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Biden Tanking, Monsters Vax Kids, 2022 Warning

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 501 10.29.21) It’s getting so bad that the Deep State globalists are firing anyone who stands up to these experimental vax mandates.  You cannot make fun of it either as well-known cartoonist Michael Leunig has been

Interest Rates will Skyrocket if Fed Keeps Printing Money – Michael Pento

By Greg Hunter’s In June, economist and money manager Michael Pento warned the Fed was going to kill the economy by “tapering” the easy money policies.  Instead, the Fed ignored inflation, which is obviously not transitory and has kept the

Communication During Natural & Man-Made Disasters

Sponsored Post by Satellite Phone Store  In 2021, there have been multiple disasters that knocked out communications for days or weeks.  There’s the Texas snow storm that happened earlier this year and, after that, the hurricane that devastated New Orleans.  Both

Calamitous Suppression of Early CV-19 Treatment – Dr. Pierre Kory

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)  Dr. Pierre Kory is a world renowned critical care and pulmonary expert in treating Covid-19.  He says nothing is being done to save people from dying long before they get bad enough to go

Trump Vax Mistake, Vax Doesn’t Work, Fragile Economy Warning

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 500 10.22.21) President Trump is still pushing the horrible injections he calls vaccines from his “Operation Warp Speed.”  I don’t know who is telling him these are working well when death and injuries on VAERS (Vaccine

Vax Fight is On and Not Stopping – Gerald Celente

By Greg Hunter’s  Gerald Celente, a renowned trends researcher, is back this time to talk about the unrelenting full blown “Vax Wars” he predicted many months ago.  Many people are being told “no vax, no job,” and now it’s really

Deep State Cannot Stop Unprecedented Awakening – Alex Newman

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post) Award winning journalist Alex Newman says, “The Deep State globalists cannot stop the “unprecedented awakening going on in America.”  Newman, who wrote the popular book called “Deep State: The Invisible Government Behind the Scenes,”

Fake CV19 Jab Mandate, Fake FDA Approval & Fake Economy

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 499 10.15.21) Looks like America is waking up to fake everything.  Let’s start with the fake CV19 jab mandate by the Biden Administration.  Where is the Executive Order (EO)?  Where is the legislation from Congress and

Just 72 Hours from Anarchy – Bill Holter

By Greg Hunter’s  Financial writer and precious metals expert Bill Holter has long predicted the bloated indebted financial system, at some point, was going to go down.  According to Holter, the wait is over, and he says, “It’s imploding now. 

Darkness Coming Dollar Falls – Bo Polny

By Greg Hunter‘s (Saturday Night Post) Geo-political and financial analyst Bo Polny has long said “. . . Nothing can stop these people aside from a Biblical intervention from God.”  According to Polny’s Biblical cycle and timing charts, that’s exactly

Deep State Loses Narrative, Debt Ceiling Game, Inflation Now

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 498 10.08.21) If you want to see that the Deep State globalists are losing the narrative and control, look no further than the news of the DOJ under AG Merrick Garland.  He is sending the FBI

Red October – End of World as We Knew It – Clif High

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Evening Post) Clif High is an Internet data mining expert who has many well-documented correct forecasts.  He predicted that Bitcoin would rise to $64,000 (it did) when it was less than $10 per unit.  High uses

Senate, Austin and Milley a Joke, More Vax Lies, Economy Crashing

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 497 10.01.21) The Senate held a hearing this week mostly about Afghanistan, and top General Mark Milley and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin answered questions.  What a joke.  The Senators acted as if this was all just

Unvaxed at Risk from Vaxed in Coming Dark Winter – Karen Kingston

By Greg Hunter’s Karen Kingston is a medical analyst that researches a wide variety of things in the medical world.  She’s an expert in getting new drugs and medical devices approved and pass regulatory hurdles.  She researched the drug patents

Current Events Show Need for Backup Satellite Phone

Satellite Phone Store Sponsored Post Before diving into all the benefits of having a reliable satellite phone handy, let’s take a quick look at some things that have been happening in this crazy world: • Rolling blackouts on the east coast