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Wall Fight to Shutdown, Gold Rising, Economic Warnings Abound

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 369 2/1/19)

President Trump is in the process of building a wall on the southern border to fend off caravans, drug dealers and human trafficking. Is Congress going to give the President the money he wants to secure the border and America? Pelosi says no way. Is America heading for another partial government shutdown—way.


Global Collapse Accelerating Buy Gold Now – Chris Martenson

By Greg Hunter’s 

Futurist and economic researcher Chris Martenson says a collapse is “a process, not an event.” Martenson contends the long awaited global collapse, on many fronts, has not only started, but is picking up speed. Martenson says, “Our prediction at is these collapse trends, we have been following for 10 years now, are accelerating and continuing. None of them are reversing at this point in time. These will impact people’s future in a huge way. Environmentally, we see these signs, but we also have $245 trillion of debt in the global economy. We have been accelerating that debt cycle as if we could just keep that trend going forever—we can’t. So, what we see are all these unsustainable trends converging. They are going to happen . . . and people need to be ready.”


Fed Will Crash Markets & Dollar, Gold Protects – John Williams

tomBy Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Economist John Williams warns the Federal Reserve has painted itself into a very tight no win corner. No matter what the Fed does with rates it’s going to be a disaster. Williams explains, “You had some very heavy selling towards the end of the year, and when you saw the big declines in the stock market, you also saw that accompanied by a falling dollar and rising gold prices. That was foreign capital, which was significant, fleeing our markets. So if the Fed continues to raise interest rates, and they want to do that, and they still don’t have rates where they want them, it’s going to intensify the economic downturn. That’s going to hit the stock market. If they stop raising rates . . . and they have to go back to some sort of quantitative easing, that’s going to hit the dollar hard.  Foreign investors are going to say the dollar is going to get weaker, and let’s get out of the dollar. Then, you are going to see heavy selling in the stock market. So either way they go, they created a conundrum for themselves because of the way they bailed out the banking system (in 2008-2009). At this point they don’t have an easy way out of this.”


NY’s New Full Term Abortion Law, National Emergency EO Builds Wall, Failing MSM

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 368 1.25.19)

NY Governor Cuomo signed a law that legalized abortion until the day of birth. Liberals celebrated, but many swear to fight this new abortion law right up to the Supreme Court.


President Trump Surrounded by Traitors – Daniel Estulin

By Greg Hunter’s

International best-selling author, journalist and counter-intelligence expert Daniel Estulin says the world is involved in a “winner-take-all battle” in a dying global financial system. Estulin explains, “What you are seeing right now globally is not a fight between the liberals and conservatives or the Republicans and Democrats or the socialists and capitalists. What we are seeing right now is the collapse of the Bretton Woods economic model. Donald Trump is simply the consequence of this global collapse. . . . What Donald Trump represents is a change of order. . . . Both parties, not only in the United States, Canada, Europe and globally, they represent the same liberal, financier, Wall Street, parasitic order. . . . Today’s liberalism is control of society by the banking elite.”


MSM Covers Up $21 Trillion Historic Government Fraud – Dr. Mark Skidmore

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Michigan State Economics Professor Mark Skidmore has revealed there was $21 trillion in what he calls “missing money” from the Department of Defense (DOD) and Housing and Urban Development (HUD). He and a team of academics used publicly available government accounting reports and revealed their results in late 2017. Now, the mainstream media (MSM) has picked up the story. Instead of sounding the alarm to the public, the MSM says it’s basically all a big mistake and is discounting the biggest accounting fraud in the U.S. government history. Is the MSM trying to cover up and kill this story? Dr. Skidmore says, “They are trying to kill this story, but I don’t think they have killed this story. . . . Basically, what they said was this was just all ‘plugs’ and there is a mix-up in the transactions. It’s really not that big of a deal. They did say it was $21 trillion in transactions that cannot be verified, but discounted it fully.”


Pelosi Trump Battle, Clinton Benghazi Email, Media Continues to Lie

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 367 1.18.19)

The battle to fund security and a wall on the U.S. southern border continues. The tit for tat this week includes Speaker Pelosi disinviting President Trump to the House of Representatives for his annual State of the Union address. Trump countered Pelosi by stopping her from taking a trip abroad on government aircraft (including a stop in Brussels) one hour before she and her crew were about to leave. The President told her to stay in Washington to negotiate an end to the partial government shutdown, and if she must fly, she should fly commercial.


World is Comfortably Unaware of Approaching Disaster – Andrei Polgar

By Greg Hunter’s 

Best-selling author of “The Age of Anomaly,” economist Andrei Polgar, says the world is set up to be blindsided in the next financial disaster. Polgar points out, “Right now, after so many years after the ‘Great Recession,’ not only are people comfortably unaware, but even worse yet, the entire idea of financial preparedness has been discredited. I have noticed this because I have been on many shows promoting my book. . . . People are not that interested in financial preparedness. A common element was always this: People have made predictions, and they didn’t pan out. Other analysts have made gloomy predictions, and they didn’t pan out. So now, the general public has essentially been numbed. One of the big issues I talk about with my book is sustainable financial preparedness, and it’s a tough sell. It’s a tough sell because people are even worse than just ignorant in an uncomfortable way; they are downright dismissive with anything that has to do with financial preparedness. So, on top of all the problems with our economy, and on top of all the political issues you are well aware of, we also have this general state of not even apathy, even worse, contempt . . . of financial preparedness in general.”


Secret Money for Private Armies – Catherine Austin Fitts

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Investment advisor and former Assistant Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts says it looks like a “global recession is coming.” Is that going to cause the debt reset we’ve been hearing about for years? Fitts says, “Make no mistake about it, there is no reason for the federal government to default or monkey with any debt because they can literally print the currency. The question is how do they make sure whatever they are printing really holds any kind of store of value. I think the reason you are seeing them reengineer the federal bureaucracy and financial transactions infrastructure is because they want much greater and tighter control to do whatever they do, and that includes to continue to debase the currency. They could do this (reset) entirely by debasing the currency. . . . (more…)

Debt Reset Begins, Global Banks Issue Dire Warnings, Trump Wall Showdown

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 366 1.11.19 

According to renowned gold investor Jim Sinclair, the global debt reset that has been long predicted has begun. Lots of debt that will never be repaid will be written down around the world. Sinclair says gold and silver will be the last men standing when the dust settles.


Record Global Debt & Chaos in 2019 – John Rubino

By Greg Hunter’s

Financial writer John Rubino says no matter what country, the global debt has exploded to record highs, and it’s going to go even higher in the coming years. Rubino contends, “Government debt is going to soar going forward no matter what. Whether we have three more years of growth or a recession next year, we are going to see massive new deficits and massive increases in government debt all over the world. This is coming at a time when we have already hit record levels of debt and blown right through previous record levels. The last crisis, that almost ended the global financial system, was debt driven. The next one is going to be that much, much more serious because we basically doubled the amount of debt that’s out there since 2005 and 2006.”


Dark Left Starting Soft Civil War – Kevin Shipp

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Former CIA Officer and whistleblower Kevin Shipp says, “I would say we are in a soft civil war, and the ones that are starting this civil war, and they have gotten more aggressive almost by the day, they are what you call the “Dark Left.” They are no longer the party of JFK. They are the Deep State, and the shadow government are at war with the founding principles of this country. They are at war specifically with Donald Trump because he has actually stood in the face of the Deep State and in the face of the Congress and Senate, which is riddled with corruption. This Dark Left civil war they started is intensifying. (more…)

Deep State is Deep Bottomless Corruption – Dave Janda

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Host of the popular radio show “Operation Freedom” Dr. Dave Janda comes on to talk about what has been going on and what’s coming in the fight with Deep State globalists to control America. Janda says before the indictments can happen, Trump “has to clean up the FBI and DOJ.” 25 top people from the FBI and DOJ have been fired or quit for misconduct, including treason in trying to remove Donald Trump form office in a failed coup. Part of the cleanup also includes getting rid of “dirty judges” and installing judges that “will follow the Constitution and the rule of law.”


Christmas Message 2018 from Greg Hunter

The cartoon refers to Congressman Adam Schiff.

By Greg Hunter’s

Christmas only comes once a year, and what a joyous time it is to celebrate the Birth of Christ.  I am giving you my Christmas message, but first, I will talk about the two huge problems in the world, and that is unpayable debt and massive crime.  These two reasons are why everything looks so crazy right now.


Mass Migration is a Globalist Weapon – Alex Newman

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Journalist Alex Newman says the mass migration you are seeing in Europe and on the U.S. Southern border is nothing more than weapon of the globalists who want one-world government in their sick New World Order. Newman contends, “It’s all Western civilization that is under attack. The ‘Yellow Vest’ protests in France are much more than about global warming (tax) policies. The French are tired of paying ridiculous taxes to fund third world dictatorships in the United Nations to tackle a boogie man. . . . The protesters have said . . . there are valid concerns concerning the mass migration. The French people are tired of this mass migration. People all over the world are tired of it. They did surveys here in Europe and Europeans are overwhelmingly opposed to this. . . . In many cases, the strong majority wanted an end to the Islamic mass migration and the governments just do not respond to the will of the people.”
