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Biden Survives Dem Debate, Indictments for FBI’s McCabe, Economic Update

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 400 9.13.19) If the Democrat candidates for president wanted frontrunner Joe Biden knocked out of the race, they did not get their wish. The headline is Biden may not have been stellar, but he held his

Fed Still Working Against President Trump – John Williams

By Greg Hunter’s  Economist John Williams says the Fed is still not in President Trump’s corner when it comes to the economy. Williams contends, “The Fed was working against him (President Trump) on the economy, and they still are. Their

Biggest Inflation in the History of History Coming – Bill Holter

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Recently, one big name money manager after another is on record telling people to buy hard assets. Why? Financial writer and precious metals expert Bill Holter says they all know what is coming. Holter contends,

Democrat Climate Crazy Time, Trump Wall Win, Economic Update

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 399 9.6.19)  There was a 7 hour CNN town hall on climate change where all the top Democrat Presidential candidates weighed in on banning everything from fossil fuels to beef, and even plastic straws in an

Hurricane Dorian Steered by Military – Dane Wigington

By Greg Hunter’s  Climate engineering researcher Dane Wigington says Hurricane Dorian is the latest storm to be steered by the U.S. military. Wigington contends, “It’s an historical, verifiable fact and verifiable in the immediate term as well as we have

Fed Admits Working Against President Trump – Wayne Jett

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)  The Federal Reserve made it clear it was working against President Trump for the 2020 election.  Former NY Fed Chief Bill Dudley wrote an Op-Ed recently that said President Trump was “making bad choices”

Comey the Leaker, Fed Against Trump, Crop Update

By Greg Hunter’s (8.30.19 WNW 398)  The Office of Inspector General report is out on fired FBI Director James Comey about his leaking to get his friend Robert Mueller installed as Special Counsel.  Let me sum up the 85 page

Trump Lightning Rod of Division Sent by God – Jonathan Cahn

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Four time, best-selling author Jonathan Cahn says President Trump was put into power by divine intervention. This has happened many times before according to the Bible. Cahn contends, “Trump is following this pattern where

Trump Fights Fed, Buy Gold, More MSM Propaganda

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 397 8.23.19) If you think the latest stumbles in the U.S. economy were caused by the so-called trade war with China – think again. The reason why the economy is sputtering is the Federal Reserve. It

Trump at War with New World Order – Alex Newman

By Greg Hunter’s  Journalist Alex Newman says President Trump is at war with the Deep State, New World Order globalists that want to destroy America. Are the forces of good making headway against the forces of evil? Newman explains, “I

Russia Hoax Coup and Epstein Interlocked – Kevin Shipp (Part #1)

By Greg Hunter’s (Click Here for Part# 2)  Former CIA Officer and whistleblower Kevin Shipp says the Russian hoax and attempted coup of President Trump and the sex trafficking case against Jeffery Epstein are linked together by the same Deep

Fed Out to Get President Trump – Kevin Shipp (Part #2)

By Greg Hunter’s (Click here for Part #1) Former CIA Officer and whistleblower Kevin Shipp thinks the Fed rate hikes throughout Trump’s two and a half years in office are a way to “get the President.” Trump has been highly

GE Fraud, DB Trouble & Bo Polny on Coming Biblical Market Crash

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 396 8.16.19) If you wanted another sign the economy is not doing well, look no further than the latest allegations General Electric is a “bigger fraud than Enron.”  The person making this charge is Harry Markopolos

Global Disabling Debt Will Cause Hyperinflation – Michael Pento

By Greg Hunter’s Economist and money manager Michael Pento has long warned global central banks would lose control and the ability to keep the financial system propped up. The waiting is over. Pento explains, “The central bank charade is over.

Gold at All-Time Highs in 73 Countries – Bill Murphy

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)  Bill Murphy, Chairman of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA), says the market manipulators and price suppressers of gold and silver are fighting a losing battle. Murphy explains, “The open interest on silver is