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Federal Reserve System a Run Away Machine-G. Edward Griffin

4_jpgBy Greg Hunter’s  (Early Sunday Release)

Edward Griffin, author of “The Creature from Jekyll Island,” says the global monetary system is out of control. Griffin contends, “There is nothing that can be done about it. This thing is a runaway machine.  I would feel much better if these political figures would say hey, this is out of our control right now.  We need a substantial change in the system. . . . We need more honesty.  People have to stand up and say we are in for a tough time.  There is no easy way out of this.  We are in for a tough time.  Hang on to your seatbelts.  We are coming into the rapids now.  We need that kind of honesty, but we are not getting it because most of these guys and gals in Washington are thinking well, it’s going to be bad, but at least I’m in a good spot.  They are more worried about themselves and their families than they are worried about the nation.”


CA Drought Worst Ever, Greek Debt Crisis Latest, Fed Cannot Raise Rates, Secret Trade Deal Advances-WNW 195

4_jpgBy Greg Hunter’s (6.19.15 

A picture is worth a thousand words, and here is a picture of an unfolding calamity in California.  Check out the latest drought map of the state.  Almost 100% of the state is in severe drought conditions.  Many parts of the West are also experiencing drought, but California is ground-zero.  This is a huge food growing region, and the state has just started restricting water to agriculture.  This is a vast problem not only for the U.S., but the entire world, and there is no end in sight. California is a state with a population of nearly 40 million people.  Some towns have been cut off, and some people are starting to store drinking water in their homes.  This could spark a humanitarian crisis and a financial crisis.  You cannot live or do business without ample supplies of water.  California has a GDP of $2.2 trillion.  Agriculture alone is $46 billion a year.  (more…)

Next Financial Calamity Unavoidable-John Embry

4By Greg Hunter’s 

John Embry, Senior Investment Strategist at Sprott Asset Management, says there is no doubt another financial calamity is coming.  In fact, Embry says, “It’s unavoidable.  It’s inevitable is the word I would use.  There is no getting out of it.  If you thought 2008 was bad, and I thought it was terrible, this time, there is no ammunition left.  You can’t take interest rates any lower.  All you can do is print even more money.  That really didn’t work the last time.  The safety nets are largely gone if we do run into something untoward, and it could be fairly soon.  I don’t think there is really anything left to stave it off.  I don’t think they will refuel the period from 2015 to 2020 like they did after 2008.  I think it will be much uglier than that.”


Cashless Society Needed for Negative Rates-Gordon Long

War on cash - A Cashless Society Needed for Negative Rates - Gordon LongBy Greg Hunter’s  (Early Sunday Release)

Macroeconomist Gordon Long says elite bankers want and need negative interest rates.  How do they get them?  Long says, “We need a cashless society in order to get negative interest rates.  We have had negative real interest rates for some time.  That’s the whole premise of paying down the government debt by effectively debasing it.  But we have run up against a wall, and we have run up against that wall.  Clearly, quantitative easing isn’t working.”


WNW 194-Secret Trade Deals, Not Serious About Stopping ISIS, Obama Care and Economy in Trouble

4_jpgBy Greg Hunter’s  (6.12.15) 

The Republicans are pushing trade agreements, but they are secret.  Congressman Paul Ryan says “We the People” do not get to know the secret details until Congress votes them through.  On the trade packages in Asia and Europe, Ryan said, “It’s declassified and made public once it’s agreed to.”  Is this his Republican version of the Nancy Pelosi “We have to vote for it to see what’s in it”?  You know it’s a bad deal for everyday Americans when this sort of trade deal is opposed by Democrats, such as Senator Elizabeth Warren and Republican Congressmen Duncan Hunter.  (more…)

The Collapse Is Now-Gregory Mannarino

4_jpgBy Greg Hunter’s

Financial analyst Gregory Mannarino says time is short for the next financial calamity.  Mannarino contends, “Not only are things are getting close, but we are here now.  This is it. . . . The collapse is now.  Look at what is going on. . . .Despite actions by world central banks, which are unprecedented, we are still going nowhere.  The economy is going nowhere.  The proof is simply in the money velocity.  The issue with the money velocity . . . or at least one of the reasons we are not seeing massive inflation, is the cash is not moving.  Once cash starts to move, and it will move, all of those extra bills that have been printed out of thin air are going to be chasing the same amount of goods.  You do not need to be a rocket scientist to figure this out.”  (more…)

Wave Coming Too Large to Duck Under-Warren Pollock

4By Greg Hunter’s    (Early Sunday Release)

Financial and geopolitical analyst Warren Pollock warns, “When I go swimming in the ocean, sometimes I have to duck under a wave.  This wave may be too large to duck under, and I think that is what these large events are.  I think we are seeing large events, the likes of which you and I haven’t seen, and haven’t been seen in generational memory.  80 years would be a generational memory.  We haven’t seen what a world war looks like.  We haven’t seen what a Great Depression looks like.  We haven’t seen a political crisis.  We haven’t seen total lawlessness, and these are all the things that are happening.”


WNW 193-Greek Debt Crisis Conclusion, Economic Propaganda, Iraq Finger Pointing

4_jpgGreg Hunter’s   (6.5.15)

The Greek debt crisis looks like it will be coming to an end.  I don’t know if it is this month, but it is definitely this year.  Everybody is worried about a Greece default, but a default has really already happened.  If you have to loan a country money to pay its debts, isn’t that a default.  The bankers have piled the debt on Greece, and it can never be paid.  Greece says it cannot make its 300 million euro payment to the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and wants to bundle the debt and put off the payment until the end of the month.  I think the Greeks are going to get that last 7 billion euro loan package, and it will officially default this fall.  (more…)

Panic Exit Out of Currencies & Into Gold & Silver-David Morgan

4_jpgBy Greg Hunter’s

Finance and economic writer David Morgan thinks the global economy very likely could take a sudden turn for the worst.  Morgan says, “There is going to be a panic buy into the metals, and there is only so much to go around. . . . The way things have gone from the 2008 financial crisis until now have only gotten worse. . . . I don’t think we are going to have a hyperinflation, but what I do believe is there will be a panic exit out of currencies.  That event will cause people to run for the most trusted money that exists, and that is gold and silver.  (more…)

Monetary Heroin Will Crash the Dollar-Peter Schiff

4By Greg Hunter’s    (Earl Sunday Release)

Money manager Peter Schiff, who wrote a book three years ago called “The Real Crash,” thinks the next calamity is well on its way.  Schiff says, “I think the next crash is going to be a dollar crash rather than a stock market crash.  Certainly it is going to be an economic crash for the average American, and their cost of living goes skyrocketing.”

So, is the next crash going to be worse than the last meltdown?  Schiff says, “It’s going to be much, much worse.  If you understand what caused the 2008 financial crisis, it was the easy monetary policies of Alan Greenspan. . . . The monetary policies of Bernanke and Yellen dwarf what Alan Greenspan did.  (more…)

WNW 192-War Hot Spots, Obama Immigration Shot Down Again, Soccer Crime Not Banker Crime

4_jpgBy Greg Hunter’s 

There are three hot spots in the world where war could break out.  Tensions continue to be high in the Ukraine crisis.  The U.S. is continually beefing up supplies and help to Eastern Europe.  There are military drills happening on land and in the air with NATO.  Likewise, the same type of drills are happening with Russian military.  Iraq is a mess with gains being made by ISIS and counter attacks by the Iraqi military and Shia militia.  Secretary of Defense Ash Carter said the Iraqis outnumber ISIS but “lack the will to fight.”  Military sources said, this past week, that Iraqi forces were “not driven out” of Ramadi, but they just “drove out” of that town on their own.  Now, a new offensive is taking shape to take back Ramadi.   President Obama is not planning on sending troops but will train and fly support missions.  The support bombing missions are sparse and some say are a joke.  We see how well the Obama Administration strategy has worked so far.  It’s a disaster. (more…)

$60,000 Gold May Be Laughably Low-Bill Holter

4Greg Hunter’s

Recent Bloomberg analysis says if China backed its currency with gold, the price would need to be 50 times higher than it is today.  According to Bloomberg, that would be a gold price of around $64,000 per ounce, which is much more than gold expert Jim Sinclair predicted a few years ago.  Financial writer Bill Holter weighs in, “That was a few years ago, before some of the QE, and Jim has said that $50,000 gold may turn out to be laughably low. (more…)

Rising Gold Price Could Set Off Derivative Nightmare-Bill Murphy

4_jpgGreg Hunter’s  (Early Sunday Release)

Bill Murphy, Chairman of GATA (Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee), says precious metal prices have been relentlessly rigged by central banks and governments.  Murphy contends, “If gold were to just to have kept pace with inflation, forget all the QE, it would be double what it is today.  That’s how artificially low the price of gold is today, and also silver.  Once they lose control of silver, it will go from $22 to $100 per ounce very fast.”


WNW 191-Criminal Financial System, Gold Fraud, Middle East on Fire, China Warns US Again

4_jpgBy Greg Hunter’s  

The bankers have done it again.  They committed an enormous global crime and only paid a fine.  JP Morgan, Barclays, Citigroup, Royal Bank of Scotland and UBS will pay $5.8 billion in penalties for rigging the $5.3 trillion a day currency market.  Once again, nobody will go to jail, even though all these big banks plead guilty to criminal charges for rigging the Forex market.  (more…)

China Gold Could Cause Tsunami of Dollars in US-Rob Kirby

4thBy Greg Hunter’s

Gold expert Rob Kirby arranges deliveries of the yellow metal to his clients measured by the ton.  Kirby says news that China may disclose it has 30,000 tons of gold will be devastating for the West.  Kirby contends, “We could be fast approaching the moment when the tide is going to turn and go out, and we are going to find out who’s wearing a bathing suit.  I think that time is fast approaching, if it is not here already.”  Kirby also says, “I think the implied message is we are going to show you how much we have, and then you are going to have to show us how much you have. . . . America, very likely doesn’t have, in my view, doesn’t have the gold they claim to have.  They also probably spent a lot of other people’s gold in safe keeping.”
