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Geoengineering-Fast Track to Total Disaster & Total Collapse-Dane Wigington
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Dane Wigington runs a website dedicated to exposing and explaining to the public the dangers of climate engineering, also known as “chemtrails.” This is not some sort of conspiracy theory but hard science, also known as “solar
Greece Debt Crisis Cannot Be Contained-Bill Holter
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Financial writer Bill Holter says you can forget what the experts says about “containing” the Greek debt crisis. Holter contends, “Contained is famous last words. This cannot be “contained.” Greece is the canary for the entire world.
WNW 187, Iran Navy Flees Yemen, Clinton Bribery Scandal, and Flash Crash Patsy
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (4/24/15) There is some good news concerning the ongoing war in Yemen. Iran cargo ships, possibly carrying arms and supplies, have turned around and are headed back to Iran. Was it because of the USS Theodore Roosevelt
Strong Dollar is Black Swan-Rick Ackerman
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Trader/analyst Rick Ackerman says forget about the demise of the U.S. dollar anytime soon, Ackerman contends, “I have been totally bullish on the dollar for years, and it looks like clear sailing to me. The dollar is
Over $100 Trillion in Wealth Will Disappear-Harry Dent
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Best-selling author Harry Dent says the stock bubble we have today is the biggest in history. Dent contends, “Now we’re in a third bubble, and each of these bubbles peaks at higher highs, and
WNW 186-Senate Gets To Approve Iran Deal, Russia Sends Air Defense to Iran, Middle East Chaos Continues
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Congress is going to get a say in the upcoming deal to curtail Iran’s nuclear program. Congress has a veto proof majority they will require the President to allow Congress to give its approval. Just this weekend,
Drought Number One Emergency in California-Ellen Brown
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Author and attorney Ellen Brown says the drought in California is dire. NASA recently said that California has just one year of water left. Brown says, “It was just declared our number one emergency. . . .It’s
Fall 2015 Turning Point-Civil Unrest and Riots-Martin Armstrong
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Legendary financial analyst Martin Armstrong says the world is going to be hitting a major “turning point” this fall. Armstrong says this is the end of a 300 year cycle and contends, “This appears
WNW 185-Iran Nuke Deal Falls Apart, Will Fed Raise Interest Rates, Economy Getting Worse
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (4/10/15) The deal to curtail Iran’s nuclear program is no deal at all. How do I know this? You just have to listen to the leadership in Iran. The Ayatollah Khamenei has weighed in along with his
We’re Going to Step On a Mine before End of 2015-James Turk
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Renowned Precious metals expert James Turk thinks this fall is going to be trouble for the U.S. dollar. Turk explains, “I think that is the time frame we should be looking for, and there are a couple
Fed Rate Rise Would Smoke Derivatives-Bill Holter
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Financial writer Bill Holter says don’t expect the economy to get better anytime soon. Holter says, “We’re probably in recession again . . . the economy has been quite weak. It looks to me
WNW-184- Iran Nuke Deal or No Deal, Russia Threatens Nuke War, 0% GDP Growth, California Drought
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (4.3.15) Looks like the U.S. and the rest of the major countries negotiating with Iran have a framework for a deal to curtail Iran’s nuclear program. Let’s not call it a real deal. Why? Because this is
Fed Will Be Forced Not to Raise Interest Rates-Reggie Middleton
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Financial expert and trader Reggie Middleton says the Fed is “going to be forced not to raise interest rates.” Middleton explains, “If they do raise rates, money is going to fly into the dollar. The dollar is
Middle East Revolution & Inflationary Depression Coming-Paul Craig Roberts
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Former Assistant Treasury Secretary Dr. Paul Craig Roberts thinks the Middle East violence is going to get much worse. Dr. Roberts contends, “Unless the Islamic State somehow collapses, you are going to see a
WNW 183-War in Yemen, Crazy Middle East US Policy, Iran Nuke Deal
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s 3/27/15 This Wrap-Up will try to make sense of the nonsensical, crazy U.S. Middle East policy. We start in Yemen. Saudi Arabia and Egypt are getting ready for an invasion of Yemen. Saudi Arabia has already been