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All-Out Assault on All Life on Earth-Dane Wigington

By Greg Hunter’s   (Early Sunday Release) Dane Wigington, founder of the global climate engineering informational website,, says climate manipulation, commonly referred to as chemtrails, is the number one factor in destroying the planet and much of humanity. Wigington contends,

Iran War Drums, Panama Papers Update, Economy Weak and Sick

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 234 4.8.16) Lots of news about Iran this week being overlooked because of the so-called Panama Papers. Iran has issued a warning to the U.S. not to interfere with its ballistic missile program.  Iranian officials say

Biggest Collapse Ever-Get Gold Now-James Rickards

By Greg Hunter’s Financial expert and best-selling author James Rickards says another economic collapse is coming. Rickards contends, “It’s very clear, and you can prove this scientifically.  The next collapse will be bigger than anything in history or maybe since

Crash of Biblical Proportions Coming in 2016-Bo Polny

By Greg Hunter’s   (Early Sunday Release) Market cycle analyst Bo Polny says don’t bet on the U.S. dollar or the stock market to hold their value in 2016. Polny contends, “The dollar is going down with the stock market.  It

Clinton FBI Investigation Update, MSM Unfair to Trump, Syria Update

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 233 4.1.16) News broke this week that the FBI is getting ready to interview top aids to Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton. It is also reported that Clinton herself may also be interview by the head of

Fraud Key Profit Center for Wall Street-William Black

By Greg Hunter’s Former top bank regulator Professor William Black says there is no hiding the cesspool that is Wall Street. Dr. Black says, “People on Wall Street agree that the system is rigged.  You get them into a bar,

Criminal Bankers Control US Government Push War-Paul Craig Roberts

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Former Assistant Treasury Secretary in the Reagan Administration, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, contends it is no accident why bankers do not get jail time for constantly committing fraud by stealing documents and committing fraudulent,

ISIS Terror in Belgium, Syria Peace Deal on Hold, US Fights ISIS in Iraq, Clinton Email Update

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 232 3.25.16)  The top story is the carnage and terror in Belgium. ISIS is claiming responsibility.  Even though there are suspects on the loose and anti-terror raids happening, there is still little known about how the

Belgium Terror Just the Beginning of Insecure World-Egon von Greyerz

By Greg Hunter’s Financial expert Egon von Greyerz (EvG) says terror attacks, like the one that just happened in Brussels, can destabilize the entire world. EvG, who lives in Switzerland, explains, “This is obviously a very sad day for our

Global Economy Dying Pig-No More Rate Hikes-Rob Kirby

Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Macroeconomic researcher Rob Kirby predicted the Federal Reserve’s interest rate increase late last year “would be one and done.” Kirby explains, “They had no business raising rates in the first place because the economy was

Weekly News Wrap-Up 3.18.16-Greg Hunter

By Greg Hunter’s WNW 231 3.18.16 The mainstream media (MSM) is at it again, this time trying to trash Trump on a big primary day.  It didn’t work because trump won just about every contest.  The MSM also tried to

Record Swings of Deflation and Inflation Coming-Michael Pento

By Greg Hunter’s Money manager Michael Pento says the Fed and other global central banks are “not going to stop manipulating the markets.” Pento explains, “There is no escape from the manipulation by central banks and manipulation of asset prices.

Fed’s ‘Cocaine and Heroin Injection’ a Criminal Act-Gerald Celente

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Trends forecaster Gerald Celente says former Fed President Richard Fisher dropped an ominous truth bomb last week on CNBC. Celente says, “Last week, when it was a celebration of . . . 2009 and

Iran & North Korea Missile Tests, Trump Trashed by MSM, Fed Economic Fraud

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 230 3.11.16) Iran is back in the news for testing ballistic missiles with the words “Israel should be wiped off the Earth.” It is widely reported that Iran has test fired two ballistic missiles.  Iran says

Market Meltdown Already Underway-Gregory Mannarino

By Greg Hunter’s Trader/analyst Gregory Mannarino says forget about the recent market rally, the markets “have nowhere to go but down.” Mannarino explains, “According to the charts, something big has already begun.  This is not a ‘maybe this will happen,’