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Financial Crisis Worse Because It’s Global-Nomi Prins

4bGreg Hunter’s  (Early Sunday release)

Best-selling author and journalist Nomi Prins says the next financial crisis will be much worse than 2008. Prins contends, “If you look at the beginning of 2016 . . . it’s indicative of the rest of the year. We are seeing declines everywhere, and they are significant declines. The stock market won’t be a correction, but indicative of more downward spiraling to come.”


Obama’s State of Delusion, FBI Widens Hillary Email Probe, Iran Detains US Sailors

b5By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 222 1.15.16)

President Obama’s State of the Union should be renamed to the State of Delusion after he said, “Anyone claiming that America’s economy is in decline is peddling fiction.” This is so off base and delusional I simply do not know where to start. There are so many metrics that prove the President wrong. The Labor Participation Rate stands at around 94 million, a record. The Baltic Dry Index has plunged to record lows, and the stock market is off to the worst start—ever. There is one headline after another that confirm the problems with the stock market are real. So is the fear the economy is sinking, and there is nothing the Fed can do about it.


Full Default of Global Debt Coming-Andrew Hoffman

45By Greg Hunter’s

Financial writer Andrew Hoffman says the Fed has a lousy track record for predicting the economy. Hoffman explains, “It’s not just the Fed, but all central bankers have been wrong on pretty much everything they have said. In the case of the Fed, in particular, which is by far the most important central bank in the world because what they . . . do destroys everyone else, it’s been three years, and they have been talking about economic recovery, and then they decide to raise rates just as the economy gets the absolute worst in our lifetimes. We are getting closer to the Yellen reversal when she is forced by markets to admit they have been wrong.”


Economic Collapse Happening Now-Rob Kirby

3bBy Greg Hunter’s  (Early Sunday Release)

Macroeconomic analyst Rob Kirby’s predictions of a downward spiraling economy are coming true. Kirby contends, “I think the last time we spoke, it was in early December. I suggested that a window was opening where we were very likely to see some systemic breakdowns in our financial universe to likely start occurring. Low and behold, it looks like we are seeing the beginnings of exactly what we were speaking of. The reason why we are beginning to see these things start to unfold now is that everything we’ve been told by our financial elites . . . has basically been a lie or a false flag or fraudulent.”


Middle East War, Global Market Crash, Oregon Stand-Off and Guns

4bBy Greg Hunter’s WNW 221 1.8.15

A Saudi Prince is saying war is unlikely with Iran, but that doesn’t seem believable especially after Iran burned Saudi Arabia’s embassy in Tehran. Iran burned the embassy after Saudi Arabia executed a Shia imam. Then, there are conflicting reports of Saudi bombing Iran’s embassy in Yemen. At its core, this is the age old problem of Sunni Muslims opposed to Shia Muslims. That is Saudi Arabia, Sunni, against Iran which is Shia. As predicted by yours truly back in July, the Iranian nuclear so-called deal has dramatically increased the chances for war. Of course, Iran has not and will not sign anything, and that means there is no real deal. There is just some empty promises and $150 billion coming from the Obama Administration. (more…)

End of Capitalism Is Here-Ellen Brown

back cover photo 4th ed 2010 - Copy (2)By Greg Hunter’s

Public banking expert and attorney Ellen Brown says, “Your life savings could be wiped out in a derivatives collapse.” Brown explains, “Nobody anticipated what happened in 2008, and that was a $700 billion bailout. Even if the FDIC tapped its Treasury line, that’s only $500 billion. So, certainly things could go wrong. Also, why are they rushing to put these things into place? They’re expecting something.” Brown goes on to point out, “They think they have avoided too-big-to-fail, but what they have actually done is formalize too-big-to-fail. I mean it’s the end of capitalism. There is no such thing as too-big-to-fail in a capitalistic society where you say certain corporations can’t fail. If you have to take the people’s money to prop them up, it’s no longer capitalism.”


Financial Avalanche Will Bury Most -David Morgan

David MorganGreg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Financial writer David Morgan says the global economy is cracking. Things such as shipping, manufacturing, retail and real estate sales are all headed down. Morgan contends, “What you are starting to see is those little rumblings that happen before the big tremor. That’s an analogy, but that’s what we are starting to see. . . . Nothing is more important than the debt markets and what is going to happen in the future.”


Greg Hunter 2016 New Year Message

1By Greg Hunter’s

Happy New Year to the USAWatchdog community.  There will not be a Weekly News Wrap-Up this week as I am taking time off to recharge for the new year.  I do have a short New Year’s message on the next page.  Thank you for supporting  Enjoy!!


2016 Predictions-Economic Collapse Caused by Fraud & Debt-Bill Holter

22By Greg Hunter’s

Financial writer Bill Holter says all the talk of the so-called “recovery” and reaching “escape velocity is imminent” have been total lies. Holter explains, “We have heard the word ‘recovery’ for seven years . . . we’ve never gotten to the expansion phase. They keep talking about ‘escape velocity,’ and we have never gotten there in seven years. Now, the Fed has raised interest rates just before Christmas. This is the first time ever the Fed has raised rates right before Christmas, and they raised rates into a weak economy where credit is already tight. The only time they have done that is 1937, and we know how that worked out.”


US Stupid Enough to Cause Nuclear War-Paul Craig Roberts

Paul_Craig_Roberts-323x346By Greg Hunter’s  (Early Sunday Release)

Former Assistant Treasury Secretary Dr. Paul Craig Roberts has a dim view of the so-called “economic recovery.” Dr. Roberts contends, “There has been no recovery whatsoever. . . . If you look at the economy realistically, and that means you don’t use their phony numbers, there has been no recovery whatsoever and, in fact, it continues to worsen. We see that the “Labor Force Participation Rate” continues to sink. . . . When you consider the full measure of unemployment . . . we still have an unemployment rate of 23% after 7 years of an alleged recovery? I think this is the first so-called recovery where the labor force fell. Normally, when you have a recovery, people re-enter the labor force and the participation rate rises. . . . How do you have 5% unemployment when half of all 25 year old people have to live at home with their parents? What kind of a “recovery” is that? They say there is no inflation, but everyone that goes shopping knows that is a lie. . . . It’s all just a package of smoke, mirrors and lies.”


Greg Hunter Christmas Message 2015

By1 Greg Hunter’s

I have a few odds and ends in the news, but I am not doing a Weekly News Wrap-Up.  I am taking off for Christmas.  I really appreciate your cards and letters, but above all I appreciate all the comments that add to the content of  As I always brag, I have some of the smartest folks on the Internet commenting here.  Please keep doing it!!  The message video is after the break, so MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!


Next Financial Meltdown Blamed on War-Gregory Mannarino

2By Greg Hunter’s

Trader/analyst Gregory Mannarino says the overall trend in the stock market is down, and he is anticipating more central bank intervention to keep propping up the sinking economy. Mannarino contends, “Without any doubt, they are going to keep doing this. They are going to keep trying to intervene in any way possible with things we can’t even think of yet. In my opinion, the main goal of all of this is to bring us to war. Bring us to war as this whole thing begins to meltdown, so they can blame it on that. They are going to look for a scapegoat . . . because it’s so distorted and so twisted it has to correct to fair market value at one point. They can keep twisting it and distorting it and manipulating it and faking data, but at one point, they are going to have to pay the piper. Everyone is going to have to pay the piper, and that’s going to be a terrible moment.”


2016 Will Be One Disaster After Another-Egon von Greyerz

1By Greg Hunter’s  (Early Sunday Release)

Financial expert Egon von Greyerz says the recent Fed rate hike will not help the financial markets. Greyerz predicts, “I think we will have one disaster after another, first in the junk bond market, then in emerging markets and, after that, the subprime markets. Subprime car loans and student loans I see as another massive problem area. It is going to be one thing after another that will unravel. Since 2008, when the world almost went under, we have printed or increased credit by 50% or by $70 trillion, and the world economy is still struggling to survive. I think the real change in confidence will come down when markets come down. . . . I think things will come down very quickly.”


Fed Hike Economy Down, Assad Stays in Syria, ISIS Gets Texas Truck

1By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 220, 12.18.15)

The Fed finally did it. It raised a key short term rate by a quarter of a point. That is not the real story. The real story is how the non-functioning mainstream press swallowed the economic recovery story hook, line and sinker. Fed Head Janet Yellen boasted “The economic recovery has come a long way . . . .” Not a single reporter brought up new data that the Baltic Dry Index (released just a few days earlier) had hit record lows clearly signaling a downward spiraling global economy. What we just got was a real rate hike going into a phony recovery. What could go wrong?


Worldwide Credit Bubble Bursting Now-Michael Pento

4Greg Hunter’s

Analyst/money manager Michael Pento says the Fed plans on raising interest rates multiple times. Pento explains, “The Fed isn’t going to do a one-and-done rate hike scenario like Wall Street would like you to believe. The Fed publishes . . . where they think the Fed Funds Rate . . . will be at a certain point in time. . . . At the end of next year, the median ‘dot plot’ is 1.5% on the overnight lending rate. So, the Fed is not going to raise one time and retire and go home, and that is not even the most important point. The most important point is we have reached a point where we are entering into a global recession, and this global recession is going to occur even if the Fed did not raise interest rates more than one time. It’s happening now.”
