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Next Great Wave of Economic Crisis Rapidly Approaching-Michael Snyder

By Greg Hunter’s  Investigative reporter Michael Snyder says, “The only way they got the unemployment rate to go down is pretending that millions, upon millions, upon millions, of Americans don’t want to work anymore. . . . If the labor

End of the Road Rush to Hard Assets-Fabian Calvo

By Greg Hunter’s  Real estate expert Fabian Calvo says, “Is real estate a manipulated market that will eventually go bust and collapse?  Yes, it will . . . but these guys talking economic collapse are buying real estate because they

Weekly News Wrap-Up 11.15.13

By Greg Hunter’s  The top story is Obama Care and the President’s turnaround and make good on his promise, “If you like your healthcare policy, you can keep it.  Period.”  President Obama has taken it upon himself to now allow

U.S. Dollar and Treasury Bonds are Dead-Dr. Jim Willie

By Greg Hunter’s  Dr. Jim Willie, financial writer and Editor of the Hat Trick Letter, says, “I’ve been getting overwhelmed in the last month or two at the plethora, the litany of signals the financial system is imploding.  U.S. dollar

Fed Will Increase Money Printing Sooner than Later-Gregory Mannarino

By Greg Hunter’s Financial analyst and trader Gregory Mannarino says, “There will be no Fed taper . . . the Fed is the $85 billion a month gorilla in the room, and this will be increased sooner than later.”  Mannarino

Weekly News Wrap-Up 11.08.13

By Greg Hunter’s  Obama Care is the top story, and the problems keep piling up for folks losing their insurance.  One reader on the USAWatchdog site told me his family plan doubled to more than $1,600 a month with much higher

Headed for Total Complete Chaos in Health Care-Kerry Lutz

By Greg Hunter’s  Financial writer and radio host Kerry Lutz predicted six months ago the ObamaCare website would be a train wreck.   Lutz says, “Hospitals wouldn’t know, insurance companies wouldn’t know if you had insurance or not.  This thing was

Fate of Dollar is the Fate of U.S. Power-Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

By Greg Hunter’s  Former Assistant Treasury Secretary Dr. Paul Craig Roberts says, “The fate of the dollar is the fate of United States Power.”  Dr. Roberts goes on to say, “The whole question of the dollar’s longevity depends on the

Weekly News Wrap-Up 11.1.13

By Greg Hunter’s  My top story this week is Israel and the warning it issued late last week about Iran’s nuclear program.  A report says Iran may have enough nuclear material to produce a bomb in as little as a

Annihilation of U.S. Dollar Coming-Jim Sinclair

By Greg Hunter’s  (Revised) Renowned gold expert Jim Sinclair says financial calamity is just around the corner for America.  Sinclair contends, “We are facing the annihilation of currency.  We are facing the shift of America as the leading and most

U.S. System Dependent on Crime and Fraud -Catherine Austin Fitts

By Greg Hunter’s  (Early Sunday Release) Former Assistant Housing Secretary Catherine Austin Fitts says all U.S. citizens are partly responsible for banker fraud.  Fitts, also a top Wall Street Banker, says, “What popular opinion has said again and again and again

Weekly News Wrap-Up 10.25.13

By Greg Hunter’s The big story this week is Saudi Arabia and what its officials there are calling a “major shift” in relations with the U.S.  The Saudis are outraged over how the U.S. is handling the Syrian crisis.  The

Obama Care Will Crash If Healthy Don’t Enroll-Karl Denninger

By Greg Hunter’s Analyst/trader Karl Denninger says Obama Care is doomed to failure because of pre-existing conditions of many signing up for coverage.  Denninger explains, “If you are an insurance company and you only sell insurance to those who have

U.S. Not a Super Power and Not Credible Anymore- Karen Hudes

By Greg Hunter’s  Former World Bank lawyer Karen Hudes says the global opinion of America is tarnished.  Hudes contends, “Is the United States a credible super power?  The answer to that is ‘we are neither.’  We’re not a super power

Weekly News Wrap-Up 10.17.13

By Greg Hunter’s   (Revised) The Democrats think they won the debt ceiling debate, but they did not–at least not in the long run.  Nobody won when you consider the fact the U.S. needed to borrow or print more money just