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Ignoring the Good News?
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s I heard Jim Cramer of CNBC say last night people are “ignoring the good news.” I say when it comes to the mainstream media, just the opposite is happening. The folks at the financial news networks are especially
IMAX on the Titanic
on: by Greg Hunter
If you compare the U.S. economy to the Titanic disaster, we are at about same point in time as that famous ship was after it struck the iceberg. Instead of a band playing on deck as the vessel took on water,
The One Surefire Economic Prediction
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s The one surefire economic prediction I can make is we are going to have big inflation. Already, (real) inflation is running at 9.4% according to (calculated the way Bureau of Labor Statistics did it in 1980).
Don’t Let The Facts Get In The Way Of A Recovery
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s For awhile, the term “green shoots” was the buzz word for the economic rebound. Remember that? The “green shoots” have now turned into a “recovery” almost every time the economy is mentioned. It seems we are constantly
Will the U.S. Dollar Survive?
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Alf Field has been called the “world’s best gold analyst.” He is best known for his many spot-on predictions in the precious metals market. Field has written extensively on debt, the dollar and has predicted the gold
Inflation Is Going To Get Worse
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s One of my consistent views on this site is “real” inflation is much higher than what the government is telling us. For example, recently the Bureau of Labor Statistics announced February’s inflation number (CPI) was “unchanged” at
Truth Has Fallen and Has Taken Liberty With It
on: by Greg Hunter
This is a sobering article written by Paul Craig Roberts, a former Deputy Treasury Secretary under the Reagan Administration. It is the last one Roberts, who has been writing syndicated columns for years, says he will write! I emailed Roberts to get permission to reprint
What Is America Thinking Coast to Coast?
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s I was a guest yesterday on the nationally syndicated radio show, Coast to Coast AM. It airs on 500 radio stations in America, Canada and Mexico. I received several dozen emails and comments, along with thousands of
Health Care Reform Passed By House, Now What?
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s It took some arm twisting, political payoffs and a promise not to publicly fund abortion to get health care reform passed. There is still plenty to do on what is called the “fix” to the bill in
Health Care Reform Battle Rages While U.S. Burns
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter The Health Care Reform Reconciliation pakage making its way through Congress is shaping up to be an enormous battle. The amount written and said about this legislation could fill a wing in the library of Congress. The Republicans think
Tomorrow Is Here Today
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s In December of 1997, the National Center for Policy Analysis ran this headline on their website “Social Security Problems Accelerating.” The article stated, “A recent General Accounting Office report warns that the long-term prospects for the Social
Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss
on: by Greg Hunter
By Gene Tunney Guest Writer for Greg Hunter’s If you are my age, you know that the title is from a 1971 song by The Who titled “Won’t Get Fooled Again.” I was certainly fooled in the last Presidential election.
Has Anything Changed on Wall Street?
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Whistleblower Harry Markopolos is on the stump promoting his new book titled “No One Would Listen.” It is about how it took 8 ½ years for the Securities and Exchange Commission to crack down on the Bernie
What Is the True Cost Of Health Care Reform?
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s The Congressional Budget Office says Health Care reform will Cost $1 trillion over the next 10 years. The White House says it will “save “money. Republican Senator Mitch McConnell said just a few days ago the tab
The Taxpayer Club
on: by Greg Hunter
By Gene Tunney Guest Writer for Greg Hunter’s You and I are in the Taxpayer Club. We are the working class of America; you know, the part that has to pay for the stimulus programs and Wall Street bailouts. We are