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WNW 170- Budget Battle, CIA Torture Distraction, Madoff Convictions

By Greg Hunter’s  (Friday 12/12/14) The $1 trillion budget that just passed the House of Representatives has something in it for everybody–to hate.  Conservative Republicans hate that Obama Care and illegal immigration are funded and liberal Democrats hate the rollback

Big Banks Will Take Depositors Money In Next Crash -Ellen Brown

By Greg Hunter’s  The G-20 met recently in Australia to make new banking rules for the next financial calamity.  Financial reform advocate Ellen Brown says these new rules will allow banks to take money from depositors and pensioners globally.  Brown

Global Deflationary Implosion Will Start Money Printing-Egon von Greyerz

By Greg Hunter’s  (Early Sunday Release) Gold expert and money manager Egon von Greyerz says Japan is leading the parade to the bottom of the currency heap. Greyerz says, “Japan is printing unlimited amounts, and we can see that yen

WNW 169-Race Distraction, USA #2, US/Russia Coming War?

By Greg Hunter’s (12/5/14)  It seems the mainstream media (MSM) is determined to bombard us with the “hands up, don’t shoot” lie. Michael Brown was not gunned down with his hands up.  Forensic evidence and eye witness testimony from a

3.9% GDP Nonsense-Dollar Turns Sharply Soon-John Williams

By Greg Hunter’s Economist John Williams is not buying the recent 3.9% GDP upward revision. Williams explains, “No one I know thinks we are growing at 3.9% other than they are trying to sell a bill of goods to the

Gold Selling for at least 50% over Spot in Asia-Rob Kirby

By Greg Hunter’s   (Early Sunday Release) A few months ago, financial analyst Rob Kirby said the gold price was ready to go up. In the international market, where it is sold by the ton–it has. Kirby explains, “For large amounts

WNW 168-Ferguson Analysis, Iran Nuke Deal Stalled, Gold Repatriation

By Greg Hunter’s    (Friday 11.28.14)  I told you last week there would be no charges for the police officer who shot and killed Michael Brown, and no charges were brought. Of course, there was rioting and violence, and that seems

Gold is Kryptonite to the Dollar-Bill Holter

By Greg Hunter’s  Financial writer Bill Holter says the players in the gold markets are fearful. Why?  Holter says, “The GOFO rates, or gold forward rates, in London are negative.  They should never be negative, and they are more negative

Central Banks Absolutely Desperate-Dollar Terminal-Gregory Mannarino

By Greg Hunter’s Financial analyst Gregory Mannarino contends all the market rigging that has been reported in markets such as Forex, LIBOR, stocks and commodities is a way to prop up a system doomed to implode.  Mannarino says, “It’s clear

WNW 167: Obama Immigration Amnesty, Jerusalem Violence, Ferguson Mo Decision

By Greg Hunter’s (11/21/14) President Obama, who many are now calling emperor, has made millions of illegal aliens legal with the stroke of his pen. Some in Congress say the time is up and something had to be done, but

Global Economy on Unquestionable Decline Leading to War-Gerald Celente

By Greg Hunter’s Top trends researcher Gerald Celente is forecasting a slowing global economy in 2015, and oil is a leading indicator. Celente explains, “It’s all in oil.  We’ve been talking about oil prices since they peaked in June of

Confusing a Bubble for a Genuine Recovery-Peter Schiff

By Greg Hunter’s Money manager Peter Schiff says don’t be fooled by the strong dollar or the so-called recovery. Schiff explains, “The biggest disconnect right now is between the real state of the U.S. economy and the fantasy land a

WNW 166-Obama Care Fraud, Middle East Mess, Russia Patrols US Gulf

By Greg Hunter’s  It’s official. Obama Care is a series of enormous lies that were crafted by Democratic leaders.  They all knew Obama Care was a lie, and they voted for the lies.  Now, there are new revelations from one

Outlook for Dollar Not Good-James Turk

By Greg Hunter’s  Gold expert James Turk says the U.S. dollar is not going to stay strong. Turk contends, “Canada, one of the closest allies of America, just announced a Chinese trade arrangement to deal in Chinese yuan with Canadian

Financial Repression as Far as the Eye Can See-Axel Merk

By Greg Hunter’s Money manager Axel Merk says everyone should pay attention to recent comments made by former Fed Chief Alan Greenspan. Merk points out, “Greenspan said the balance sheet of the Fed is a pile of tinder that waits