Belgium Terror Just the Beginning of Insecure World-Egon von Greyerz

2bBy Greg Hunter’s

Financial expert Egon von Greyerz (EvG) says terror attacks, like the one that just happened in Brussels, can destabilize the entire world. EvG, who lives in Switzerland, explains, “This is obviously a very sad day for our friends in Belgium, but at the same time, we know this is just the beginning, not only in Europe, but with the whole world. We are going to see a much more insecure world.  It is worldwide.  We know that the refugee problem has included a number of potential terrorists. . . . The problems that will be in the west were created by the U.S. and Europe.  The problems that were created in the Middle East and North Africa will lead to more of this.  There is anarchy in Libya.  There is anarchy in Iraq, and the West has created this.  So, they are paying us back, and I don’t think this is finished.  We will see a less secure world, and it is not just Europe.  The U.S. will see similar problems.”

EvG goes on to say, “This can never be solved with force. If the West withdrew from the Middle East and withdrew from North Africa and didn’t interfere, I think these problems would disappear. . . .So, what we have done in the West is we have destroyed these nations and made the risk many times greater than it would have been if we hadn’t interfered.”

Can terror bring down the financial system? EvG says, “Yes, absolutely.  You have to remember, you are looking at a financial system which is extremely fragile.  So, all you need is some kind of catalyst, and this certainly can be the catalyst.  The system will not come down because of this.  The system will come down because we have a rotten world where most major nations are bankrupt and where the financial system has not recovered from the 2007 to 2009 crisis.  It is in a worse state today than what it was then.  Therefore, this could very well be the catalyst and wouldn’t be surprised if it will be.”

Von Greyerz vaults gold for wealthy clients. EvG says, “We are fortunate enough to have the wealth preservation type clients.  These are clients who understand what is happening in the world.  These are people who understand the geopolitical risk, but also the financial risk in the world.  These are people who are insuring future risk in the banking system of sovereign defaults and the risk of hyperinflation.  There is only a half a percent of financial assets in gold. . . . We are absolutely certain that investors must hold gold against the risk we see in the world. . . .We are now set on a course where the world is going to go into a decline.”

EvG also says, “I think gold will rise substantially in coming years. I would say in today’s money, $10,000 per ounce would be at least the rise we will see. . . . Silver will move faster than gold, and I feel very bullish about both of the metals.”

On the bond market, EvG says, “I cannot understand how anybody can put any money into sovereign bonds. Every single government that is issuing these bonds . . . they are just increasing the debt and deficits every year. . . . U.S. debt is increasing exponentially.  None of these governments are going to repay this debt, so why is anybody buying government bonds?”

On the recent stock market run up, EvG says, “What’s happening now is a trap, of course. . . .In January, the down trend started. . . . This is the start of a secular bear market that will take them down at least 75% to 90%. That was the fall beginning in 1929, and now the bubbles are so much bigger than they were in 1929.”

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Egon von Greyerz, Founder and Managing Partner of Matterhorn Asset Management.

(There is much more in the video interview.)

After the Interview: 

Egon von Greyerz says secure physical gold and silver now outside the banking system, and put it under your direct control. There is free information on EvG’s site


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  1. allen ols

    Egon is correct, GEN. WESLEY CLARK said just after 911 the ‘shrubs’, ie bush, rumsfield, etc will DESTABALIZE 7 countries in the ME. We America started this stuff, under old man now bush, and continues till now. “we are reaping what we have sown”

    • allen ols

      ….ps thankyou for your vote, and supporting the ME BS.

      • Galaxy 500

        Thought I smell more Bovine Skat and then I see you added something. Are you still masticating in front of your family?

        • jc davis

          G 500 That was just wrong. I know Allen he is a godly man . Love you dude, this post earned it. LOL

          • jc davis

            Not to take the lord lightly. Correction. Godly.
            I show respect when it is due.

        • allen ols

          ….you sound like Rubio and his small hands/small everything comments to Donald Chump.

        • Colin - 'the farmer from NZ'

          Yesterday I posted this…I think it is important because it is somonumentally disgracefull. It was hidden to a degree because it was late post…………….I repeat;

          My very unqualified 2 cents worth of opinion from an insignificant place.

          You and Grafique appear to be very much on the same wavelength with many issues…..have you ever considered getting a room together?

          I normally don’t bother to read your posts because I find much of your comment and argument to be incoherent anyway. However every now and then you post something that is so extraordinarily bigoted and evil that it is indeed very difficult not to react in some way.

          Today is another one of these instances. You posted this astonishingly reckless comment regarding the Mosul dam. I quote:
          “Mohammed, to be honest, I don’t give a damn. It will probably be a good thing as it will kill terrorists and cut electricity to terrorists”.

          G500, you do realise that a collapse could kill 500,000 people and leave another 1 million or so homeless not to mention cause the destruction of a very important Iraqi food bowl. You are both evil and irresponsible. Your sorry attempt at humour in wishing for this human tragedy of biblical proportions is both obscene and astonishing.
          Case rested.

          • Grafique

            I refuse to get involved further with you despite your juvenile baiting. Expecting sufficient maturity from you to admit you were wrong is futile.

            Continue with your insults against America and Americans.

        • sk

          Wesley Clark let the cat out of the bag, and you, Galaxy, don’t like that one iota, do you? Like I’ve said many times “when you (allen ols) start getting flak, you (allen ols) know you’re over the target!” LOL

          • allen ols

            so tru dat, smart analysis 😉

    • Galaxy 500

      Weasley Wesley, no doubt a hero of yours. More Bovine Skat from you Al. I will render unto God what is God’s and unto Ceasar what is Ceasar. So yes I voted and I vote in every election. You are shielded by the blood and actions of other men.

      The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to 
      fill the world with fools. – Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher 

      • allen ols

        g5 ole duddee
        It sounds like the truth is getting under your skin. Your taking a page off of Donald Chumps playbook.
        “You are shielded by the blood and actions of other men. ” …and I guess your parcel to the criminal actions of ‘all your presidents/criminals. You shall know the truth and soon it will set u free, but u must go through the denial/acceptance/anger then u can begin to have civil conversations. You must first put your big boy pants on/and stop sucking on the bottle/milk.

        • frederick

          İve noticed the same thing about Galaxy and Grafique Not sure why they feel a need to deny reality however ugly it truly is How is that beneficial to us as Americans?

          • Colin - 'the farmer from NZ'

            I would describe it as a very bad case of normalcy bias at best.

            However, G500’s statement re the Mosul Dam collapse is the most despicably evil comment that I have read on WD to date. This to me puts him in a very dangerous and irresponsible category indeed. The fact that Grafique backed him up IMHO was somewhat predictable.


      • jc davis

        A System of Synthetic Philosophy. Judge not.
        It was a good read Thanks G man/ dude.

    • Ken

      Sorry, but the problem of islamic terrorism most certainly can be solved by force. The West could even extinguish islam if turned its economic, cultural, and military might against it.

      Yes, this would be messy and yes it would be cruel, and yes, the good, bad and ugly of the muslims would go … but brother, it would be feasible and it would be effective. Ever hear of Carthage?

      • dbcooper

        Ken, Bring back the leathernecks !! Yours, DB.

      • Mohammad

        They have been trying for 1500, the latest is the invention of ISIS.
        Ain’t working.
        God fearing muslims are to stay with their humble positive constructive demeanor.
        So know your head on the closest rock to you.


        • Mohammad



    • Greetings from England

      The west under American hegemony is sinking into a collection of barbarian nation states that just go around blowing things up together with their lovely friends Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Israel. The axis of civilization is swinging eastwards towards China where they are actually building infrastructure around the world. Putin stands in the middle, trying to prevent the agents of entropy, captains of chaos and lords of the ludicrous from getting their way…

      • Greg Hunter

        You don’t actually want to be under Chinese rule do you?

        • rahrog

          Some of us don’t want to be ruled by anyone. Love your site Greg! Please keep up the good work.

          • Greg Hunter

            Thank you Rog!

          • Greetings from England

            Rahrog I have news for you: america’s money is issued by a private company (hint the fed). Do you really believe america is a free and independent country???

            • rahrog

              Not for one bloody second do I believe america to be a land of freedom.

        • Greetings from England

          Well I love green tea and those golden cat things with the swinging paws…the world needs more of those

        • Tin foil hat

          I don’t mind being rule under a rednecked Chinese like the late Sheriff Harry Lee.

  2. Sayonara

    What a great candid interview with EVG. I have always been against involvement in the middle east due to the irreconcilable cultures and was vehemently against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Obama/Clinton foreign policies are directly responsible for the escalated chaos in middle east and resulting collateral damage in killing tens of thousands of people. We had no business of interfering with these countries. Now it is pay back time and they are invading Europe and the Americas in which many more people will be killed.
    Brussels was nothing compared to what is coming. And by the way, if anyone was surprised by the today’s Brussels terrorism, they are irreconcilably stupid. A lot more to come on terrorism front.
    Meanwhile the wicked, evil and criminally corrupt politicians are bankrupting their countries which will result in political and economic chaos that the world has never seen before. Unfortunately most Europeans and Americans are completely clueless to what is now transpiring – remember these are the people that choose Hershey Bars over 10 oz. silver bars.
    Very scary and very sad to see the western world devolve so quickly in the second half of my lifetime.

    • MargK

      “The Obama/Clinton foreign policies are directly responsible for the escalated chaos in the Middle East……”
      This may be true, especially re the destruction of Gaddafi and Libya. But the CHIEF CULPRIT is surely the GEORGE BUSH administration! If it hadn’t been for him, Cheney and Rumsfield deciding to invade Iraq in the first place, there wouldn’t be the chaos in the ME that there is today.

  3. NomadWizard

    Yup, part of the plan to kill tourism so as to make it easier for them to contain the Sheeple.

  4. Robbie41

    Praying for everyone to stay safe & healthy.

  5. NomadWizard

    First would like to thank you Greg for all your work.

    He’s not telling us much we don’t already know.
    But, I guess it may help those who need another ‘bonk’ on the head to wake up, though I fear, for their sake, it will be too late when they finally do.
    Correction to his point at the 20:50 mark…..silver gold ratio of 83 is not the historical max. Ratio has been as high as 95 and 100. Would be nice to see the ratio at even the 2011 level.
    ………see link below.

    Greg…I may have missed it, but, have you had anyone on who has given their opinion on where the precious metals stocks will be,or react, when the market ‘crashes’ and silver and gold prices fly?

  6. FC

    Jim Rickards, cleverly describes gold as a chameleon……….at times, gold behaves like a commodity and will track the ups and downs of commodity indices.

    At other times, gold is viewed as a safe haven investment and competes with stocks and bonds for investor attention.

    And on occasion, gold assumes its role as the most stable long-term form of money the world has ever known.

    • Robert Lykens (formerly Grafique)

      Either way, I want it.
      The only risk I see in precious metals is what could happen when the world goes cashless.

      • FC

        Precious metals then becomes the new cash in an underground economy.

  7. Colin - 'the farmer from NZ'

    Thank you for a fascinating and informative interview.

  8. Geoff

    There has to be a lot more than a few explosives in Belgium to bring down the world’s financial system.
    Ergon von Greyerz says we are going to see a much more insecure world and it is going to be worldwide. Down here in New Zealand it still feels secure. The problems are in the Northern Hemisphere.

    • Kerry

      I sincerely believe there will be NO safe place anywhere in the world; New Zealand will not be safe, no where will be safe. We will have to face the collapse of civilization and of the world economy whether we want to or not. I don’t know how you feel about religion or prophecy, but the Bible clearly says the coming conflagration will envelope the entire world. The terrorist attacks are merely a foretaste of what is to come.
      “They have blown the trumpet and made everything ready, but none goes to battle, for my wrath is upon all their multitude. 15 The sword is without; pestilence and famine are within. He who is in the field dies by the sword, and him who is in the city famine and pestilence devour. 16 And if any survivors escape, they will be on the mountains, like doves of the valleys, all of them moaning, each one over his iniquity. 17 All hands are feeble, and all knees turn to water. 18 They put on sackcloth, and horror covers them. Shame is on all faces, and baldness on all their heads. 19 They cast their silver into the streets, and their gold is like an unclean thing. Their silver and gold are not able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the Lord. They cannot satisfy their hunger or fill their stomachs with it. For it was the stumbling block of their iniquity. 20 His beautiful ornament they used for pride, and they made their abominable images and their detestable things of it. Therefore I make it an unclean thing to them. 21 And I will give it into the hands of foreigners for prey, and to the wicked of the earth for spoil, and they shall profane it. 22 I will turn my face from them, and they shall profane my treasured place. Robbers shall enter and profane it.” Ezekiel 7
      This is only a small part-there is much more. Of especial interest is the phrase “given into the hands of foreigners for prey” and “their silver and gold are not able to deliver them”.

    • Linda L.

      EVG is right when he says that we can expect much more violence. The Elite are taking the principles that were developed by Saul Alinsky (rules for radicals) to create WORLDWIDE chaos in order to usher in the NWO. ISIS is just one of the tools being used (Muslim Jihadists) to accomplish their goals. I’m sure that New Zealand will not be exempt from the turmoil that’s approaching and so be prepared.

    • Colin - 'the farmer from NZ'

      Tourism traffic is up this summer in NZ by at least 10%.
      This is quite remarkable given the downturn in the global economy. There is no alternative explanation other than the fact that NZ is seen as a safer place to visit than the likes of Europe and the ME. I think the ongoing scene will be one where people are vacationing overseas less in total, but perceived safe areas such as NZ and Aus will experience a dramatic windfall.

      • Colin - 'the farmer from NZ'

        It reminds me of an old saying of my Dad’s:
        “Its an ill wind that blows nobody any good”
        Best wishes

      • MargK

        Colin, I agree with you. Here in Tasmania, another very peaceful part of the world (like most of Australia), tourism traffic over the summer has also been significantly up. We are also starting to see quite a number of retirees relocating here, (including people from Christchurch, who can’t cope with the idea of further earthquakes.)

    • frederick

      İt may appear that way but i have to believe if things get ugly enough worldwide nowhere will be truly safe north or south

  9. libertarian jerry

    Don’t worry Greg,the moron elitists who are trying to run the world will start a war somewhere hoping that the false economy created by a war will “pump prime” the economic system and get us out of the hole. Of course the only hole I see being filled are the graves of the innocents and cannon fodder soldiers caught up in the conflict. This tactic,by the elitists,has always worked throughout history. I just hope that there is no miscalculation or the world could be consumed in a nuclear holocaust.

    • hobuk

      Linda L.:
      “The fight of terrorism will be waged around the world.” (President Obama’s speech on Brussels from Cuba). It’s like a traveling circus. Imagine, radical terrorists given a pass through Israeli-owned airport security, ICTS. Are we supposed to believe this is strictly incompetence? Let’s see, how many times has this happened?

      • Greg Hunter

        How about zero? Veiled anti-Israel comment with no proof.

        • hobuk

          So they’re incompetent? How about a well deserved Trump response from memory lane for ICTS: “You’re fired!” It’s true, we don’t know what the secret intelligence agencies are doing, and where they are doing it, and with what nations. We do know they’re involved with ISIS.

        • hobuk

          ICTS was the company that boarded Richard Reid at Tel-Aviv, the crotch bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab in Amsterdam, and was handling Boston Logan, in fact, all airports during 9/11…and now Brussels where someone passes with a heavy weapon we are supposed to believe completely undetected. Sorry, I cannot believe.

          • frederick

            hobuk the rabbit hole goes VERY deep indeed

  10. 8Ball

    When I was young you could walk into the Western Auto store and buy a lever action 30-30 off the shelf, with ammo. No one was running around killing each other. You could also buy dynamite if you wanted it… no one was running around blowing other people up.

    I suspect that most of these “acts of terror” are contrived, designed and facilitated by the same people who claim to be making the world safer for the general public.

    The real purpose, I believe, is to ultimately keep them safe from us when sufficient numbers of people wake up and realize that their governments are their real enemies.

    • jc davis

      Well said 8Ball. Remember when silver was easy to find in a quarter ? The same is happening to the copper penny. My point is we are a 3rd world country and don’t know it yet.

      • art barnes

        Your point JC is well taken, yes, we are in fact a third world country in hiding, just go to the grocery story out here on the western front to see it for yourselves; you won’t believe it, third world is all over out here, its actually out of the closet, but the rest of you will soon see it too! Nice astute observation for the naive and blind to think about.

    • dbcooper

      8B, I to remember those days … with longing when we could pollute with impunity and have a good time doing it!! (The greenys will have a fit over that one!!) Yours, DB.

  11. (Rev) Andrew de Berry

    Thanks as always Greg. EvG is ever charming and prophetic., A

  12. Greetings from England

    Is it my imagination or is the west’s war on terror not working? Was it ever intended to work? Britain’s foreign policy, thanks to sell-outs such as blair and cameron, seems to be to follow america down the rabbit hole into some sort of mad max world where anarchy prevails. Only Putin stands between us and the total unravelling of the middle east. Interesting then, that he should be subject to so much criticism by the mainstream media. Why are the media tallying up all the civilians killed by Russian air strikes whilst ignoring the atrocities committed by Saudi Arabia in Yemen (with british weapons) and turkey against the Kurds. Did the A-bombs dropped on Japan not kill any civilians, or the agent orange sprayed over vietnam?

  13. Doug

    EvG is always a great interview, and a true gentleman. He is telling it as it is.what struck me during this interview is the interconnectedness of all things. A terrorist attack can affect tourism, or a certain market, which can cause a daisy chain of events. So too could a natural disaster in a certain area. But it is that interconnectedness of all things that makes you know that something or one thing will be the final catalyst and bring down the sham economy. Never really thought of it this way as much as I do now. Thank u Greg as always for the great interview.

  14. Tommy

    Some “facts” I don’t believe.
    There are 11 million aliens who are here illegally. I’ve heard this same number for years. It never changes. If they are here illegally and we don’t know who they are or where they are how to they know how many there are?

    ISIS numbers somewhere between 10,000 and 30,000. Again, I’ve heard this number for 2+ years, yet I also hear how successful they are at recruiting new members. There sphere of terror has expanded and now includes an area stretching from North Africa to Europe. And it continues to grow.

    And now a new one: If the west withdrew from the Middle East and North Africa the terrorism problem would disappear.

    We have some terribly serious issues and I believe they can be resolved. But it will take time and will and sacrifice and I don’t believe our leaders or the majority of the population has the desire or strength to pursue the effort. Words are so much easier than action.

    • Galaxy 500

      It was reported as 30 million plus during McCain Obama election.

    • jc davis

      Tommy. with a leader as president many problems can be solved. We have a Muslim in the white house. If the states had the free hand to stop immigration, with the assistance of the fed. A great number would be out of this country. It took 70 years or more to cause the problem and it will not be fixed in a few months. Hang on too your Guns.

    • frederick

      Tom there are almost that many in North Carolina or it sure seems that way anyway

  15. Chip

    Thanks Greg. EVG is a smart man and great guest. Chip

  16. Grafique

    On terrorism – EvG thinks that if the West withdrew from the Middle East and North Africa, “these problems would disappear.”
    Isolationism can’t work. Neither Russia nor China is going to cooperate; they would use such a withdrawal to increase their influence/totalitarianism.
    The answer is strong, conservative, American leadership and influence abroad. Free market capitalism as an economic system – unmixed with leftist policy – would serve to raise Third World nations out of poverty.

    • Galaxy 500

      I thought that was remarkably ignorant of facts and history. There is a fascist pseudo religion that seeks world domination. Perhaps he thinks everyone should convert so they stop killing…well, they never have really stopped in their entire history but I am sure that those types of facts don’t intrude into his world.

    • Greetings from England

      American intervention seems to be highly correlated with rising terrorism from the middle east. Can it be anything to do with the fact that America removes the secular leaders of those countries by funding ‘moderate’ rebels of dubious origin? When Putin destroys their pet thugs America has a hissy fit and then pretends to be worried about civilian casualties because of course Obama’s drone attacks only kill the bad ones…

    • allen ols


      peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none…” Thomas Jefferson
      If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy. James Madison
      While there is no proof he actually said this, we do know Madison said this in 1787:
      The means of defense against foreign danger have been always the instruments of tyranny at home.
      And this in 1798:
      Perhaps it is a universal truth that the loss of liberty at home is to be charged against provisions against danger, real or pretended from abroad. James Madison

      Said Franklin:
      Wars are not paid for in wartime, the bill comes later.
      Said Dick Cheney in 2002, “Deficits don’t matter.”

      • Grafique

        AO, absolutely correct – there is a huge difference between peace/commerce/honest friendship and foreign entanglements.
        Problem is, one man’s friendship is another man’s entanglement. WWII – with allied victory/axis surrender turned into “honest friendship”, yes?
        2016 Syria/Libya is an obvious entanglement. The Marxist/socialist/Democrat Hussein Obama turned what could have been a victory in Iraq into a defeat.
        Politically speaking, consevatism is the way forward.
        Economically speaking, Free Market Capitalism built the mightiest economy on the history of the world.

        • allen ols

          Every time I hear about Syria, I remember bandar bush offering to pay usa full war bill if we attack Syria, depose assad so they can build the gas pipeline from qutar to medit. sea.

        • Greetings from England

          Good old American entrepreneurial endeavor caused american banks to fund the Nazi party and companies such as Ford to make the German tanks. America helped to make the Nazis strong and then benefited once the ensuing war had destroyed Europe. The pursuit of profit can have devastating consequences on the world. Think of the arms manufacturers and construction companies that have a financial incentive to promote war.

    • Colin - 'the farmer from NZ'

      You said…”The answer is strong, conservative, American leadership and influence abroad”.
      So apparently you need more of it then!
      …….. because its working so splendidly!
      IMHO…… one word – delusional!!!

      PS This is another ” 19th century provincial comment from a small agricultural island on the less significant side of the world”

      • Grafique

        I’m finished with you. See my response above. I won’t be replying to you anymore.

      • frederick

        those people arent rational and cannot be reached by using common sense arguements Colin And Happy Easter to you friend

  17. Russ

    Greg — Good interview and perspective on terrorism going forward. I really like how you let your guests finish their thoughts. The anarchy that seems pervasive now in Libya and the M.E. will probably grow. These attacks are far from over and we can thanks Hillary and her Neocon pals. taking out a dictator always seems like a good idea in the moment but they don’t answer the question of “what then?”. As Colin Powell put it so well, “you break it, you own it”. Well, it’s broken and we own it. That’s just the way it is.

    Thanks again.

  18. Buck

    Skull and Bones 322 creates the CIA. CIA creates terror organization and names it after the goddess ISIS.

    ISIS bombs Belgium on 3/22.

  19. Jerry

    Still think Trump is a nut job? He called this one.
    We should have never gone into the middle east….period. This is, and always has been about saving the petrodollar. When Henry Kissinger took us off the Gold standard in 1968, the dollar began a slow quiet death. The end will culminate with the activation of China’s alternate exchange system, that will go online sometime in the near future once they have cornered the gold market.

    I find it interesting that immigrants from the middle east are not streaming into China and Russia like they are the United States and Europe. One can only conclude that it is by design that these people are bussed in for a purpose since most of them arrive with only the clothes on their back. I smell George Soros and the NWO.

    • Jerry

      Addendum to my last post.
      Speaking of getting it right. The Simpsons sure nailed this one about Trump running for President. Look closely.

    • Galaxy 500

      Never thought Trump was a nut job.

      • allen ols

        did u think teddie cruzzer was politically corrupt when u voted him into congress, or old man bush was a NWO clown, or W. was a looney toon, or Rommel, (I take it u voted for him) was crazy religious nut job, or maybe bomb bomb bomb, bomb Iran John McCain was a war monger. Did u vote for Johnny boy?

        • suan

          allen, take a rest. We don’t need your belittling BS. We are at a very serious point in our American lives and Mr. Trump may be a very important part.

          • allen ols

            sorry but I have watched waaayy toooo many BS’ERS run for office in this country since after kennedy to even think trump/cruz will bring change u can believe in. Your as dooooopppped as all those crazies that followed/voted for obombabomba.

        • frederick

          Why are you insulting a great field marshal by using his name in reference to a weasel like romney allen? Romney couldnt shine Erwin Rommels boots

    • Diana Dee Jarvis

      Jerry, don’t forget the migrants from North Africa and the Balkans. MSM points at middle eastern war refugees and largely ignores the other migrants. It’s like they’re hiding in plain sight or something.

    • Linda L.

      YES! all these immigrants aren’t streaming into China and Russia like they’re doing in the United States and Europe, because China and Russia are resistant to the ultimate goals established by the NWO. As they (China and Russia) create their own monetary exchange system/prepare for the future, their ideas on what a new world should look like are in utter conflict with those of Soros/and associated gang of the “criminal, crony, class” in the US/Europe. What crazy times we live in..

      • Mohammad


        So Rothschild has nothing to do with the new gold fix in China?


        • Dan

          Hi Mohammad,

          I really enjoy many of your comments. It’s refreshing to see your point of view/perspective on things and how you can stand your ground when dealing with challenging comments.

          I would just like to ask whether you have any evidence or facts regarding the Rothschild’s and their link to China and/or the Gold Fix.

          I know this family’s operations (including their ownership in the Fed and the Bank of England) are highly secretive and it’s a challenge to trace some undeniable hard proof. But it would be great if you could back up your claim with a little more than speculation. If you got something real, please share; if not, what’s the point? It will only add to your credibility.


          • Mohammad


            I wrote this on Greg’s blog in Jan 2016 as a response to Jerry:


            Very important to know that the Rothschild are deep to the bone with the new gold fix.


            Did you notice Jerry that NON of the immigrant waves made it East bound…..????

            Think about that…..!


            • Faith

              What many of us noticed is that none of them made it to Saudi Arabia or the UAE.

              The Saudis import most of their labor. But of course that requires that people work and it seems the refugees flooding to Europe are more interested in top-notch welfare rather than actually working.

              • Mohammad

                I concur with your statement.
                it even cost the person 2000 euros to pass one person to EU, DID YOU ASK YOUR SELF WHO PAID ALL THE SMUGGLERS FEES????????

                Use something god gave you called brains.


            • Dan


              I’ve read this article and already know of the Rothschild’s links to the LBMA Gold Fix. But there is nothing concrete in there that indicates they will be part of the Chinese SGE Gold Fix.

              You’re undoubtedly a smart guy; so please when making such claims back it up with better proof and not just a link to an article that has lots of “maybes”.

              Thanks Mohammad.

              • Mohammad

                You are smart enough to realize that it is the Rothschild/Rockefeller’s elites through their feds/GS/JpMorgan counter ARE GIVING CHINA GOLD AT FIRE SALE PRICE THROUGH COMEX…… 😉

                Before that Gordon Brown gave China the fire sale gold that was even called then the Brown Bottom…!!! Would he dare doing that without the seal of Rothschild?

                Any proof better than this?
                Link the dots Dan, link the dots.


        • frederick

          The squid has its tentacles everywhere Mohammad anyone with a functioning brain should see that clearly

      • Jerry

        Crazy times indeed Linda. For those like you that are tuned in, I suggest a glimpse of the Soros game plan, as broken down by V’s latest guerilla report. Here’s the link.

  20. Jerry

    So much for Deutsche Banks little bounce. This bomb is ticking.

    • Jerry

      Why Deutsche Bank can’t be saved.
      Deutsche Bank’s Stunning $100 Trillion Of Derivatives

      Just take Deutsche Bank, their derivatives position is officially $75 trillion. The real figure is probably over $100 trillion but let us accept the $75T. DB’s equity is $83B. This means that just 0.1% loss on the gross derivatives position is enough for DB to go under. It is virtually guaranteed that any loss on their derivatives would exceed 0.1% of gross value. DB is also too big for Germany. DB’s derivatives position is 24 x German GDP and equal to global GDP. Clearly too big to save and too big for the country and the world! But the Bundesbank and the ECB will try and thus create a new hyperinflationary Weimar Republic for Germany.

      Friends the ECB is playing hot potato with a ticking time bomb. According to my sources DB cannot be saved. In fact vulture capitalist at this very moment are lining up to pick the financial bones clean of any positive assets that may remain following its declaration of bankruptcy. coco bond sales are used as a temporary short term fix to delay the momentum of a total collapse until investors get their acquisition mechanisms in place.

      Do not be deceived by what is being reported in the MSM. Once bankruptcy has been declared by DB, the slate will be wiped clean, and all those trillions of dollars in derivatives that DB has been holding, will come flooding back into the derivative market to either be purchased by other banks, adding to their balance sheets, or collapse the market as a whole.

      • Greg Hunter

        I have heard the “official number is a little more than $70 in derivatives. Either way, it is a very big number considering the global GDP is about $70 trillion.

      • Macray

        The Financial World knows that Deutsche Bank is a TBTF Bank.
        I completely agree with your comment that the Bundesbank and the ECB will try and do whatever is necessary to bail them out, thus creating a new hyperinflationary Weimar Republic for Germany.

        The Bundesbank knows their history as well as the laws of economics. If I were them, I sure would have been trying as hard as I could over the last several years to get all their country’s Gold back into Germany.
        Oh wait a minute, that’s old news!
        Germany Wants Its Gold Back—Should You Worry?

        The Bundesbank and the ECB have to try to do whatever it takes because Deutsche is connected to the entire financial system. Deutsche Bank going down would trigger a domino effect for all other TBTF Banks derivative positions and they all know it will collapse the entire 1.5 quadrillion dollar market.

        Many in the Financial World believe that Deutsche Bank will be bailed out. At least that is what they are saying publicly.
        If this alone does not make the case to own physical Gold and or Silver, nothing will. And of course to prepare for what is coming as best as one can.

        Good post, thanks

        • Macray

          “In fact vulture capitalist at this very moment are lining up to pick the financial bones clean of any positive assets that may remain following its declaration of bankruptcy”

    • Colin - 'the farmer from NZ'

      One of these days it will be the last bounce….the dead cat bounce.
      The repercussions will be global.

  21. john duffy

    Mohammad, the other day you said that Islam is a religion of peace. How do you explain this?

    • jc davis

      John. Thanks for the repost. At what point will a Muslim denounce Sharia law for a constitutional America of freedom. Mohammad will you denounce Sharia law ? If not you need to Repent for your sin . I care about you Mohammad. That is the only reason. I / We love you.

      • art barnes

        Islam = violence – violence = Islam, any questions?

        • Mohammad


          • Faith

            AB asked a legitimate question.

            A two-letter reply is not a reply at all it is an outright denial with regard to Islamic violence. Islamic violence that is not only committed to terrorize the west but also against women and anyone else that disagrees with the Islamic point of view.

            Mo, contrary to your outright juvenile denial, Islam demands submission and is obsessed with proving that Muslims are superior. Disagreement is not tolerated. Indeed, Islam is the only modern religion that kills adherents for the so-called crime of apostasy or for converting to another religion.

            That is not freedom of thought or freedom of religion, Mo, that is nothing more than brainwashing and enforced slavery.

    • Mohammad

      I answered you on the previous post, it means you did not read my response.


      • dbcooper

        Personally I scroll through most all of your posts … until you deal with the reality that your Fascist ideology is fundamentally violent and murderous … I will consider you irrelevant.

        • Mohammad

          So why you tagged this one?
          you read my posts and that is good.


        • Kakistocracy

          Why can’t PEOPLE especially Americans WAKE UP !??!?!?

          Do you people really belive that these terrorist acts are being perpetrated by these Islamo Evil Do-ers ?

          Seriously people, how long will it take for you to wake up ?
          It is comfortable and superior feeling when you can point blame to others.

          Who do you think committed 9/11 ?
          Do you actually believe 19 Arabs using box cutters brought down THREE BUILDINGS ? WTC 7 ?!

          You people are Destructively Naive.
          Until you realize that your OWN government is committing these acts, you fools are lost.

          • frederick

            kak BİNGO

    • Linda L.

      Here’s an interesting website:
      Walid Shoebat was a radicalized Muslim, who converted to Christianity years ago. Now he helps Christians and others in the ME that are being persecuted by radicalized Muslims/militants in the region. For anyone that says Islam a religion of “peace”, they need to sit down and review this site, watch the videos, and even contact Mr. Shoebat if they need to for more information/additional proof. Mr. Shoebat is one very brave, ex-Muslim, who’s really doing his part to share the truth. There have been death threats against him, but in spite of it all, he continues his work in order to reach as many as he can.

      • Greg Hunter

        Love this!

        • Linda L.

          Here’s another ex-Muslim terrorist who actually had the assigned mission (20 years ago) to came to America in JIHAD, recruit and target missions against anyone problematic to Islam. However, via a series of very interesting events, he (KAMAL SALEEM) found Christ. He spends his time sharing his history/his love for Christ/warning the public/reaching out to Muslims. When you can, watch this interesting video:
          “unveiling the ugly truth”


  22. CrazyCanuck

    Ok, ok. Canada plays the honesty card and admits it has sold all its gold. As Egon notes, to say it did so because of it being a difficult to trade commodity is just BS. However, should the world start to do a slow unravel and things get really bad, can they not simply nationalize their gold in the ground ?

  23. Kip

    He has the typical Europian view of Islam that they had of Adolph Hitler. Islam is perusing global domination politically and spiritually. The worlds pacifism will lead to the same results.

    • Greg Hunter

      If they play nice maybe it will go away–Not. Great comment. Thank you.

      • diane s.

        It’s naive to think
        ” oh, if we’re nice to them….they will be nice to us”
        No….if we’re nice to them they will cut our heads off…slowly.

    • Greetings from England

      But if America and Britain had been more pacifist in the first place leaders such as Saddam Hussein and Gaddaffi would still be in power and keeping a lid on these religious fanatics. They were not perfect but they were secular and allowed women to work. Having destroyed the infrastructure in these countries, terrorist organizations are now the highest paying employers around. Not content with creating a power vacuum in Iraq and Libya these same western powers are trying to topple Assad. In any case if America is serious about tackling terrorism why is it not restricting the financial activities of these organisations (like selling oil)? America was so stupid it even attacked Iraq in retaliation for 9/11.

      • frederick

        The US did not attack İraq because of that false flag attack There were the issues of oil and İsraels security/expansion buts thats just my opinion

    • Galaxy 500

      Well reasoned and well said.

    • Diana Dee Jarvis

      On the other hand, if America would stop supplying IS and stop trying to destabilize the Mideast, that might be a good first step to helping make things better. American drones killing thousands of innocent people isn’t helping anyone. What a good second step would be is something I haven’t seen discussed.

      • James Hastings

        An economic and governmental collapse. Nothing short will cleanse the situation. There will not be a great revelation in the governments mind…that leads to a revival of honesty.

  24. Mohammad

    What different is he from ISIS?

    Both are the same, just different clothing.


    • Greg Hunter

      You are comparing Trump to the murdering, beheading radical Muslims of ISIS? You must be kidding?

      • Mohammad

        No, he is worse, he wants to nuke every one in M.E.


        • Greg Hunter

          So you admit there is a radical element to Islam?

          • Mohammad

            We have been there before,
            There are radical Mossad/CIA mercenaries.
            Radical KGB mercenaries with political agenda,

            Islam is peace.


        • Kerry

          The solution is to use targeted, tactical nukes, low megaton, battlefield nukes. Minimal collateral damage that way.

          • Mohammad


            Collateral damage my foot.
            So when you advocate killing civilians, innocent, god fearing people you call it collateral damage?

            Not any different from the mindset of the terrorist.
            Trumpet is just going to kill more innocent people using nukes, as reckless at best terrorist at worst as ISIS.


        • Galaxy 500

          I don’t think he wants to nuke everyone in the middle east, just the murderous moslems.

          • allen ols

            A nuke does not pick and choose its victim, war is hell. We went to the ME to keep sadaam/gadaffieduck from selling oil for gold, by passing the dollar, ie to protect our economy. The criminals in Washington did not want the competition ripping us off. We are in Syria to sieze control for an oil pipeline from Qatar to coast of Syria/on to Europe.
            We deposed the elected leader of Iran/installed the SHA. Now how would you like Russia to come here and depose our elected govmnt, install a pro Chinese dictater, and bomb your house trying to get your neighbor who is fighting to the govmnt. The usa is a preditor nation, you will finally have to admit it one day.
            All the wars we have been fighting/loosing are for worthless economics. How is that working out for you.

      • frederick

        Funny how much we support other radical murderers around the world such as the Saudi royal wahhabiis can anyone say hypocrites?

        • Mohammad


    • Jerry

      There is building anger in the middle class of the United States over Muslim extremist who have declared a holy war on the west. Muslim leaders would be wise to speak out now against it before this anger turns to blood. Right, wrong, or indifferent, both sides are being played as pawns by the globalist to stir up a war. I have no doubt that if an Islamic extremist should set off a suitcase nuke in a major city in the United States, that someone like Trump would retaliation with a nuclear strike. These are dangerous times indeed.

      • Mohammad

        Leaders who kept the lid down (Saddam, Qaddafi, and now Assad) are taken out by the west that is crying wolf now, go figure….


        • Linda L.

          Yes, we had no business killing Saddam, Qaddafi or currently going after Assad/region, which has destabilized the entire ME. Syria is a complete mess, with hundreds of thousands dead now, thanks to the “criminal crony class” who are working behind the scenes to usher in the NWO. The Elites armed the local Muslim radicals in the ME (ISIS), and have also used paid militants (most likely funded by the US/CIA), working with ISIS to destroy the populations/create chaos/unrest with the intention of taking out Assad. If lying, cheating Hillary is elected, she and her low life, scum ball controllers will attempt to finish off what they’ve started, usheringWW3 in FULL throttle because Putin and his supporters (who have profound interests in the region/ME, won’t give them up). And they, in direct confrontation, will use nukes if they have to. America in its current state, is no match for Putin, China, Iran…..( a long laundry list of those who hate America now). Doomsday seems to be approaching in high gear/time is running out/make personal peace.

          • Mohammad

            Trumpet has a faster solution,
            He will NUKE them all.
            Will just nuke the terrorists..!!!!
            What is wrong with this picture?


          • allen ols

            linda l

            very good, well done!!

          • susan

            Wow! Linda, you absolutely have it all right. I hope everyone reads your post and AGREES!

            • frederick

              Linda gets it alright Too bad so many Americans are still in denial We need alot more like Linda

    • Galaxy 500

      How about we compare the murderous prophet of islam who married a 6 year old to Hitler? Hitler killed less and caused much less misery than the prophet. You know, your name sake

      • jc davis

        Oh MAN that was good.

        • Mohammad

          Peace be upon the merciful prophet Mohammad

      • susan

        Gal500, You move to the top of the class!

      • Tin foil hat

        Well, if Trump took nine more women, I mean eight more women and one 6 y/o girl, as his wives, he would be somewhat comparable to the merciful prophet.
        However, Trump must first kill the father and brothers of one of these women and make her a slave. He can then screw with her head and convince her to convert to Christianity before he mercifully marry her. He also has to marry his son wife because of her stunning beauty.
        Come to think of it, perhaps we should take over the Mideast and mercifully enslave all the inhabitants in strict accordance with the Sharia law. Wouldn’t that be a wonderful solution?

        • Mohammad

          Must be the tin foil hat….!
          No harm.
          Just remove it and yo will ok again…Hopefully… 😉


          • Tin foil hat

            I took your advice and removed the tinfoil hat. Your advice failed to change history.
            Mohammad killed Rayhana bint Zayd’s husband, captured her as slave before he married her.
            Mohammad killed Juwayriyya bint al-Harith’s husband, captured her as slave before he married her.
            Mohammad killed Safiyya bint Huyeiy Ibn Akhtab’s father and husband, captured her as slave before he married her.
            Must be the name Mohammad …… !
            Just change it and maybe everything will be okay again. Hopefully…

            • Mohammad

              You did not remove the tin foil hat.

              False accusations based on shear ignorance.

              Pointless communicating with you.



      • frederick

        When we start equating the treachery and slaughter that went on in that era with modern times we do indeed slide down a perilous slope Galaxy İm not a Muslim but i think you are doing a disservice to everyone with that comparison

  25. Matt

    What is coming will be shocking. The Great Waves of Change are building on the horizon. Environmental degradation, accelerating resource depletion, intensifying climate change, and Intervention from forces beyond the world who wish to preserve the world for themselves. Only Knowledge within the individual can recognize this. The Ark is nearing the waterfall. “The world will decline very fast….” Egon Von Greyerz.

    • Galaxy 500

      Intensifying climate change my pastey white behind. With demonstrably flaw logic it is hard to believe anything he says.

    • dbcooper

      Tell it to Spanky !! DB.

    • MargK

      I agree 100% Matt. Climate change deniers will eventually be eating their words. Long before the full effects of that, however, there will be the collapse of the world financial system and a substantial drop in living standards in the west, as we have already seen in Greece, Spain etc. Also water scarcity in Africa, India and elsewhere will see environmental refugees en masse. Then, of course, there is the continuing nightmare of the poisoning of the Pacific Ocean from Fukushima….enjoy life while you can.

  26. art barnes

    Greg, timely interview of a European after Brussels. Did you notice that the bombs are getting bigger and bigger, if you look at the airport in Brussels these are not the old Uni-bomber pipe bombs any longer they are getting smaller and very sophisticated. I agree with your guest that it will get worst in time. Two or three men of the religion of peace has shut down an entire country for at least a couple of days; trains & airports closed. Kind of amazing really that ISIS can’t be stopped or that the West refuses to actually stop it if it can – but the real threat is not just a few hundred or thousand terrorist, its and entire ideology of hate and disrespect of the West by the religion of peace. A couple of years ago there was a poll taken (can’t remember where or who conducted it) and 80 percent of the Muslims were sympathetic to one degree or another to radical Islam. I suspect that poll was quite accurate. I totally agree with your guest that we have caused a lot of the terrorism by going into the middle east, it gives the religion of peace a boogie man to hate in stead of looking at their own central governments as to why they feel enslaved. In any event, yes, more is to come, as Bush & Obama’s religion of peace marches on with their jihad all the while we in the West try to be tolerant and spin lies about that its only a few poorly guided individuals and not and entire ideology back up by a great sympathetic majority of and entire religion. What could go ever wrong with a policy like that?

  27. Mark

    I like Egon. He’s a smart guy.
    But, he is in the gold business.
    It’s hard to find a car dealer that isn’t pro automobile.

  28. john preston

    extremely enlightening

  29. Martel

    Excellent interview Mr. Hunter:

    I admire the Swiss. The logic of the Germans with the Liberty mindedness of the Founding Fathers. EVG is spot on in his assessment. We (as in the West) need to pull out fully of the ME. Vested military and financial interests have produced a situation where we are now in a quagmire of no escape. The blow back is being felt in the form of attacks and migration to Europe and soon to NA if fear. I have no doubt that there are people of the Muslim faith who cherish freedom and liberty……these people are welcome. There are those Muslims who do not, they are not welcome. The message should be sent loud and clear to the ME:( We are out, if you come here and cause problem, we will not hesitate to use what ever means we have to take you out as we will not be sucked in to your chaos at our own peril.)

  30. Mohammad


    • Greg Hunter

      Not everything is a false flag, and many pass off their opinion as proven fact when indeed it is not. This was radical Islam at work.

      • Mohammad

        Like 9/11….of course.


        • Greg Hunter

          Some false flags are real. That one comes with scientific evidence.

          • Mohammad

            So you agree 9/11 is a false flag?


            • Tin foil hat

              I love my country as much, if not more so, than your love of Islam. I concur 9/11 is likely a false flag and I’m going to do something about it.
              When will you acknowledge your beloved prophet was a slave trading killer?
              When will you acknowledge Sharia is not only incompatible but conflicts with the US Constitution?
              Btw, you have already answered the last question with your silence.

              • Mohammad

                My last reply to your posts.
                I will think about replying again once you remove the tin foil hat.


          • Galaxy 500

            Greg, do you believe all of 911 was a so called false flag or just bldg 7? I still have to go with Mr Griffin of DHS Griffin that calls that ignorant fantasy and not only did he do the clean up, he is in the business of blowing up buildings.
            I don’t see how you discount the Saudis how took flight lessons [except the landing part] and were reported on in many cell phone calls to love ones.

            • Greg Hunter

              Mr. Griffin who donates to both parties including Kay Hagen’s failed senatorial campaign? Let’s have the entire 9?11 commission report released and please have Mr. griffin explain how building 7 fell straight down (in free fall) WITHOUT being hit 8 hours after the 9/11 impact of Building #1 and #2. Here’s the link: By the way, 1400 engineers call BS on the official story. I’m going to go with 1,400 engineers instead of one campaign donor for both parties. Oh and please consider how Mr. Griffin got that lucrative government contract, which by the way, destroyed evidence and a crime scene before an investigations. Peace

              Oh and here is another video with lost of science that says Mr. Griffin is totally wrong on Building #7 :

              • Mohammad

                Thank you Greg.
                You have answered my question.


              • Hatemail

                Just this week I opened the eyes of another sleeping citizen. I encourage everyone here on this site to awaken America one person at a time. Don’t let the lie live any longer.

            • jc davis

              G 500 forgive me for butting in . What you are asking is where do the lies end and truth began. This was a big mess to this day no one knows what the truth was/ is.

              • frederick

                Obviously most people have no desire to know or we would There are plenty of perps whose involvement are blatantly obvious and yet nobody gets indicted just like with Hillary There is no rule of law anymore in our country sadly for us all

            • allen ols

              ..a small glimmer of light begins to filter through the fog of doubt, a question emerges without an ounce of logic, of why all that molten steel burning in the ground for days. go figure.

              • Greg Hunter

                They can’t explain Building #7 unless you consider controlled demolition.

                • Tin foil hat

                  It’s unthinkable that I could be fooled for so many years by this amateurishly staged crime scene.


                • Mohammad


                  Building seven was a failed hologram did not show the plane that was supposed to be going in like the rest:


                  and more detailed here by John Lear:



                  • frederick

                    to be honest all three buildings are obviously involved as well as the pentagon to anyone with any engineering background who cares enough to look

                  • Tin foil hat

                    I saw the second plane, or a huge drone, which crashed into the South Tower. It was no hologram.
                    Building 7 and the plane which crashed into the ground in Shankville, PA are the ones that don’t add up and defied common sense and basic science.
                    It still amazes me that I have chosen not to see something so blatantly staged for so many years.
                    I just can’t understand why they didn’t stop after the twin towers attacks. Nobody, at least me, would ever suspect that as a false flag.

            • frederick

              How on gods earth can you seperate bldg 7 from the entire event? Thats crazy man (Greg Hunter added this to this comment : )

        • Kerry

          Please explain to me how it is possible to convince rational people to convert to a “religion of peace” when what they see are representatives of that religion cutting people’s heads off and blowing people up? If you sincerely believe your religion is one of peace then SPEAK UP and denounce the violence; lead a reform to modernize your religion. Be a lion in the face of the thugs who are blowing people up in the name of your religion. Mimic Christ, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, and throw the money changers out of the temple. Lead peaceful Muslims in a revolution to change your religion and your future. Disgard your 6th century ideas about women and the law and embrace the free market system. Otherwise, you are doomed.
          By the way-should the U.S. stay out of ME policies and let you guys fight it out amongst yourselves, as your tribal culture is wont to do? Absolutely. Just don’t bring it to the U.S. we will crush you.

          • Mohammad

            I am as US patriot as you are, actually am more than you are, i came here by my choice out of love to this country choosing it as my home so keep the BS to yourself and do not assume the position of giving certificates of patriotism to your liking.
            My last comment to you, seems like it is a waste of time trying to communicate with you.


            • dbcooper

              I beg to differ … sir … you are irrelevant.

              • Mohammad

                I thought you said you scroll down my posts…..LOL


            • aussie jeff

              I’m a follower of Jesus Christ,

              If by some twisted reasoning a group of Christians rose up and began kidnapping and beheading innocent muslims,i personally would be screaming from the roof tops denouncing those murderers as false christians and workers for the devil!!!!

              Your turn. Lets hear it.

              • Mohammad

                Muslims do not kidnapp nor cut heads, muslims love.
                CIA/Mossad mercenaries, KGB mercenaries and of course with hoods do atrocities to evacuate M.E. from god fearing muslims.
                Just go back and do the numbers on how many Muslims killed by ISIS in Syria? your hair will turn grey if it is not already.
                MUSLIMS ARE THE FIRST VICTIMS BY ISIS (Israeli Secret Intelligent Service)


                They want to evacuate the land from Euphrates to Nile to create the great Israel kingdom.

                WAKE UP.


              • Gary Canuck

                Why don’t you ask the native Indians of South America, how they liked Christianity, especially the Incas.
                Every religion has a tainted history, in Canada WE WIPED out the Indians on the Ottawa, river.
                Boys the Jesuit World Order is alive & well, blending religion, finance, politics,
                All religions accepted, via
                Goldman Sachs, nothing has changed for 300 years.
                When it comes to My God is Better Than Your God than war is the only outcome, sponsored by the money changers, “hell ask Jesus”

            • Tin foil hat

              If you were truly a patriot as you so loudly proclaimed, why can’t you answer a simple question which I’d repeatedly asked you again and again?
              The US Constituion or Sharia Law????

      • allen ols


    • jc davis

      Repent=1.feel or express sincere regret or remorse about one’s wrongdoing or sin. The world is fed up of this religion of lies. Don’t go down with the ship Mohammad. Repent, Jesus is GOD.

    • Tin foil hat

      Progressive/Squid rules by creating uncertainty and fears thru chaos. Objectives are achieved in the smoke of chaos just like a pack of predators on the hunt.
      KKK, Black Panthers, Black Lives Matter, Occupy Wall St. and ISIS are their useful idiots to cause chaos and confusion. I suspect black Americans are wakened to the fact that they are being used. The progressive Shadow Goverment needs a new and more effective smoke/mirrors to replace the black useful idiots. That is why they are importing Muslims, the latest idiots for the progressive machine embedded in both parties.
      The idiots who refuse to wise up and eagerly engage in blowing smoke/bombs are just as evil/guilty as the masterminds.

  31. andyb

    Greg: this was very interesting; especially since Egon is, primarily, a businessman and not just a pundit. His thoughts on eventual gold availability are spot on; when Westerners finally wake up to gold’s benefits, there won’t be any to purchase, except at prices far above the current one.

    Regarding the DOW/gold ratio, it has been my belief for several years now that it will be at least 1:1 within the next year and will eventually go to 1:3 or lower. Currently, the DOW is being propped up by the ESF and by financial engineering; while the former can perhaps go on forever, the latter has reached the brick wall.

  32. Mark


    Here’s what Chris Martenson had to say on the false rally in stocks this year…

  33. Southern Girl


    Wow thanks for talking to Egon Von Greyerz ….boy he sure gave me a pick me up morning. I was under the impression that there were a lot more peoples who were investing in PM’s. I finally realize that those of us on this site are really part of the 1%….you know the smart 1%. You do know Greg, that with out you and your guest I wouldn’t really understand what the heck is really going on. I go with my gut a lot and that is why I started buying in the first place…no reason just gut feeling.

    Started buying in 2009 and don’t care about the price I paid then because I think it will accede what ever we paid for them. Just bought some for a dear friend who trusts me enough to do the buying. The price even now is a great buy.

    • Greetings from England

      Gold will outlast the stupidity of man (and woman)

    • Vince Shook

      Just a statement of fact for you to consider: The small amount of citizens (<1%) invested in precious metals adds a significant risk factor to holding them. The smaller a voter group, the more unprotected that group is from new government edicts, confiscatory taxation and/or outright confiscation of property.

      • jim c.

        Vince, Your right , We should just be stupid like you and lay down and do nothing, Sit around and wait for them to take everything from us, Maybe we should stop saving food too , and starve to death like you will probably do. And what the hell, i guess i will just throw my guns in the lake, because that will do no good either.

        • Vince Shook

          You are (you’re, not your) overreacting, perhaps to your (not you’re) detriment. Nothing I said is untrue. The truth of my statement doesn’t mean one should not take precautions, including owning PMs and weapons. It does mean there are additional risks (so stated) to be considered with such actions. Thus, everyone needs a plan B and a plan C in case their Plan A implodes.

      • dbcooper

        You gotta point !! DB.

    • Faith

      SG: I agree, it feels weird to be in the 1% of anything! It is a little scary to realize that once people want to buy PMs they will not be able to afford them.

      This interview was quite sobering.

      • dbcooper

        Faith, I feel as though I have been in the .01%er’s for a VERY LONG TIME!!
        LOL …Yours in Faith and Liberty, FN, DB.

        • Faith

          Hello DB! It still feels weird. I bought something I have wanted for a little while yesterday, a mini-monster box of Aussie Kangaroos. Figured I would stock up while the price is still low.

          Oh, Happy Easter to all the watchdooggers!

          John 3:16: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (KJV) Amen.

  34. francis m reps

    Greg, Another one of your brilliant guests who is ” spot on ” in his predictions. A troubling question in my mind is: Now that I have my PM’s in Switzerland under his care…Will I be able to get into his Country if things get bad ?.. If I get to the vault in Switzerland…will Swiss customs confiscate the metals. Or ..If I get back to the US,,,will customs in the States confiscate. the PM’s , or impose a tax because of some stated “National Interest ” ?..These are not idle speculations, and have not been addressed by anyone. The understated and very astute Mr. Von Greyerz is well worth listening to.

    • allen ols


      he is talking about large positions, not commoners like me. we must hide ours in multiple locations, as well as food/security/gen. sets; etc keep it close be armed at all times with plenty of pm’s/lead

      • dbcooper

        AO, Agree and cheers, DB.

      • Robert Lykens (formerly Grafique)

        AO, copy that.

    • Gary Canuck

      Francis, IMO you will not be able to move it from one country to another.
      Right now we have Americans, using Border Gold, to store in Canada, however, transporting gold across any sovereign state will end up in Confiscation.
      This aspect has always concerned me with firms like Gold Money etc, what if a government shuts down their vaults in Singapore, Toronto, Jersey Island.

      Best thing I can see is to have a doghouse in several jurisdictions.
      The gold promoters never want to bring this subject up, however history always repeats.

      I would be very concerned about Switzerland, as they have been bullied by the USA, re FATCA.

  35. Pvt. Mushroom

    EvG really gets it. My big problem with gold/silver is what governments will do with private holding when IT hits the fan. Seizures, taxes, etc… This is the BIG question that any intelligent person must regard prior to holding PM’s…

    • Greetings from England

      I think they will destroy all the other financial assets before they move onto gold. No asset class is safe from confiscation either through taxes or inflation.

    • Galaxy 500

      Do you think the government will let you have anything of value?

      • Faith

        G5: The US government is in place through the consent of we, the people. They ought to be very careful about waking the sleeping giant. God help them the day they wake up to find out that the silent majority is no longer silent and has withdrawn that consent.

    • James Hastings

      I don’t see, whats left of the government, running around the country beating up people for a hand full of coins. I don’t see them trying to confiscate weapons either….for very long. 🙂

      • frederick

        İ wouldnt be so sure James They were crazy enough to murder 3000 of our fellow citizens on 911 right?

  36. Country Codger

    Hi Greg,
    I always enjoy Egon and I find his information to border on “wisdom”. We are going into a period of unrest and it will be the primary component of the next 7 years. The 7 years after that you don’t want to know about.

    Oh, by the way, we are beginning the TRUE sabbatical year this year, not the Shemitah hyped by Pastor Cahn. The new year always begins in the spring of the year (check your Bibles) during the month of Aviv, later renamed Nisan.

    Keep up the great work.


    • allen ols

      so true!!!

    • jc davis

      C C Ah worth checking into. Thanks.

  37. Gord Higham


    I am a Canadian citizen and let me tell you what is happening here in Canada is nothing short of disastrous. The BOC selling off the last of our gold reserves is just the tip of the iceberg. Our Federal Government headed by Prime Minister Pretty Boy just released their first Budget which is filled with helicopter money flowing directly into social program distributions (Old Age Social Security, Guaranteed Income, Child Benefit, Healthcare (single payer socialized) and a 100 other social programs et al), massive infrastructure builds and upwards of a minimum 120 Billion in new debt (annual deficits averaging 25 -30 Billion) until 2021 and projected deficits extending for at least 10 years.

    As an individual citizen I am stunned at both the financial illiteracy of the general population and the sophistry presented as economic guidance at every level of government including Provincial (State) and Municipal (County) in this country.

    As it stands right now Taxation is my number one expense followed by Utilities-Gas, Hydro, Water (which in Canada are all publicly owned: yeah, another form of taxation as a rate premiums are transferred to General Revenues).

    Not withstanding a near decade of financial repression engineered by Central Bank policy my ability to retire is now near non-existent. Our Canada Pension Plan which is a forced premium payroll tax that pays out a monthly pension to seniors 60 and above (a severe penalty is applied from 60 to 64) is close to insolvency as up to 60% of the fund is in equities and Forex and the rest is in near 0 bound yield bonds.

    CPP distributions will bankrupt the fund under current risk weighted accounting by 2025 and that is providing the equity market ‘never’ has a negative year from now until eternity, world without end.

    In short Canada is a major market dislocation and economic downturn away from becoming the next Greece.

    I saw that train a comin’ and acted accordingly and moved out of paper assets to lien free title owned real estate, gold and silver bullion (physical, secured in my own burglar proof home safe bolted to the floor), physical currency (negative rates and war on cash and a minimum of digital currency held as ‘cash’ in my local Credit Union for day to day.

    Hunkered down and waiting for the flood. Call me paranoid but seeing what is going on in Canada today fills me with trepidation and I have no faith at all in our so called leaders.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thank you Gord for your reporting and analysis from Canada. Trudeau is a puppet idiot leading you folks to monetary hell just like Our leaders.

      • jc davis

        Greg makes me think old man bush got what he sold his soul too get.

      • Mike from the North

        Every morning now for a week I have been sending an email to the Canadian PM and his Finance Minister.

        Each day I focus on how they are misleading Canadians by not telling them the true state of our Country.

        This morning I explained that no amount of new debt will boost the economy because the issue is one of demographics and debt.

        Every day I include a link from a recent interview that discusses the subject matter of the day.

        A few days ago my topic was the stupid move of selling our gold.

        Not only was it a mistake to sell it but it was done as a publicity stunt in my opinion. (to trash the value of owning gold)

        I have sent them links to at least 6 articles or interviews where the speaker or writer states that Canada is foolish for selling its gold.

        The only solution for Canada when the World embraces gold again will be to nationalize our Canadian Gold ore bodies and miners.
        The problem with politicians is they believe everyone is asleep or brain dead.

        Watchdoggers are not brain dead or asleep.

    • Faith

      GH: you sound intelligent and well-informed and ready.

      You mentioned “guaranteed income” as part of the social spending programs in Canada. That chilled me. One of the Scandinavian countries, I forget which one, is looking at a similar program where everyone would be paid a guaranteed income. I started reading about the idea last year on Charles Hugh Smiths blog,

      In some ways it makes sense. Why bother hiring bureaucrats to screen people and process paperwork when it is easier, and cheaper, for the government to cut a check.

      As far as teaching people financial literacy, here in the US nothing is taught. People are taught basic math. Beyond that people must learn about finances from their family or by going to a business school or by teaching themselves.

    • Galaxy 500

      Hi Gord, nice post. You wrote, “CPP distributions will bankrupt the fund under current risk weighted accounting by 2025 and that is providing the equity market ‘never’ has a negative year from now until eternity, world without end.”
      We I started intermediate level account classes, they cover municipal accounting. I asked when we learn about US Governmental accounting. The old professor burst out laughing and it took a few seconds for him to regain his composure. He said my name a few times trying to keep from laughing and then said they don’t use GAAP [generally accepted accounting principles ] they make up their accounting rules as they go. Seems like you guys are taking our worst ideas and running game with them.
      Impressed by your foresight and prep. Don’t forget a firearms. Lever Arms, MilArms and maybe Marstar. I know hand guns are very restricted but a nice rifle and shotgun with a reasonable supply of ammo is a must.

      • jc davis

        Not to up root your post G friend. Did you call your name G 500? LOL

    • jc davis

      Gord H.
      Worth a repeat. As it stands right now Taxation is my number one expense followed by Utilities-Gas, Hydro, Water (which in Canada are all publicly owned: yeah, another form of taxation as a rate premiums are transferred to General Revenues).
      They are getting ready to eat us up.
      Keep your head up.

    • Dan


      I feel your pain. Have you considered leaving the country and becoming a NON-RESIDENT of Canada? By doing so, you could cash in your retirement savings with all its accrued interest an annualized projected returns (albeit at a 25% penalty). You’d never have to pay a damn cent of income taxes to those f*ckers ever again. It’s very doable; the only catch is that you’d have to sell your hard assets (house, car, …) to become a non-resident. On the plus side, you can retain your citizenship. Unlike the US, Canada taxes its residents – not it citizens! You’d be able to work and live (or retire) in a more appreciative environment, not to mention get your ass out of the cold. There are many options for much better places to live with much cheaper living costs such as Mexico, the Caribbean, Central or South America. Heck where ever you want. You wouldn’t lose you Canadian citizenship. Something to think about buddy. You can research this online if it’s something you’d further contemplate.

      Life is short. Good Luck!

    • Country Codger

      Hello JC,
      Here is why I say what I do about the future of America:

      and here:

      and here:

      There are several other articles there but this is the foundation of why I say what I do.

      Good luck and God bless.

    • Gary Canuck

      Gord, I agree with you 100%. Baby Doc Trudeau will turn our worthless dollar into toilet paper, plus he is endorsing BAIL IN legislation.
      Provincial Carbon Taxes, Federal Carbon Taxes, 2.5 billion for climate change,
      this guy has his Fathers Charisma and his Mothers Brains.

      Glad I have property in Costa Rica, a lot of North Americans are buying there.

      • frederick

        Yup thats true about Costa Rica maybe it has changed but back in 2003 when i visited i found alot of very strange expats there many abusing drugs alcohol and teenage girls as a lifestyle and was well honestly disgusted by many of them That was then

  38. Al

    I’m smiling inside one of Titanic’s lifeboats while everyone is dancing and having a great time…

    • Beth

      Exactly my sentiments about Trump, idiocy. There is none good

      • allen ols

        … ps beth; TKS



        • susan

          Trump is the only one who isn’t a puppet.

  39. Diane D.

    What an awesome interview. Thank you Greg and Egon.

    The blood of more innocent people is on the Neocon’s hands. They have used the last 7 presidential terms (spanning 28 years) to wage perpetual war, invade and occupy sovereign nations, shed so much innocent blood. All this to justify building a Police State to ‘protect us’. 9/11 was its foundation. Ridiculous you say? Over 2,400 architects and engineers demand an investigation as to whether explosives caused the destruction of all 3 World Trade Center skyscrapers. Yes, THREE skyscrapers. Ref:

    Lastly, gold and silver are great. But protection of your love ones is far more important than protection of your wealth or the chance of getting richer. Quoting James Wesley Rawles, founder of SurvivalBlog, “Only after you have your key logistics squared away, anything extra should be invested in silver and gold.”

  40. Robert Lykens (formerly Grafique)

    The ISIS Attack You Didn’t Hear About Tuesday: Christian Man Hacked to Death

    “The victim’s ‘crime’? Being a prominent, longtime convert from Islam to Christianity.”

  41. Craig Bradley


    A Swiss Gold bug ! ” Only .5% of investors own ANY physical gold”. Pension funds are prohibited from owning gold bullion. Canada has sold All their gold, reportedly. Those institutional investors who own some bullion store it in his secure underground vault in the Matterhorn, reportedly secure enough to withstand a nuclear bomb. I thought Switzerland was still a neutral country, as it was during WWII.

    What good is gold if everything that comprises a modern economy and society is destroyed or rendered inoperable? Gold would be of little practical value once all cash and banknotes are replaced with a cashless, digital global money alternative at some point. It looks to me like gold will someday only be a strategic asset, not a fungible asset, if central bankers have their way.

    I suppose there will always be some kind of ‘Black Market” for precious metals to be exchanged for foodstuffs and other necessities. Some gold makes sense as a hedge, but not whole hog.

    • JMiller

      You state that “Pension funds are prohibited from owning gold bullion.”

      I do not think that is true. “Two big public pension funds in Texas – The University of Texas and the Texas Teachers Retirement System – own more than $1 billion worth of physical gold.”

    • Diana Dee Jarvis

      Jim Rickards recommends 10% of your portfolio in gold, 20% if you’re the aggressive investor type.

  42. Mohammad

    Turkish authorities captured the alleged terrorist in 2015 delivered them to Belgium with the warning and Belgium authorities SET THEM FREE……!!!!!!تركيا-اعتقلت-إبراهيم-البكراوي-في-2015-ورحلته-لبلجيكا


    • Greg Hunter

      Is there an English translation?

  43. pat the rat

    There is a chance that Trump may quite after six months. to many bosses?

  44. Stan the Man with the SHTF Plan

    This update just in from Reuters:

    The English are feeling the pinch in relation to the recent bombings in Brussels and have therefore raised their security level from “Miffed” to “Peeved.” Soon, though, security levels may be raised yet again to “Irritated” or even “A Bit Cross.” The English have not been “A Bit Cross” since the blitz in 1940 when tea supplies nearly ran out. Terrorists have been re-categorized from “Tiresome” to “A Bloody Nuisance.” The last time the British issued a “Bloody Nuisance” warning level was in 1588, when threatened by the Spanish Armada.

    The Scots have raised their threat level from “Pissed Off” to “Let’s get the Bastards.” They don’t have any other levels. This is the reason they have been used on the front line of the British army for the last 300 years.

    The French government announced yesterday that it has raised its terror alert level from “Run” to “Hide.” The only two higher levels in France are “Collaborate” and “Surrender.” The rise was precipitated in part by a recent fire that destroyed France ‘s white flag factory, effectively paralyzing the country’s military capability.

    Italy has increased the alert level from “Shout Loudly and Excitedly” to “Elaborate Military Posturing.” Two more levels remain: “Ineffective Combat Operations” and “Change Sides.”

    The Germans have increased their alert state from “Disdainful Arrogance” to “Dress in Uniform and Sing Marching Songs.” They also have two higher levels: “Invade a Neighbour” and “Lose.”

    Meanwhile the Spanish are all excited to see their new submarines ready to deploy. These beautifully designed subs have glass bottoms so the new Spanish navy can get a really good look at the old Spanish navy.

    Australia announced that it has raised its security level from “No worries” to “She’ll be
    alright, Mate.” Two more escalation levels remain: “Crikey! I think we’ll need to cancel the barbie this weekend!” and “The barbie is cancelled.” So far no situation has ever warranted use of the last final escalation level.

    • Stan the Man with the SHTF Plan

      Americans meanwhile and as usual are carrying out pre-emptive strikes on all of the usual suspects, just in case.

      (Sorry, this last sentence got left off of the above post.)

      • Grafique

        Lol, great!

        • dbcooper

          Agreed !!! … DB.

      • allen ols

        STAN THE MAN, YOU THE MAN; Italy has increased the alert level from “Shout Loudly and Excitedly” to “Elaborate Military Posturing.” Two more levels remain: “Ineffective Combat Operations” and “Change Sides.” DON’T FORGET SEISTA TIME AT 12 NOON, OR THEY QUIT!


    • Southern Girl

      I almost wet my pants laughing at what you wrote….sounds like SNL material (when it was actually funny) to me…..keep it coming.

      • Robert Lykens (formerly Grafique)

        SG, “when it was actually funny” –
        How right you are! I miss Mr. Bill and Land Shark!

  45. Jay Dee

    I am suspicious that this is another pseudo Pearl Harbor much like 9/11 justifying more war.

  46. Keith Wilson

    We listened to Eric sprott on YouTube.Silver the dark horse.800million ounces of silver mined in 2015.Only 160 million ounces available for investors,to purchase coins bars etc,after industry has taken other 640million ounces for production.So let’s do the maths.Around 4 million investors purchase about 40coins each per year .Equals your 160million.If we could all purchase an extra 10 coins a year extra,we could destroy the silver manipulation in 2016.Also by getting other liked minded people to purchase silver coins, we could bankrupt the bullion banks at the same time.That’s how close we are to the end game in 2016.

  47. James Hastings

    Can I just have permanent comment…..?

    Good job!

  48. Mohammad


    Turkey warned Belgium about the terrorist and they ignored:


  49. Don

    Greg, your site is a breath of fresh air to the those choked under the smoke of major media, and political correctness. The NWO’s media is confounded on how to be politically correct, while leaving the populations venerable to terrorism. A rebuke from Brussel’s over Trump’s word’s against the Muslim terrorist, simply calling the kettle black, leaves them in a delima and exposes the stupidness of there ideology. I listened to Obama’s speech before the UN a few months ago, promising, land, air, and sea, military supplies without measure, and untold thousands of our troops, at there disposal, for global directives. How would you like your son or daughter who are in the military, to be given to the nato, global government, directive? The people better wake up to the danger of the communist model of global government, and the current attack on our sovereignty. Trump and Carson, where the only candidates not supported by the NWO groups and financial arms. National sovereignty, is the real issue, not the petty policies, those in the debate want you to believe. Trump is an nationalist, that will support our national sovereignty, and take us out of the planned international treaties that are being used to support the NWO and restore our national sovereignty, if they don’t kill him first. My prayers go up, for his protection. The fed. is preparing for a direct helicopter drop, as a weapon of last resort, so prepare for money given to the public directly, and hyper-inflation th after. Here’s a video from gold/,

  50. Len Penzo

    Hey, Greg … what happened to your opening “I’m Greg Hunter … Welcome to USA Watchdog dot com!”

    You may not think so, but that has become a very identifiable signature of yours that is worth keeping around.

    Keep up the great work!


    • Greg Hunter

      I just forgot to say it. Thank you for noticing and thank you for your support.

  51. David S

    i just watched about 3 minutes of Trumps speech at AIPAC and was disgusted

    i think Celente has nailed it when the choice is between Hitler and hitlery. no change at all, trump is going to attack iran and says nothing at all about CIA/Saudi backed ISIS. The donald offers nothing

    • Greg Hunter

      Comparing Trump to Hitler is simply over the top. Hitler was responsible for 10’s of millions of deaths. You simply cannot say that Trump is a mass murderer. It is not supported by fact or action. Clinton on the other hand, has blood on her hands in Libya and Syria, but is still a far cry from Hitler.

      • Mohammad

        If Trumpet becomes a president and NUKES M.E. he will surpass Hitler, so comparison is still valid.


        • Greg Hunter


          • Mohammad

            He will,
            Fits the plan to get rid of Muslims from US.
            He will..!
            Time will tell


    • allen ols

      DAVID I enjoyed chumps speech at AIPAC VERY WELL DONE.

  52. dbcooper

    Greg, I would relate to you and all doggers … three weeks ago I traded two boxes of 30cal carbine cartridges and a box of 9mm bullets for a Lister/Monarch 5KW genset … this is what we are coming to and folks need to practice the art of barter … make the offer … they can refuse or counter … do not be afraid of offending … your survival may depend on it. As of today I have $350.00 FRN into this genset and today it was running!! I consider that an inexpensive investment in my family’s survival. And if any doggers have an idle Lister that needs a home … look me up !!
    Yours in Faith and Liberty, FN, DB.

  53. Stan the Man with the SHTF Plan

    Here’s a chilling Ellen Brown article about Hillary’s role behind the scenes in Libya.



  54. Andrew


    Thank you for giving us the truth. Can you get Salinas Price back?



  55. 8Ball

    A lesson from recent History… if we are going to restore honest government then we are going to have to fight to do it. The so-called “laws”, voting and the courts are all rigged in favor of the status quo.

  56. JM

    Egon von Greyerz is my favorite commentator among the members of the alternative financial media. He always talks about the long term/big picture. If you get the chance, go to King World News for his writings. They are always worth reading. It is good we get a European view of world financial matters. On another matter, my wife and I were at our accountant’s office over the weekend having our taxes done. We expressed an interest in cashing-out our retirement funds and asked him to run a few “what-ifs” just to see the tax bite. He is on the same page as us in terms of understanding how bad the world economy is and the dire straits we are all in. At any rate, I asked him how many of his clients have liquidated their retirement funds in order to avoid a market crash/confiscation etc. He replied: NONE! We were STUNNED to say the least. Its a smaller accounting business but you would think at least someone would have done so. It seems that most people have no clue.

  57. DonfromDarwin

    Hi Greg, I think EvG is correct in all he says ‘reap what you sow” I wonder what the world would look like today if we, the west under George Bush senior had not started bombing the ME 1990 and continued with every President/Prime Minister ever sense, that’s 26yrs of attack 7 county’s down so far….that makes for some Very Angry Young Men, and yet some like to think this is a religious problem… I like the sun god he,s cool

  58. ED1

    Mike from the North: Are you certain your government sold all of Canada’s gold?

    The more I study current events of this world, the more doubt I have on just about everything I read or hear in the lame stream media. I feel we are now all irrelevant sheeple and/or puppets to the powers to be. The governments and banksters of this world tell us, usually via the lame stream media, what they want us to think. Thus many will react accordingly.

    So much world wide corruption and lies on an ongoing basis.

    Truly God will not allow this to go on much longer before his cup of wrath is spilled upon the evilness of this world. I would hate to be on the losing end.

  59. Paul

    Egon von Greyerz speaks of terrorism and unrest in the Middle East … perhaps the solution is not ever more war and repression … Rebecca Vilkomerson (Executive director of Jewish Voice for Peace) recently said that the U.S. Presidential candidates are falling over themselves to show “unquestioning support for Israel” … from both Democrats to Republicans, the message is the same Vilkomerson continued “more arms for Israel, a stronger relationship between Israel and the U.S., no mention of Palestinian rights, and no recognition of the impossible contradiction(s) of being both democratic and Jewish when the (Israeli) state is predicated on maintaining systems of unequal rights and rule by military occupation.” … following is a “Voice for Peace” in Palestine presented by a “non-Zionist” Jewish General … (

    • Greg Hunter

      Hey Paul,
      No recognition that Hamas and the PA’s stated goal is to destroy Israel. Let’s not gloss over that fact when you are wanting a peace deal. Let’s start with Palestinians should renounce that goal and stop teaching each and every generation to hate the Jews and Kill the Jews. Here’s an entire page (videos) of murder and hate being taught to Palestinian Children. Let’s stop this before we have a peace deal. Oh, to be fair here’s a page of videos from the son of a top Hamas leader, who converted to Christianity, with criticism of his former religion and leaders : It takes two for peace Paul, not one side presented as evil and the other presented as the victim. Lots of sin to go around.


      • Paul

        Greg … your are right … definitely lots of sin to go around … but both sides “should begin the process” by jointly agreeing … No Women … No Children!!!

  60. Mark

    Now we have more ammunition for converting 0’s & 1’s from online bank accounts into stores of real wealth that can’t be hacked or debased from central bank printing presses…

    • Greg Hunter

      Are they setting the stag for a bank holiday to be blamed on hackers? The system is so screwed up and fragile it could happen for real.

  61. Felicia

    Just want to share more on what I am seeing/hearing at the post office; things to consider which probably apply across the U.S.. 1- a few weeks ago, multiple breakins of mail boxes across Colorado Sps – this occurred around the time that govt checks would be received. Q? – how did the thieves know & how would they cash them? fyi… The P.O. still hasnt fixed the boxes and there still isn’t anything being done about keeping mail secure. It’s all a fallicy. I’ve had customers tell me their neighborhood has to deliver the mail to each other bcuz it was misdelivered by carriers. 2) delivery standards are also gone. I have had customers complain about mail taking a month to get to them. And personally, a bill from my city water co. took a week to get to me. 3) a carrier just told me a large nbr of Muslims were hired to deliver mail. He was very concerned about contact info for current & former military members getting into their hands, as well as, mail not being delivered because it was offensive to the Muslims.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thank you Felicia for the reporting from the USPO!! Keep it up.

    • sk

      Oh, yeah…a ten inch wet snowstorm broke my back yard pine tree…I’m sure the Muslims are responsible… LOL

  62. Jerry

    Is anybody buying this in advance of the Shanghai Surprise in April ? I’m not.
    Jim Willie and others are reporting that a deal was made. The IMF is a broken down shell of what it once was under the Bretton Woods agreement. The ECB is staring down the barrel of a DB default, while at the same time the Federal Reserve Bank has painted itself into a corner with QE. The IMF has no other choice but to give the Chinese what they want…period. Its either transition the system to a Dollar – Yuan system by devaluing the dollar, or collapse the whole thing by having China and the BRICS leave altogether. That is the choice the IMF is faced with. Do you remember the group photo of the G20 finance ministers with Janet Yellen? That should give you a clue.

    • Greg Hunter

      No rumor is confirmed until it is officially denied.

      • Jerry

        That’s exactly what I was thinking to. They never said no.

  63. Dawn Mathison

    Rudy Giuliani Says Hillary Clinton ‘Could Be Considered A Founding Member Of ISIS’

    Former New York City mayor blames the Democratic frontrunner for creating the terror group.

    03/24/2016 12:05 am ET

    Rudy Giuliani amped up the rhetoric on Wednesday night, saying Hillary Clinton “could be considered a founding member of ISIS.”

    Speaking on “The O’Reilly Factor,” the former New York City mayor claimed Clinton bears responsibility for creating the terrorist organization, which controls parts of Syria and Iraq, because she was secretary of state during President Barack Obama’s first term.

    “She helped create ISIS,” Giuliani said. “Hillary Clinton could be considered a founding member of ISIS.”

    Gina Macaroni; the sheeple are getting an edgumacation! Bill O’Jellyroll
    hadn’t a clue! What an indictment of the the maimed steamed media! This media doesn’t matter,
    nothing here new to USAWatchdoggers.

    Thank You Greg Hunter, extraordinaire!

    • frederick

      As much as İ dislike Hillary İ find anything coming from the mouth of that guy VERY suspect

  64. Linda L.

    Arizona voting/poll locations were reduced by 70 percent (officials are saying it was done to save money!!), which left approximately one polling spot per 21,000 people and up to 5 hour waiting lines to vote on Tuesday. Arizona has always been a conservative state in the past, and so I think that the “criminal crony class” may be behind this rotten maneuver). I live in AZ and people are really angry about what happened:

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