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Fake News is Real, Trump Not Criminal Target, Trade War or Negotiation?

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 329 4.6.18)

A new Poll uncovers that 77% of Americans think the legacy media, or mainstream media (MSM) like CNN and the New York Times (among others), regularly reports news that is not true. Sometimes the stories are just plain fake news, and other times the MSM just lies by omission and covers Stormy Daniels and omits that the country is “missing” $21 trillion.


Fed Panic Stricken About Inflation – Michael Pento

By Greg Hunter’s

Money manager and financial writer Michael Pento says the federal government is “burning the furniture to heat the house.” Pento contends, “If you are burning the furniture in your house to heat your house, guess what, you are not too far away from freezing to death.  The government is now selling its assets to try to make the fiscal situation look better.  We have so much red ink in the government today.  Our debt to GDP ratio is now way above 100%.  The budget deficits are way over $1 trillion and going much higher.  The government is forced now to sell assets to try to make it look better. . . . They’re so desperate for money that they are draining the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.  They are selling 100 million barrels and draining the Reserve down 45%. . . . That comes to $6 billion.  We are so desperate for money from any place.”


Global Gold Supplies Getting Tighter – Rob Kirby

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)  

Forensic macroeconomic analyst Rob Kirby says big money knows “gold supplies are tight” and getting tighter by the day.  Kirby, who also arranges gold sales by the ton on a global scale, explains, “There are reports of people trying to buy institutional amounts of physical gold bullion in the Asian market, and there is none available even if they are paying a premium.  I’m not talking about availability at the coin shop where you would buy two American Gold Eagles or a Gold Panda.  I am talking about institutions wanting to buy serious amounts of physical gold bullion in bar form.”


Iran Israel Conflict Coming, More Voter Fraud, Dems 2018 Lies

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 328 3.30.18) 

Iran and Israel are moving closer to armed conflict. It was reported this week that two Israeli jets have been flying in Iran’s airspace.  No attacks were made against Iran, but what were those jets doing there?  Are they mapping out areas to attack Iran’s nuclear program?  The jets are U.S. made stealth F35s and were in and out totally undetected by Iranian radar and Russian radar in Syria.  There is also going to be a big protest this weekend going into the Jewish Passover Holiday on the Gaza/Israeli border.  Many are worried Hamas terrorists will use this protest as cover to attack Israel.


Jig Is Up for the Dollar – Andrew Maguire

By Greg Hunter’s 

Will physical gold and silver prices ever break free of manipulation and price suppression? Renowned gold expert Andrew Maguire with Tom Coughlin, who is CEO of Kinesis that will be rolling out a gold backed currency in the fall, both say yes.  So, what is it about?  Coughlin explains, “It’s actually classified as a monetary system, and it’s called Kinesis.  The reason we call it Kinesis is that it actually stimulates the flow of money.  We see this as reintroducing the gold and silver standard through this monetary system.”


Rothschilds & Rockefellers Need to Go Down to Free America – Dave Janda

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)  

Radio host Dr. Dave Janda says Trump is working on draining the swamp in Washington D.C., but the job is huge and it takes time. Janda explains, “Many people have said I haven’t seen anybody put in an orange jump suit and perp walked that is high up on the totem pole.  They are correct when they say that, but that doesn’t mean it’s not going to happen.  That’s not hopium.  I believe it will happen.  Bob Mazur, former undercover DEA agent who was one of the people responsible for taking down Pablo Escobar and taking down the BCCI Bank, they were laundering drug money.  Bob says when you are taking down a huge organization . . . this operation was big, but small compared to this globalist swamp that has been created for well over a hundred years.  So, Bob says when you are working on an operation, everybody gets impatient because things aren’t happening fast enough. (more…)

Dow Plunge, Bolton In, Facebook Folly

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 327 3.23.18)

The DOW took a cliff dive into a shallow pool and crashed more than 724 points. Some say it was because of the possibility of a new trade war.  Trump announced new tariffs against China.  Gregory Mannarino of says it’s not just trade war fears driving the market down.  It is also interest rate hikes by the new Fed Chairman, and the exploding federal deficit with the latest $1.3 trillion spending orgy getting ready for passage in Washington D.C.  Mannarino says, “This is going to go until we hit a wall, and that wall is getting closer every day.”


New World Order Targets American Freedom – Alex Newman

By Greg Hunter’s 

Award winning journalist Alex Newman has extensively covered the push towards a so-called New World Order by the global “Deep State.” New revelations about millions of Facebook user profiles show the battle lines start in cyberspace.  Newman says, “It’s really hard to tell where the social media firms begin and where the “Deep State” ends. . . . In all these globalist confabs . . . what you see are the leading executives of Facebook, Google, Twitter, Linked In, Amazon and Microsoft.  These are the same people involved in the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission and the World Government Summit.  They all come and give their little speeches, and what you see, and it’s becoming clearer in the last few weeks, they are undergoing a systematic campaign to censor, to silence and to sideline conservatives, Christians, Libertarians and people who say anything that contradicts the agenda.  We saw a massive purge just in the last few weeks of YouTube channels.  We know Facebook has been manipulating their algorithms to censor conservatives so stuff doesn’t get trending.  This is across the board on all these social media platforms.”


Not a Time to Walk in Fear – Mark Taylor

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Mark Taylor, author of the popular book “The Trump Prophecies,” says do not fear the disturbing things you are seeing in Washington D.C. and elsewhere. Taylor says, “It is not a time to walk in fear. It’s a time to walk in faith. No matter what we see or our minds are telling us . . . because God has got his hand on everything that is going on—period. . . . The enemy is pulling out every weapon in the warfare right now because he is extremely nervous. . . . God is taking this cabal down, or Illuminati and all these people that are involved in all this stuff to try to take America down and instill the New World Order (NWO). This is what this is about, and it’s getting rid of the NWO.”


Tensions Explode With Russia, Trump Fires Problems, Economic Update

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 326 3.16.18)

The U.S., UK, France and Germany are all blaming Russia for a nerve agent attack on a former Russian spy in Britain. Russia is denying the attack, but that is not stopping Prime Minister Theresa May from expelling Russian diplomats.  Russia is reportedly responding in kind.  President Trump is adding sanctions against Russia, and the whole thing may be a prelude to a global conflict or at least a trade war.


Deep State Could Pull Plug on Markets – David Morgan

By Greg Hunter’s

Precious metals expert David Morgan says the prolonged sideways price of silver is what bottoms look like in the precious metals market. Morgan explains, “This market has not moved for a very long time . . . Silver bottomed in December of 2015, and, yes, we have gone up and down and up and down, but the overall lows have been higher lows, which is the definition of an uptrend.  Silver and gold have started a subtle uptrend from the bottom in 2015, but it certainly has been slow and tedious and back and forth.  I coined a phase, ‘silver will either scare you out or wear you out.’  We are in the wear-you-out phase.  A lot of people who were believers at one time have become non-believers.  The markets have worn them out, and they have moved on to something else.” (more…)

Clinton Charity Fraud Biggest Scandal in US History – Kevin Shipp

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Former CIA Officer and whistleblower Kevin Shipp says the reason for all the crime and treason at the FBI and DOJ all boils down to one thing–the Clinton so-called “charity.” Shipp explains, “Hillary Clinton was running and is running a global financial criminal syndicate.  She was using these secret servers to conduct Clinton financial money laundering business.  The shocking thing about that is all the former directors of the CIA that have come out to support her, from Clapper to Brennan to Morell to Robert Gates supporting her being elected, knew about this criminal syndicate.  Comey was protecting it.  Lynch was protecting it.  Weissmann was protecting it.  And that is the big why.  What’s she got on these people?  Are they financial ties?  They had to be aware of this, especially the counter-intelligence units.  We know it was hacked into by foreign intelligence services because it was just hanging out there.  Hillary Clinton was running a secret server outside the Department of State for the purposes of laundering money through the criminal Clinton Foundation.”


Kim Jong Un Blinks, Tariffs On, Dems Will Cheat in 2018

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 325 3/9/18) 

The leader of North Korea, Kim Jong Un, appears to have blinked in the face of pressure President Donald Trump has put on him. It’s reported the U.S. military was in the process of planning a possible preemptive strike on the North Korean regime.  “Un” has invited President Trump to talk about nuclear disarmament in May, and Trump has accepted. (more…)

Federal Government is a Money Laundering Operation – Catherine Austin Fitts

By Greg Hunter’s 

Financial expert and investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitts contends the Federal Government allows pension funds to be robbed. Fitts explains, “Our pension funds have real money.  Those pension funds basically finance the government and what the government is doing.  So, they buy Treasury securities, and then the government turns around and gives that money to the black budget firms.  It goes down the rabbit hole, and, meantime, what we get back in our pensions is an IOU from the government, which now we owe ourselves.  We are giving up real money, and what we are getting is an IOU from ourselves back.  If you step back and look at it at the highest level, it is a huge money laundering scheme.”


Fed Spooking Markets – Gregory Mannarino

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Professional trader Gregory Mannarino says the new Fed Head, Jerome Powell, caused the market to sell off last week, not Trump tariff talk. Powell blurted out in Congressional testimony that the “U.S. is not on a sustainable fiscal path.”  Mannarino explains the truth bomb Chairman Powell dropped, “I think this guy was nervous.  I think he’s getting shook up here.  I think the weight of his position is weighing on him a little too much, and that is what sparked the sell-off.  It wasn’t the tariffs.  This was Powell, and the markets are saying that this guy really might not have our backs as much as Yellen did.”
