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More on AIG Cover-up and U.S. Deficit
By Greg Hunter’s
This was a huge week folks. The two big stories I wrote about were the AIG bailout and cover-up and the U.S. deficit. I have a couple of really good stories to pass along that will give you some more perspective on both.
First, there is a lot more to the AIG story that will come out in the future. The Huffington Post ran a story called “Is Bernanke Hiding a Smoking Gun?” It’s about how the Fed Chief was behind the bailout of AIG even though his staff recommended not to rescue the insurance giant. (more…)
Fireworks Over the AIG Bailout and Cover-up!
By Greg Hunter’s
U.S. lawmakers in the House of Representative skewered Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner in a hearing over the $180 billion bailout of insurance giant AIG. Geithner’s credibility was repeatedly questioned by both Democrats and Republicans over the Treasury Secretary’s claim of complete ignorance of the Federal Reserve’s efforts to cover-up details of the bailout. (more…)
Freeze Spending, Raise Debt Ceiling?
By Greg Hunter’s
The Obama Administration is planning to seek a spending freeze for 3 years on domestic discretionary non-security spending. Officials say the freeze could save $250 billion over the next 10 years. That may seem like a lot of money until you compare it to the most recent national debt-limit raise of $290 billion last month. It sure looks to me like we have already spent the future savings and then some.
“Where Should I Invest My Money?”
By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.comI was a featured guest on the nationwide overnight radio show “Coast to Coast AM” last week. The show airs on more than 500 radio stations. “Coast to Coast AM” has a huge audience. So, after my appearance, I was flooded with emails. Many people who contacted me said they were “scared” of what is happening in the economy and wanted to know what to do with their money to keep it safe. I want to share a couple of excerpts from the emails with you: (more…)
Producer Price Index Surges-As Predicted!
By Greg Hunter’s
In the post “Is the Recession Over? Not a Chance!” this past Monday (1/18/10), there was a prediction made about the upcoming PPI. Shadow Government Statistics said, “…annual PPI inflation should pick-up sharply in December.” (more…)
When Is One Vote More Than Just One Vote?
By Greg Hunter’s
Scott Brown is the new Senator from Massachusetts. When a virtually unknown Republican can take a seat formerly held by Ted Kennedy in the bluest of blue states, the word “upset” doesn’t come close to what happened last night. This is nothing short of a sea change, and any Democrat up for re-election should be scared of losing his job this fall. The Brown win was not really a “yes” vote for Republicans but a great big “No” vote on health care. (more…)
Is the Recession Over? Not a Chance!
By Greg Hunter’s
In February of last year, Fed Chief Ben Bernanke testified in a Senate hearing that he thought the recession would likely be “over in 2010.” In September of 2009, The Fed Chief declared “…From a technical perspective, the recession is very likely over at this point.” In December, the Obama Administration’s top economic advisor, Larry Summers, said, “everyone agrees that the recession is over.” Broadcast and print mainstream media are constantly proclaiming we are in a recovery, but who is the recovery for? Not the 27 million unemployed or underemployed people in this country, that’s for sure. (more…)
Fannie, Freddie and Gold
By Greg Hunter’s
On Christmas Eve of 2009, the Treasury decided to lift the caps on how much bailout money failed mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac would receive to stay in business. The caps represented a maximum taxpayer exposure of $400 billion for both companies. Now, taxpayers will be on the hook for an “unlimited” amount for, at least, the next three years. How much is “unlimited?” Well, for starters, Fannie and Freddie guarantee about $4.67 trillion in mortgage backed securities. Add that to the combined debt of nearly $1.59 trillion for both companies, and you get more than $6.2 trillion of taxpayer liability. (The Fed has bought at least $1.25 trillion of Fannie and Freddie MBS) (more…)
The Federal Reserve Will Fight to the Death
By Greg Hunter’s
The Fed is currently fighting tooth and nail in a federal appeals court to keep its bailout of big banks secret. In August of last year, the Fed lost a lawsuit in federal court that would force the 97 year old Central Bank to say who it bailed out during the financial crisis in 2008. The Fed gave a half trillion dollar bailout to foreign banks alone during the financial meltdown.
Unemployment 5 Times Worse than BLS Reports
By Greg Hunter’s
Friday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released its latest unemployment numbers. The BLS said, “Nonfarm payroll employment edged down (-85,000) in December, and the unemployment rate was unchanged at 10.0 percent.” Shadow Government Statistics founder, John Williams, looked at the same data the government did and said, “…payrolls likely declined by about 500,000.” (more…)
Double-Dip Recession Warning
By Greg Hunter’s
There has been some positive financial news to start 2010. Some auto makers reported good sales in December to end the year. Retail sales also perked up in December, and even home sales in some areas showed a small rebound. Does this good news mean the recession is over? I say, not a chance. In a large part, we saw a bounce in economic activity because of all the bailouts and spending. Even Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman is worried about a double-dip recession. (more…)
More on the Banks
By Greg Hunter’s
Monday, I did a post called “Bank Ratings Keep Slipping Away.” My colleague across the pond, Max Keiser, sent me an email with his thoughts on the post. Max is a former Wall Street broker turned financial journalist. He does a couple of different financial TV and radio shows in Europe. (more…)
Bank Ratings Keep Slipping Away
By Greg Hunter’s
I was checking the financial health of my local bank and discovered that it had slipped to a (C-) rating. Not more that three years ago, this bank carried a solid (A) rating. The ratings I am talking about come from The top rating is (A) or “Excellent” next (B) or “Good” followed by (C) for “Fair” then (D) meaning “Weak” and finally (E) for “Very Weak.” Checking your bank is a free service provided by and other sites. I have been checking banks for friends and family for years. This free service will allow you to quickly track the trend of your bank. (more…)
Party At Your Own Financial Risk
By Greg Hunter’s
Everybody on Wall Street is breaking out the balloons and party hats and celebrating the end of the recession. Even Larry Summers, the top economist in the Obama Administration, says “Everybody says the recession is over.” Really? “Everybody” says it’s over? I’ll bet you the more than 15 million out of work Americans won’t say the recession is over. Sure, we did have an upturn in the economy, but it took trillions of dollars we do not have to do that. We paid people to buy cars and houses. The Congress passed and injected the biggest economic stimulus into the economy in history. (more…)
Uncle Sam Plays Santa Claus
By Greg Hunter’s
The government has made some pretty big financial announcements during the Christmas holiday season. So-called Pay Czar, Kenneth Feinberg, decided to boost the pay of an unnamed AIG executive by $4.3 million. Was Feinberg just playing Santa or taking strategic action to get the least attention possible while the media was busy with Christmas and snow storms? (more…)