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Vax Fight is On and Not Stopping – Gerald Celente

By Greg Hunter’s 

Gerald Celente, a renowned trends researcher, is back this time to talk about the unrelenting full blown “Vax Wars” he predicted many months ago.  Many people are being told “no vax, no job,” and now it’s really heating up.  Celente explains, “The fight is on.  The people that are not going to get it are not going to get it.  They’re done.  The fight is on.  (more…)

Deep State Cannot Stop Unprecedented Awakening – Alex Newman

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Award winning journalist Alex Newman says, “The Deep State globalists cannot stop the “unprecedented awakening going on in America.”  Newman, who wrote the popular book called “Deep State: The Invisible Government Behind the Scenes,” explains, “Everybody knows that the press is lying.  Nobody believes the press anymore.  ‘Let’s go Brandon.’  Everybody knows this is absolutely absurd.  The point is not to make people believe these absurdities anymore.  The point now is to demoralize people and to really silence us.  (more…)

Fake CV19 Jab Mandate, Fake FDA Approval & Fake Economy

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 499 10.15.21)

Looks like America is waking up to fake everything.  Let’s start with the fake CV19 jab mandate by the Biden Administration.  Where is the Executive Order (EO)?  Where is the legislation from Congress and signed by VP Biden?  Guess what?  It’s not there.  That’s right.  There is no Biden EO mandating the vax jabs.  There is nothing in the Federal Register, and maybe that’s why Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Green simply states the vax jab mandate “does not exist.”  It’s totally fake and designed to herd people into getting this experimental death shot. (more…)

Just 72 Hours from Anarchy – Bill Holter

By Greg Hunter’s 

Financial writer and precious metals expert Bill Holter has long predicted the bloated indebted financial system, at some point, was going to go down.  According to Holter, the wait is over, and he says, “It’s imploding now.  When will it fully go down?  It could be few days a few weeks or maybe a few months, but the system is coming down now. ” (more…)

Darkness Coming Dollar Falls – Bo Polny

By Greg Hunter‘s (Saturday Night Post)

Geo-political and financial analyst Bo Polny has long said “. . . Nothing can stop these people aside from a Biblical intervention from God.”  According to Polny’s Biblical cycle and timing charts, that’s exactly what is likely going to happen by the end of the year.  It all centers around the value of the U.S. dollar.  Polny explains, “Bitcoin, years ago, was under a dollar.  Then it was a dollar.  Then it was ten bucks.  Then it was a hundred, and then it was a $1,000.  All they can do is keep bashing it with news and say how horrible it is.  Ultimately, the most horrible currency in the world is the U.S. dollar.  The U.S. dollar is the root of all evil.” (more…)

Deep State Loses Narrative, Debt Ceiling Game, Inflation Now

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 498 10.08.21)

If you want to see that the Deep State globalists are losing the narrative and control, look no further than the news of the DOJ under AG Merrick Garland.  He is sending the FBI to go after parents as domestic terrorists for the crime of protesting Critical Race Theory (CRT) being taught to their children.  Who cares it CRT is hateful and racism that is labeled with some academic sounding name.  It’s not academic, but pure junk science and leftie propaganda infecting our schools and children.  Clif High says it’s “absurd and a desperate attempt to regain the narrative, but it’s not going to work.” (more…)

Red October – End of World as We Knew It – Clif High

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Evening Post)

Clif High is an Internet data mining expert who has many well-documented correct forecasts.  He predicted that Bitcoin would rise to $64,000 (it did) when it was less than $10 per unit.  High uses something he calls “Predictive Linguistics” and computer programs to sort through billions of bits of information on the Internet to predict future trends and events.  High’s recent data shows everything is in the process of breaking down.  Food production, trucking, health services, millions will get very sick and many of them will die, the military breaks down, political system breaks down and the financial system will suffer a horrible unfixable crash. (more…)

Senate, Austin and Milley a Joke, More Vax Lies, Economy Crashing

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 497 10.01.21)

The Senate held a hearing this week mostly about Afghanistan, and top General Mark Milley and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin answered questions.  What a joke.  The Senators acted as if this was all just incompetence when it was really a plan to turn over Afghanistan to terrorists and give them weapons and millions of dollars in cash.  This was the plan, and to think otherwise is moronic.  They had a chance to ask why Lt. Colonel Stuart Scheller has been arrested and thrown in jail for wanting top military brass to be held accountable.  (more…)

Unvaxed at Risk from Vaxed in Coming Dark Winter – Karen Kingston

By Greg Hunter’s

Karen Kingston is a medical analyst that researches a wide variety of things in the medical world.  She’s an expert in getting new drugs and medical devices approved and pass regulatory hurdles.  She researched the drug patents for the CV19 vaccine and says the unvaxed are at serious medical risk form the vaxed.  Kingston explains, “If you take a look at the biological license approval for Pfizer, it specifically explains that Comirnaty is a nucleoside-modified messenger RNA.  What is that?  That is a man-made genetic material that coats the spike protein of SARS COV 2. (more…)

Current Events Show Need for Backup Satellite Phone

Satellite Phone Store Sponsored Post

Before diving into all the benefits of having a reliable satellite phone handy, let’s take a quick look at some things that have been happening in this crazy world:

• Rolling blackouts on the east coast
• Rising conflicts in the Middle East
• Inhumane demands from the United Nations
• None-stop hurricanes in the gulf & southeastern states
• Blizzards in the southwest
• Extreme migration and immigration
• Earthquakes at an all-time high
• Newly discovered volcanoes
• Border crisis
• Political decisions coming real close to home (more…)

Fight for Freedom or It’s Hell on Earth – Gerald Celente

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Evening Post)

Gerald Celente, a renowned trends researcher, is back this time to talk about uniting for the fight for freedom.  If we don’t, we will all be a “slave on the Slavelandia plantation” or worse.  Whether it’s the economic repression or coerced vaccinations, the problem comes from the elite masters and corporations running the world.  You are seeing this in the economy that, under the surface, is stalling out. (more…)

Minaj Vax Storm, Trump is Coming Back, Fed Taper Bluff

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 496 9.24.21)

Superstar rap singer Nicki Minaj has escaped the Democrat thought plantation.  Minaj posted some true negative information about side effects from the CV19 vaccines to her millions of fans on social media last week.  The fire storm from globalist Marxist Democrats burned red hot.  Minaj alleged her family was threatened, and the White House wanted to call her to give her proper information (talking points) about vax side effects.  Minaj declined and was not happy.  The mainstream media (MSM) also joined in on the reeducation of Minaj, which exposes the MSM, once again, as pure propaganda and not journalism.  Minaj is not backing down to what she calls “bullies”! (more…)

Without Trust Markets Will Tank – John Rubino

By Greg Hunter’s 

It looks like we are on track for yet another global financial meltdown.  This time it is coming out of China in the form of a failed property development company called Evergrande.  It’s five times bigger than Lehman Brothers, whose failure cratered the global economy in 2008.  Will central banks, including the Fed, just let it all fail or will they print massive amounts of money trying to stop the fall?   If history is a guide, we should get ready for the most money creation ever.  In May, financial writer John Rubino said, “This is beyond the ability of any individual to fix.  We can’t save the system.” We sure can print a lot of money to try though. (more…)

CV19 Vaccines are Poison – Karen Kingston

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Post)

Karen Kingston is a top pharmaceutical analyst who has researched and written about many cutting edge drugs.  She has been ostracized and attacked by Big Pharma because she is speaking out about the great harm being done by the so-called CV19 vaccines.  Everything from heart failure, cancer and even ED are just some of the side effects of the vax injections.  More and more is coming out about how the “vaccines” are hurting and killing people.  Kingston, who has read and studied hundreds of pages of CV19 vaccine patents, says, “They are not vaccines.  They are only intended to poison, mutate, cause genetic mutations, and kill adults and children.   They contain advanced medical technologies called lipid nanoparticles that are made of hydrogel, which contains graphene oxide (poison to humans). . . . (more…)

China Traitor Gen Milley, China Financial Panic, More Vax Lies

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 495 9.17.21)

Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley, in the waning days of the Trump Administration, secretly went behind the back of President Trump and his Defense Secretary and called China to tell them if the USA attacked, he would tip the CCP off.  This is, once again, treason by America’s top general. Will Milley be punished?  We will see. (more…)