Greg Hunter does a news wrap-up every Friday. It takes him all week to compile and analyze dozens of news stories he finds online and in local and national newspapers. Greg covers what he thinks are the most important stories of the week. They come from around the country or around the world, from Main Street to Wall Street, America to China and Europe to the Middle East. Everything important is on the radar of the Weekly News Wrap-Up. Don’t expect to find entertainment news here. The biggest sin the mainstream media (MSM) commits every week is the lie of omission.
Sometimes it’s not what the MSM tells you that is important, but what it leaves out. Greg Hunter fills in the blanks. The motto is “Analyzing the news to give you a clear picture of what is really going on.” This section exposes the truths you need to make good life decisions. The Weekly News Wrap-up on exposes the lies of Wall Street and the hypocrisy of our politicians.
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 405 10.11.19) The mainstream media has gone full blown propaganda, especially when reporting on all things President Trump. They lie by omission and outright lie. They produce phony stories like the two years of Trump/Russia collusion,
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 404 10.4.19) Nancy Pelosi has changed the rules of impeachment to limit GOP involvement. This, according to legal experts, is unconstitutional. Funny that the rules were also changed for the CIA partisan so-called “whistleblower” to include
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 403 9.27.19) It looks like the Democrat Party is fabricating another hoax to try, once again, to remove President Donald Trump from office, or at least hurt his chances for a second term. The Deep State
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 401 9.20.19) Is America going to have a conflict with Iran? It looks like it is not. Trump is going to increase the already stiff tariffs on that Persian Gulf nation. One sure sign that is
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 400 9.13.19) If the Democrat candidates for president wanted frontrunner Joe Biden knocked out of the race, they did not get their wish. The headline is Biden may not have been stellar, but he held his
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 399 9.6.19) There was a 7 hour CNN town hall on climate change where all the top Democrat Presidential candidates weighed in on banning everything from fossil fuels to beef, and even plastic straws in an
By Greg Hunter’s (8.30.19 WNW 398) The Office of Inspector General report is out on fired FBI Director James Comey about his leaking to get his friend Robert Mueller installed as Special Counsel. Let me sum up the 85 page
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 397 8.23.19) If you think the latest stumbles in the U.S. economy were caused by the so-called trade war with China – think again. The reason why the economy is sputtering is the Federal Reserve. It
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 396 8.16.19) If you wanted another sign the economy is not doing well, look no further than the latest allegations General Electric is a “bigger fraud than Enron.” The person making this charge is Harry Markopolos
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 395 8.9.19) Democrats’ hateful claim of racism for everything Trump is a sheer act of desperation. They looked bad with Mueller and the Russian “hoax.” Democrat debates have exposed a crazy side of the party that
By Greg Hunter’s Weekly News Wrap-Up (WNW 394 8.2.19) Trump hit China with new tariffs this week on $300 billion of goods. His trade negotiation team came back from China without a deal and no deal in site. The tariffs go
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 393 7.26.19) Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller, who tried to uncover dirt on President Trump for the past two years, finally testified in front of Congress about his recently completed report. Democrats pushed for this, but it
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 392 7.12.19) Billionaire money manager Jeffery Epstein has been arrested for sex trafficking and other charges in New York this week. He reportedly catered to top world leaders, politicians and business executives on his private island,
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 391 7.5.19) Can economic expansions last forever? The current economic expansion is the longest on record, and it really is only a matter of time (a short time) before it will end. Is it going to
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 390 6.28.198) The Supreme Court ruled that the 2020 census cannot include a simple question that asks if you are an American citizen. Chief Justice John Roberts was the tie breaker that voted in favor of