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Millions get AIDS from Vax by Fall – Dr. Elizabeth Eads

By Greg Hunter’s

Dr. Elizabeth Eads is on the frontline of medicine, treating patients who have been injected with the experimental CV19 so-called “vaccines.”  Dr. Eads is now seeing first-hand Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, commonly referred to as AIDS.  Let that sink in.  Dr. Eads explains, “Yes, we are seeing vaccine related acquired immunodeficiency in the hospital now from the triple vaxed. . . . It is a vax injury, and we are not really certain how to treat this.  We are kind of throwing the kitchen sink at it. . . . .We are trying to use everything we can think of to boost up the CD4 and CD8 counts and reverse this collapse or calamity of this immune collapse.  It’s very stunning.” (more…)

800,000 Lives Could Have Been Saved with Ivermectin and HCQ – Dr. Pierre Kory

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

In October, Dr. Pierre Kory, a world renowned pulmonary and critical care Covid expert, warned, “The suppression of early treatment in this country is one of the most historically calamitous actions, and history will not be kind here.”  Sadly, Dr. Kory was right and explains, “If you look at us now, we are over 900,000 deaths, and a huge proportion could have been saved.   If you look at Dr. Peter McCullough’s protocol, it was published in August of 2020.  He argued for combination therapy protocols . . . a combination of Ivermectin (IVM) and Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ).  (more…)

Dollar Kill Shot, Lethal Stupid, Fed Can’t Fight Inflation

By Greg Hunter’s  (WNW 520 3/18/22)  (Updated and corrected)

The US  dollar is under serious threat to be steeply devalued.  How is that going to happen?  Looks like Saudi Arabia is considering accepting Chinese yuan for oil instead of only US dollars.  Maybe this is a reaction to the US nuclear deal with Iran being pushed by the Biden/Obama Administration.  Iran and Saudi Arabia are bitter enemies.  If Saudi Arabia does accept yuan for its oil, there is nothing stopping other OPEC nations from doing that either.  (more…)

FDA, CDC Lying About Vax Deaths & Injuries – Mark Skidmore

By Greg Hunter’s

Michigan State University Economics Professor Mark Skidmore is an expert in public finance and policy evaluation.  About this time last year, Dr. Skidmore identified a public policy to withhold lifesaving CV19 drugs such as hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) that cost at least 100,000 needless deaths.  Skidmore is out with a new report that says at least 1.4 million have been killed or seriously injured, so far, from the CV19 injections.  Dr. Skidmore contends the FDA and CDC are covering up serious danger and harm being done to people.  Dr. Skidmore explains, “We need actual scientific studies, but we are not getting them. . . . If the FDA and CDC are only claiming 9 fatalities from the (CV19) vaccine, then clearly that is not the truth.  (more…)

Going to Get Bad, Really Bad – David Morgan

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Last year about this time, precious metals expert and financial writer David Morgan was warning about massive money printing and the so-called “everything bubble” popping.  Inflation is the pin, and it found the bloated debt bubble.  Now get ready for some pain as Morgan explains, “It’s going to get bad, and I mean really bad.  There is already mass starvation at the lower end of the economic scale in third world countries. . . . Prices are going to be untenable for many people, especially those in the middle class. When you get gasoline going up to the $5, $6, $7 range and you’ve got food going up to the level it’s gone up to and continues to go up to, it’s going to be bad.  I am focusing on real stuff, not the bond market or what the price of gold is going to do. (more…)

Globalists Want War, Ukraine Lies & Propaganda, Economy Tanking

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 519 3.11.22)

Even though Russia and Ukraine have been talking, zero agreement has been reached in stopping the three-week-old war between the two countries.  There is no good faith effort to end it, and it appears the Deep State globalists want this conflict to continue. The only conclusion you can come to is, ultimately, this leads to war, and that’s what they want.  Be prepared for this conflict and escalating sanctions to continue for some time to come.  Maybe this is why Martin Armstrong sees a big war cycle coming in 2023. (more…)

Insane Globalists Collapsing World Economy – Martin Armstrong

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

In his interview just two weeks ago, legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong said, The New World Order’s so-called ‘Great Reset’ plan for humanity is ‘falling apart,’ and pointed out, “They are basically desperate at this stage.  I don’t think they anticipated the amount of resistance they are getting.” (more…)

Inflation Surging, Russia Attacking, Vax Killing

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 518 3.4.22)

Get ready for even bigger inflation than you have already seen.  The indebted global economy was already listing from all the unpayable debt.  Now inflation has made a direct hit.  The economic ship is going down, and inflation is surging.  It’s all been put into hyperdrive with the Russian invasion of Ukraine.  It’s not going to end anytime soon. (more…)

Casualties Worse than WWI & WWII Combined – Charles Nenner

By Greg Hunter’s 

Renowned geopolitical and financial cycle expert Charles Nenner says his analysis shows the world is entering into a huge war cycle that could last for many years. Nenner says, “The war cycle is such that there is great danger for a huge war. . . . What I have been writing about is the big danger that Russia, Iran and China will get together.  China is watching how we deal with Ukraine before they start with Taiwan.  I think that is the big one. . . . The West is in disarray, and it does not have a line on where to go or what to do. . . .  This war cycle is going to be bad, and I’ll tell you why.  We do price targets on markets and war cycles, and if you look at the price targets, it tells me that the casualties are going to be much higher than in the First and Second World War.  So, it’s not going to be a joke.” (more…)

Serious Global Pain as Economic Model Dies – Daniel Estulin

Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

International best-selling author, journalist and counter-intelligence expert Daniel Estulin says the problems in the world revolve around the rapidly dying financial system and a “coming global bankruptcy.”  Estulin contends, “We are looking at $3 quadrillion or $4 quadrillion of global debt, and you are looking at the end of the Bretton Woods economic model.  We are at a critical stage for humanity that will determine the direction of the world.  There is much at stake for us but especially for the liberals because their model, which is based on infinite growth, is coming to an end.” (more…)

No War Biden Sanctions, Faster Financial Pain, CDC Scientific Fraud

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 517 2.25.22)

The Biden/Obama Administration said today that “U.S. forces are not going to fight in Ukraine.” Neither are forces from France, UK, Italy or Germany.  There are going to be tough sanctions on Russia, and that is probably going to backfire on the west, which already has a tanking economy with mass amounts of unpayable debt.  Dr. Paul Craig Roberts said there would be “no shooting war” on this week.  The announcement on Thursday says that prediction has already been proven correct.  NATO and the U.S are not going to fight, at least not in metal-to-metal contact sense using their militaries.  Correct call, Dr. PCR!! (more…)

No Shooting War in Ukraine – Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

By Greg Hunter’s

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (PCR), former Assistant Treasury Secretary and international award-winning journalist, says the problems in Ukraine have been boiling for 8 years.  Millions of Russian people were supposed to be protected in Eastern Ukraine under the so-called Minsk Agreement.  It was supposed to stop the fighting, but the fighting never stopped.  Now, Russia has recognized the breakaway regions and has a deal to protect the Russian people there.  PCR explains, “Putin said we have to give them some kind of semi-autonomy.  Let them have their own police in that area so they won’t be persecuted by the Ukrainian majority.  Putin worked out this agreement, and Ukraine signed it.  Germany and France guaranteed it, and the breakaway republics signed it, but we (U.S.) prevented Ukraine from complying with it. . . . The minute Russian troops moved in, the shelling stopped.  It completely stopped, and it won’t start back.” (more…)

New World Order Desperate as Plan Falls Apart – Martin Armstrong

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong thinks the New World Order’s so-called “Great Reset” plan for humanity is falling apart, and the globalists are becoming increasingly “desperate.”  Armstrong explains, “They are basically desperate at this stage.  I don’t think they anticipate the amount of resistance that they are getting.  It’s not just with the truckers in Canada, but this is starting everywhere.  There has been an awful lot of resistance consistently that the press does not cover in virtually every city throughout Europe. . . . . (more…)

Biden Wants More Injections, Clinton Spied on Trump, Fed Inflation

By Greg Hunter’s (2/18/22 WNW 516) 

The Biden/Obama Administration wants more people to be jabbed with a worthless CV19 vax.  That was revealed by a Project Veritas hidden camera sting on top FDA official Christopher Cole.  Cole admitted that the injections were “a recurring fountain of revenue.”  So, it’s not about helping to cure people or science.  It’s all about making money, forcing and coercing dangerous crap on the public while enriching drug companies and government hacks.  Thanks, Project Veritas, once again. (more…)

In 2022 Man Will Turn Back to God – Bill Holter

By Greg Hunter’s 

Precious metals expert and financial writer Bill Holter predicted at the end of last year that in the first half of 2022, all the false narratives will be exposed.  That includes confidence and credibility in the Federal Reserve and, thus, the dollar.  The Fed just had a so-called “emergency meeting” on Valentine’s Day because of spiking inflation.  The meeting produced no action taken by the Fed.  It did nothing.  Holter explains, “Maybe we have a month, maybe we have even less than that.  If they do nothing, then, basically, they have lost credibility.  (more…)