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Your New Year Predictions and Comments
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s This post is going to be a little different because I want you all to be an even bigger part of the site than normal. I want you to give me your predictions for 2011. It can
Fed Can’t Prop Up Stock Market Forever
on: by Greg Hunter
Greg Hunter’s (updated) From the very beginning of QE2, it was no secret the Federal Reserve wanted the stock market to rise. The Fed got its wish. Many people see the stock market increase of nearly 20% in a few short
Real Estate Spin Continues by Mainstream Media
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s The mainstream media was at it again last week–putting a positive spin on the awful real estate market. The USA Today headline on top of the “Money” section last Thursday read “Optimism for home sales adds up.”
Spreading Some Christmas Cheer
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (corrected) Anybody who reads this site knows I can get pretty heavy handed when it comes to reporting and analyzing the news. Sometimes I freak myself out, but the facts are the facts–things are bad. In the spirit of
CBS 60 Minutes Finally Gets One Right
on: by Greg Hunter
Greg Hunter’s I have been pretty hard on “CBS 60 Minutes” for doing fluff interviews with Fed Chief Ben Bernanke and not asking the hard questions that would be obvious to a freshman journalism student. In all fairness, I have to
Headlines Confirming Troubled Times Are Here
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Some people see the Internet as an electronic world of wires and computers run at speeds measured in nanoseconds. I tend to see the Internet as an electronic extension of human biology. Sample enough of the Internet
You Should Rent Instead of Own a Home
on: by Greg Hunter
One of the headlines in yesterday’s USA Today read, “Foreclosures take biggest dive in years in November.” That would make you think things are getting better in the rent vs. buy arena. When you read the story, you realize things are
Everything is Under Control?
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s There are some big messages being put out by the government that appear to be for the sole purpose of reassuring the public that everything is under control. Bernanke appeared on “60 Minutes” 10 days ago to
More on CBS, Bernanke and New Tax Law
on: by Greg Hunter
Greg Hunter’s I want to share with you two videos that will surely enlighten and maybe even enrage you. The first is from “The Daily Show.” It seems a comedy show that repeatedly claims to do “fake news” was the
Greg Hunter On The Edge With Max Keiser
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s I was on French TV last week on a show called “On The Edge with Max Keiser.” Keiser is a former Wall Street broker with inside knowledge of how fat cats claw out insane profits and rip off the public.
CBS Allows Fed to Spread Disinformation Unchallenged
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s It appears the CBS TV show 60 Minutes is the Federal Reserve’s go-to place to get its message out to the country. Fed Chief Ben Bernanke, basically, told America last night that the trillions he pumped out
Exposing the Fed’s Incompetence
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s The Federal Reserve made a stunning revelation this week. It admitted to pumping $9 trillion into the economy because of the financial meltdown in 2008. It provided overnight loans to big U.S. banks with most of the
Foreclosure Bombshell
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (revised) With all the attention stories such as WikiLeaks and Irish bailout have gotten the last few days, a bombshell judgment against Bank of America in a New Jersey foreclosure case has been overlooked. The judgment happened 2
Ireland Is Not Iceland
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s It is official. Ireland was bailed out yesterday by the European Union with a financial package totaling more than a $112 billion. This money bails out Irish banks but coincides with steep cuts in the Irish budget.
What Is Really Behind QE2?
on: by Greg Hunter
The article you are about to read is from Ellen Brown. She writes a good post here, but I disagree with one of her main points. She says Quantitative Easing (QE) will not cause inflation because of “$15 trillion in write-downs