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Teetering on Global War in Middle East, Obama Failed Black Community, Economic Update

1edfBy Greg Hunter’s (WNW 255 9.23.16)

The ceasefire is basically over in the Syrian War after less than a week. The U.S. reportedly bombed a known Syrian military position five days into the cease fire and killed at least 83 Syrian soldiers and wounded more than 100.  The U.S. says it was just a “mistake,” but Russia says this “mistake” came with four U.S. warplanes and an attack that lasted 15 minutes.  Now, trust between the U.S. and Russia is gone, and diplomacy is largely off the table.  Is a wider Middle East war not too far behind?  In a word, yes.


We Are Headed For War-Paul Craig Roberts

paul_craig_roberts-323x346By Greg Hunter’s

Former Assistant Treasury Secretary (in the Reagan Administration) Dr. Paul Craig Roberts has a stark warning for the world. Dr. Roberts says, “We changed our nuclear doctrine.  It used to be we used nuclear weapons only in retaliation.  There was no first use, but the George W. Bush regime, the Neocons, changed our nuclear doctrine.  It’s now a preemptive first strike.  So, this tells both the Russians and Chinese they could get a preemptive first strike.  Then, we tell the Russians we are putting missiles right on your border.  You won’t have two minutes’ notice.  They can’t accept that.  It’s too much risk from a crazy country (U.S.) that won’t negotiate with them. . . . So, we’re headed for war. I think the only thing that would block it is if one or two of the European governments realize that they have nothing whatsoever to gain with a conflict with Russia. . . . The only thing they could do to prevent a nuclear war is to pull out of NATO.”


Stock & Bond Bubbles Much Worse Than 1929-David Stockman

stockman-david-new-cr-caryl-englanderBy Greg Hunter’s 

Economic expert and best-selling author David Stockman offers a dire view of the deep financial trouble America faces in his new book titled “Trumped!”   Stockman warns, “I think we are on the very edge, but what is different this time and makes it scarier . . . is I believe the central banks that ruled the roost have gone from one extreme to the next and done unfathomable things like negative interest rates on $13 trillion of bonds around the world, monetization of the debt, and bond purchases that are staggering such as $90 billion a month in Europe. . . . So, this time, as the phrase goes, they went all in.  They have violated every principle of sound money and sustainable finance that mankind has ever learned about over many centuries.  They have taken us to the edge, but they are out of dry powder.  I think it’s pretty obvious that they can’t go any deeper with subzero interest rates, or negative interest rates. . . . If they tried this in the United States, I think there would be a huge political uprising. . . . They are out of dry powder and out of tools, and therefore, the financial markets of the world are more vulnerable, maybe even more so than in 1929.  You are talking about a bond bubble like never before imagined or conceived, and the stock market is the same way as well as derivatives.”


Catastrophic Bond Market Collapse Approaches-Michael Pento

michael-pentoBy Greg Hunter’s

Money manager Michael Pento wrote a book a few years ago warning of “The Coming Bond Market Collapse.” All the signs say this calamity is very close. Pento explains, “Global central bank balance sheets have risen from $6 trillion in 2007 to $21 trillion today. That’s the increase in the size of central bank balance sheets. . . . I can prove to you when this bubble breaks, it’s going to be disastrous. . . . Just that they (European Central Bank-ECB) didn’t hint at expanding QE and look at what it has rendered us. That’s proof positive that everything that has happened since the 2008 collapse, that it’s just been artificial and ephemeral in nature. Once central banks even hint at pulling back from their QE programs and ZIRP and NERP go away, bonds will crash, and when those sovereign bonds crash on a global basis, it’s going to take everything else down with it concurrently.”


Rising Rates: Financial Extinction Level Event Coming-Michael Krieger

michael-kriegerBy Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Former Wall Street analyst Michael Krieger says the key to predicting this market is to watch interest rates. Krieger explains, “Do I think that there is going to be a huge U.S. currency devaluation next month?  No I don’t, but on the flip side, there is going to be some sort of financial calamity.  What I am looking at personally is interest rates.  I’m 38 years old.  My entire life, basically, we’ve been in a downtrend on sovereign yields.  So, it’s basically been this 40 year bond bull market.  It’s a secular bull market my entire life.  When that reverses and interest rates start to rise, and it’s probably not going to be because the Fed is raising rates, when rates naturally stop going down, and they start going up, that’s going to be a financial extinction level event. That’s going to be the most important event in all of our lives because it’s going to be the end of a 40 year bond bull.  (more…)

Hillary Clinton Update, Economy Continues to Sink, G-20 Fears

1By Greg Hunter’s (9.9.16)

Hillary Clinton is having trouble with words and phrases that begin with the letter “C.” She has explaining to do on her concussion while at the State Department, cyber security, coughing, The Clinton Foundation and classified documents. In her first so-called press conference in 278 days, she walked off when the questions came up on these subjects.


Bubbles are Everywhere in Franken Markets-Chris Martenson

Chris MartensonBy Greg Hunter’s

Resource analyst and futurist Chris Martenson says “bubbles are everywhere,” and it’s the fault of central banks.  Martenson explains, “Italian 10-year debt is trading with a lower yield than 10-year U.S. debt.  That’s because the European Central Bank (ECB) has created a massive bubble in the bond market. . . . We’ve got housing bubbles all over the globe in Australia, Canada, the United States, Hong Kong, London and you name it.  This is simple because, and there is no mystery about it, the central banks have printed lots and lots of money, trillions and trillions, and people have gone out and bought things with all that money, and it has driven up the prices of things.  That’s what the Fed wanted to accomplish.  The only problem is when the Fed does, this they want to say, hey look, record high stock prices.  Hey look, record high bond prices, as if this is a win for everybody and it’s not.  There’s a lot of losers in that story.”


Pre-Collapse More Dangerous Than Actual Collapse-Warren Pollock

4By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday release)

Geopolitical and financial analyst Warren Pollock says danger for all Americans is here right now. Pollock explains, “Where we are is more important than where we will be because right now, we are in sort of a Twilight Zone of transition between stability and instability. I think this is a dangerous time, and for some, it will be more dangerous than the actual collapse. . . .   The entire system we live in today is one large racketeering engine, and we really have to understand that for us to negotiate around this looting that is going to occur.  You cannot eliminate all the looting from your life, but you can go around it to a certain degree.  For example, you might need a pair of eyeglasses and spend several hundred dollars when someone in China can make eyeglasses for $5 or $10 of the same or better quality. . . . (more…)

Trump Immigration Policy Update, MSM Lies for Hillary, Economic Update

1aBy Greg Hunter’s (WNW 253 9.2.16)

Donald Trump had a fantastic week that included a surprise trip to Mexico to talk with the President of Mexico. After that, Trump flew to Phoenix to give a 10 point immigration policy speech that went over big.  Of course, if you watch the mainstream media (MSM), Trump was a total disaster, but don’t believe the liars employed by legacy media.  The MSM lies and are freaking out that Trump could pull off a win despite their biased political spin.


Current Global Financial System is Toast-John Rubino

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.comJohn Rubino pic 

Financial writer John Rubino says don’t be fooled by the phony economy propped up by central banks. Rubino co-wrote a book a few years ago called “The Money Bubble.” It could have been written this week because almost everything he predicted then is coming to a head now.  Rubino contends, “The money bubble is basically the big bubble that all previous bubbles have been built on.  All the previous bubbles have come and gone, and “The Money Bubble” is about money, government debt and financial instruments, in general.  So, it’s a global bubble that is bigger than anything that has come before.  Part of the reason it has gone on so long is everybody is participating.  Every central bank has a printing press, and that allows them to fool people . . . . It fools people into thinking that the world is basically normal, and it’s not normal. . . . We are creating the conditions for the Mother-of-All financial crises.  It is taking longer to happen than was thought of a few years ago, but it is starting to happen now.  The QE (money printing) programs of the past few years, which were wildly experimental and really shocking to economists and everybody else, turn out not to work. . . . Either the system is getting ready to break down shortly or go on to a new level of experiments that are going to be even more dangerous . . . either way, the current system is toast.”


Clinton Foundation Largest Unprosecuted Charity Fraud in History-Charles Ortel

charles ortel pBy Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) 

Wall Street financial expert Charles Ortel claims the Clinton Foundation is the “largest unprosecuted charity fraud in world history.” He also says this global fraud could not be pulled off without a lot of help.  Ortel explains, “I think this is an example of a vast left-wing conspiracy.  If you go back into the history, the Clintons always like to expose the things that go down for their credit, and they always try to hide the stuff that doesn’t make them look so good.  When you go back into the history of the Clintons, Bill and Hillary, and now Chelsea, have been monetizing government service.  (more…)

Clinton Foundation Sinks Into Deeper Trouble, Economic Update and Gold, Iran/US Middle East War Update

1azBy Greg Hunter’s (WNW252 8.26.16)

Hillary Clinton and her Foundation are sinking into deeper trouble. More emails were discovered, and more pay-to-play accusations are rolling in.  This all happened while Clinton was at the State Department, and it looks like there is no end to the tawdry revelations.  Now, there are accusations that the Clinton Foundation is a global charity fraud because proper paperwork has not been done, and there is no real accounting for all the money collected.  The Clintons say they are doing good charitable work and dismiss the accusations, but none the less, charges of wrongdoing keep mounting.


Giant Fraud Economy Crashes Before End of 2016-Gerald Celente

5hBy Greg Hunter’s

Trends forecaster Gerald Celente has been predicting a financial panic in 2016. How close are we?  Celente says, “I believe we are very near an inflection point coming up very soon. . . . I would have thought this would have happened back in 2012; however, there has never been such a thing as quantitative easing.  There has never been such a thing as zero interest rate policy and negative interest rate policy.  We make forecasts based on information that used to be, but now we have things that never were.  . . . I was never taught that central banks could take over the economy as it is now.  This is not capitalism.  Capitalism is dead–it’s now bankism.  The only thing that is keeping this up is a giant fraud.  October is usually the killer month. . . . I believe the crash will happen before the end of the year, and it almost happened with Brexit.


Fed Goons Will Not Raise Rates Until 2017-Craig Hemke

14By Greg Hunter’s  (Early Sunday Release)

Financial writer and precious metals expert Craig Hemke says forget about new threats that the Federal Reserve is raising interest rates in September. Hemke explains, “They are trying to move things by talking, which is their primary policy.  That’s why so many of these Fed goons, not Fed Governors, as we like to say, that’s why they seem to have conflicting messages all the time.  They are always trying to get the markets to do what they want them to do.  Rational human beings are telling you that they are not going to raise rates in September.  Not only are they going to do it right before an election, that never happens, if you look at FOMC minutes, the expectations actually went down. . . . People see through the nonsense, and actually you’ve got to go all the way out to March of next year, seven months from now, before you at least have a 50/50 likelihood of a an interest rate hike.”


Economic Update, Russian Bombers Fly Out of Iran, MSM Can’t Stop Trump


By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 251 8.19.16)

So much for the so-called “recovery,” there’s not going to be one. Retail and tech are the latest to signal the economy is tanking. Retail is warning sales are bad. Macy’s is closing 100 stores nationwide. On top of that, tech giant Cisco just fired 20% of its workforce, or about 5,500 employees. Can you believe the Fed is still talking about raising interest rates in September? Fat chance.
