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Time to Tell these Crooks they’re Fired-Karen Hudes

Karen Hudes World Bank WhistleblowerBy Greg Hunter’s   (Update #2)

(You Tube has restored the video.  Apparently it was some sort of glitch on their end.  I am happy it is back up.)

World Bank attorney Karen Hudes says she is one of a group of global whistleblowers.  Hudes contends, We’re running out of time. It’s time to tell these thugs and crooks that they’re fired.”  Hudes goes on to say, “We don’t have to wait for anybody to fire the Fed or Bank for International Settlements . . . some states have already started to recognize silver and gold, the precious metals, as currency . . . there are other alternatives like Bitcoin . . . We, the consumer, can choose which currency to use, and that’s what we’re going to do in very short order.”  (more…)

Financial Calamity- It’s Coming, Be Worried, Be Careful-Jim Rogers

Jim Rogers: Financial Markets Are Going to Go DownBy Greg Hunter’s 

Famed investor Jim Rogers says, “This is the first time in recorded history all the banks are printing money at the same time. . . .   This is the first time we’ve had massive debasement, and it’s going to end very badly no matter what they say.”  Rogers, who has written books on global investing, says, “Whether they keep printing or stop printing money globally, it is going to end badly.”  If money printing stops, Rogers contends, “Banks are not going to be lending.  Financial markets are going to go down.  Currency markets are going to be in great turmoil.  It’s not going to be any fun.”  (more…)

Weekly News Wrap Up 8.23.13

The Middle East and the Coming Financial Calamity: Weekly News Wrap-UpBy Greg Hunter’s 

I am mainly focusing on two areas today–the Middle East and the coming financial calamity.  Let’s start with Syria.  There have been new reports about another poison gas attack, and this one is particularly gruesome.  The number of reported deaths could be as high as 1,300.  The al-Qaeda backed Syrian rebels say it was the Assad regime.  So does the U.S.  (more…)

Phony Government GDP Numbers Hide Shrinking U.S. Economy-Peter Schiff

Peter Schiff: Phony Government GDP Numbers Hide Shrinking U.S. EconomyBy Greg Hunter’s 

Money manager Peter Schiff claims the real U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is closer to “$13 trillion” than the official government number of “$16.6 trillion.”  That is a discrepancy of $3.6 trillion!  Schiff explains, “The government keeps telling us the economy is getting bigger, but millions of Americans are leaving the workforce.  We’ve got record numbers of people on food stamps . . . and part-time jobs are replacing full-time jobs.  How is that consistent with a growing economy?  It’s not.”  (more…)

Everything Wrong in 2008 is Worse Today-James Rickards

4By Greg Hunter’s 

James Rickards wrote the best-seller titled “Currency Wars-The Making of the Next Financial Crisis.”  What’s going to cause the next crisis?  Rickards says, “The problem in 2008 was too-big-to-fail banks.  Well, those banks are now bigger.  Their derivative books are bigger.  In other words, everything that was wrong in 2008 is worse today.” (more…)

Weekly News Wrap-Up 8.16.13

4By Greg Hunter’s

The big story is Egypt.  The military coup that removed President Morsi has turned violent.  More than 600 people have been killed in a violent clash between the Egyptian military and the Muslim Brotherhood.  The Brotherhood is vowing to fight to bring down the military.  (more…)

America is Detroit-Robert Kiyosaki

Rich Dad Poor Dad Author Robert Kiyosaki: I Do Trust GoldBy Greg Hunter’s 

“Rich Dad/Poor Dad” author Robert Kiyosaki says, “I am terrified for my fellow human beings.  Detroit just declared bankruptcy, and most Americans have no idea what that means.  The idea that Detroit went bankrupt is the canary in the mine. . . . It means the end of the industrial age.”  (more…)

Obama Care-Absolute Abomination will Collapse Under its Own Weight-Rick Ackerman

Rick hed shotBy Greg Hunter’s 

Trader/analyst Rick Ackerman is feeling a little less nervous about the negative effects of Obama Care.  Ackerman contends, “I think, at this point, we’re blessed with a package that is such a bloated abomination that it’s going to collapse under its own weight.  It seems pretty obvious the program simply won’t fly.”  (more…)

Weekly News Wrap-Up 8.9.13

4By Greg Hunter’s 

I am coming to you from the Midwest, and I have some good news to report on the crop front.  This year looks like it’s going to go much better than last year.  The corn is 10 feet tall in some places, and the soybeans are looking pretty good.  Last year, we had extreme drought conditions across most of the country.  (more…)

Chain Reaction of Breakdowns in Progress-Dr. Jim Willie

Jim Willie: Out of Control Chaos Coming to the United StatesBy Greg Hunter’s  

Dr. Jim Willie, Publisher of “The Hat Trick Letter,” says, “We’re leading up to a big event.  We are having breakdowns in numerous structural elements of the financial system.  We’re seeing a chain reaction of breakdown events in progress.”  (more…)

Two Big Housing Risks-Ending Fed Stimulus & Speculation-Professor Robert Shiller

Two Big Housing Risks-Ending Fed Stimulus & Speculation-Professor Robert ShillerBy Greg Hunter’s

Yale Professor Robert Shiller says, “People who were thinking about buying a house last year are kicking themselves.  Prices are up 12% in a year.  As the market tightens, the attractiveness diminishes, but it’s still attractive.”  Professor Shiller, who is one of the founders of the S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Indices, sees two big possible headwinds for housing.  (more…)

Weekly News Wrap-Up 8.2.13

US Closing Embassies In the Middle East , Economy Killing Obama Care Law and MoreBy Greg Hunter’s 

The U.S. is temporarily closing embassies in several countries around the Middle East for what is being reported as an al-Qaeda threat.   The State Department says these are just “precautionary steps.”  Embassies involved are in countries such as Israel, Qatar, Egypt and many others.  It must be a pretty widespread threat to close this many at one time.  I find it bizarre we are closing embassies because of some sort of al-Qaeda threat and, at the same time, we are arming al-Qaeda backed rebels in Syria. 


Old System Struggling and Dying-Catherine Austin Fitts

7By Greg Hunter’s 

Money manager Catherine Austin Fitts says, “You are seeing a tug of war between the new system that’s coming up and the old system that’s struggling and dying.”  Fitts explains it by saying, “Let’s pretend we have a company called USA, and we create a new company called Breakaway Civilization.  We move all of our assets out of USA and put them in Breakaway Civilization.  We leave union obligations and pension funds . . . in the old USA economy.”  (more…)

Gold and Silver: Load the Boat-Back Up the Truck-Peter Schiff

th_PeterCutoutGreg Hunter’s 

For anyone who sold physical gold in the current precious metal downturn, money manager Peter Schiff says, “There’s going to be a big problem because the gold they sold on the way down isn’t going to be available on the way back up because the people who own it aren’t going to sell it at any price. . . . This is the time to load the boat, to back up the truck.”  (more…)

Weekly News Wrap-Up 7.26.13

4By Greg Hunter’s   (Corrected and updated)

The top story concerns the Middle East ratcheting up the possibilities of an intensified war in Syria.  Top U.S. military officer General Martin Dempsey warned Congress about the “unintended consequences” of employing some of the military options that are being talked about.  Dempsey expressed concerns over arming al-Qaeda backed rebels and the fallout of weapons that could be used later against the U.S. and its allies.  (more…)