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$1 Quadrillion Global Derivative Market Means Deflation – Rick Ackerman

By Greg Hunter’s

Financial writer and professional trader Rick Ackerman says get ready for extreme deflation, not inflation. In his mind, the deflation scenario is building. Ackerman says, “Yes, it is. When you talk about $22 trillion in federal debt, that is really a drop in the bucket because the bigger piece of it is in the global financial markets, mainly in the derivative instruments. The notional value of that totals a quadrillion dollars, and all of that is what I call ‘unactualized deflation.’ Each transaction in that quadrillion dollar market has a dollar debtor in it. At some point, people are going to be stretched to pay those dollar debts and short term loans or short term paper is not going to settle up the way it usually does, and you will not be able to roll that short term debt. People will be forced to pay and settle up in cash, and I think that is when you will see a short squeeze on the dollar. That will push the dollar’s value up enormously compared to all other currencies.”


Fed Can’t Get Out – Buy Gold Now – Jim Rickards

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Four time best-selling author Jim Rickards says the Fed “throwing in the towel” on rate hikes is signaling a big problem for the economy. Rickards says, “The Fed was tightening to get ready for the next recession. . . . You need to cut interest rates somewhere between 4% and 5% to get out of a recession. How do you cut interest rates 4% if you are only at 2.25%? The answer is you can’t. You have to get to 4% before you can cut 4%, and that’s what the Fed was trying to do. . . . (more…)

Dem Marxism Exposed, Trump Coup Ending, Fed Folds

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 376 3.22.19)

The new blood that was elected in the Democrat party in 2018 are as far Left as you can get. Freshmen Congress women Omar, Ocasio-Cortez and Tlaib have Marxist/communist ideas and want that repressive lifestyle for us all. Many say they have turned the Democrat party Left, but I say it was always Left. These people have just exposed Democrats for what they really are–freedom and American hating Marxists. Now, we know what we are really voting for when these folks campaign in the 2020 election.


Central Banks Going Long Gold – Andrew Maguire

By Greg Hunter’s

World renowned precious metals expert Andrew Maguire says pay attention to the new rule that goes into effect at the end of March that will allow gold to become fully valued and monetized as a tier 1 asset for banks around the world. Maguire explains, “Basel III is coming into effect in less than two weeks from now, and it will effectively remonetize physical gold. Of course, that is a big deal. While the synthetic players shuffle chips in this siloed CME casino, the insider bullion banks are positioning for higher gold prices. That is it right there. Bottom line is what are the big boys doing?”


Recession Started Last Year – Money Printing Coming – Marc Faber

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Legendary contrarian investor Dr. Marc Faber says forget about the coming slowdown because the economy has already been backing up for months. Faber, who holds a PhD in economics, explains, “Investors are relatively complacent. Nobody thinks a recession has begun. I think a recession in the U.S. probably began in October/November of last year. If you define a recession as peak economic activity and subsequent declining growth rates that can turn overall negative in the process, I think this is happening now in the world. We are probably already in a recession. The central banks, in my view, will continue to do more or less what they have done in the past, namely, print money.”


College Scam Distraction, Failed Trump Coup Further Revealed, Economy Teeters

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 375 3.15.19)

The college admissions and bribery scandal is a mess and has already sparked a class action lawsuit against the prestigious colleges involved. Many more lawsuits from aggrieved students and parents will surely follow.

The college scandal is merely a distraction to the biggest political story in U.S. history, and that is the failed Trump coup by the Obama Administration. It involved the FBI, DOJ and CIA and likely went all the way to the top at the White House. We found out this week that the FBI could not investigate the Clinton email scandal properly because it was not allowed access to the emails by the DOJ because of a deal cut with Clinton.


Record Debt Everywhere – Peter Schiff

By Greg Hunter’s 

Money manager Peter Schiff says even though there is “record debt everywhere,” the Fed thinks the economy is fine. Schiff explains, “The actual amount of money the government is borrowing is much larger than what they pretend they are borrowing with the official budget. I think the national debt was up around $1.5 trillion in 2018. . . . It’s probably going to be even greater in 2019. . . . We have the biggest annual trade deficit ever in 2018. We’re going to beat that record in 2019. So, we have the twin deficits going off the charts. None of that worries (Fed Head Jay) Powell. We have record corporate debt, record individual debt, record student debt, auto debt, credit card debt and none of that concerns Powell.  (more…)

Massive Secret Money Printing Will Shoot Gold Higher – Rob Kirby

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Macroeconomic analyst Rob Kirby says $21 trillion in “missing money,” discovered in late 2017, is now a “national security” issue but is not a secret to the leaders of the rest of the world. Kirby explains, “The national governments around the world have become all too aware of the shenanigans that have gone on and the poor stewardship that has been illustrated by the keepers of the U.S. dollar, the world’s reserve currency. This is what is at the root of all of our international economic tension. This is what is really at the root of the difficulties and differences between the American regime, the Chinese regime and the Russian regime. These people are aware of what has transpired, and they are not going to tolerate what’s been done in the name of keeping the U.S. dollar propped up as the world’s reserve currency and the criminality that’s been involved in doing so.”


Dem Party Fractures, Border Crisis Explodes, Evil is Good

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 374 3.8.19) 

The Democrat Party swinging to the far left is not pulling the rest of it with it. From the widely disliked and unworkable Green New Deal, to the most recent blow up about some anti-Semite comments from a few members, it looks like the party is tearing apart. A simple anti-Semite condemnation could not be agreed upon by the party in a House vote this week. Is the Democrat Party fracturing? It sure looks that way, and the split looks to be getting wider just in time for the 2020 election.


Dane Wigington – We Face Abrupt Climate Collapse

By Greg Hunter’s 

Climate engineering researcher Dane Wigington says this year’s unusually cold winter in the United States was “manufactured” by geoengineering. Wigington explains, “Where you see the most anomalously cool place on the entire planet is the Eastern half of the North American continent. If we look at the departure for normal temperatures for the surface level going back nearly a decade, the most anomalously less warm place consistently for that span of time is the Eastern half of the North American continent. That is not nature. That is the country with the military that’s bigger than the next 10 militaries combined using its massive military resources and climate engineering operations to consistently cool down the most populated portions of the U.S. to continue fueling division and confusion in regard to the true state of the climate. . . . Here’s the bottom line. It’s not about our opinion at or our theories or conjecture. It’s about hard data and frontline facts. That’s all we are asking people to look at.”


Federal Accounting Now Meaningless & Frightening – Catherine Austin Fitts

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Investment advisor and former Assistant Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts says the federal government made $21 trillion in “missing money,” discovered in late 2017, a national security issue the public is not allowed to find out where the money is. Fitts explains, “There is a big study we published at If you go to the annual wrap-up on DOD and HUD ‘missing money,’ we have a whole piece on FASAB Standard 56, and it explains how it works. Essentially, what it says is there is a secret group of people, by a secret process, that can take a portion of the financial statements on the books and make them secret. You cannot know what a secret is and what is not.  (more…)

Trump Walks On NK, Senate Baby Killers, Economic Update

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 373 3.1.19)

President Trump said he “walked away” from signing a deal on denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula. He said he would rather have “no deal than a bad deal.” He did get a commitment from North Korea to not test nukes and not do any further missile testing. No timeline was given for new talks.


Intractable Inflation Very Dangerous New Paradigm – Michael Pento

By Greg Hunter’s

Money manager Michael Pento says get ready for big inflation. Pento explains, “When the emergency ended (from the 2008-2009 financial meltdown), they were going to reverse course, sell those assets back to the public and take those dollars out of the economy. . . . A funny thing happened on the way to doing that, the global economy imploded. So, here’s the point . . . the central banks have admitted, tacitly at least, they can never take away those assets. They can never drain their balance sheet, meaning they have permanently monetized this debt. Interest rates can never be allowed to rise above 0% in nominal terms and, in real terms, will grow more and more profoundly negative. That should shock investors. That is a moment of enlightenment, a watershed moment, an epiphany throughout the world. Hello investors, central banks are putting you on notice that nominal interest rates are going to be at 0% or below, and real interest rates will grow more and more negative throughout time. (more…)

Gold Rising Because it Protects Against Government – Martin Armstrong

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Legendary geopolitical and financial analyst Martin Armstrong continues to be bullish on America. Armstrong contends, “The U.S. economy has been the only thing holding up the world. People do not realize what is the difference between the U.S. vs. the rest of the world? China respects it, and they are starting to move in the proper direction. . . . The United States has the biggest consumer market, which is why everybody wants to sell here. China now realizes the mistake. China is going to turn inward and try and develop its own consumer market.”


Smollett Distraction, Trump Coup Confirmed, Economy Tanking

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 372, 2.22.19)

Jussie Smollett may be a liar, but he certainly is a huge distraction for the real stories that should be getting coverage. The only reason why the Left is trashing Smollett now is he screwed up the false narrative of racism from MAGA voters.
