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Current Global Financial System is Toast-John Rubino

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.comJohn Rubino pic 

Financial writer John Rubino says don’t be fooled by the phony economy propped up by central banks. Rubino co-wrote a book a few years ago called “The Money Bubble.” It could have been written this week because almost everything he predicted then is coming to a head now.  Rubino contends, “The money bubble is basically the big bubble that all previous bubbles have been built on.  All the previous bubbles have come and gone, and “The Money Bubble” is about money, government debt and financial instruments, in general.  So, it’s a global bubble that is bigger than anything that has come before.  Part of the reason it has gone on so long is everybody is participating.  Every central bank has a printing press, and that allows them to fool people . . . . It fools people into thinking that the world is basically normal, and it’s not normal. . . . We are creating the conditions for the Mother-of-All financial crises.  It is taking longer to happen than was thought of a few years ago, but it is starting to happen now.  The QE (money printing) programs of the past few years, which were wildly experimental and really shocking to economists and everybody else, turn out not to work. . . . Either the system is getting ready to break down shortly or go on to a new level of experiments that are going to be even more dangerous . . . either way, the current system is toast.”


Clinton Foundation Largest Unprosecuted Charity Fraud in History-Charles Ortel

charles ortel pBy Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) 

Wall Street financial expert Charles Ortel claims the Clinton Foundation is the “largest unprosecuted charity fraud in world history.” He also says this global fraud could not be pulled off without a lot of help.  Ortel explains, “I think this is an example of a vast left-wing conspiracy.  If you go back into the history, the Clintons always like to expose the things that go down for their credit, and they always try to hide the stuff that doesn’t make them look so good.  When you go back into the history of the Clintons, Bill and Hillary, and now Chelsea, have been monetizing government service.  (more…)

Clinton Foundation Sinks Into Deeper Trouble, Economic Update and Gold, Iran/US Middle East War Update

1azBy Greg Hunter’s (WNW252 8.26.16)

Hillary Clinton and her Foundation are sinking into deeper trouble. More emails were discovered, and more pay-to-play accusations are rolling in.  This all happened while Clinton was at the State Department, and it looks like there is no end to the tawdry revelations.  Now, there are accusations that the Clinton Foundation is a global charity fraud because proper paperwork has not been done, and there is no real accounting for all the money collected.  The Clintons say they are doing good charitable work and dismiss the accusations, but none the less, charges of wrongdoing keep mounting.


Giant Fraud Economy Crashes Before End of 2016-Gerald Celente

5hBy Greg Hunter’s

Trends forecaster Gerald Celente has been predicting a financial panic in 2016. How close are we?  Celente says, “I believe we are very near an inflection point coming up very soon. . . . I would have thought this would have happened back in 2012; however, there has never been such a thing as quantitative easing.  There has never been such a thing as zero interest rate policy and negative interest rate policy.  We make forecasts based on information that used to be, but now we have things that never were.  . . . I was never taught that central banks could take over the economy as it is now.  This is not capitalism.  Capitalism is dead–it’s now bankism.  The only thing that is keeping this up is a giant fraud.  October is usually the killer month. . . . I believe the crash will happen before the end of the year, and it almost happened with Brexit.


Fed Goons Will Not Raise Rates Until 2017-Craig Hemke

14By Greg Hunter’s  (Early Sunday Release)

Financial writer and precious metals expert Craig Hemke says forget about new threats that the Federal Reserve is raising interest rates in September. Hemke explains, “They are trying to move things by talking, which is their primary policy.  That’s why so many of these Fed goons, not Fed Governors, as we like to say, that’s why they seem to have conflicting messages all the time.  They are always trying to get the markets to do what they want them to do.  Rational human beings are telling you that they are not going to raise rates in September.  Not only are they going to do it right before an election, that never happens, if you look at FOMC minutes, the expectations actually went down. . . . People see through the nonsense, and actually you’ve got to go all the way out to March of next year, seven months from now, before you at least have a 50/50 likelihood of a an interest rate hike.”


Economic Update, Russian Bombers Fly Out of Iran, MSM Can’t Stop Trump


By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 251 8.19.16)

So much for the so-called “recovery,” there’s not going to be one. Retail and tech are the latest to signal the economy is tanking. Retail is warning sales are bad. Macy’s is closing 100 stores nationwide. On top of that, tech giant Cisco just fired 20% of its workforce, or about 5,500 employees. Can you believe the Fed is still talking about raising interest rates in September? Fat chance.


Financial Crash will be Put On Little People-Ellen Brown

back cover photo 4th ed 2010 - Copy (2)By Greg Hunter’s

Public banking expert Ellen Brown thinks big banks will be saved from a coming calamity at the expense of the little people. Brown explains, “I think the big banks won’t go down. They are protected by the bail-ins, which we haven’t yet seen in the U.S., but we’ve seen them in Europe starting in Italy. They did them starting last year. There were four small banks that got bailed-in . . . they took deposit accounts where they got some interest, and they were called bond holders. So, they took the bond holders’ money. They were really just ordinary depositors that thought they were making a little interest. There was one man who committed suicide because he lost his whole 100,000 euros. He pinned a sign to his chest and blamed it on his bank. The effect of the bail-ins in Italy was, rather than stabilize the banks, it destabilized the banks. Depositors in Italy were pulling their money out. It seems to me that the way things are playing out, the banks will be kept in place by governments because of this fear of the collapse of this derivatives scheme. Who will be hurt? It will be the little people. So, we will see a crash, but it will be a crash on us. We will lose our deposits or we will have to do a bail-in. The big banks, under the current law, are pretty much safe.”


Silver is Kryptonite to Gold Cartel Bankers-Bill Murphy

23By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Chairman of GATA (Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee) Bill Murphy thinks financial markets are way more vulnerable than they appear. Murphy explains, “There are negative interest rates and low interest rates that just keep staying down there, and supposedly things are really good.  Look at our Dow at all-time highs, and yet something is really wrong.  Of course, this fits into the GATA premise on this whole thing.  There’s a lot of quantitative easing (money printing) and propping up of the markets, and it’s on very shaky ground.  The plug could be pulled at any time. . . . With interest rates where they are and debt growing all over the place, the reasons to be in gold are off the charts.”


Weekly News Wrap-Up by Greg Hunter 8.12.16

1aBy Greg Hunter’s (WNW 250 8.12.16) 

The mainstream media (MSM) is totally against Donald Trump, and they are proud of it. Now, the New York Times (NYT) is explaining why it is their duty of keep Trump out of the White House.  An Op-Ed piece this past week basically said it was Trump’s fault that the MSM had to turn into political attack dogs for the DNC because Trump was “abnormal and potentially dangerous.”  Of course, there is nothing about the lies upon lies of Hillary Clinton or the “extremely careless” nature of her unprotected servers and use of private email system or her “Foundation” that some call a “Huge, huge criminal conspiracy.”  Trump is the “reckless” one who has to be stopped with lies and false stories according to the MSM, while they have to totally cover up and ignore Hillary’s many lies and potential criminal activity.  I predict this will backfire in the face of the old time legacy media—big time.


Entering Perfect Storm of Every Facet of our Lives-Bill Holter

22By Greg Hunter’s

Financial writer Bill Holter warns the world faces multiple problems, not just one. Holter explains, “We are entering a perfect storm of every facet of our lives.  This is not just financial.  This is social, and it has to do with the breakdown of the rule of law.  In the U.S. and globally, you can look at this as a breakdown of morals.  Society is breaking down.  You’ve got false economic numbers supported by the press that’s telling the people that all is well.  You are seeing, for lack of a better term, revolt all over the world.  Brexit was a revolt.  Donald Trump running for President is a revolt.  You are seeing people get truly pissed off because they know something is wrong, and it’s a worldwide phenomenon.”


Bad Economy is Why Trump GOP Nominee-John Williams

john%20williamsBy Greg Hunter’s  (Early Sunday Release)

Economist John Williams says don’t believe the hype about the U.S. economy being good—it’s not. Williams explains, “I love America, but we are in a deepening recession.  The economy collapsed into 2009 . . . we never really recovered from that.  We had a few bounces higher, but generally, we went into low level stagnation, and now it’s turning down again.  We just had a revision to the benchmark GDP (1.2%) and the numbers are nonsense.  The numbers are a lot weaker than they appear. There’s no question we are in a recession.”


Dems and Media Panic Over Trump, Economy is Tanking, Iran No Deal, Deal Update

12ertBy Greg Hunter’s (WNW 249 8.5.16) 

The mainstream media (MSM) and the Democrat Party would like you to think it is the Republicans in full panic mode, but it is their party that’s freaking out. The first tip comes from the MSM that is “going to war against Trump” and acting like the true political hacks they are.  Journalism is dead at the MSM, and they are willing to destroy their businesses to stop the outsider.  Negative stories trashing Trump are not having an effect as Trump is packing rallies by the thousands while voter turnout for Clinton rallies is lackluster.  Meanwhile, major negative stories about Hillary Clinton are being ignored to try to combat her negative image as a liar.  Hillary even lies about what the FBI called lies about her private servers, and the MSM ignores developments such as the IRS opening an investigation into the Clinton Foundation.


Chemtrails are Greatest Threat to Life on Earth-Dane Wigington

Dane WigingtonBy Greg Hunter’s

Last month, CIA Director John Brennan admitted Chemtrails, or as he put it, “Stratospheric Aerosol Injection,” is established geoengineering science used to fight global warming. Geoengineering researcher Dane Wigington says if the government is admitting it, the negative effects of spraying are too big to hide much longer. Wigington explains, “When CIA Director Brennan has to address it publicly, clearly it’s getting very difficult for them to hide this elephant in the room and the damage it has done, not only to the environment, but to us. It is irreparable already, and they know the liability already. They know this. They also know the amount of liability that has been created. That’s why they have been so desperate to hide this. To put this into the nutshell, the amount of destruction these programs have caused environmentally, it’s contaminated the entire web of life. This is, mathematically speaking, the greatest and most immediate threat to the web of life on earth, including human health. It is greater than any other threat short of nuclear cataclysm. That’s a mathematical fact.”


America is Doomed Without Restoring the Rule of Law-Karl Denninger

Karl_Denninger_Interview_Financial_Crisis_2012By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Trader and entrepreneur Karl Denninger has a dire warning. He basically says if there is lawlessness at the top of society, there will be lawlessness at the bottom.  Denninger, who is so distraught he has suspended writing on his popular website, explains, “It is illegal for any entity with market power or anybody else to price fix.  It is illegal to price commodities of like, mind and quantity in the market place.  That is a federal law, and violations of these laws are not civil affairs, they’re felonies. . . . The only deterrents for corporations against bad behavior is people go to jail or the firm has its charter revoked because it runs out of money.  The reason that is the case is as long as I can pay a fine and shift the cost onto the customers or shareholders or both, there is not deterrent—at all. . . . When does a CEO ever get indicted?  When do members of the board ever get indicted?  The answer is never.”


Hillary Won’t Win Presidency, DNC and Clinton Exposed for Rigging Democratic Primary, Economic Update and Global War Heating Up

1fyBy Greg Hunter’s  (WNW 248 7.29.16)

It’s now been totally exposed the Democratic National Committee (DNC) rigged the primary in favor of Hillary Clinton. This is a turning point that says no way Clinton can be elected without nearly half the Democrat voters that supported Bernie Sanders.  A WikiLeaks email dump at the beginning of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia showed clear evidence the DNC committed fraud and collusion against all candidates and rigged the Primary in favor of Hillary Clinton.  Outraged and disenfranchised Sanders voters are protesting by the thousands, and yet, the mainstream media, by and large, will not cover the protests taking place outside the DNC convention.  These are mostly young people who voted or worked diligently for the Sander’s campaign.  Greg Hunter says Clinton will get only a small percentage of Sander’s voters, and the rest will vote for Donald Trump, another candidate or simply say home.  Hillary is toast and will not become the President of the United States.
