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Fed Darth Vader – Bitcoin Pump & Dump – Gregory Mannarino

By Greg Hunter’s

Analyst/trader Gregory Mannarino says the record high stock markets have some big money people worried, and you should be too. Mannarino says, “On a weekly basis, yet another fund manager is coming out to speak against stock market evaluations and against what the Federal Reserve is doing.  Stanley Drukenmiller, a multi-billionaire hedge fund manager, came out on CNBC, and they didn’t turn him off.  He said the Federal Reserve is the Darth Vader of the financial markets and has inflated asset bubbles all over the place.  They let him talk.  They didn’t cut him off.”


U.S. Government Criminal Enterprise – Catherine Austin Fitts

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Financial expert and investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitts says the U.S. Government runs on massive criminal activity. Fitts explains, “The U.S. economy is deeply dependent on criminal cash flows.  We’re the global leader in money laundering.  If we stopped doing that, the economy would be in for a major, major change. . . . The preference for most Americans is to keep that system going as long as it works for them.  So, it you are a public official, you are between a rock and a hard place.  If you press the red button and stop the illegal cash flows, then all hell breaks loose. . . . The U.S. Government has been run as a criminal enterprise, and I have documented and proved that on multiple occasions.  (more…)

Trump Jerusalem Firestorm, Mueller Witch Hunt Investigation, Bitcoin Panic

By Greg Hunter’s (12.8.17 WNW 312)

President Donald Trump has done what many previous presidents have promised in the past, and that is to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Presidents Obama, Bush and Clinton all said they would recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the Jewish state, but never did. The reason was the efforts to get an Israeli and Palestinian peace deal, which has been tried but never accomplished. Now, the world is outraged at President Trump’s bold move. Violence is expected, and U.S. allies are angry, but Trump has thrown his support decidedly behind Israel. Is this a Biblical power play that will be blessed by God the Father?


Missing $21 Trillion Means Federal Government Is Lawless – Dr. Mark Skidmore

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Michigan State University economics professor Mark Skidmore made an astounding discovery about the finances and budgets of the U.S. federal government earlier this year. He and a team of graduate students discovered $21 trillion missing in the federal budget going back to 1998.  Dr. Skidmore, who specializes in public finance, explains, “We know from official government sources that indicate $21 trillion is, in some way, unaccounted for.  Furthermore, if we come back to the Constitution, all spending needs to be authorized by Congress.  It looks to me, and I think I can conclude with a high degree of certainty, there is money flowing in, as well as out, that is unaccounted for. . . . That’s the one thing we know from these documents, that there is $21 trillion in unaccounted funds.”


NK Missiles Can Hit DC, Record Stock Market Again, Bitcoin Bubble?

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 311 12.1.17)

North Korea had another very successful missile test. This time it went 10 times higher than the international space station.  Secretary of Defense James Mattis says this proves North Korean ballistic missiles can now reach Washington or anywhere else in the world.  President Trump was quoted as saying “We’ll take care of it,” but didn’t explain what he meant.  Trump also said of the North Korean Missile launch, “It is a situation that we will handle.”  UN Ambassador Nikki Haley was blunter and said, “If war comes, make no mistake, the North Korean regime will be utterly destroyed.”  At the very least, more sanctions are coming for North Korea.


Climate Engineering is Planetary Omnicide – Dane Wigington

By Greg Hunter’s

Geoengineering researcher Dane Wigington says recent Senate hearings confirming the science of geoengineering means dangerous climate changes are underway.  Wigington says, “They have to control the message, and notice they always use the term ‘chemtrails’ because that term always leads to a dead end.  It’s not a scientific term, and they want us to use that term.  You don’t see them using the geoengineering, climate engineering, solar radiation management and aerosol injection term because they don’t want people to understand this issue is real.  (more…)

Dark Money Will Cause Hyperinflation – Rob Kirby

By Greg Hunter’s  (Early Sunday Release)

Macroeconomic analyst Rob Kirby says there is enough so-called “Dark Money” already out there to cause hyperinflation. Kirby explains, “The Saint Louis Fed keeps track of the monetary aggregates, and they tell us the money supply is “X.”   My view of reliability of that data reporting–I think it’s all bogus because they are not measuring or counting how many dollars would be contained in an entity like the Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF) where it’s “Dark Money.”  Instead of the money supply being “X,” maybe the real money supply is 4 or 5 or 10 times “X.”


Thanksgiving Message 11/23/17 – Greg Hunter

By Greg Hunter’s 

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!  I have plenty to be thankful for, and the community is one of the biggest things.  I have a few thoughts on this important holiday I want to share with you all.  (more…)

Fed Fears New Record High Credit Bubble – Danielle DiMartino Booth

By Greg Hunter’s

Former Federal Reserve insider Danielle DiMartino Booth says the record high stock and bond prices make the Fed nervous because it’s fearful of popping this record high credit bubble. DiMartino Booth says, “The Fed’s biggest fear is they know darn well this much credit has built up in the background, and the ramifications of the un-wind for what has happened since the great financial crisis is even greater than what happened in 2008 and 2009.  It’s global and pretty viral.  So, the Fed has good reason to be fearful of what’s going to happen when the baby boomer generation and the pension funds in this country take a third body blow since 2000, and that’s why they are so very, very intimidated by the financial markets and so fearful of a correction.”


Plot to Destroy Trump Hatched in Obama White House – Edward Klein

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Best-selling author Edward Klein’s latest best-selling book is called “All Out War: The Plot to Destroy Trump.” Klein reveals that this plot started in the Obama White House just weeks after Donald Trump won the 2016 election.  Klein explains, “Susan Rice was invited to come to a dinner party and give the President (Obama) a plan, and her plan was to unmask the names of Donald Trump associates who had been inadvertently picked up by electronic intercepts by the National Security Agency (NSA).   (more…)

Alabama Will Vote for Moore, Trump Asia Trip, Plan on Inflation

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 310 11.17.17)

The saga of Roy Moore continues with twists and turns and dirty tricks by the Deep State. It’s been revealed that a so-called robocall campaign to try and find dirt on Senate candidate Roy Moore happened after he won the GOP primary.  Now, the only piece of evidence in multiple accusations that Roy Moore committed sexual misconduct has been called into question.  Moore and his attorney are charging a yearbook inscription from the 1970’s, that proves contact with one of the alleged victims, is a forgery and a fraud.  Moore denies any and all wrongdoing and is going to sue two women with the most damaging claims.


Mother of All Bubbles Too Big to Pop – Peter Schiff

By Greg Hunter’s 

Money manager Peter Schiff correctly predicted the financial meltdown in 2008. Now, 10 years later, what does Schiff see today?  Schiff says, “I predicted a lot more than just the stock market going down back then.  I predicted the financial crisis, but more importantly, I predicted what the government would do as a result of the financial crisis and what the consequences of that would be because that’s where we’re headed.  The real crash I wrote about in my most recent book is still coming. . . . This is the third gigantic bubble that the Fed has inflated, and when this one pops, it’s not going to be ‘the third time is a charm.’  It’s going to be ‘three strikes and you’re out.’  I think this bubble is too big to pop.  I think it’s the mother of all bubbles, and when it bursts, there is not a bigger one that the Fed is going to be able to inflate to mask these problems, meaning we can’t kick the can down the road anymore.”


Running Straight into Worst Case Scenario – Gregory Mannarino

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Trader/analyst Gregory Mannarino is nervous about the distortions in the markets that are breaking records. Mannarino contends, “It’s going to come down very, very, very rapidly.  There is not going to be any slow burn here whatsoever.  It’s going to be every man or woman for themselves.  Everyone is going to run to the door at the same time.  At some point, nobody is going to want to buy anything.  This is a worst case scenario.  In a managed market like we have right now, I cannot imagine a way we are not running into a worst case scenario.”


Trump Deals with China, Senate Tax Cuts-NOT, Financial Market Warning

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 309 11.10.17) 

The most important stop on President Trump’s Asia visit is undoubtedly China. Trump slammed the massive trade deficit, but did not blame China for cutting a deal that was to their advantage.  Trump blames the lopsided trade deficit on past administrations and Congress.  Trump is trying to balance the scale between the U.S. and China by pushing $250 billion in deals.


Mind Boggling Treasonous Acts Exposed and Punished – Mark Taylor

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Former firefighter Mark Taylor, author of the popular book “The Trump Prophecies,” correctly predicted President Donald Trump would win the 2016 election.  The day after Trump’s historic win, Taylor predicted there were going to be “military style tribunals” to clean up the massive corruption in Washington.   Now, with revelations of bribes by Russian agents given to the Obama Administration in a shady uranium deal, a rigged primary by Hillary Clinton and an Obama Administration “plot to destroy Trump,” revealed in a new book, is there any wonder why former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich is calling this “the biggest political corruption scandal in U.S. history.”   Against this backdrop, the “military tribunals” predicted by Taylor do NOT look farfetched now.
