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Wealth Will Go Poof in Next Crash – Chris Martenson

By Greg Hunter’s

Economic researcher and futurist Chris Martenson says if you believe everything is great with the economic turnaround, you have to believe “fundamentals don’t matter.” Martenson explains, “Of course, fundamentals matter, but they don’t seem to these days.  Take every company that has a market cap of $2 billion or higher and a price to earnings (P/E) of more than 50 or higher and what do you get?  You get a list of 236 companies.  These are not small companies . . . these are big companies.  We saw a number of these things that showed up in 2000, but they were really concentrated in the tech sector.  This time . . . you’ve got bio tech, food companies, Yelp, 21 companies from the oil and gas sector.  These are all sorts of different sectors, and what we are seeing is caution to the wind and fundamentals don’t matter.  That means if you buy a company with a 50 P/E, you are willing to wait 50 years at current earnings to earn that dollar back.  I also found page after page of companies with 200, 300 and 400 P/E.  It’s astonishing.”


Fed Scared to Death of Causing Global Financial Crash – Nomi Prins

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Two time, best-selling author Nomi Prins says central bankers have no idea how to stop the easy money policies that they started after the financial meltdown of 2008. Prins explains, “So, when the Fed says they are going to remove assets from their $4.5 trillion book by not reinvesting the interest payment . . . the reality is they haven’t really done that.  They have reduced their book by about $10 billion off of $4.5 trillion since they mentioned they were going to start ‘tapering.”  The media discusses this as a major tightening move.  Somehow all of our economies have finally worked because of central bank activity.  Growth is real.  It’s all positive.  The markets are evidence of that because of the levels they are at; and, therefore, these central banks, starting with the Fed, are going to reverse course of these last 10 years.  The reality is if you look at the actual activity of the central banks, beyond the Fed raising rates by a little bit, there hasn’t been and there isn’t being a reversal of course because they are scared to death that too much of a reversal is going to cause a major crash throughout the financial system. Everything is connected.  All the banks are connected.  Money flows around the world in less than nanoseconds, and all of it has the propensity to collapse if that carpet the central banks have created is dragged from beneath the floor of all this activity.” (more…)

Mueller Investigation Now Doomed, Fake News Awards and Economic Update

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 318 1.19.18)

A bombshell memo will probably cause the end of the Mueller investigation into the Trump Administration and the so-called Russian collusion story. New evidence, in the form of a four page memo, shows the entire case against the President and his Administration is based on a phony dossier paid for by Hillary Clinton. The President called this Special Prosecutor investigation a “witch hunt” from the beginning, and it looks like he was correct—again.


Reset Rule of Law – Dr. Dave Janda

By Greg Hunter’s  

Dr. Dave Janda is a radio host and a patriot who is a Washington outsider with insider contacts. Janda says a new Inspector General’s report will be the beginning of the reset of the rule of law.  Janda explains, “Comey, Lynch and Clinton are now in the crosshairs, and I believe that’s accurate.  Many people believe that the Inspector General’s report was not going to happen and was not going to be turned in.  1.2 million pages were delivered to Congress. . . . The reason why this report is important is, I believe, it will reset the rule of law in this country.  (more…)

Trump Has Declared War on the Deep State – Kevin Shipp

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Former “high-level” CIA officer Kevin Shipp says President Trump has “declared war” on the so-called Deep State and the shadow government. Shipp explains, “I differentiate between the ‘Deep State’ and the shadow government.  The shadow government are the secret intelligence agencies that have such power and secrecy that they act even without the knowledge of Congress.  There are many things that they do with impunity.  Then there is the ‘Deep State,’ which is the military industrial complex, all of the industrial corporations and their lobbyists, and they have all the money, power and greed that give all the money to the Senators and Congressmen.  So, they are connected, but they are really two different entities.  It is the shadow government . . . specifically, the CIA, that is going after Donald Trump.  It is terrified that some of its dealings are going to be exposed.  If they are, it could jeopardize the entire organization.”


China Debt Threat, Iran No Deal, Economic Update

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 317 1.12.18) 

China threatened to stop buying U.S. Treasury debt. The main stream media is ignoring this story, but former Assistant Treasury Secretary Dr. Paul Craig Roberts once said, “If China started to sell U.S. debt, it would be the end of America.”  It’s a very big deal, and China is sending a very big message to the Trump Administration.


Inflation is Theme for 2018 – Gregory Mannarino

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) 

Analyst/trader Gregory Mannarino is not bullish on the US dollar, and that should worry the man on the street. Mannarino explains, “Inflation is going to be the theme of 2018.  How do we know this is going to be the case?  Let’s look at what happened to the dollar last year. . . . The dollar got melted down last year, and this trajectory has been going on for decades.  It’s just getting progressively worse, and it’s going to continue this year.  It’s amazing to me to think that anyone thinks the dollar is going to get stronger from here.  President Trump wants a weak dollar.  He wants to keep the dollar low in relation to other currencies. . . . The weaker dollar is stock market positive.”


Trump Trafficking EO, Voter Fraud, CNN Pot New Year

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 316 1.5.18) 

The Trump Executive Order (EO) on “human rights or corruption” may get some use in 2018. Anonymous sources and Washington insiders think this EO will be used to mount a counter attack against the so-called Washington Swamp and the Deep State who are trying to kick President Trump out of office.  The order allows the Treasury Department to block and take assets of anyone involved in human trafficking or corruption, and this means any corruption.  In short, Trump is going to war against globalists who have been selling out and ripping off America for decades.  Some Intel experts say this is one of the most pivotal times in American history.


2018 Economy Goes Cold – Inflation Hot – Danielle DiMartino Booth

By Greg Hunter’s 

Former Fed insider Danielle DiMartino Booth is not optimistic about a surging economy in 2018. Booth contends, “We have seen 24 consecutive back-to-back months when credit card spending has outpaced incomes.  That tells you households are struggling to get by.  This is not Eve Saint Laurent handbags and Jimmy Choo shoes.  These are families who are using their credit cards to take care of the necessities, to fill up the gas tank, to buy groceries and fill up their refrigerator. . . . We have seen month after month of subprime automobile delinquencies, and we are starting to see a big tic up in FHA mortgage delinquencies as well. . . . We are at almost 10% (delinquencies) of FHA mortgage loans.  Underlying this sugar high that we will see from all of these hurricanes and rebuilding efforts and wildfires, underneath that, still waters run deep and the economy is not doing well.  We are a consumption driven economy that is weakening underneath.  The sugar high will absolutely wear off in 2018.”


New Year Message & Last Weekly News Wrap-Up 2017

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 315 12.29.17) 

Greg Hunter of gives his take on the past weeks stories and the year that was 2017 in the Weekly News Wrap-Up.


2018 Predictions & Beyond – Almost All Positive – Clif High

By Greg Hunter’s 

Internet data mining expert Clif High says he’s “heartened by the positive nature of the information” he’s received in his latest report. Clif High uses something he calls “Predictive Linguistics,” which sorts through billions of bits of information to predict future trends and events.  One of many big predictions Clif High made several months ago involved sexual misconduct would be revealed, especially in the mainstream media.  So, are the sexual misconduct revelations over?  Clif High says, “No, the part we saw in 2017 was kind of like the titles.  We’ve got the main feature coming up in 2018 and in 2019.  (more…)

Christmas Message 2017 – Greg Hunter

By Greg Hunter’s

Greg Hunter of gives his Christmas message.  He also talks about the good news in some top stories such as the Trump tax plan that just passed both houses of Congress.  The best news is Jesus Christ was born to save the world, and we celebrate his birth.


Gold Only Safe Asset Left – David Stockman

By Greg Hunter’s 

Record high stock and bond prices are flashing danger signs to former Reagan White House Budget Director David Stockman. Stockman contends, “I don’t think we are going to have a liquidity crisis.  I think it’s going to be a value reset.  I think there is going to be a jarring downward price adjustment both in the stock market and in the bond market.  This phantom or phony wealth that has been created since the last crisis is going to basically evaporate.”


Trump Tax Cuts Will Start Monumental US Boom – Martin Armstrong

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Legendary financial and geopolitical analyst Martin Armstrong says the Trump tax cuts are going to be a very positive move for the U.S economy. Armstrong explains, “It’s huge, I cannot tell you how much. . . . Any company that doesn’t bring its cash back under this deal should be sold short, basically.  You bring it in because who knows what will happen when the politics change.  It’s a one-time deal.  You get to bring it in, and you better get it in fast.”


GOP Finally Defeats Moore, Fire Mueller, Economic Danger Signs

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 313 12.15.17) 

Looks like the GOP finally defeated its own candidate for Senator in the Alabama Special Election. The GOP could not stop Moore in the primary after spending $32 million, but it teamed up with Democrats and got Moore defeated.  Moore is not conceding, and plenty of people are saying there was voter fraud.  It’s a long shot that Moore could force a recount, but even so, a last minute court decision in Alabama allowed paper ballots to be destroyed after a winner was declared.  Some say that will make a recount next to impossible.  Congratulations Mitch McConnell, you got a Democrat elected in a 60/40 Red state.
