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Crypto Currencies Show Global Reset Underway – Clif High

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Internet data mining expert Clif High has just finished an in-depth dive on crypto currencies such as Bitcoin. High uses what he calls “predictive linguistics” to spot trends and make predictions for future events.  With the latest price spikes in so-called blockchain type crypto currencies, what does Clif High see with his latest Internet mining report?  High reveals, “We are not at a period of time where we are valuing one store of wealth, Bitcoin against a store of debt, the dollar.  We are, instead, looking at an episode of hyperinflation. (more…)

Trump Destroys Climate Accord, Economic Update, Hillary in Denial

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 286 6.2.17)

President Trump not only backed out of the so-called Paris Climate Accord, but he destroyed it. The climate accord is bad for America and the working class the Democrats now shun. Trump says it will cost millions of U.S. jobs and does not clean up the climate. China, one of the biggest polluters on the planet, gets to not only keep on polluting, but increase it along with India until the year 2030. Maybe this is why Trump says, “This Agreement is less about climate and more about other countries gaining a financial advantage over the United States.” The Left and propaganda MSM media have gone berserk, but still do not attack Trump on his facts, and that says it all. The Climate Accord, brokered by Obama, is a very bad deal for America.  (For full Trump climate text, click here.)  For Trump speech video, click here.)


Suicidal to Stay in this Market-Charles Nenner

By Greg Hunter’s

Renowned financial and geopolitical analyst Charles Nenner is doubling down on his prediction last year that the financial markets will crash in the fall of 2017. Nenner says, “People not positioned correctly may lose everything.”  Nenner points out, “We all know they say the market goes up 8% on a yearly basis.  That’s based on the fact if I draw a line through the markets, it shows 8%.  I don’t think anybody realizes how much we are above the line.  In order to get back to 8%, we have to go much below the line . . . So, it’s total nonsense to say we go up 8% a year when we are already 40% to 50% above that trend line that averages 8%. This is almost the longest bull market in history.”


You Can Look Stupid Now or Look Stupid Later-Chris Martenson

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Resource analyst and futurist Chris Martenson says, “I’d rather look stupid now than look stupid later.” Martenson thinks the stock market rise since the last crash is mostly manufactured by central banks.  Martenson explains, “What in the heck is going on is real simple.  We have central banks who have now taken over everything in the markets.  Let’s be clear, markets go up when they are really well supplied with liquidity.  We have $200 billion or more a month coming into these markets  . . . these central banks are dumping $200 billion, sometimes as much as $250 billion a month into the markets.”


Still No Proof of Trump/Russia Collusion, Economic Update, MSM Is Fake News

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 285 5.26.17)

Former CIA Director John Brennan testified on Capitol Hill this week and told Congress that he was “concerned” and “aware of information and intelligence that revealed contacts and interactions between Russian officials and . . . the Trump campaign.” The big headline buried in the mainstream media (MSM) reporting was Brennan admitting in the same hearing, “I don’t know whether or not such collusion . . . existed. I don’t know.”  That means there is still zero evidence that anyone in the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians.  The “Witch Hunt” continues. 


Rise of Crypto Currency Means Rejection of US Dollar-Rob Kirby

By Greg Hunter’s 

Forensic macroeconomic analyst Rob Kirby thinks the U.S. dollar is in big trouble. He says the tip-off is skyrocketing crypto currencies such as Bitcoin.  Kirby explains, “The rise of the crypto currency is an expression of the rejection of the U.S. dollar as a store of value in international markets.  To back that statement up, I would only point to the four largest crypto currencies by market capitalization and what they have done in the last three months. . . . Bitcoin gets most of the press, and there is a good reason for that.  It is the biggest crypto currency by market capitalization at around a $34 billion market cap.  That $34 billion market cap has doubled in the last three months.  The three crypto currencies behind Bitcoin in market capitalization are Ethereum. . . . (more…)

Trump Patriot for Blocking Washington Criminals from Presidency-Warren Pollock

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Financial and geopolitical analyst Warren Pollock says that President Donald Trump has done one very big thing since he’s been in office, and that is he “exposed a gigantic ball of criminal corruption” in Washington. Pollock explains, “I think Trump did the American people a tremendous service.  First of all, he blocked the Republican criminals from taking the Presidency.  Look at Paul Ryan.  He had seven years to work on healthcare, and he’s obviously not interested in doing anything for the American people.  The entire panel of Republicans were just part of this great criminal enterprise.  One of them would get the Presidency, and he would have been just the latest criminal in charge of the country.  The same thing with the Democrats.  We had Trump blocking the Democratic criminals from taking the office of the Presidency.  (more…)

Fake News Trashing Trump, Seth Rich & Russian Hacking Charge, Economic Update

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 284 5.19.17)

You would not think the Associated Press and the New York Times would do a negative story against President Trump with an anonymous source and a document read to them over the phone, but that is exactly what they both did when they published a story on an alleged Jim Comey memo after he was fired as FBI Director. The Comey memo has yet to be seen by anyone in the media and Congress. (more…)

They Want to Destroy Trump & America-Gregory Mannarino

By Greg Hunter’s

Analyst/trader Gregory Mannarino says America is in conflict with itself. Mannarino explains, “We have a President who gets it. He’s obviously not a socialist, and there is no doubt this man has the back of America. . . . There is a literal war going on right now between political parties here. This is a deliberate effort by some to destabilize our country, to bring America to its knees from the inside. They want to basically throw this country into some kind of third world situation, and I don’t think it’s going to happen. I think there are too many people on the opposite side of this trade that want to see America succeed.”


Record Global Debt Will Pop Record Bubbles-Michael Pento

By Greg Hunter’s “Early Sunday Release”

Money manager Michael Pento sees records being set in the financial markets. but not in a good way. Pento explains, “Let’s be positive here.  I don’t root for bad things to happen.  So, for the first time in history, we’re going to have bubbles that don’t pop?  Does that make any sense to anybody?  This is the first time in history we have a record level of debt and a record distortion in asset prices.  Again, a record amount of debt that, by the way, is 300% of global GDP.  That’s $230 trillion, and that’s supposed to turn out just dandy?  I don’t believe it.”


Trump Fires Comey, DNC Stopped FBI Russia Investigation, US Drought Over

By Greg Hunter’s

(WNW 283 5.12.17)

Just like on Trump’s hit TV show, the words “you’re fired” hit FBI Director James Comey like a ton of bricks. President Donald Trump fired Comey because the White House says the Trump Administration has “lost confidence” in the FBI Director.  Democrats, who asked Comey be fired because of the Clinton Email probe, are now outraged over the firing and want a special prosecutor for the so-called Russia collusion investigation.


Get Rid of Debt, Crime & War–Catherine Austin Fitts

By Greg Hunter’s 

Financial advisor Catherine Austin Fitts says if you want to have a really good economy, you have to “get rid of debt, crime and war.” Fitts says, “Instead of having more debt, more crime and more war, we need to get interested in shifting.  The President is getting very, very frustrated because he is in the machinery, and the machinery has no interest in changing.  If you look at what’s going on, it’s very dangerous.  Many of the people that got him elected are systematically being taken out.”


Fiscal Bloodbath Coming this Fall-David Stockman

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Sky high stock and bond prices have former Reagan Administration White House Budget Director David Stockman worried because we are on our way to a big financial crash. Stockman explains, “Yes, absolutely.  The market is insanely valued right now.  They were trying to tag, the robo machines and day traders, they were trying to tag 2,400 on the S&P 500.  They ended up at 2,399, I think, but the point is that represents about 25 times trailing earnings for 2016.  We are at a point in the so-called recovery that has already lasted 96 months.  It’s almost the longest one in history.  What the market is saying is we have reached the point of full employment forever.  There will never be another recession or any kind of economic surprise or upset or dislocation.  The market is pricing itself for perfection for all of eternity.  This is crazy. . . . I think the market could easily drop to 1,600 or 1,300.  It could drop by 40% or even more once the fantasy ends.  (more…)

Economy Sucks and Trump Knows It, Trump Buys Time, Clergy Ungagged by Trump

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 282 5.5.17) 

All the economic data says the real economy is in big trouble, and it will not get better on its own. Factory orders tumble, automakers turn in negative results, and productivity is plunging all at the same time.  The Trump Administration knows this and cannot risk imploding the financial markets.  So, he choked down a $1.1 trillion spending bill that gave Democrats much of what they wanted.  Trump signed the bill to keep the government running until September to buy some time.  Trump will be putting together his first real budget soon, and that will take effect on October 1st.  Trump got a big win today when the House of Representatives passed legislation that guts Obama Care and puts a new healthcare system in place.  The Bill now moves to the Senate for passage.


These Markets Can Be Tipped Over by Anything-Axel Merk

By Greg Hunter’s

Money manager Axel Merk has a lot of uncertainty to navigate these days between the extreme geopolitical risks, such as China’s neighbor, North Korea, and heavy debt loads that are ballooning budget deficits. Merk says, “It’s amazing.  If you are not confused, you are probably not paying attention.  I am very worried when asset prices are very expensive, what’s going to happen to them.  The thing I am most worried about is how a trade war might derail things.  I don’t think a trade war is going to happen because of a border tax. . . . I think it’s going to happen because the Chinese are going to feel bullied or pushed by the Americans. (more…)