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Fed Knows LIBOR Rate Rigging is a Criminal Conspiracy-Ellen Brown
By Greg Hunter’s
Journalist Ellen Brown thinks one of the biggest banker frauds on the planet is the rate rigging of the London Interbank Offered Rate, or LIBOR. Hundreds of trillions of dollars’ worth of interest rates are set off of LIBOR globally. Many claim in court they were cheated, and that includes the FDIC. Brown says, “The FDIC suit is different from the others. Most of the previous suits were about anti-trust and RICO, which is racketeering and are federal claims. . . . It involves 16 of the world’s largest banks that Professor Bill Black called the largest cartel, and illegal cartel, in history . . . clearly a criminal conspiracy.” (more…)
True Scale of Dollar Ponzi Scheme Becoming Apparent-Rob Kirby
By Greg Hunter’s
Financial expert Rob Kirby says global central bank fraud is propping up the economy. Kirby contends, “The amount of fiat money that has to be created on a go forward basis rises exponentially over time. So much, much money is being created whether the Fed says they are ‘tapering’ or the Fed says they’re not ‘tapering’ is irrelevant to what is really happening. The money is being created, and they have to find places to hide it. (more…)
Weekly News Wrap-Up 4.18.14
By Greg Hunter’s
A deal has been reached over the Ukraine crisis, and that will supposedly “de-escalate tensions and restore security.” This deal is between the EU, U.S., Russia and Ukraine. I guess this is good news, but I would call it extremely temporary. This is supposed to lead to disarming the pro-Russian militia and returning control of government buildings in Eastern Ukraine. (more…)
Nomi Prins Author of “All the Presidents Bankers“ on Upcoming Collapse
By Greg Hunter’s
Best-selling author Nomi Prins warns, “Never before have the Government and the Fed collaborated so extensively by propping up the banking system to the detriment of the population.” Prins lays out a long history of the relationships between U.S. Presidents and bankers that date back to Teddy Roosevelt and JP Morgan. On her new book titled “All the Presidents’ Bankers,” Prins contends, “That connection with Teddy Roosevelt was a very powerful established entity between two people that has allowed all this stuff that has happened in the last hundred years to really happen. (more…)
BLM Selling Out America-Fabian Calvo
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)
Real estate expert Fabian Calvo thinks the recent standoff between the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and Nevada cattle rancher Cliven Bundy is about much more than grazing rights. Even though this standoff is over, we find out It’s really about sweetheart deals for federal land. (more…)
Weekly News Wrap-Up 4.11.14
By Greg Hunter’s
This headline is only half right–“Putin turns up the heat in Ukraine.” It should read, Obama and Putin turn up the heat. I think this is the big story, and it is being underreported. It has both financial and real war implications. Let’s start with what Russia is doing. It is now going to issue a new bond based in the yuan. Are you getting that? (more…)
Gold and the US Dollar Fight to the Death-Paul Craig Roberts
By Greg Hunter’s
Former Assistant Treasury Secretary, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, says, “Gold and the dollar are in a fight to the death.” Dr. Roberts explains, “The Fed, in order to save a handful of banks too big to fail that are the mindless deregulation of the 21st century, the Fed has had to create a tremendous number of new dollars. The United States has never experienced anything like the creation of new money it has issued from quantitative easing, which is now multi-years old. (more…)
Whole Eastern World Rebelling Against the Dollar-Jim Willie
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)
Financial newsletter writer Dr. Jim Willie thinks 2014 will be a pivotal year for the U.S. Dr. Willie says, “We’re going to end this year with no resemblance to the beginning. We spent a lot of years trying to hold this thing together. (more…)
Weekly News Wrap-Up 4.4.14
By Greg Hunter’s
There may not be a shooting war between the U.S. and Russia, but the financial war is game on. Iran and Russia are in the process of sealing a deal where Iranian oil is going to be traded for goods. The deal is worth an estimated $20 billion (500,000 barrels a day is what the Iranians will be producing for this deal), but they are not trading in dollars. Why would Russia, the world leader in oil production, want more oil? (more…)
Asset Prices Can Collapse at Any Time-Axel Merk
By Greg Hunter’s
Money manager Axel Merk thinks new Fed Chief Janet Yellen can’t do much to improve the labor market even though she claims she’s most interested in helping Main Street and not Wall Street. Merk says, “Yellen is from Berkley, our neighborhood, and it’s all about warm and fuzzy feelings. Ultimately, of course, there is only so much the Fed can do for Main Street. My view is the Fed is the major contributor of the growing wealth gap we have in the U.S. (more…)
Zero Prosecutions of Elites for Most Destructive Frauds in World History-William Black
By Greg Hunter’s
White collar crime expert Professor William Black thinks the nation’s top bankers continue to get away with massive financial crime. The most recent $10 million fine of former Bank of America CEO Ken Lewis for fraud illustrates the ongoing problem. Professor Black says, “He’s not paying $10 million. Bank of America is paying the $10 million. So, he could care less, and he didn’t have to admit anything. (more…)
Weekly News Wrap-Up 3.28.14
By Greg Hunter’s
Crimea may be part of Russia now, but the Ukraine crisis is far from over. Reports are Russia has now amassed as many as 80,000 troops on the Eastern Ukraine border. Russia says they are conducting war games and training, but U.S. military sources openly worry about an invasion. I do not understand why President Obama is saying that Russia is only a “regional power” and is “threatening its neighbors out of weakness.” (more…)
Dollar Value Could Suffer Instant Change-David Morgan
By Greg Hunter’s
Silver expert David Morgan is warning of coming financial changes that may be forced on the U.S. during the next G20 meeting. Morgan says, “The impetus here is the U.S. has had too much financial power backed by the military for far too long, and they (G20) are going to implement change one way or the other. (more…)
Fed Insolvent, Dollar Will Collapse 90% or More-James Rickards
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)
Financial expert and best-selling author James Rickards thinks the “international monetary system is headed for a collapse.” Rickards contends, “It’s really not meant to be a provocative statement. The international monetary system actually has collapsed three times in the past 100 years. It collapsed in 1914. It collapsed in 1939, and it collapsed in 1971. When it happens, it doesn’t mean the end of the world or we all go live in caves. We have a period of sort of economic confusion.” Rickards new book “The Death of Money” is a road map for what is coming. (more…)
Weekly News Wrap-Up 3.21.14
By Greg Hunter’s
This week, we, once again, lead with the Ukraine crisis. Russian President Putin now says, “Crimea is part of Russia.” A referendum in Crimea voted overwhelmingly in favor of joining Russia. The West is not buying it and has sanctioned Russia. This is supposed to be a serious international crisis. So, why are the sanctions so light? (more…)