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Globalism vs. Patriotism, Evil vs. Good – Mark Taylor

Greg Hunter’s  (Early Release)

Mark Taylor, author of the wildly popular book “The Trump Prophecies,” correctly predicted, early on, a victory by Donald Trump to win the White House.  Taylor is a retired firefighter that has become an unlikely prophet of God, who contends “President Trump is God’s anointed.” Taylor says what is going on is nothing short of a grand battle between good and evil.  Taylor explains, “Here’s what I believe is going on right now.  There is no longer a Republican and Democrat party – period.  This is about globalism vs. patriotism basically right now.  This is about light vs. dark.  (more…)

Truth Revealed Will Mean Crashed System – Bill Holter

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Financial writer Bill Holter says 2017 is the year of the “truth bombs,” and along with the truth comes pain. Holter explains, “Unfortunately, the truth coming out will mean a crashed system.  It will mean a nonfunctioning system.  When truth finally comes out, and it will one way or the other, credit will cease because credit is based on trust.  Credit is handed out on trust, and when the truth comes out, credit will cease.  Then the system is going to have to reboot.”


Hurricane Harvey Disaster for America, Fuel Prices, Economy Sinking into Recession

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 299 9.1.17)

Hurricane Harvey has ravaged Texas and Louisiana, but losses will spread across the United States. Everyone will feel the impact in some way.  Hurricane Katrina losses totaled $175 billion, and Harvey could be twice that or more.  (Texas Rep. Pete Sessions: Harvey Impact Could Reach $1 Trillion.)  Oil prices will spike, and banks and insurance companies, ultimately, will face big losses on flooded housed and vehicles.


Get Totally Out of Stocks – Deflation Coming – Charles Nenner

By Greg Hunter’s

Charles Nenner, renowned financial and geopolitical analyst, has been saying for a few years that “there would be no market crash until the end of 2017,” and “if people were not positioned correctly, they could lose everything.” It’s nearing the end of 2017, and Nenner says, “I think we are there already. . . . We, personally, are totally out of stocks at this point.”



We Are Facing Overthrow of United States – Steve Quayle

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Steve Quayle, filmmaker, author and 25 year radio personality, says America is under attack from the left. Quayle contends, “You have to understand, we are not just facing turmoil, we are facing the dedicated and very well positioned and financed overthrow of the United States government by former federal officers and by those in the military.  I want to read the 13th rule of Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals.”  They are doing this to President Trump.  It’s character   assassination.  This is what people have to understand.  The 13th rule is what Hillary Clinton, the Marxists and what all of the Obama Administration believe in, and they are following this blueprint.  Saul Alinsky dedicated his book “Rules for Radicals” to Lucifer.  He said at least he got his own kingdom. . . . (more…)

Crazy MSM Calls Trump Crazy, Antifa Repugnant Like KKK, Economic Update

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 298 8.25.17) 

USA Today publishes this headline that reads “Talk of Trump’s Mental Health Spreads.”  The reason why it is “spreading” is the fake news of the propaganda media is trying to destroy Trump by fabricating a completely false narrative of Trump’s mental health.  Any medical doctor practicing psychiatry that can make a diagnosis by watching someone on TV is either a quack, a total partisan tool of the left or both.  It’s more fake news and false narrative from an increasingly desperate left and Deep State.  They know nothing is working to remove a duly elected Donald Trump from office.  They are desperate to find some scandal to take him out before he destroys them and their evil plans for America.  Don’t believe the hype and BS by the lying MSM.


Mnuchin Fort Knox Gold Tweet Alarming – Lior Gantz

By Greg Hunter’s 

Financial newsletter writer Lior Gantz is deeply concerned about the political divide gripping the nation.Gants contends, “I think the U.S. is divided politically to a point where it’s dangerous. I have not studied any time in history where the U.S. was so politically divided.  Just to give you an idea, 61% of Trump supporters say that Trump cannot go wrong.  Whatever he does, he cannot go wrong.  Now, 57% of the people who are against him say no matter what he does, they will never support him.  This country is very divided, and division is the most detrimental part of any democracy.”


Alert: Dollar & Markets at Risk to Plummet – John Williams

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Economist John Williams is putting out a rare “Alert” on his popular newsletter. What does Williams see that scares him?  Williams explains, “There are several factors.  Number one, I think we are at risk of an extreme market reaction just tied to the economy slowing down unexpectedly against headline expectations.  That is going to mess up the Fed’s planning for raising rates and liquidating their balance sheet.  That is going to force them back to quantitative easing (money printing).  That, in turn, will savage the dollar.   As the dollar plummets, so will U.S. stock prices.  They are heavily supported by the influx of capital from abroad. . . . Given the underlying fundamentals in the markets and in the economy, I think all the components are in place for one of the great financial panics of all time.”


Trump Racism More Fake News, KKK & Antifa Both Violent, Fed Melts Dollar

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 297 8.18.17)

The propaganda mainstream media and democrats are now trying to paint President Trump as a racist when he clearly is not. The Democrats are out of ideas, and the only thing they have to offer are lies.  The Democrats also want to erase our history and attack the Founding Fathers as racists.  The Democrat Party, which has all the earmarks of communism, wants to tear up the Constitution because it was written by racists, according to them.  It’s one lie after another from the party of liars and cheaters that does not have a single idea to help the average American.  This is not going to work either.


Risk Greater Than Ever-Egon von Greyerz

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Financial expert Egon von Greyerz (EvG) says the central bankers did not fix the problem that caused the last global economic meltdown. EvG points out, “Did they save the system?  For ten years they did, but they didn’t save it.  They made the problem a lot bigger.  Global debt has gone from $120 trillion in 2006 to $225 trillion today.  Central banks have printed another $18 trillion.  So, the situation right now is a lot worse than it was then.  So, the bubble is much bigger.  And remember last time, interest rates worldwide were around 5% to 6% ten years ago. . . .Today, they are zero or negative in many countries.  They cannot achieve anything by adjusting interest rates.  Well, they can make them more negative, but people are not going to give them any money with negative interest rates.”


North Korea Hot Head, Hillary DOJ Trouble, Economy Chaos Coming

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 296 8.11.17)  

The threats are going both ways between the U.S. and North Korea, especially after the U.N. Security Council voted 15 to 0 to sanction Kim Jung Un over his nuclear program and threats to use the nukes against his enemies. President Trump promised “fire and fury” if North Korea used their nukes.


The Everything Bubble – Mike “Mish” Shedlock

By Greg Hunter’s

Economic writer Michael “Mish” Shedlock is seeing bubbles just about everywhere. Let’s start with the stock market. Shedlock contends, “Anyone who is thinking rationally knows this is a bubble. . . . On a median PE basis and a median earnings basis, the stock market is at an all-time high—an all-time high now. It exceeds the dotcom bubble. It exceeds the housing bubble. It exceeds 1929. Only the top 10% does not exceed the dotcom mania that we had in 2000. We know these bubbles have to correct. The question is when. The bigger they get, the bigger the collapse and the more pain that is going to be felt.”


Western World Failing Now – Clif High

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Renowned Internet data mining expert Clif High says the rise of crypto currencies is nothing more than a reflection of failing states in the West. High, who uses what he calls “predictive linguistics” to forecast future trends, contends, “Here we are in a failing state, and basically, all of the western republics are failing states.  We are so far in debt we can’t ever recover.  So, our ability to trade has weakened anyway, and yet, we are going to launch a trade war with Russia?  This is really a lot of smart thinking there fellows. On top of that, we have this giant move in cryptos.  As the dollar dies and keeps shrinking, it’s got to go somewhere, and it’s coming into the crypto currencies. and they are expanding.  So, at the same time, they are trying to use the dollar as a trade weapon.  This one over here (crypto) is growing like mad to the point we just don’t care about their sanctions on trade.  It’s not ever going to stop any kind of crypto currency trade.  If I wanted to do business with Russians now, I could do it and the government would have no way of knowing about it.”


Mueller Witch Hunt Continues, Greenspan Warning, Immigration Crackdown

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 295 8.4.17) 

Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller is now in the Grand Jury phase of the Trump witch hunt. It is looking more and more like a “get Trump” at all costs affair.  Mueller has many conflicts of interest and is required to be removed by law, and yet nothing is done to stop this circus.  Meanwhile, renowned journalist Seymour Hersh says, “Russia Gate is a CIA planted lie and revenge against Trump.”  Hersh says DNC staffer Seth Rich supplied some “juicy emails from the DNC” to WikiLeaks.  That pretty much blows up the Russian hacking and collusion story.  Now, about two dozen members of Congress want a Special Prosecutor to investigate Hillary and all the wrongdoing of the Obama Administration.


Conspiracy to Remove Trump at All Costs – Paul Craig Roberts

By Greg Hunter’s 

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts agrees that Democrats, RINO Republicans, military complex and the Deep State want Donald Trump removed from the White House at any and all costs. Dr. Roberts explains, “That’s correct and, again, it’s several different interests.  The Democrats want him out because they want to be vindicated that he stole the election from them through some form of collusion with the Russians.  The military security complex want him out because they see him as a threat to their budget.  Trump normalizing relations with Russia—they don’t want that.  They need an enemy. The talk of pulling out of Syria also annoyed them.  They don’t want to give up these wars that keep people worried and willing to support the military. . . . (more…)