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Spending into Oblivion-Gregory Mannarino
By Greg Hunter’s
Financial analyst/trader Gregory Mannarino says forget about the recent positive economic news. The economy is not in recovery and there is a simple way to prove it. Mannarino says, “All you need to do is look at two metrics, just two, and you can see there is no economic recovery. (more…)
Weekly News Wrap-Up 9.26.14
By Greg Hunter’s
The top story is the bombing campaign on ISIS in Syria and Iraq, but at this stage, it is mostly Syria. The U.S. promises a “Long Campaign,” with the bombing of the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq. The Obama Administration has the support of other Arab nations, but the most important support comes from Saudi Arabia. Remember last year when the Obama Administration backed out of bombing Syria. Top Saudi officials were quoted as saying that they were “stabbed in the back” by President Obama. (more…)
Iraq, Syria and Ukraine-Financial Gateways-Nomi Prins
By Greg Hunter’s
Best-selling author Nomi Prins says the trouble with Ukraine, Iraq and Syria are happening because they are what she calls the “gateways.” Prins explains, “What I call the gateways are the countries in the world where political and financial strategy connect in respect to the United States and its bankers. . . . Why do we care about the Ukraine? We care about Ukraine because it’s a gateway to oil. It’s a gateway to Eastern Europe. It’s a gateway to control a situation politically, but also for our banking system to get involved from a financial perspective. Putin understands Ukraine is a gateway, as well. (more…)
A Run to Silver and Gold unlike Anything in History of Mankind-David Morgan
By Greg Hunter’s
Silver guru, David Morgan, says forget about the manipulated price suppression of the yellow and white metals. It’s only a matter of time before the debt and derivative markets crash, catapulting precious metals prices exponentially higher. Morgan explains, “The bigger problem all exists in the debt markets, and the debt markets is where the problem is really. When that problem blows up, there’s going to be a run to gold unlike anything in the history of mankind. . . . (more…)
Weekly News Wrap-Up 9.19.14
By Greg Hunter’s
The U.S. is at war with ISIS, well, sort of. ISIS is definitely at war with America. ISIS produced a video warning of putting U.S. ground troops back in Iraq. It looks like the President is listening to ISIS because he has said repeatedly that there will be no boots on the ground. I don’t think a single general and many in Congress think this plan will work. (more…)
Gold and Silver End Game Here-John Embry
By Greg Hunter’s
Investment strategist John Embry says the market manipulation in physical gold and silver is coming to an end. How close? Embry says, “I think we are very close now in the sense that the physical supplies of both gold and silver are being diminished at a fast clip. I just saw Indian imports (for gold) were up 176% in the latest month. . . . (more…)
Violent War Cycles-Global Economic Decline-Martin Armstrong
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)
Global economic expert Martin Armstrong says two big violent cycles are happening for the first time in 300 years. Domestic and international unrest is consuming the world. Armstrong contends, “Both of these cycles are converging at the same time, and this hasn’t happened since the 1700’s. That was the American Revolution, the French Revolution and etcetera. That was the revolution against monarchies, so to speak. (more…)
Weekly News Wrap-Up 9.12.14
By Greg Hunter’s
America is at war in the Middle East. President Obama came on national media this week and said ISIS terrorists in eastern Syria and western Iraq “will find no safe haven,” and he wants to “ultimately destroy ISIL.” Of course, Secretary of State John Kerry said it really was not a war but a “significant counter-terror operation.” (more…)
Manipulation of Gold and Silver Definitely Ends This Year-Harvey Organ
By Greg Hunter’s
Harvey Organ has been on a personal mission to expose the “fraudulent manipulation” of the gold and silver markets since the late 1990’s. Organ, who studies these markets daily, contends, “It’s definitely going to happen this year.” Why does Organ think this? Let’s start with the gold market. Organ says, “You are seeing a huge amount of obligations per one ounce of gold that’s available, and as the gold moves from West to East, and the bubble of paper obligations that’s left are going to blow up. (more…)
SIPC Insurance Scam from Fraud Street-Professor Laurence Kotlikoff
BY Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog. (Early Sunday Release)
Renowned economics professor Laurence Kotlikoff says SIPC (Securities Investor Protection Corporation) is an insurance scam from Fraud Street. Dr. Kotlikoff contends, “If you look at the history of their response as it’s been discovered, they (SIPC) have been fighting tooth and nail never to pay a dollar. So, the situation is not that we don’t have any insurance for your brokerage account, it’s far worse. (more…)
Weekly News Wrap-Up 9.5.14
By Greg Hunter’s
Once again, the Ukraine crisis is the top story. There is a cease-fire between the pro-Russian separatists and Ukraine. I hope this is a legitimate effort and not a tactic to stall for time until NATO can send in more troops. I hope this is not a way to say well, we tried to talk to Russia, and it did not work out, and now we have an excuse for wider war. Anyone who thinks Russia is not heavily involved is dreaming. (more…)
Financial System Upside Down-Blame Game on Coming Crash-Bill Holter
By Greg Hunter’s
Financial analyst and writer Bill Holter thinks the powers that be know how shaky the system is and will play the blame game for the coming crash. Holter contends, “I believe that they know the financial system is upside down and there is no bringing it back, so they do need to have something to point at. It could be a war with Russia. We are trying as hard as we can to create a war, and it looks like Russia; and Mr. Putin is trying as hard as he can not to have a war. (more…)
Economy in Severe Trouble-John Williams
By Greg Hunter’s
Economist John Williams says forget all the happy talk about the improving economy. Williams says “The economy is in severe trouble.” Williams goes on to say, “When you see a contraction as we had in the first quarter, given all the upside biases that the government puts into the series, you know the economy is in serious trouble. The second quarter was reported at 4% (GDP). They revised it up to 4.2%. That is not much of a revision, and it is barely significant when you consider there is a margin of error plus or minus three and a half percentage points. Early numbers we have seen on the third quarter suggests that the third quarter is going to be weaker. The numbers for the second quarter . . . do not support 4% growth. There is no way that is happening.”
Weekly News Wrap-Up 8.29.14
Greg Hunter’s
It’s official–Russia invades Ukraine. Now you know why I have led every Wrap-Up with Ukraine. I have been predicting wider war in Ukraine, and now we have one. The President said in a press conference that there is not going to be a military response to this escalation, but my sources say the U.S. has been covertly helping the Ukrainians. How do you think they have been able to overtake the pro-Russian separatists in Eastern Ukraine? (more…)
Federal Reserve-A Stunning Failure-James Corbett
By Greg Hunter’s
Journalist James Corbett thinks much of the world’s problems can be traced back to the Federal Reserve, and he recently produced a free online documentary to back up his charge. Corbett says, “The central banking issue and who controls the money supply is really at the root of so many of the problems we see taking place right now; it’s not only economically, but geopolitically. The United States’ ability to wage war around the globe is predicated on the ability to continue issuing debt in order to create more money in the economy. . . . By any measure you want to use . . . the Federal Reserve, it is a stunning failure because it fails to live up to all the reasons it was created for including insuring the stability of the money supply and the stability of the purchasing power of the dollar which has declined a staggering 97% since the creation of the Fed 100 years ago. (more…)