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Oil Derivatives Explosion Double 2008 Sub-Prime Crisis-David Morgan
By Greg Hunter’s
Precious metals expert David Morgan says the plunge in oil prices is not good news for big Wall Street banks. Morgan explains, “The amount of debt that is carried by the fracking industry at large is about double what the sub-prime was in the real estate fiasco in 2008. In summary, we’re looking at an explosion in potential that is greater than the sub-prime market of 2008 because, number one, oil and energy are the most important sectors out there. (more…)
Oil Derivatives Explode in Early 2015-Rob Kirby
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)
Gold and derivatives expert Rob Kirby thinks crashing oil prices are going to lead to a 2008 style financial meltdown. This is not a maybe–a market explosion is going to happen in 2015. Kirby contends, “Oh yes, without a doubt, it will. It must because the income crude oil sales generate are used to pay the interest on the debt. (more…)
Happy New Year 2015!!
By Greg Hunter’s
I can’t believe 2014 is done and gone. I said in 2014 that there would be some sort of dislocation and that would flow into 2015. I was not sure what it would be, but now, I think the crash in oil prices was that event. Oil prices were cut in half in a matter of months. Now, the oil derivatives and debt underpinning the energy sector are coming under pressure. (more…)
Dot-Com Style Crash Coming-Rick Ackerman
By Greg Hunter’s
Financial analyst and newsletter writer Rick Ackerman is no stranger to contrarian calls. At the beginning of 2014, he said forget about rising interest rates because they were going down. They did. Now, Ackerman predicts rates will go lower and will stay low for a long time. Ackerman explains, “My perspective is that of a deflationist, and it’s been easy for me to see. Even though we have inflation in certain things . . . the much bigger picture is deflationary. It is that huge $1 quadrillion edifice the central banks are fighting to keep from imploding. (more…)
2015 Forecast-Manipulation, Depression and War-Gerald Celente
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)
Trends researcher Gerald Celente predicts one of his top trends in 2015 will be manipulation–of everything. Celente explains, “It’s the grand manipulation of the markets and the news, and it just keeps spreading. There is manipulation of the gold markets, and we know there is manipulation in the Forex market; we are not making this up. We are talking about $5.3 trillion a day. The markets are rigged. (more…)
Merry Christmas
Financial Fantasy Land Continues to Prevent Collapse-Bill Holter
By Greg Hunter’s
Financial writer Bill Holter says the record stock market does not reflect reality. Holter explains, “This will go on until it doesn’t. Very quietly, this past week, they postponed the “Volcker Rules” for the banking system. The reason they did that is they can’t allow the Volcker Rule to come into place. That would require increased capital ratios. It would bring mark to market back. We live in a financial fantasy land, and they need to continue the fantasy to prevent collapse.”
Central Banks Secretly Controlling all Futures Prices-Chris Powell
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Chris Powell, Secretary/Treasurer of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA), says recent bombshell evidence shows intense central bank “interventions” at the CME Group, which handles $1 quadrillion ($1,000 trillion) worth of business annually. Powell explains, “The greatest documentation that’s come out recently has been filings by the CME Group which operates the major futures exchange in the United States. They filed a letter with the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) . . . showing that central banks are receiving special volume discounts for trading futures on all the major futures exchanges, not just financial futures contracts and metals futures contracts, but even agricultural futures contracts. (more…)
WNW 171-Fed and Congress Signal Trouble, Putin Defends Russia, ISIS War
By Greg Hunter’s (Friday 12.19.14)
My top story is the economy, and I think the Fed and Congress just signaled that something is seriously wrong, and it’s going to get worse. First off, the Federal Reserve just came out and said that it was going to be “patient” when normalizing the monetary policy. I know Wall Street is jubilant and the stock market spiked on the news, but I think this is really ominous, and it is nothing to be celebrated. (more…)
Is Ruble Collapse Act of War-Paul Craig Roberts
By Greg Hunter’s
Former Assistant Treasury Secretary Dr. Paul Craig Roberts thinks the only thing that explains the plunge in the Russian ruble is that it is being attacked by America. Roberts contends, “It is not a currency crash in the sense there are no economic reasons for the ruble’s fall. Unlike the United States, which has a massive trade deficit, and if the currency markets were not rigged, the dollar would be collapsing, the Russian economy has a trade surplus. Therefore, there is no pressure on its currency for economic conditions.” (more…)
Oil Price Plunge Trigger for Next Global Crisis-Harry Dent
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)
Economist Harry Dent says falling oil prices will be a trigger for another economic calamity. Dent explains, “Normally, oil prices falling in a good economy like the 80’s and 90’s, where we have falling inflation and booming productivity and good demographic trends, this would be a good thing. It is a good thing for consumers and businesses, but it is a bad thing for financial markets and our whole debt structure. We have the greatest debt bubble in history. (more…)
WNW 170- Budget Battle, CIA Torture Distraction, Madoff Convictions
By Greg Hunter’s (Friday 12/12/14)
The $1 trillion budget that just passed the House of Representatives has something in it for everybody–to hate. Conservative Republicans hate that Obama Care and illegal immigration are funded and liberal Democrats hate the rollback of rules for Wall Street and political donations are dramatically increased. Lots of Republicans think they lost, and plenty of Democrats revolted against the President and they also think they lost. (more…)
Big Banks Will Take Depositors Money In Next Crash -Ellen Brown
By Greg Hunter’s
The G-20 met recently in Australia to make new banking rules for the next financial calamity. Financial reform advocate Ellen Brown says these new rules will allow banks to take money from depositors and pensioners globally. Brown explains, “It became rules we agreed to actually implement. There was no treaty, and Congress didn’t agree to all this. They use words so that it’s not obvious to tell what they have done, but what they did was say, basically, that we, the governments, are no longer going to be responsible for bailing out the big banks. These are about 30 international banks. So, you are going to have to save yourselves, and the way you are going to have to do it is by bailing in the money of your creditors. The largest class of creditors of any bank is the depositors.”
Global Deflationary Implosion Will Start Money Printing-Egon von Greyerz
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)
Gold expert and money manager Egon von Greyerz says Japan is leading the parade to the bottom of the currency heap. Greyerz says, “Japan is printing unlimited amounts, and we can see that yen is leading the race to the bottom of the currencies. Gold in yen is now only 10% below the peak because printing is debasing the currency. That is what gold reflects. Gold just reflects the destruction of paper money. That’s happening in Japan, and it will happen in most other countries. (more…)
WNW 169-Race Distraction, USA #2, US/Russia Coming War?
By Greg Hunter’s (12/5/14)
It seems the mainstream media (MSM) is determined to bombard us with the “hands up, don’t shoot” lie. Michael Brown was not gunned down with his hands up. Forensic evidence and eye witness testimony from a half dozen African Americans has disproven this, and it is indeed not a fact. It appears the MSM wants to develop a race problem in America. (more…)