the Ring of Fire and it has been going off everywhere but Washington to Mexico. I am one that knows we will be on our own when it happens. I wish my neighbors could understand this because we will need each other for support and help in so many ways.
It is interesting as soon as someone mentions anything about the bible, God, religion, etc. anywhere it becomes a hot debate as noted above.
Your guests are very knowledgeable and agree with most everything they and you say. As a faithful listener, I would really like to hear a debate using facts from the other point of view. That can be Politically, economic, etc. A great person for an interview that has rational thought would be Andrew Wilcow. I listen to him as often as possible on Sirrus.
BTW, it’s always good to hear you on KSFO morning show.
Steve Quayle is really off the wall with a number of things but he has come good information too. That’s why I go to his website everyday.
I don’t believe the giants from Genesis are coming back. I don’t believe they’re being held in suspended animation somewhere.
I believe that UFO’s are the work of demons but they aren’t real vehicles based on demonic technology.
Though I cannot substantiate the truthfulness of this information, it does matchup with much of what I have been able to acquire from “The Working Group”.
– Worldwide bank wire codes were switched and reconnected at the satellite level (up the ladder) to collateral accounts through HSBC through AIIB through a 3rd middle man banking holding institution.
– Banks, paymasters and group leaders now just await the return connection (down the ladder) which is a single return code that completes the global currency reset.
– Military, media, diplomats, politicians, international corporate board chairmen and pension / hedge fund managers worldwide are all aware of what is about to take place and in performance ready position.
– Very minimal trading will be allowed in August per normal volumes. Anything above normal will be instantly flagged and corrected by military ghost teams.
– Ceremonially, Grandmother will enter the final “down the ladder” release code and instantly set the world free from economic bondage.
– 800#s will flow out via a pre-fabricated robo call done in multiple languages.
Evidently the internal saturation period for all participating banks globally is scheduled to be completed by October 1st followed by some type of announcement of a new global currency and gold standard. As I have said before, this thing could end a thousand different ways so its better to be prepared now, rather than wait to see what happens. I will post an additional link with more information.
Thank you, Jerry.
Jerry. I actually visit this site for your comments and intel. Thank you for posting!
Skip many; but NEVER Jerry.
His entire concept that only he can see. Mysticism. A bunch of search terms and bots gathering data is predictive for short term thing fairly well. CDC can and does predict FLU outbreaks by search terms.
But this is magic 8 ball stuff.
Greg, you CAN in fact mine the internet real time. But unless you are reading a terrorists governments email, there is not in any search terms today that are going to predict long term future by magic of Hillary disappearing. She is still here.
Like a corner fortune teller, this guy speaks in Generality plus some big things that never appear to happen unless you want to magically turn a neverous breakdown and Hillary waiting until the morning give her concession speech. Thank is disappear. Thst is not even a short term absence. But there appear to be a few that want to buy into this mysticism.
He is looking for suckers. The secret language he knows is gullible people and money.
He does not have a predictive model, he has a religion.
There is a lot the search of today’s stuff on the can predict but long term trends are not it.
Great interview with Steve Quayle.
I visit his web site daily. He speaks the truth.
Thanks Greg
When will the Demoncrats admit Sharia Law is compatible with America? They already have.
Liberals are now endorsing Sharia Law by proxy. Includes the following:
1. Thou shall Rape, Marry, and Divorce Pre-pubescent Girls. Koran 65:4
2. Thou shall have Sex Slaves, Work Slaves. Koran 4:3, 4:24, 5:89, 33:50, 58:3, 70:30
3. Thou shall Beat Sex Slaves, Work Slaves, and Wives. Koran 4:34
4. Thou shall have 4 Muslim male witnesses to prove rape. Koran 24:13
5. Thou shall Kill those who insult Islam or Mohammed. Koran 33:57
6. Thou shall Crucify and Amputate non-Muslims. Koran 8:12, 47:4
7. Thou shall Kill non-Muslims. Guarantee receiving 72 virgins in heaven. Koran 9:111
8. Thou shall Kill anyone who leaves Islam. Koran 2:217, 4:89
9. Thou shall Behead non-Muslims. Koran 8:12, 47:4
10. Thou shall Kill AND be Killed for Allah. Koran 9:5
11. Thou shall Terrorize non-Muslims. Koran 8:12, 8:60
12. Thou shall Steal & Rob from non-Muslims. Koran Chapter 8 (Booty/Spoils of War)
13. Thou shall Lie to Strengthen Islam. Koran 3:28, 16:106
14. Thou shall Fight non-Muslim even if you don’t want to. Koran 2:216
15. Thou shall not take non-Muslims as friends. Koran 5:51
16. Thou shall Call non-Muslims Pigs and Apes. Koran 5:60, 7:166, 16:106
17. Thou shall Treat non-Muslims as the vilest creatures with NO mercy. Koran 98:6
18. Thou shall Treat non-Muslims as sworn enemies. Koran 4:101
19. Thou shall Kill non-Muslims for not converting to Islam. Koran 9:29
20. Thou shall Extort non-Muslims to keep Islam strong. Koran 9:29.
Hey Demon-rats … Judo-Christian teachings are more in line with what America should stand for … like:
1. Love thy neighbor as thyself
2. Thou shall not kill
3. No trafficking of women … No exploitation of children
My wife is a Muslim and you are stark raving insane And I don’t give a rats keister what Greg thinks to be perfectly honest Nuts you’re all NUTS
Nobody is slamming your wife personally. The subject is Sharia Law, which is certainly NOT imposed everywhere in Muslim countries.
It’s good to see Galaxy 500 back and stimulating debate. However, I miss his wingman Robert Lykens.
…or her!
Hi Greg,
I have never listened to Steve before. I had heard about him, just never seemed to be interested. And based on the title I almost did not listen to this interview. Then I read some of the comments and decided to take a peek under the hood.
I will admit Greg, in my opinion, this is the best interview that you have ever done. Steve is awesome. And to listen to two men of God speaking truth is rare as hen’s teeth in today’s world. Speaking openly of Chris Jesus, our Lord and Savior, is sweet music to my heart.
Thank you Steve and Greg. Your brother in Christ, Bob.
More moves in preparation for the economic reset, as China positions itself to put a chokehold on the petrodollar.
Military confrontation/Giant in Afghanistan:
Linda L. Another story with no pictures. I find it hard to believe that with all the cell phones, there is no picture
Great point, but remember that when the incident occurred these soldiers were under orders to change their story line and so I’m sure that any pictures/cell phones/evidence would have been confiscated at that time. This orator of the incident (apparently one of the soldiers) shared the story at a later date. Whether this really happened…..who knows.
Linda L.
I like stories with details but this story has too much details. I’m not buying this one.
Where do you find these people?
Why do you air their views; their views are so liberal that they become extremists. And you have so many commentators in support of that nonsense that I refuse to be associated.
I am out of here for good.
Hold on Larry:
If you’re referring to Mr. Quayle’s reference to giants, just pick up the bible and read the info. pertaining to giants. If you’re not a believer, study the scriptures from a pure historical perspective. Genesis 6:4 says that giants existed on this earth. Deuteronomy 3:11 states that the bed of Og, King of Bashan was 9 cubits by 4 cubits, which is approximately 14 ft by 6 ft wide. Who’s to say that some of this DNA isn’t present today.
Presto change-o!! Another conspiracy theory gone conspiracy fact:
Now the mormons are posting along with the JW’s. Next will be the Blue Oyster Cults.
Greg, your website is attracting false doctrines. Must be doing something right.
Which cults are we missing?
Greg….. Appears Cryptos are now considered….a security…and subject to the SEC rules?
What was Steve Quale going to say about student loans?
So many with so little faith and so much belief in MSM that they are gravely misinformed.
IF you are too lazy to think for yourself and allow others to inform you without the effort to back check, then you are destined to be led down a path.
Never in the last 100 years has it been more important to think out of box.
There are a number of interpretations of Genesis 6. Mr. Quayle’s is but one, and one that I am not in agreement with. I do not believe the canonized Bible validates his postulations on giants. I would not dispute his statements on Yellowstone National Park.
So, Mr. Hunter, if you feel obligated to present differing views on controversial topics to give your followers the chance “to decide the truth for themselves”, then why not go the full gamut: Global cooling with John L. Casey and Planet X with David Meade.
They are no more fanciful than Mr. Quayle, and perhaps (let me emphasize the “perhaps”) have more validity. Mr. Meade speaks of a timeline that is less than two months away — September 23, 2017. Perhaps his and Casey’s extensive research are something your followers should hear and decide for themselves.
I have already decided because I’ve been studying pro and con Planet X arguments for several years now.
Everyone that has predicted Planet X arriving during the first half of this year has been obviously dead wrong. They shamelessly and vaguely come up with excuses and push the arrival date further out. If Planet X was two months away, amateur astronomers would easily be picking it up on their telescopes by now, without any doubt. Also, the sun would be literally going beserk because of the magnetic fields, but it’s not.
Mr. Meade is hawking his book in his articles to ad nauseam, to sell them before 9/23… because nothing is going to happen and this is a waste of our time.
I can agree with you, Pete.
However, Planet X keeps being brought on this site by commentators.
It is possible for Mr. Meade to be more ad nauseam than Mr. Quayle, who is also always hawking something.
I agree. We are all on the same planet, looking at the same universe. If one person can see Planet X, then all should be able to. And sea levels would be rising, instead of falling as NASA reported this week.
Been watching your stuff for the past few years, Greg….
As always the economic and political news is great, but I appreciate how you sprinkle your podcasts with an occasional guest who brings a more “esoteric focus” keep up the good work.
Greg if you need some money to be able to post on Wednesdays let us know. We are here if you need help.
I have been having some ferocious video recording problems. I have U.S. tech help (contracted) and software designers in China. This is a “China” problem and I have been staying up till 4am (12 hours difference in time zones)to try to get this fixed. I think I have it fixed but it’s been tough.
I like Steve Quayle and I liked the interview. As usual Greg thank you for your honest hard word. I watch every interview always!
GOOD NEWS: The Deputy Atty General of Calif arrested for child pornography. Sic em AG Sessions.
There are still people who believe what the government and MSM say? I only believe something is true when they issue the official denial. Anyway, that guy can sure talk. When he’s on CTC he’s all over the place. Notice how he went from zombies to vaccinations to Fords to chemtrails in about 20 seconds. Greg does his best to keep him on track. Lucifer is helping the Catholic church to look for aliens.
Hello Greg,
I have now been studying these many economic models for ten years, but I wish your many listeners and guests speakers would plainly read these New Testament found in James 1:11; and James 5:1-8; it explains the global economic system in an nut shell.
You really don’t have to be a Christian, these words are so clear it shows human beings just what is coming down the pike real soon !
It’s so sad that these clears verses can really be over looked for so long by so many smart minds on your show.
Kind regards always
Robert P. Bailey
There is now ABSOLUTE PROOF a physical Pole Shift of Earth occurred 2015-2016! This is shown from NASA space video/visual released by NASA covering that period. “A picture is worth a thousand words” as the saying goes. There is a 6 minute 37 second documentary on YOUTUBE demonstrating/showing this using the NASA footage. No room for argument after seeing that it seems. Here is how to find it:
1. Go to YOUTUBE.
2. Search using “Marc The Arcturian”.
3. Look for his video entitled ” POLAR SHIFT OF THE EARTH CAUGHT ON FILM!
STRANGE & SPOOKY. ” It is under seven minutes long.
In addition the INUIT people of the Arctic have said in previous warning that can also be found on YOUTUBE and elsewhere that there also was a physical Pole Shift of Earth in 2004.
In light of all of this it seems “all bets are off” in being able to tell for sure Earth’s climate and reaction to these events. There is also the question of WHAT caused these physical Pole Shifts. Any wonder now why the government is concerned about places like California now? “No Atheists In A Foxhole” as the saying goes and it looks like that is what many if not all are in now.
How do Steve Quayle’s writings compare to those found on the website below:
I have read most of Sitchin’s books, and now I am trying to figure out which information from either researcher is correct. What are your thoughts about this?
Great post! Have nice day ! 🙂 lkzta