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Serious Global Pain as Economic Model Dies – Daniel Estulin

Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

International best-selling author, journalist and counter-intelligence expert Daniel Estulin says the problems in the world revolve around the rapidly dying financial system and a “coming global bankruptcy.”  Estulin contends, “We are looking at $3 quadrillion or $4 quadrillion of global debt, and you are looking at the end of the Bretton Woods economic model.  We are at a critical stage for humanity that will determine the direction of the world.  There is much at stake for us but especially for the liberals because their model, which is based on infinite growth, is coming to an end.” (more…)

No War Biden Sanctions, Faster Financial Pain, CDC Scientific Fraud

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 517 2.25.22)

The Biden/Obama Administration said today that “U.S. forces are not going to fight in Ukraine.” Neither are forces from France, UK, Italy or Germany.  There are going to be tough sanctions on Russia, and that is probably going to backfire on the west, which already has a tanking economy with mass amounts of unpayable debt.  Dr. Paul Craig Roberts said there would be “no shooting war” on this week.  The announcement on Thursday says that prediction has already been proven correct.  NATO and the U.S are not going to fight, at least not in metal-to-metal contact sense using their militaries.  Correct call, Dr. PCR!! (more…)

No Shooting War in Ukraine – Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

By Greg Hunter’s

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (PCR), former Assistant Treasury Secretary and international award-winning journalist, says the problems in Ukraine have been boiling for 8 years.  Millions of Russian people were supposed to be protected in Eastern Ukraine under the so-called Minsk Agreement.  It was supposed to stop the fighting, but the fighting never stopped.  Now, Russia has recognized the breakaway regions and has a deal to protect the Russian people there.  PCR explains, “Putin said we have to give them some kind of semi-autonomy.  Let them have their own police in that area so they won’t be persecuted by the Ukrainian majority.  Putin worked out this agreement, and Ukraine signed it.  Germany and France guaranteed it, and the breakaway republics signed it, but we (U.S.) prevented Ukraine from complying with it. . . . The minute Russian troops moved in, the shelling stopped.  It completely stopped, and it won’t start back.” (more…)

New World Order Desperate as Plan Falls Apart – Martin Armstrong

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong thinks the New World Order’s so-called “Great Reset” plan for humanity is falling apart, and the globalists are becoming increasingly “desperate.”  Armstrong explains, “They are basically desperate at this stage.  I don’t think they anticipate the amount of resistance that they are getting.  It’s not just with the truckers in Canada, but this is starting everywhere.  There has been an awful lot of resistance consistently that the press does not cover in virtually every city throughout Europe. . . . . (more…)

Biden Wants More Injections, Clinton Spied on Trump, Fed Inflation

By Greg Hunter’s (2/18/22 WNW 516) 

The Biden/Obama Administration wants more people to be jabbed with a worthless CV19 vax.  That was revealed by a Project Veritas hidden camera sting on top FDA official Christopher Cole.  Cole admitted that the injections were “a recurring fountain of revenue.”  So, it’s not about helping to cure people or science.  It’s all about making money, forcing and coercing dangerous crap on the public while enriching drug companies and government hacks.  Thanks, Project Veritas, once again. (more…)

In 2022 Man Will Turn Back to God – Bill Holter

By Greg Hunter’s 

Precious metals expert and financial writer Bill Holter predicted at the end of last year that in the first half of 2022, all the false narratives will be exposed.  That includes confidence and credibility in the Federal Reserve and, thus, the dollar.  The Fed just had a so-called “emergency meeting” on Valentine’s Day because of spiking inflation.  The meeting produced no action taken by the Fed.  It did nothing.  Holter explains, “Maybe we have a month, maybe we have even less than that.  If they do nothing, then, basically, they have lost credibility.  (more…)

Financial Atrocities at Core of all Global Problems – Rob Kirby

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Macroeconomic analyst Rob Kirby says all the problems of the world, whether it’s the truckers in Canada or the trouble in Ukraine, can be traced back to “obscene” secret money creation and the lies to cover it all up before it blows up.  Kirby, who lives in Toronto, Canada, and has a front row seat to the Canadian Freedom Truckers says, “What’s occurring with the truckers in Canada, what’s occurring in Ukraine, what’s occurring in the South China Sea regarding Taiwan, what’s occurring in the Koreas, all the geopolitical tension everywhere in the world is all traceable back to the money.  The amount of money that is being created is stunningly larger than what has been acknowledged and published for consumption.” (more…)

Rotten Biden Numbers, Desperate Dems, Gold Smells Fear

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 515 2.11.22) 

The numbers for the Biden Administration keep coming in, and every month the numbers more rotten than before.  CNN just reported in a new poll that 57% think Biden’s first year is a failure.  I say this is the best they can make it look, and no way 43% think Biden is making America anything but a third world hell hole. (more…)

Fed Rate Hike Will Cause Hyperinflationary Great Depression – John Williams

By Greg Hunter’s

Economist John Williams says the economy is in deep trouble, and the Fed knows it.  Williams says the Fed talking up “robust economic growth” that is causing inflation is “nonsense.” Williams explains, “The one thing that is not causing inflation is ‘robust economic growth.’  So, when they talk about raising interest rates to kill this robust economic growth that’s triggering the inflation, that’s absurd, and the Fed knows it. . . . (more…)

White Coat Mafia Tyranny – Dr. Betsy Eads

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Dr. Elizabeth Eads is on the frontline of medicine, treating patients who have been injected with the experimental CV19 so-called “vaccines.”  Dr. Eads is back to update us on what she calls a “genocide.”   Dr. Eads continues to say the CV19 injections are not vaccines.  They are “bioweapons” being administered by evil medical professionals.  Dr. Eads explains, “We are in a complete ‘White Coat Mafia’ tyranny right now.  This is a depopulation agenda.  (more…)

Gates of Hell Will Not Prevail, Canadian Truckers and META Tanks

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 514  2.4.22) 

Evil is on the attack in our world, but “Fear Not,” it’s losing.  Matthew 16:18 Christ said, “And I say also unto thee That thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”  This means evil shall not prevail against the followers of Christ, and right now, evil is getting its tail kicked.  The covid scam has all but ended.  Evil powers at CNN are fighting each other in an “evil hating on evil” theme.  It’s another sign that evil knows the scam is up, and the evil demons pushing this crap are running for cover.  The truck drivers and farmers in Canada are the boulders (not sprinkles) flattening the Covid cake.  PM Justin Trudeau is in hiding because even he knows he’s finished. (more…)

Covid War Ending – Gerald Celente

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Renowned trends researcher and publisher of “The Trends Journal,” Gerald Celente, boldly predicted back in April 2021, “We are going to start seeing a big anti-vax movement.”  He was spot on.  Now, Celente has another bold prediction:  “The Covid War is coming to an end.”  Celente explains, “On the virus, my forecast is the Covid war is going to end.  Wind down, I should say significantly, by the end of March to mid-April.  The new fear they are going to be selling after that is climate change.” (more…)

Financial Cycle Down, War Cycle Up – Charles Nenner

By Greg Hunter’s 

Renowned geopolitical and financial cycle expert Charles Nenner says his cycle analysis shows the highs are in for the stock market, and it’s downhill from here—way downhill.  Nenner’s analysis show major support was breached at the beginning of 2022.  Nenner explains, “If it closes below the trend line, you better get out of the stock market, and it did.  Now, in January, it has closed much lower that all the quarterly lows.  This is not making lows on a daily chart but a quarterly chart, and that is much more important than short term. . . . I did a report about how many stocks are in an uptrend and how many stocks are in a down trend.  I think 50% is already in a bear market. (more…)

Vax Die-Off for Next Three Years – Clif High

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Clif High is an Internet data mining expert who uses “Predictive Linguistics” and computer programs to sort through billions of bits of information on the Internet to predict future trends and events. Some of his most disturbing trends he has spotted in his data analysis surround the CV19 vax. High is seeing the vax narrative breaking down. It may only be a matter of weeks before the restrictions and coerced injections are over, but that does not mean it’s clear sailing. According to High, the worst by far is yet to come. High explains, “So, it’s breaking down. The real horror is yet awaiting us, and that’s when all of the people who have been harmed by these injections wake up and realize they have been harmed and will have the natural emotions that accompany that.” (more…)

Collapsing Narratives Continue in CV19, Vote Fraud & Fed Fueled Economy

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 513 1.21.22)

At the end of last year, I predicted that the narratives in three big areas of total fraud and lies would be unraveling in 2022.  I did not think the CV19 narrative would unravel this fast.  The first big Western country to throw in the towel on the CV19 virus and vax fraud fest is Britain.  Out of the blue and without warning, Prime Minister (PM) Boris Johnson stopped masks, injection mandates and work restrictions.  Why the about-face?  Is it as simple as the jig is up and PM Johnson is running for cover?  How far behind are the U.S. and other Western nations? (more…)