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Money Printing Gone Off the Rails – James Turk
By Greg Hunter’s
Renowned gold expert James Turk says, “Federal Reserve money printing has gone off the rails, and they are in a situation of inflate or die.” (more…)
2022 Trends, Predictions, Collapse, Covid & Wars – Gerald Celente
By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)
Gerald Celente, a renowned trends researcher, is back this time to talk about what he is sees coming in 2022. There is the never ending Covid, Vax Wars, military wars, economic upheaval, and even new predictions on the future of Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton and Ron DeSantis. (more…)
Vax Failure, State Sanctioned Pedos, Economy Still Tanking
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 507 12/10/21)
I cannot believe people are this stupid. The vax injections have clearly failed to stop CV19 or stop the spread of CV19, and yet people are lining up to get more of what does not work. Granted, the continuing MSM propaganda blitz is very powerful and convincing. Still, people already double vaxed can’t wait to get a so-called booster because they are no longer “fully vaccinated,” according to the CDC. (more…)
Dollar has Stage 4 Cancer – Rob Kirby
By Greg Hunter’s
Macroeconomic analyst Rob Kirby has long predicted Fed money printing would have to go “on a vertical curve where money has to be added to the system . . . to keep the system from crapping out and imploding.” Kirby said this more than a year ago. Massive money printing can no longer be hidden, and it has disastrous and dire implications for the dollar. (more…)
Vax Causes Variants, Hospitals Murder CV19 Patients – Dr. Elizabeth Eads
By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)
Dr. Elizabeth Eads is back to update us from the front lines of medicine. Dr. Eads is treating patients who have been injected with the experimental CV19 so-called “vaccines.” Dr. Eads is witnessing the horror stories of treating the unvaxed who have been made sick by the “Fully Vaccinated.” The carnage continued after the vaxed and unvaxed got together for Thanksgiving. They showed up in her North Florida emergency rooms the next day with all sorts of trouble from the injections that Eads simply calls “bioweapons.” (more…)
Dark Winter Biden, Booster Push, Fed Lost Control
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 506 12/03/21)
Vice President Biden was out today describing his version of the “Dark Winter” he has mentioned in the past. This time it’s in response to the new Omicron virus that the Globalists are hyping as a new way to scare you into getting another jab or booster. It’s tough to convince people to get more of what doesn’t work. Just ask the “Fully Vaccinated” Dallas Cowboys who have at least 9 players with, wait for it–Covid. (more…)
World Ignores China’s Massive Organ Harvesting Operation –Mitch Gerber
By Greg Hunter’s
Investigative journalist Mitch Gerber has dedicated more than two decades to investigating the live organ harvesting operation in China. It is estimated the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is harvesting up to 100,000 people a year while wide awake on the operating room table. (more…)
Stay Connected No Matter What With a Satellite Phone
Satellite Phone Store Sponsored Post 11.29.21
It doesn’t matter what part of the country you are in, it’s always good to have backup communications when or if things go wrong. Whether it’s natural disasters, widespread blackouts or massive tech failure, a sat phone from Satellite Phone Store keeps you connected no matter what.
CV19 Booster Shot Also a Bioweapon – Karen Kingston
By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)
Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and a former Pfizer employee who has researched and written about many cutting edge pharmaceutical issues. Kingston thinks that Covid 19 and the so-called vaccines and boosters are here to stay for a long time. Kingston explains, “The reason why it keeps going is because Covid 19 is now a multi-trillion dollar industry many times over that has been forecasted out for the next ten years and beyond. (more…)
Natural Immunity is Best, Election Fraud, Inflation & Thanksgiving Message
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 505 11.25.21) (This is a new re-recorded video. The prior one was malfunctioning and was deleted. It has been replaced with this new version. This is glitch free. Happy Thanksgiving!!!!)
There is a new Harvard study out, and it says people who recovered from CV19 have natural immunity that is “far stronger than vax protection. “ Also, it says you have very little chance of being re-infected. Why is the CDC and FDA constantly lying to us and telling us the vax is much better when, scientifically, it is clearly not!! (more…)
Political and Spiritual Treason Surrounds Trump – Mark Taylor
By Greg Hunter’s
Mark Taylor, author of the popular book “The Trump Prophecies,” predicted Donald Trump would become President years before the 2016 Election. Taylor made many other predictions and is now out with a dire and immediate warning for President Trump. Taylor explains, “All of these spiritual advisors you see right now and the political advisors I believe have led President Trump astray. . . . (more…)
Evil Trying to Take Down America Now – Steve Quayle
By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)
Filmmaker, book author and renowned radio host Steve Quayle says America is in a fight for its life. Quayle is out with a new documentary called “Megadrought: The Annihilation of the Human Race Accelerates.” Quayle lays it out and says, “Ladies and gentlemen, you are watching the takedown and takeover of everything that the United States used to stand for, especially in the military. (more…)
CV19 Vax Wearing Off, OSHA Calling Off Mandates, Inflation Keeps On
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 504 11.19.21)
Dr. Tony Fauci is warning the CV19 vax is wearing off and says a third booster shot is “absolutely essential.” What happened to “fully vaccinated” after shots from Pfizer, Moderna and J&J? I guess “fully vaccinated” is a moving target or simply a lie and confirmation the shots do not work to stop Covid. Bill Gates said similar things recently too. (more…)
Collapse of Civilization Coming – Clif High
By Greg Hunter’s
Clif High is an Internet data mining expert who uses “Predictive Linguistics” and computer programs to sort through billions of bits of information on the Internet to predict future trends and events. High has had many freakishly correct predictions months and even years in advance. In one prediction months ago, he said there would be increased traffic accidents that he named “vaxxidents,” and vehicle accidents recently reported are up more than 20% since the so-called vaccinations started. (more…)
America is Under Attack by Marxist Globalists – Martin Armstrong
By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)
Back in July, legendary geopolitical and financial cycle analyst Martin Armstrong boldly said, “The system has come to an end.” What are we seeing now? There is massive inflation, huge defaults of debt in China, a badly broken supply chain and a hostile government against “We the People” here in America. It sure looks like the end of this system is near. Armstrong contends it is not an accident that all this is happening now to the United States because Marxist globalists want to overthrow our Constitutional form of government. (more…)