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Weekly News Wrap-Up 7.25.14

4By Greg Hunter’s

With all the wars and rumors of wars in the world, are we headed for some massive East versus West confrontation?  Let’s tie it all together and start in Ukraine.


Germany Secretly Planning on Joining BRICS-Jim Willie


By Greg Hunter’s 

Financial newsletter writer Jim Willie says no matter who shot down the Malaysian commercial jet over Ukraine recently, there is going to be massive fallout.  Willie contends, “Here’s the big, big consequence.  The U.S. is basically telling Europe you have two choices here.  Join us with the war against Russia.  Join us with the sanctions against Russia.  (more…)

The Chaos is Planned-Rob Kirby

4thBy Greg Hunter’s

Derivatives and gold expert Rob Kirby contends financial markets are controlled by the U.S. Treasury.  For example, Kirby contends, “The Interest rate derivative trade means the U.S. Treasury can make banks captive buyers of any amount of U.S. government debt it wants to issue–literally any amount.”  Kirby goes on to say, “The reality about interest rates is they are at zero and they are not going up.”


Weekly News Wrap-Up 7.18.14

4.jpgBy Greg Hunter’s  

Only three stories in the Weekly News Wrap-Up, but they all have something in common.  They all will have cascading effects that will go on for some time to come.  First up, the downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 over Eastern Ukraine.  Nearly 300 people are dead; and of that total, nearly two dozen are reportedly U.S. citizens.  Everybody is pointing the finger at the other side.  The Ukrainians say it’s Russia’s fault.  The Pro-Russian separatists say it’s Ukraine’s fault, and so does Russia.  No matter whose fault it is, new sanctions and war tensions are mounting.    (more…)

2008 Meltdown Revisited-There’s No Solution-Egon von Greyerz

4444By Greg Hunter’s 

Gold and financial expert, Egon von Greyerz, says buckle your seat belts–a replay of the 2008 financial crisis will “soon return.”  Greyerz contends, “What happened in 2008 was expected by us for quite a long time.  The solution of $25 trillion to save banks and financial markets was not a solution.  (more…)

U.S. Economy-Plunge, Stagnation & Turning Down Anew-John Williams

WILLIAMS_092_wade.JPGBy Greg Hunter’s

Economist John Williams says to forget about the so-called recovery.  What’s coming next is recession or worse.  Williams contends, “The fact that we saw a -2.9% contraction in the first quarter, in official reporting . . . you know the economy is in real bad shape.  It’s continued to the second quarter, and that will gain recognition as all the data gets published.”  (more…)

Weekly News Wrap-Up 7.11.14

4.jpgBy Greg Hunter’s 

I warned last week about the kidnapping and murder of three Israelis and revenge killing of a Palestinian teen sparking violence in Israel.  My fear is now been confirmed with Hamas rocket attacks on various targets in Israel.  Israel is making counter attacks that have claimed the lives of dozens in Gaza.  (more…)

Islamic State-Loose Artillery Shell on the Deck of the Ship of History-James Howard Kunstler

44By Greg Hunter’s 

Veteran journalist and author, James Howard Kunstler, is worried about the violence heating up in the Middle East–especially Saudi Arabia.  Kunstler says, “Saudi Arabia is between a rock and a hard place, or should I say Iraq and a hard place.  Both sides that are now contending in Iraq, the Shiite and the Islamic State or caliphate, are both not friendly with Saudi Arabia.  (more…)

Money Bubble Will Pop-John Rubino

4By Greg Hunter’s 

John Rubino, author of the new book “The Money Bubble,” can sum up the ongoing global financial problems in a single phrase: “There is too much debt.” Rubino goes on to say, “Debt works the same way for a country as it works for an individual or a family, which is to say if you borrow too much, then your life basically craters. Everything gets harder to do, and you end up doing things in order to deal with your past mistakes that you would never do normally. You start trying absolutely crazy things, and that’s where the world’s governments are right now. . . . (more…)

Weekly News Wrap-Up 7.4.14

ISIS or ISIL, Updated Ukraine Crisis and MoreBy Greg Hunter’s 

Happy Fourth of July weekend everyone!  Well, the fireworks went off all over the place, and I am talking about real war.  The al-Qaeda linked terror army operating in Syria and Iraq, called ISIS or ISIL, has declared a new Islamic State.  It covers land taken by them in recent fighting and is comprised of parts of Eastern Syria and Western Iraq.  Now, the Russians are sending fighter jets to Iraq and are teaming up with Iran to protect what’s left of Iraq.  (more…)

Official 2014 IMF Forecast Based on ‘Magic Number Seven’-Steve Quayle

Steve Quayle - Official 2014 IMF Forecast Based on ‘Magic Number Seven’By Greg Hunter’s

Radio talk show veteran and 10 time published author, Steve Quayle, says dark powers are at work in the financial markets at the highest levels of global government.  Quayle contends, “First of all, the illuminati and the occult are one in the same with hidden meanings to the general population, but announcements to people on the inside.”  At the beginning of 2014, the head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Christine Lagarde, gave a primer on numerology to an audience at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.  (more…)

Iraq Crisis-$150 to $200 Oil Might Seem Cheap-Chris Martenson

4By Greg Hunter’s

Chris Martenson is an economic researcher and futurist who produced a popular video seminar called “Crash Course.”   Back in early 2008, he explained the “interconnected forces in the economy, energy and the environment.”  Now, he has produced a new “Accelerated Crash Course,” and this theme is playing out in places like Iraq.  Martenson says, “If you want to understand what is going on in Iraq, you have to understand what is going on with energy in this part of the game. (more…)

Weekly News Wrap-Up 6.27.14

4.jpgBy Greg Hunter’s

Iraq is the top story, and the crisis there is boiling over.  At its core, this is a religious war between the Sunni and Shia Muslims.  One big problem–the U.S. has armed and supported both sides.  We have sent military advisors to help the Shia majority government that is being helped by Iran.  ISIS was armed in part by the U.S. in Syria; and, now, the Obama Administration is asking Congress for $500 million to aid the so-called rebels in Syria.  (more…)

Iraq About US Dollar, Hyperinflation Trouble in 2015-Gordon Long

4By Greg Hunter’s 

Macroeconomist Gordon Long says, “We’re not really running a capitalist system.  We are running a credit system.  Instead of using savings, we are using credit.  Credit, the way we are doing it now, is really a form of counterfeiting.  If you look at the $72 trillion shadow banking system that we have operating right now, that is generating this credit . . . it collapsed in 2008 . . . and now it’s on a hairy edge.  (more…)

Corporate Empire Created Failed Global Economic System-John Perkins

44By Greg Hunter’s 

John Perkins, best-selling author of “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man,” says corporations, not governments, run the world.  Perkins explains, “We are in a world situation unlike anybody has ever known before.  We have a global corporate empire.  It’s a corporate empire and not a United States empire.  It’s the first time in history it’s really not a national empire.  (more…)