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Wall Fight to Shutdown, Gold Rising, Economic Warnings Abound

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 369 2/1/19)

President Trump is in the process of building a wall on the southern border to fend off caravans, drug dealers and human trafficking. Is Congress going to give the President the money he wants to secure the border and America? Pelosi says no way. Is America heading for another partial government shutdown—way.


Debt Reset Begins, Global Banks Issue Dire Warnings, Trump Wall Showdown

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 366 1.11.19 

According to renowned gold investor Jim Sinclair, the global debt reset that has been long predicted has begun. Lots of debt that will never be repaid will be written down around the world. Sinclair says gold and silver will be the last men standing when the dust settles.


MSM Distracting Public from Real Crime, Social Censorship is Here, Dark Economic Update

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 349 8.24.18)

It’s a game of “look over here” and not at the real crimes that have been committed. Now, the mainstream media (MSM) has gone hysterical on former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen pleading guilty to a crime that is not a crime. It’s about Trump paying off a porn star and a playmate to keep quiet about their affairs, but it’s not a campaign violation to pay your own money, and that is what Trump did. Legal scholars agree. This is just one more bogus story to get the public distracted to the real felony crimes by Hillary Clinton and many others in the Obama Administration in a failed coup to remove Trump from office.


WikiLeaks Documents Coming From US Intelligence Not Russia, MSM & Democrat Party Dying

1aaaBy Greg Hunter’s  (WNW 260 11.4.16)

There are numerous reports on the alternative media of documents being given to WikiLeaks to counter the corruption and lawlessness of the Obamas and Clintons. AG Loretta Lynch has been reportedly blocking an FBI investigation into the Clinton Foundation that many say is a “global charity fraud” and a “huge criminal conspiracy.”  The leaked emails and documents show corruption between the Justice Department and Hillary Clinton.  These documents and emails also show a grand cover-up of the true treason that has taken place in the highest offices of the U.S. government.


Saudi Arabia US Friction, Economic Update, China Gold Fix and Fraud Ignored by MSM

1aBy Greg Hunter’s (WNW 235 4.22.16)

The President was in Saudi Arabia in what the White House claims was a trip to “clear the air.” I really don’t know how you clear the air with the friction between the U.S. and the Kingdom. There is ISIS, which the Saudis are funding along with the U.S, but that’s changing because it appears the U.S. is increasing its attacks on ISIS. There is the bi-partisan Senate bill that will release the missing 28 pages of the 9/11 Commission Report that supposedly implicates Saudi Arabia. It will also allow the families if the 9/11 attack to sue Saudi Arabia if it was involved. The Saudis said they would dump a trillion dollars in U.S. assets if that becomes law. President Obama says he will veto. The House and Senate may have enough votes in this election year to override that veto as big time people in both parties are pushing this. The President is also basically telling Arab allies in the Middle East that they should learn how to share the region with Iran. So, I really do not know how they can “clear the air” with zero resolutions.


Weekly News Wrap-Up 3.29.13

5Greg Hunter’s 

There were new all-time highs on the Dow and S&P 500 this week.  Of course, the mainstream media didn’t mention a word about how the Fed’s “open-ended” $85 billion a month bond buying program helped push the stock market to new highs.  Maybe that’s why even some of the folks on CNBC called the market “creepy.”    (more…)

Weekly News Wrap-Up 3.1.13

62 By Greg Hunter’s

To say the drama and panic being put out by the mainstream media (MSM) is unfounded hype is a gross understatement. The budget cuts known as “sequestration” will force mandatory cuts to military and social programs. These cuts are really pretty minor when you look at the more than $3.6 trillion in spending for the U.S. Yes, there will be some pain. Budget cuts are supposed to be painful, but to position this as an end of the world scenario is simply spin, poor reporting and fact checking by the MSM. (more…)

Weekly News Wrap-Up 1.4.13

11By Greg Hunter’s 

The Fiscal Cliff turned into a can kick on tax policy.  Yes, they averted some nasty tax increases for many Americans, but there were zero spending cuts.  In fact, the legislation added $4 trillion in debt!!!   I’d say President Obama won round one, but not by much.  I have to give a little credit to Democrats and Republicans for the compromise, but this is still the “blame game theater.”  (more…)

Bagmen Not Statesmen

11By Greg Hunter’s 

What has been going on in Washington, D.C., since the financial meltdown of 2008 has been a disaster for the country.  Taxpayers bailed out crooked, incompetent bankers while tens of millions lost their homes and jobs.  The bailouts have cost trillions of dollars, and they’re not finished.  The Federal Reserve has set a key interest rate to near zero percent until 2015, and it is printing $85 billion a month to prop up the banks and our own government.  (more…)

Nation of Denial

By Greg Hunter’s 

There is no bigger sign post about the state of the U.S. economy than the Federal Reserve’s announcement in September of “open ended” QE.  This is unlimited money printing that is being done by the Fed until further notice.  All the talk of the so-called “recovery” was reduced to a gigantic lie perpetrated on the American people.  (more…)

Gold is a Currency

By Greg Hunter’s 

We have long been told that gold is a commodity–that it is no different than a bushel of corn or a barrel of oil.  In many newspapers, it is listed under the commodity section.   With the advent of the Federal Reserve’s recent announcement of “unlimited” Quantitative Easing (QE) or money printing, that has changed.  The view of gold as a commodity has circled back to what banker JP Morgan proclaimed to Congress in 1913, “Gold is money and nothing else.”   Many folks in the blogosphere have long agreed with the original JP Morgan.  (more…)

Gold Will Win Money War

By Greg Hunter’s 

It was recently reported that countries like China and India are going to buy Iranian oil with gold.  Jim Sinclair of said this week, “The implications of China paying for Iranian oil in gold is the most important event in the modern history of gold.”  (more…)

Signs of Disintegration

US and European Economic Crisis: Signs of Disintegration!By Greg Hunter’s 

“Disintegration.”  That’s the word both billionaire George Soros and French President Nicolas Sarkozy have recently used to describe what’s going on with the European economic crisis.  It is really a solvency crisis for the big banks there, and leaders are trying desperately to fix the problem.  Last week, 26 European countries agreed to give up sovereignty and vote for new rules on tax and spending and tough sanctions to enforce them.  (more…)

Don’t Bet Against Gold or Silver

By Greg Hunter’s 

You have to respect the power of the Federal Reserve when just a statement can turn the entire stock market around in a day.  Yesterday, the Fed admitted the economy was not good and in a statement said, “. . .downside risks to the economic outlook have increased.”  Because the economy is tanking, the Fed promised to keep a key interest rate at near 0% for “. . . at least through mid-2013.” (more…)

Print More Money

By Greg Hunter’s

The second round of quantitative easing (QE2) is scheduled to end June 30, and already there are calls for more financial stimulus to keep the economy from falling off a cliff.  The latest call came from Larry Summers, former head of the Obama Administration’s financial team.  In an Op-Ed piece that ran on Reuters last Sunday, Summers pitched the idea of a $200 billion cut in the payroll tax. (more…)