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Trump Pulls Out of Syria, Market Meltdown, 2019 Judgement

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 365 12.21.18)

President Trump abruptly decided to pull U.S. troops out of Syria and ordered an “evacuation” of all State Department employees. He also ordered troops home from Afghanistan. This was followed by an abrupt resignation from Defense Secretary General Jim Mattis. What’s going on? Who knows, but in a new poll, 80% of Americans agree with the move.


Fed Already Insolvent & Will Only Get Worse – Peter Schiff

By Greg Hunter’s

Money manager Peter Schiff is not surprised the stock market is way off its highs for the year. Schiff explains, “The crazy part was the markets going up. What makes sense is it coming back down. The Fed was really playing a game of how many straws it could put on the camel’s back before it breaks it. Each time they raised interest rates, it was another straw. I postulated on one of my podcasts that the last rate hike that the Fed put through was the rate hike that would break the camel’s back. The camel being the markets and the economy, and I think that’s exactly what happened.”


Sharp Decline Early in 2019 – Danielle DiMartino Booth

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Former Fed insider Danielle DiMartino Booth is not optimistic for a prosperous New Year in 2019. DiMartino Booth explains, “We could easily see a very sharp decline in the first quarter in economic output. We have had a lot of companies and firms do what we call ‘panic buying’ because of the potential raising of tariffs on Chinese goods from 10% to 25%. So, we had a lot of supply pulled forward. There is not a lot of demand on the other end of that for this tremendous inventory restocking cycle we just went through. Then companies are going to slam on the brakes and stop buying in the first quarter. That could really be detrimental to economic health. . . . If (Fed Head) Jay Powell sees the real economy slowing, then I believe he will pause this tightening campaign in early 2019.”


Clinton Charity Not a Charity? Fed $ Trouble and USA Oil Boom

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 364 12.14.18) 

In Congressional hearings on Capitol Hill today, financial experts testified about the wrongdoings of the Clinton Foundation. One of the many big bombs dropped was the fact that the original Clinton charity was only for the Clinton Library. The original function of that charity was never modified as required by law to remain a charity. So, it appears the “Clinton Global Initiative,” and everything else that was not library related, never did the proper filings to be a charity. There were also allegations of “pay to play” by foreign governments like Russia, and we also found out there was an ongoing FBI investigation into the Clintons and their “charity.”


Trend is Clear – Rapid Decline of World Economy – Egon von Greyerz

By Greg Hunter’s 

Financial and precious metals expert Egon von Greyerz (EvG) says don’t expect the global financial situation to get better anytime soon. EvG says, “You know what the politicians are doing now? Theresa May is my best example. These politicians are just running around posing and acting, but they are not achieving anything, and they are not achieving anything because the world is in a mess. What we are seeing the beginning of is the decline of the western world economy, which means the whole world economy. . . . There is no use in putting a time period on it, that it’s going to happen this year or next year. The trend is clear. We know that the world economy is in a mess. It’s going to decline, and in my view, it’s going to be a rapid decline. . . . Gold will reflect all of this, and currencies will be totally debased. . . . (more…)

We are Heading for a Deflationary Inflationary Depression – Michael Pento

By Greg Hunter’s  (Early Sunday Release)

In September, money manager Michael Pento warned, “The massive bubble blown by global central banks is unraveling now.”  Look at the upheaval in markets and he was clearly correct.  Now, Pento sees, “Deflation, say it again, deflation . . . . We are heading for a deflationary/ inflationary depression.  That’s what we have been modeled for.  That’s why we went short in September. . . . We covered the short just before Thanksgiving, and we went short again last Monday just before the crash.”


Mannarino Market Analysis, Mueller Exonerates Trump, FISA Declassification Coming

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 363 12.7.18)

The stock market has made wild swings this week.  Gregory Mannarino from comes on to make sense of it all.  Mannarino gives his analysis on stocks, bonds, interest rates, gold and silver.  Is the market setting up to go higher or fall on its head?  Mannarino breaks it all down.


Deutsche Bank Crimes Can Cause Next Global Crisis – William Black

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has deemed Deutsche Bank as the most systemically dangerous bank in the world. Professor of Economics and Law, William Black, knows why and contends, “Deutsche Bank (DB) poses as what is called a ‘National Champion’ bank and the largest bank by far in Germany, but it’s actually the largest criminal enterprise in Germany. This is quite a statement because VW is such a massive fraud. . . .It is insane that we allow Deutsche Bank to go from fraud to fraud to fraud. . . .They cheat on everything else you can possibly imagine and, typically, they are getting caught, which is also not a very good sign in terms of their competence even as thieves. Even in the United States, there has been reluctance to crack down on Deutsche Bank. . . . (more…)

Declassify FISA Docs Coming, Mueller Desperate, Economy Tanking?

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 362 11.30.18) 

Trump tweeted out a cartoon with some of the people behind bars that failed in taking him out of office in a soft coup. The cartoon asked “When do the trials for treason begin?” Could a release of the FISA documents laced with outright fraud used to spy on President Trump and prove a phony witch hunt be far away? People will go to jail over this.


We’ve Reached the Point of Debt Saturation – Bill Holter

By Greg Hunter’s

Financial writer and precious metals expert Bill Holter has been asking the same question many others have been asking. How long can the heavily indebted and manipulated global economy go before it blows or can it go on indefinitely? Holter says, “It can’t keep going because it’s already stopped. The inflection point has already been hit. If you look at credit growth, it’s not credit growth. It’s either credit stagnation or credit contraction. The global financial system is a Ponzi scheme. In order to continue to reflate it, you have to have . . . exponentially more debt. That’s where we’ve been, and now we are at the point of debt saturation. There is really no ability to add more debt. Look at the U.S. for example. The U.S. pays $300 billion to $400 billion a year going all the way back to the 1990’s. That number never went higher, even though the amount of debt doubled and then doubled again. The reason it didn’t go higher is they pushed interest rates from 7% down to basically zero percent. So, the debt service amount never grew, and now it’s growing, and it’s growing at a time when the U.S. has basically already crossed the banana republic threshold of 100% debt to GDP. In the past 12 months, we spent $550 billion in interest, and it’s on its way to the moon.”


We are Living with Maximum Uncertainty – Catherine Austin Fitts

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Financial expert Catherine Austin Fitts has said for years that the economy was not going to crash, but be on a “slow burn.” How long can they make this heavily indebted game last? Fitts says, “Our problem as investors is we don’t know. If you look at all the information we need to make an intelligent assessment, we don’t have access to that information. I have said many times this is a military question. Who has the biggest weapons and who has the ability to deliver force and control? So, we are living with maximum uncertainty. . . . Clearly, we are headed into a new currency world that’s part of a new control system, but the answer is we don’t know when. My fear with many, many commentators is they are underestimating the power and endurance of the system. I am always getting yelled at because people think I am pro-empire. I am not saying I am pro-empire or I am for the things they are doing to keep it going.”


Greg Hunter Weekly News Wrap-Up & Thanksgiving Message 11.23.18

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 361 11.22.18)

This Wrap-Up will talk about the upcoming problems on the U.S. southern border, the dark clouds I see coming for the markets and the banks. I also want to talk about what I think is the Democrat plan for President Obama’s third term. Oh, and the Clintons and their global charity fraud is not going away as Congress will hold hearings before it flips to Democrat control.


Wildfires Worldwide Unlike Ever Before – Dane Wigington

By Greg Hunter’s 

Climate engineering researcher Dane Wigington says out of control wildfires are not just in California, but a global phenomenon and unlike ever before. Wigington explains, “Let’s look at the facts. This summer we had a state of emergency in British Columbia with nearly 600 wildfires. We had similar circumstances in Alaska, Canada, Finland, Sweden, Norway and Siberia. When you look at these massive fires in California, like the Carr fire over the summer or the campfire that just happened, the Carr fire 240,000 acres burned. In the campfire, 140,000 acres burned. Siberia, in recent years, has lost a hundred million acres, and nobody reports on that. So, we are losing forests all over the globe at an unbelievable rate.” (more…)

Growth Rate of US Dollar Gone Vertical – Rob Kirby

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Macroeconomic analyst Rob Kirby has one burning question for the U.S. Treasury selling record amounts of debt to finance the federal government. Kirby asks, “The question is . . . and more and more people are asking, with the traditional financiers absent from the game, so they are not buying the new debt . . . The question is who is buying it? The only credible answer is the debt is being monetized. This $21 trillion . . . in “missing money” . . . is being mobilized to monetize the debt. It’s memory holed, but this is not a game that can go on forever. This is not a sustainable practice.”


Recount Madness, California Fires, Credit Crisis Coming

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 360 11/16/18)

The Recount has hit a whole new level for the 2018 Midterm elections in voter fraud prone Florida. It looks like Ron DeSantis will be the next governor, but the race between Scott and Nelson is coming down to the wire. Democrats say every vote should be counted, but not when they are illegal aliens and dead people.
