Market Analysis Archive

This News section gives analysis of all the markets including stocks, bonds, gold, silver, housing, interest rates, inflation and overall health of the general economy. The Federal Reserve, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Comptroller of the Currency, Bank of International Settlements, derivatives, deficits, demographics, financial calamity, and even the dollar are a few of the things we will incorporate into the conversation.

The views here come from traditional mainstream sources and also from the alternative media. Interviews will come from people who manage money, former government officials and financial analysts. Some of the people in this section who have been interviewed include former Assistant Treasury Secretary Paul Craig Roberts, Nobel Prize winning economist Professor Robert Shiller, Professor Laurence Kotlikoff, $8 billion fund manager Eric Sprott, Professor William Black, gold expert Jim Sinclair, best-selling authors Nomi Prins, James Rickards and many more experts.

The interviews and information provided here are usually in direct opposition of the views in the mainstream media. Oftentimes, market analysis and political analysis overlap. The content and interviews here are for information purposes only and should not be considered investment advice.

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World War III Has Started-Gregory Mannarino

By Greg Hunter’s Analyst and trader Gregory Mannarino says, “We are deeply engaged in an economic war against Russia.  This is a collective collusion that is very scary.  We just found out the OPEC nations have increased their production of

Free Markets Have Been Completely Obliterated-Michael Pento

By Greg Hunter’s Money manager Michael Pento says, “We live in a world now where free markets have been completely obliterated.  You can’t find a free market left on the planet, and that goes for commodities, equity markets, currencies and

Oil Derivatives Explosion Double 2008 Sub-Prime Crisis-David Morgan

By Greg Hunter’s Precious metals expert David Morgan says the plunge in oil prices is not good news for big Wall Street banks.  Morgan explains, “The amount of debt that is carried by the fracking industry at large is about

Oil Derivatives Explode in Early 2015-Rob Kirby

By Greg Hunter’s   (Early Sunday Release) Gold and derivatives expert Rob Kirby thinks crashing oil prices are going to lead to a 2008 style financial meltdown.  This is not a maybe–a market explosion is going to happen in 2015.  Kirby

Dot-Com Style Crash Coming-Rick Ackerman

By Greg Hunter’s  Financial analyst and newsletter writer Rick Ackerman is no stranger to contrarian calls.  At the beginning of 2014, he said forget about rising interest rates because they were going down.  They did.  Now, Ackerman predicts rates will

Financial Fantasy Land Continues to Prevent Collapse-Bill Holter

By Greg Hunter’s Financial writer Bill Holter says the record stock market does not reflect reality.  Holter explains, “This will go on until it doesn’t.  Very quietly, this past week, they postponed the “Volcker Rules” for the banking system.  The

Central Banks Secretly Controlling all Futures Prices-Chris Powell

By Greg Hunter’s    (Early Sunday Release) Chris Powell, Secretary/Treasurer of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA), says recent bombshell evidence shows intense central bank “interventions” at the CME Group, which handles $1 quadrillion ($1,000 trillion) worth of business annually.  Powell

Oil Price Plunge Trigger for Next Global Crisis-Harry Dent

By Greg Hunter’s  (Early Sunday Release) Economist Harry Dent says falling oil prices will be a trigger for another economic calamity.  Dent explains, “Normally, oil prices falling in a good economy like the 80’s and 90’s, where we have falling

Big Banks Will Take Depositors Money In Next Crash -Ellen Brown

By Greg Hunter’s  The G-20 met recently in Australia to make new banking rules for the next financial calamity.  Financial reform advocate Ellen Brown says these new rules will allow banks to take money from depositors and pensioners globally.  Brown

Global Deflationary Implosion Will Start Money Printing-Egon von Greyerz

By Greg Hunter’s  (Early Sunday Release) Gold expert and money manager Egon von Greyerz says Japan is leading the parade to the bottom of the currency heap. Greyerz says, “Japan is printing unlimited amounts, and we can see that yen

3.9% GDP Nonsense-Dollar Turns Sharply Soon-John Williams

By Greg Hunter’s Economist John Williams is not buying the recent 3.9% GDP upward revision. Williams explains, “No one I know thinks we are growing at 3.9% other than they are trying to sell a bill of goods to the

Gold Selling for at least 50% over Spot in Asia-Rob Kirby

By Greg Hunter’s   (Early Sunday Release) A few months ago, financial analyst Rob Kirby said the gold price was ready to go up. In the international market, where it is sold by the ton–it has. Kirby explains, “For large amounts

Gold is Kryptonite to the Dollar-Bill Holter

By Greg Hunter’s  Financial writer Bill Holter says the players in the gold markets are fearful. Why?  Holter says, “The GOFO rates, or gold forward rates, in London are negative.  They should never be negative, and they are more negative

Central Banks Absolutely Desperate-Dollar Terminal-Gregory Mannarino

By Greg Hunter’s Financial analyst Gregory Mannarino contends all the market rigging that has been reported in markets such as Forex, LIBOR, stocks and commodities is a way to prop up a system doomed to implode.  Mannarino says, “It’s clear

Global Economy on Unquestionable Decline Leading to War-Gerald Celente

By Greg Hunter’s Top trends researcher Gerald Celente is forecasting a slowing global economy in 2015, and oil is a leading indicator. Celente explains, “It’s all in oil.  We’ve been talking about oil prices since they peaked in June of