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Mueller Probe Illegitimate, Internet Purge is Here, Journalism is Dead
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 347 8.10.18) Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani thinks the Russia probe by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller is going to “blow up” on Mueller and his team. It has become apparent Mueller has not got a single charge
Elite Closing Down Truth Tellers – Paul Craig Roberts
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Economic expert and journalist Dr. Paul Craig Roberts says the ideas of the elite are awful, and they want to suppress free speech to get their policies instituted. Dr. Roberts explains, “The agendas of the elite are
Former CIA Director John Brennan in First Wave of Indictments – Dave Janda
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Dr. Dave Janda is a retired MD that started a radio career. Now, he has a red hot show called “Operation Freedom.” Janda says his sources say indictments are coming soon for those
Trump Coup MSM Ignores, Trump Branding MSM Fake News, Tommy Robinson Free
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 346 8.3.18) The mainstream media (MSM) refuses to acknowledge the fact the FBI and DOJ used phony research paid for by Hillary Clinton and the DNC to get warrants to spy on Donald Trump and his
Trump Rally Peaking Now – Gerald Celente
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Renowned trends researcher Gerald Celente saw early on that Donald Trump would be good for America and the economy, but everybody knows the so-called “Trump rally” cannot go on forever. Celente explains, “We were the first
Hammer of Justice Falling Now – Mark Taylor
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Mark Taylor, author of the popular book “The Trump Prophecies,” correctly predicted Donald Trump’s 2016 victory years in advance. That’s the best known of Taylor’s prophecies, he says came straight from God, but he’s
Cohen Tapes More Fake News, FISA Lies and Clapper Blames Obama
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 345 7.27.18) President Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen is revealing he taped Donald Trump discussing paying a former Playmate for her silence. Cohen is also claiming Trump knew about a meeting with a Russian informant that
When Credit Cycles Blow Up, They’re Really Destructive – Chris Martenson
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Futurist and economic researcher Chris Martenson says we are not at the end of a business cycle but “. . . at the end of a credit cycle.” Martenson warns, “Here’s why people need to be concerned.
Risk Exponential and Unmeasurable – Egon von Greyerz
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Financial and precious metals expert Egon von Greyerz (EvG) vaults gold for clients at two secret locations on two continents. He says his wealthy clients have at least 20% of their net worth in
MSM Disinformation Scam, Trump/Putin Meeting Fake Hysteria, Wells Fargo Troubles
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 344 7/20/18) Putin dropped a bomb in the recent Trump/Putin meeting in Helsinki, Finland. Putin charged that an investment fund manager named Bill Browder (a British citizen) took $1.5 billion out of Russia and that he
Depression then Hyperinflation Coming – Charles Nenner
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Renowned geopolitical and financial cycle expert Charles Nenner says don’t believe the Federal Reserve when it says it expects “the strong performance of the economy will continue.” According to Nenner, it’s about to go the other way—down.
Clinton Involved in Biggest Treason in History – Kevin Shipp
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Former CIA Officer and whistleblower Kevin Shipp says what Hillary Clinton did with her charity and Uranium One while she was Secretary of State was a crime for the history books. Shipp explains, “Hillary
Strzok Testifies/Fights, Trump NATO/EU, Economic Warning
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 343 7.13.18) Trump hating FBI agent Peter Strzok testified in front of Congress this week. Strzok tried to explain many uncovered Trump hating text messages to his girlfriend Lisa Page, but GOP lawmakers were not buying
Bond and Stock Markets a Bomb Waiting to Go Off – Gregory Mannarino
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Trader/analyst Gregory Mannarino says the world is on the edge of big financial trouble, and he lays the blame at the feet of central bankers. Mannarino explains, “We have proof positive that the Federal
Democrats for Communism, Iran Nuke Deal Fraud Continues, Yield Curve Warning
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 342 7.6.18) For years, I have been telling you the so-called Progressive/Democrats are nothing more than Marxist/communists. Top Democrats are now admitting this and proving me correct all alone. The Democrat Socialists of America have proudly