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Trump Guilty, Missiles Fired on Russia, Rubino’s Analysis

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 636 5.31.24)  (John Rubino is a guest and helps Greg with the Wrap-Up)

Donald Trump was convicted of 34 felony counts in a New York court on Thursday.  The judge gave some cartoon-like jury instructions, and many are saying that this fact alone will be grounds for reversing these convictions.  How long will this take?  Will there be an emergency appeal to the US Supreme Court?  Will they jail Trump?  Will they get desperate enough to kill him?  Is this the kind of thing the Democrats feel they must do if Joe Biden’s areal approval rating is just under 8%?  (Yes, this is the real number, according to Martin Armstrong and another confidential source I know personally.) (more…)

Eventual Financial Death Spiral Now Imminent – John Rubino

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Analyst and financial writer John Rubino warned nearly four months ago of a “U.S. Financial Death Spiral.”  This past week, Bank of America caught up to Rubino and issued a warning about a “US dollar death spiral” because the federal government was going deeper in the red by creating “$1 trillion in new debt every 100 days.”  Maybe this is why gold and Bitcoin have been hitting new all-time highs day after day.  Rubino says, “When a building was worth $200 million and someone sells it for $48 million, that means there is a loss that someone has to take.  Those losses are mostly on the books of regional and local banks.  So, they are in big trouble financially. . . . (more…)

U.S. Financial Death Spiral – John Rubino

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Analyst and financial writer John Rubino has a new warning about being fooled into thinking the economy is improving because inflation and interest rates have fallen some recently.  Rubino says, “If the U.S. government is running crisis level deficits, which it is right now, borrowing money and paying interest on it means we are in a financial death spiral.  The debt goes up, the interest on the debt goes up and that raises the debt even further, and you just spiral out of control.  We are there right now.  The official U.S. debt is $33.5 trillion.  It’s growing by $1.7 trillion a year, and $1 trillion of that is interest costs.  Interest costs are rising as the overall debt goes up.  Then throw in this incredibly reckless military spending in the guise of foreign aid, and you get a society that has completely lost control. (more…)

Civilization & Dollar are Going to End – John Rubino

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post) 

Financial writer John Rubino warned two weeks ago that whatever came out of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) meeting this past week would be bad for the dollar.  The dollar did not crash, but the prospects for it remaining the reserve currency of the world took a beating.  The BRICS added a half dozen countries into its group.  Two of the most troubling for the dollar are Saudia Arabia (SA) (where the petrodollar started) and United Arab Emirates (UAE) where the U.S.  has huge Navy and Airforce assets.  SA and UAB officially joining the BRICS was nothing short of a stunning rebuke of U.S. financial and military power in the Persian Gulf.  Rubino says, “So, now we’ve got the world’s biggest oil exporter and the site of a very big U.S. military presence in an anti-dollar coalition. . . . This is a very big deal because the BRICS are sort of a trade organization dedicated to bypassing the dollar and not living under U.S. rule any longer.  (more…)

New BRICS Currency Bad for Dollar – John Rubino

By Greg Hunter’s 

Analyst and financial writer John Rubino has a new warning about the fate of the U.S. dollar with the announcement next week (Aug 22–24) of the new BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) currency.  There has been lots of speculation about it.  Will it work?  Is it gold backed?  Will it immediately replace the U.S. dollar?  30 countries in all have signed onto the BRICS currency experiment.  Rubino contends, “No matter what shape it takes, the new BRICS currency is bad for the dollar. . . . You don’t want to be an enemy of the U.S., but neither do you want to be a target just because you are doing what you think is right in the world. . . then the U.S. comes in and destroys your banking system.  That is now a real possibility for a lot of countries.  If you take the BRICS countries . . . and you add in all the other countries who want to join the BRICS coalition, and that includes Saudi Arabia and Mexico, you take all those countries together and, basically, you have half the world’s population and half the world’s GDP.  So, this is not trivial.  (more…)

Normal is Over – John Rubino

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post) 

Analyst and financial writer John Rubino has been warning for years that a systemic crash was always in the cards because of the enormous unpayable debt buildup.  The debt for America has never been more extreme.  Now, there is a new wrinkle in the equation for an elite class wanting to hang onto power, and that is war – a nuclear war.  Rubino says, “These neocon chickenhawk psychopaths who are running Biden’s foreign policy are going to try to extend U.S. domination around the world.  5% of the world’s population is going to rule the other 95% of the population in perpetuity.  They see this as a ‘New American Century’ to be imposed by force, and they are willing to risk nuclear war to do that.  It’s baffling.” (more…)

Catastrophic Borrowing Kills Global Financial System – John Rubino

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Analyst and financial writer John Rubino says this time, the so-called debt ceiling fight could end in a systemic failure.  Rubino points out, “In a well-run society, the debt limit would be zero.  Governments should not borrow money in the first place.  The amount of money we are borrowing is catastrophic.  Historians are going to look back at this era, and they are just going to wonder why we allowed it to happen and what were we thinking.  We are destroying the global financial system by allowing governments to borrow this much money.  The debt limit thing is being called a crisis, and if they let it go too far, it will be a crisis. . . . (more…)

Global Monetary Experiment Ends in a Bloodbath – John Rubino

By Greg Hunter’s 

Analyst and financial writer John Rubino said in February, “We are in a debt and death spiral” that will force dramatic changes on the world.  It was a direct hit because in March, Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) tanked, and the FDIC and the U.S. Treasury were forced to basically back-stop the entire banking system.  The financial problems are far from over as Rubino explains, “Basically, interest rates have been artificially low for a decade . . . . In that time, crazy numbers of office buildings went up and were financed at really low rates. . . .  Now, office vacancy rates are spiking, which means office building are not profitable anymore.  The debts they have at 2% to 3% now have to be rolled over at 5%, 6% or 7%.  This means an already unprofitable office building is going to be even more unprofitable because of rising interest rates. (more…)

Global Debt & Death Spiral – John Rubino

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Analyst and financial writer John Rubino says we’re are in a “debt and death spiral” that will force dramatic changes on the world.  Rubino explains, “The debt spiral part of this means things from here continue to get worse and worse for the big currencies of the world until they die.  In other words, until people lose faith in them, refuse to use them and hold them anymore until their value falls to their intrinsic value, which is zero. (more…)

Without Trust Markets Will Tank – John Rubino

By Greg Hunter’s 

It looks like we are on track for yet another global financial meltdown.  This time it is coming out of China in the form of a failed property development company called Evergrande.  It’s five times bigger than Lehman Brothers, whose failure cratered the global economy in 2008.  Will central banks, including the Fed, just let it all fail or will they print massive amounts of money trying to stop the fall?   If history is a guide, we should get ready for the most money creation ever.  In May, financial writer John Rubino said, “This is beyond the ability of any individual to fix.  We can’t save the system.” We sure can print a lot of money to try though. (more…)

Confronted with a Nightmare Scenario – John Rubino 5.8.2021

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Financial writer John Rubino says there is no easy way out for the financial and political mess the United States has created for itself.  Rubino starts with the economic problems and explains, “Now, inflation is starting to spread. . . . Look at lumber.  If you are trying to build a house, it’s $35,000 more now than it was two years ago just because of lumber.  Iron ore, house prices, grains, food and you name it, we’ve got inflation going on.  (more…)

Aristocrats vs “We the People” – John Rubino

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Financial writer John Rubino says massive unpayable debt has already bankrupted America, and when this happens, politics are also massively corrupted.  Rubino explains, “When you bankrupt your country, your politics are inherently corrupted by that bankruptcy, and that’s what is happening to us.  We created a financial system . . . that is run by an aristocracy.  It’s not a Right/Left, liberal, socialist or conservative aristocracy.  Look at JPMorgan Chase, Google and General Dynamics.  Look at Mitch McConnell, the big Republicans and the big Democrats.  They are not socialists, and they are not capitalists–they’re aristocrats.  They are mainly interested in a system where the rules apply to you and me but do not apply to them. . . . You need to view those guys as Dukes and Duchesses whose main job is to maintain power over the peasants, then their behavior makes complete sense. . . . Seeing them that way makes their motivation and behavior pretty much crystal clear.” (more…)

2021 A Year of Mass Bankruptcy – John Rubino

By Greg Hunter’s

 Financial writer John Rubino says, “2021 is going to be a pivotal year” in the debt markets.  Rubino says lots of debt will either be bailed out or defaulted on in some way.  Because of CV19, there is no getting around this.  The debt clock has been pushed forward by years.  One too huge to hide debt problem are heavily indebted U.S. states and cities.  Rubino says, “You have to call this a scam because years ago, they decided to offer wildly over generous pensions to public sector unions.  (more…)

World on Verge of Spinning Out of Control – John Rubino

By Greg Hunter’s 

Financial writer John Rubino says gold is at new all-time highs, silver is vaulting upward and there is no end in sight for the massive money printing around the world.  Rubino say’s if you look deeper, you can see the “real message” in the unfolding events.  Rubino explains, “It’s fun to be a gold bug and see your stacks getting more valuable, but the real message here is the world is on the verge of spinning out of control.  That’s what gold and silver are signaling.  (more…)

Suddenly Everything is Too Big to Fail – John Rubino

Greg Hunter’s

Everyone needs be looking past the Coronavirus crisis and at what governments are trying to do to counter the economic destruction and massive unemployment. Is the financial cure worse than the disease? Financial writer John Rubino says look at commercial real estate as an omen of what is to come. Rubino explains, “Sooner or later you’ve got to pay your bills, and if you don’t have anybody paying your bills to you, then you go bankrupt. Commercial real estate could just be a blood bath, which take us back to all the bailouts. You can’t let a big sector go bust in this world because suddenly everything is too big to fail. (more…)