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Trump Hoax Investigation Heats Up, China Trade War is On, Crop Trouble

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 385 5.24.19) 

Last night, President Trump kicked the Trump-Russian collusion hoax investigation into high gear. Trump ordered “the intelligence community to quickly and fully cooperate with the Attorney General’s investigation into surveillance activities during the 2016 presidential election.” President Trump is also giving the authority to declassify documents to AG Barr. Maybe this is why the Democrats, like Nancy Pelosi, are saying crazy things as a way to mount some sort of defense about an investigation that will send many to jail for treason. President Trump said again on Thursday that “Treason” was committed in trying to remove him from office in what FBI officials said was an “insurance policy” in case Clinton lost.


If Deutsche Bank Breaks $6.40 World in Trouble – Charles Nenner

By Greg Hunter’s

Renowned geopolitical and financial cycle expert Charles Nenner says if there was ever a global canary in the coal mine warning for the financial system, it is Germany’s Deutsche Bank (DB). Late last year, Nenner predicted if DB stock went below $8 a share, “You should be worried.” Recently, DB stock hit all-time lows and now sits around the $7.50 per share level.


Massive Crimes Will Soon Be Revealed & Prosecuted

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) 

The FISA abuse report compiled by Inspector General Michael Horowitz is finished and will be released soon according to Dr. Dave Janda from the Operation Freedom radio show. The fraudulent FISA applications, using a phony dossier, made spying on the Trump Administration possible. Not long after the release of the IG FISA report, President Trump will declassify the documents surrounding the so-called “hoax” that he has repeatedly called “treason.”


Traitors Going to Jail, China Trade War, Economic Update

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 384 5.17.19)

 Many think that nobody is going to jail for the Trump Russia collusion hoax that the FBI, DOJ and CIA tried to pull off.  Attorney General William Bar has just assigned a U.S. Attorney to look into the Russia scam that was made up to paint the President a spy.  People are going to be prosecuted and jailed for this treason.   (more…)

Trump Preparing Public for Justice – Mark Taylor

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Mark Taylor, author of the popular book called “The Trump Prophecies,” predicted there would be “military tribunals” the day after Trump was elected to the Presidency. Now that the Mueller report is finished, President Trump is using words like “treason” and “failed coup” in describing the Deep State efforts to remove him from office. President Trump accused former Secretary of State John Kerry last week of breaking the law in meddling with Iran. It is looking like the rhetoric is heating up, and tribunals are becoming more of a reality. Taylor says, “I am going to say about a month ago, Trump came out and used the word ‘treason’ for the first time. The very next day, his press secretary came out and talked about treasonous acts. Trump is preparing the public for what is coming. If you don’t have a stomach for justice, you better get one quick. Justice is here, and it is not going to be pretty when this stuff goes down. I think Trump is trying to prepare the public and trying to make the case that these guys are committing treasonous acts, and don’t be surprised when you see these guys doing a perp walk.”


Trump Makes News, Collusion Hoax Unravels, Economic Update

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 383 5.10.19)

President Trump gave an impromptu press conference today after some announcements on what his Administration plans to do to combat spiraling healthcare costs. He laid out the trade dispute with China, talked about North Korea missile testing and accused John Kerry of illegally meddling with Iran.


Artificial & Fragile Market Very Dangerous – Michael Pento

By Greg Hunter’s

Money manager Michael Pento says don’t confuse a near record high stock market with strength and resiliency. What we have is just the opposite, as Pento explains, “There are some people who will listen to this and say, ‘Hey Mr. Pento, why are you such a Cassandra? Why are you so down? Don’t you know that the stock market is doing great? Don’t you know that I have a job?’ But here’s the thing, the entire edifice, the entire construct is artificial. It is controlled by governments and central banks. Hence, it is much more fragile, infinitely more fragile than if it was dictated by the free market. . . . This has to end badly because the distortions have to be reconciled. It was once okay to have recessions and corrections in the stock market when the stock market was not the economy, but asset prices have become the economy. Therefore, they lead the economy and they don’t follow the economy. Yes, this is going to end badly I am sorry to say.”


Recession Already in Place, Watch Out – John Williams

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

You might be wondering why the Trump Administration is calling for rate cuts and money printing with all the good news about the economy. Economist John Williams of knows why and contends, “We have a recession in place. It’s just a matter of playing out in some of these other funny numbers. The reality is on the downside, where you have mixed pressures right now. People who are really concerned about the economy right now, and that includes President Trump looking at re-election, he’s been arguing that the Fed should lower rates, and I am with him. The Fed created this circumstance. They are pushing for the economy on the upside because they want to continue to keep raising rates. Banks make more money with higher rates, and they are still trying to liquidate the problems they created when they bailed out the banking system back in 2008.”


Barr Battle, 1% Rates Cut & Poynter Institute is Pointless

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 382 5.3.19)

Attorney General William Barr refused to show up for a House of Representatives request for him to testify on Trump collusion that has now proven to be a hoax by the Mueller report. There are calls by Democrats to impeach Barr. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has even accused Barr of lying in other House appearances. The DOJ says Pelosi’s charge is “reckless, irresponsible and false.” Why is this happening? I say it is all to discredit AG Barr. This way, when arrests happen for the Trump Russia hoax, the Dems can claim the Trump Administration is attacking them for their politics and not their crimes. It’s not going to work, and this looks like a desperate act.


Debt Boom Supporting Global Markets, Buy Gold & Silver Now – Gregory Mannarino

By Greg Hunter’s

Market analyst and professional trader Gregory Mannarino doesn’t feel good about the recent new all-time highs in the S&P 500. Mannarino explains, “The environment we are in now is unlike anything we have seen before in world history. The distortions that exist in this market are hard to get your head around. Again, we have never been here. We do not have any resemblance whatsoever of a free market or a free market economy. We are, unfortunately in the United States, managed across the board. The information being fed through the mainstream media (MSM) outlets is all fake. This GDP number we got recently is fake, and that is easily provable. It comes down to this: in order to sustain where we are . . . the relentless acquisition of debt is all that is supporting the environment we are in. There is no recovery, and there is no economic boom. This is a debt boom. That’s what we have, and it’s not just here in the United States. It’s a global phenomenon. It will correct to fair value at one point.”


Trump Coup Biggest Violation of Constitution in History – Kevin Shipp

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

President Trump says the Deep State tried and failed to remove him from office in a coup. Former CIA Officer and whistleblower Kevin Shipp says the attempted coup on Trump was a global conspiracy. Shipp explains, “Yes, this is a coup. This is the most shocking violation of the Constitution and criminal activity in the history, not just of America, but of a western government. Much of this rises to the level of treason. People need to understand how shocking this is. It was a clear conspiracy. There will be arrests and indictments without question. . . . This was a coup. It was a conspiracy. It was criminal activity. These people need to be indicted, charged and need to be put in prison, and if they’re not, then our Constitution is nothing more than a sham. This was a coup against a duly elected President, and people need to understand how serious this is.”


Swamp Arrests Coming, Biden Runs for President, Economic Update

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 381 4.26.19)

Rudy Giuliani says the Clintons “are America’s top crime family.” He said this shocking statement in response to Hillary Clinton saying that Trump would have been indicted if he were not President. This shocking statement was largely ignored by the mainstream media (MSM), but make no mistake, it was no accidental slip by one of President Trump’s top legal advisors. I think team Trump is putting the public on notice there are going to be bigtime arrests made in the D.C swamp, and those will include the Clintons.


Today Looks Like Just Before 2000 Dotcom Crash – Charles Hugh Smith

By Greg Hunter’s

Journalist and book author Charles Hugh Smith says the next market crash and recession will unfold like the bursting of the 2000 Dotcom bubble. Smith explains, “The bubble popped or deflated not for any crisis, but simply because there was too much debt, too much leverage, too much euphoria and unrealistic valuations. I think we are seeing that now in stocks, housing and a lot of other assets around the world. The valuations just exceed what makes financial sense. . . . And remember, we are at the longest expansion in history. It’s over 10 years, and the average expansion lasts 5, 6 or 7 years. So, this expansion is pretty long in tooth. . . . You will get a slowdown, and that is a self-reinforcing feedback loop. Once people stop buying houses and once people stop buying cars . . . then you are going to get people being laid off, less people being able to afford to eat out, and then you get a self-reinforcing recession. It’s not a crisis, but like an erosion because everybody is kind of tapped out.”


This is Bigger than Gold & Silver Manipulation – Chris Powell

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Chris Powell, Treasurer and Secretary of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA), says price manipulation of all markets is a major problem the world faces. Powell explains, “This is an issue far bigger than gold and silver. Gold and silver are just minerals, atomic elements. The issue for us is much bigger than that. The issue is free and transparent markets and having an accountable government. You cannot have those things unless you have freely traded monetary metals markets and freely trading currency markets as well. We don’t worship the golden calf or the silver bull. We are pursuing a much more justice oriented agenda here. We want government to tell us what they are doing in the markets. We want them to be open and accountable, and that requires a free and transparent monetary metals market.”


Mueller Sour Grapes Report, Border Collapsing, Economic Confusion

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 380 4.19.19)

The redacted report from Special Counsel Robert Mueller was released Thursday, and you might as well call it the “Sour Grapes We Didn’t Get Trump” report. There was no collusion and no obstruction but a lot of dirt throwing and whining by the partisan prosecutors who wrote the report. Trump is attacked in this report because he had the audacity to defend himself from false charges. Now, it’s team Trump’s turn to prosecute the perpetrators of this seditious treasonous fraud. People are going to jail over the real collusion to destroy a duly elected President.
