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Global Disabling Debt Will Cause Hyperinflation – Michael Pento
By Greg Hunter’s
Economist and money manager Michael Pento has long warned global central banks would lose control and the ability to keep the financial system propped up. The waiting is over. Pento explains, “The central bank charade is over. Remember back in the Great Recession, they took these emergency measures that were going to be ‘temporary in nature.’ They are not temporary in nature. . . . The quantitative tightening program was cut short. It ended in July. . . . They were only able to take away $700 billion of the $3.8 trillion that they created. So, there is $3.1 trillion worth of base money. That’s rocket fuel of real money in the banking system, dry tinder ready to explode to a hyperinflationary crack up boom. They did it on a permanent basis.”
Gold at All-Time Highs in 73 Countries – Bill Murphy
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)
Bill Murphy, Chairman of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA), says the market manipulators and price suppressers of gold and silver are fighting a losing battle. Murphy explains, “The open interest on silver is at all-time high levels even though the price is barely $17 per ounce. That shows they are going all out even now to keep it down here. So, at some point, they are going to be overrun. They are going to have what we call a commercial signal failure, where these commercials to the big banks and other people who have been suppressing the price are just completely overrun. A lot of people are not prepared for that, but it is in the works right now. I am pretty sure it is going to occur.”
Dems Racist Desperate Panic, Minorities for Trump, Economic Update
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 395 8.9.19)
Democrats’ hateful claim of racism for everything Trump is a sheer act of desperation. They looked bad with Mueller and the Russian “hoax.” Democrat debates have exposed a crazy side of the party that is a huge turnoff to most people, and impeachment is a very long shot. It appears the Democrats know they are not doing well, so they push a false narrative of racism and another hoax of widespread “White Nationalism.” Dems got nothing for 2020, and they know it.
Cheap Money Not Going to Work Anymore – Charles Nenner (#1)
By Greg Hunter’s (Click here for Part #2)
Renowned geopolitical and financial cycle expert Charles Nenner says forget what the mainstream financial channels are saying about more Fed easy money policies pushing the markets higher. Nenner explains, “The clever institutions I work with were selling all the time when the S&P was around 3,000, and the small investor and public were buying, buying and buying. The clever money was so happy then . . . . The small investor buys and all the time they (clever money) get a chance to sell, sell and sell until they are finished selling. Then, suddenly something happens. (more…)
Civil War Cycle Heating up in America – Charles Nenner (#2)
By Greg Hunter’s (Click here for Part #1)
Renowned geopolitical and financial cycle expert Charles Nenner thinks the probability for war and civil unrest is coming around in an intense cycle not seen for decades. Nenner says, “Years ago when we talked about my war cycles, I said I am more worried about internal social war in the United States than outside wars. I think there is a bigger chance in the United States than in Europe. They say it’s Trump’s fault . . . . I say it’s the other way around. If the Democrats would just get things organized and people would not get that angry. . . . The media will always take the other side, so they will never solve it. I think it is the Democrats whose fault it is that all these killings are there and not the Republicans. . . . (more…)
Radical Economic Reengineering After 2020 Election (#1) – Catherine Austin Fitts
By Greg Hunter’s Part #1(Click Here for Part #2)
Investment advisor and former Assistant Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts says what is going on in the economy is going to come to an end after the Presidential Election no matter who is in the White House. Fitts explains, “I think we have to face it. We are in trouble now. Is it going to get a lot worse after the 2020 election? Absolutely. When Trump came in, he may not have realized how bad it was. What he’s tried to do is grow out of this. He has basically gone full-on fiscal stimulus and tax reduction to try to grow his way out of the problem. It’s not working, and one of the reasons it’s not working is he is discovering the model in Washington is everybody is on the take. Nobody is interested in building up the whole. I think what Trump is saying is if you don’t make the pie bigger, we are all going to starve.”
Living in an Unfolding Financial Calamity (#2) – Catherine Austin Fitts
By Greg Hunter’s Part #2 (Click Here for Part #1)
Investment advisor and Former Assistant Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts says forget about the notion of a coming economic meltdown, we are already living in an unfolding financial calamity, now. Fitts explains, “The likely financial calamity is an acceleration of the ‘slow burn.’ It’s not that the stock or bond market comes apart. It is that the stock and bond market continue to be subsidized by liquidating all sorts of people, animals and living resources. In other words, we are liquidating all of life. To engineer central control, we are levering up the debt, and we are liquidating people and countries and things to basically keep that game going while somebody is walking off with tremendous amounts of money that they used to engineer central control. (more…)
Trump Trade, Fed Cut, Trump Wins in Court
By Greg Hunter’s Weekly News Wrap-Up (WNW 394 8.2.19)
Trump hit China with new tariffs this week on $300 billion of goods. His trade negotiation team came back from China without a deal and no deal in site. The tariffs go along with the 25% tariffs already on more than $200 billion in Chinese made goods. They say consumers in America are paying for it, but Trump says China is paying. According to one economist, it amounts to only .1% in higher prices. So, there is not much damage being done no matter what the MSM is saying. What is trump really up to on China Trade?
2019 Democrat Debate 7.31.19 – Greg Hunter Live Analysis
By Greg Hunter’s
I had a nice response for the Democrat Debate on July 30 in Detroit. I came back for the 2nd night on July 31. Unfortunatly, the broadcast was terminated because of using CNN live stream. You Tube said, “Due to a copyright match, your live stream was terminated.” Many other channels using this video were stopped out of their live stream too. That said, the debate was calling Trump a “racist,” and the candidates were talking about giving away more “free” stuff to entice people to vote for them. Nothing really new here, just more crazy spending. Can any one of these people win against Donald Trump? We will see come next November.
2019 Democrat Debate 7.30.19 – Greg Hunter Live Analysis
By Greg Hunter’s
The second round of the Democrat debate took place in Detroit, Michigan, on Tuesday night. The word “free” was used by the debaters at least 17 times. The debate seemed disjointed, and no one seems to have a coherent plan to help everyday Americans. All presidential candidates uniformly touted the perceived racism in America, which, of course, is what many of them are running on.
Deep State Wants Epstein Gone – Kevin Shipp
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)
Former CIA Officer and whistleblower Kevin Shipp says there are big stories with big implications for America that are unfolding now. One of the biggest earthquakes that is going off will be the high ranking Deep State elite surrounding convicted sex offender Jeffery Epstein. Shipp says, “Oh my goodness gracious, the Deep State is darn well scared, and some of its political top participants, I guarantee you, they want Epstein gone. There is no doubt about that. I don’t know why the Bureau of Prisons put Epstein in a jail cell with a cop that killed four people and buried them in his back yard. Epstein should have been in solitary confinement under watch. So, whoever made that decision, it was a complete error in judgment, if not intentional. That should not have happened in the first place.”
Mueller Disaster, Spending Deal, Global Economy Fragile
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 393 7.26.19)
Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller, who tried to uncover dirt on President Trump for the past two years, finally testified in front of Congress about his recently completed report. Democrats pushed for this, but it exploded in their faces as Mueller stumbled, bumbled and mumbled through his testimony. Many are saying his depreciated mental state shows Mueller was the lead prosecutor in name only. The testimony was full of contradictions and gaping holes in prosecutorial logic, but in the end, it still totally cleared President Trump of conspiracy and obstruction. The Dem dream of impeachment has now been totally trashed and discredited by Mueller.
Entering Period of Perpetual Money Printing – John Williams
By Greg Hunter’s
Economist John Williams says be careful what you wish for when it comes to Federal Reserve interest rate cuts. Williams explains, “Unless you can get a good healthy consumer, you are not going to get a good healthy economy. It’s that simple. I think the Fed recognizes that, but they want to get rates higher because that will help the banking system. It will help make lending a little easier and start to return the system to normal. The problem with them backtracking now is the Fed may not ever be able to go back and do what they did before. We may be entering a period of perpetual quantitative easing (money printing). That changes the ballgame, and I am not sure where that’s going to go. It’s not as happy as it would have been if we had gone through a transition where bad parts of the banking system failed and you rebuilt and had a strong buildup from there with the economy and everything else. . . . Perpetual quantitative easing (money printing) is frightening, and it’s a new world. No one has ever seen anything quite like this.”
Who Bails Out Central Banks in Coming Chaos –James Rickards
By Greg Hunter’s
(This in-depth interview (more than 1 hour) will take the place of the Weekly News Wrap-Up and the Early Sunday Release.)
Best-selling financial author James Rickards says “We are still in the aftermath of the 2008 – 2009 financial crisis.” In the up-coming book titled “Aftermath: Seven Secrets of Wealth Preservation in the Coming Chaos,” the crisis of the Great Recession may be over, but “nothing is fixed.” Rickards explains, “I understand the economy has been expanding for 10 years, and we are not in a liquidity crisis at the moment and unemployment is low. We have come a long way from that. The fundamental problems that gave rise to that have not been solved. . . . So, unlimited guarantees, unlimited money printing and unlimited currency swaps and, yeah, they truncated the crisis, but all that happened was the bad debts, the leverage and the problems were now lifted up to the central bank level. You’ve got this progression. First, it is the hedge fund. Then, it’s Wall Street. Now, it’s the central banks. Who is going to bail out the central banks? That problem has not been solved, and it’s still on the table.”
$21 Trillion Missing Biggest Story on Planet – Rob Kirby
By Greg Hunter’s
Macroeconomic analyst Rob Kirby says you may not be hearing much about it from the globalist controlled propaganda of the mainstream media (MSM), but the “$21 trillion in ‘missing’ U.S. federal money is still the biggest story on the planet.” Kirby contends, “It’s the biggest story ever because it explains so much of what is going on in our financial reality. . . . Lots of people in my circles talk about there being a lack of collateral, which is a lack of government bonds in the marketplace. They refer to that as a lack of collateral; yet, we see equity markets making new highs. We see Bitcoin making new highs. We’ve even seen the sleepy precious metals market get some legs and make moves upward in recent months. . . . (more…)