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Secret Money for Private Armies – Catherine Austin Fitts

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Investment advisor and former Assistant Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts says it looks like a “global recession is coming.” Is that going to cause the debt reset we’ve been hearing about for years? Fitts says, “Make no mistake about it, there is no reason for the federal government to default or monkey with any debt because they can literally print the currency. The question is how do they make sure whatever they are printing really holds any kind of store of value. I think the reason you are seeing them reengineer the federal bureaucracy and financial transactions infrastructure is because they want much greater and tighter control to do whatever they do, and that includes to continue to debase the currency. They could do this (reset) entirely by debasing the currency. . . . (more…)

Debt Reset Begins, Global Banks Issue Dire Warnings, Trump Wall Showdown

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 366 1.11.19 

According to renowned gold investor Jim Sinclair, the global debt reset that has been long predicted has begun. Lots of debt that will never be repaid will be written down around the world. Sinclair says gold and silver will be the last men standing when the dust settles.


Record Global Debt & Chaos in 2019 – John Rubino

By Greg Hunter’s

Financial writer John Rubino says no matter what country, the global debt has exploded to record highs, and it’s going to go even higher in the coming years. Rubino contends, “Government debt is going to soar going forward no matter what. Whether we have three more years of growth or a recession next year, we are going to see massive new deficits and massive increases in government debt all over the world. This is coming at a time when we have already hit record levels of debt and blown right through previous record levels. The last crisis, that almost ended the global financial system, was debt driven. The next one is going to be that much, much more serious because we basically doubled the amount of debt that’s out there since 2005 and 2006.”


Dark Left Starting Soft Civil War – Kevin Shipp

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Former CIA Officer and whistleblower Kevin Shipp says, “I would say we are in a soft civil war, and the ones that are starting this civil war, and they have gotten more aggressive almost by the day, they are what you call the “Dark Left.” They are no longer the party of JFK. They are the Deep State, and the shadow government are at war with the founding principles of this country. They are at war specifically with Donald Trump because he has actually stood in the face of the Deep State and in the face of the Congress and Senate, which is riddled with corruption. This Dark Left civil war they started is intensifying. (more…)

Deep State is Deep Bottomless Corruption – Dave Janda

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Host of the popular radio show “Operation Freedom” Dr. Dave Janda comes on to talk about what has been going on and what’s coming in the fight with Deep State globalists to control America. Janda says before the indictments can happen, Trump “has to clean up the FBI and DOJ.” 25 top people from the FBI and DOJ have been fired or quit for misconduct, including treason in trying to remove Donald Trump form office in a failed coup. Part of the cleanup also includes getting rid of “dirty judges” and installing judges that “will follow the Constitution and the rule of law.”


Christmas Message 2018 from Greg Hunter

The cartoon refers to Congressman Adam Schiff.

By Greg Hunter’s

Christmas only comes once a year, and what a joyous time it is to celebrate the Birth of Christ.  I am giving you my Christmas message, but first, I will talk about the two huge problems in the world, and that is unpayable debt and massive crime.  These two reasons are why everything looks so crazy right now.


Mass Migration is a Globalist Weapon – Alex Newman

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Journalist Alex Newman says the mass migration you are seeing in Europe and on the U.S. Southern border is nothing more than weapon of the globalists who want one-world government in their sick New World Order. Newman contends, “It’s all Western civilization that is under attack. The ‘Yellow Vest’ protests in France are much more than about global warming (tax) policies. The French are tired of paying ridiculous taxes to fund third world dictatorships in the United Nations to tackle a boogie man. . . . The protesters have said . . . there are valid concerns concerning the mass migration. The French people are tired of this mass migration. People all over the world are tired of it. They did surveys here in Europe and Europeans are overwhelmingly opposed to this. . . . In many cases, the strong majority wanted an end to the Islamic mass migration and the governments just do not respond to the will of the people.”


Trump Pulls Out of Syria, Market Meltdown, 2019 Judgement

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 365 12.21.18)

President Trump abruptly decided to pull U.S. troops out of Syria and ordered an “evacuation” of all State Department employees. He also ordered troops home from Afghanistan. This was followed by an abrupt resignation from Defense Secretary General Jim Mattis. What’s going on? Who knows, but in a new poll, 80% of Americans agree with the move.


Fed Already Insolvent & Will Only Get Worse – Peter Schiff

By Greg Hunter’s

Money manager Peter Schiff is not surprised the stock market is way off its highs for the year. Schiff explains, “The crazy part was the markets going up. What makes sense is it coming back down. The Fed was really playing a game of how many straws it could put on the camel’s back before it breaks it. Each time they raised interest rates, it was another straw. I postulated on one of my podcasts that the last rate hike that the Fed put through was the rate hike that would break the camel’s back. The camel being the markets and the economy, and I think that’s exactly what happened.”


Sharp Decline Early in 2019 – Danielle DiMartino Booth

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Former Fed insider Danielle DiMartino Booth is not optimistic for a prosperous New Year in 2019. DiMartino Booth explains, “We could easily see a very sharp decline in the first quarter in economic output. We have had a lot of companies and firms do what we call ‘panic buying’ because of the potential raising of tariffs on Chinese goods from 10% to 25%. So, we had a lot of supply pulled forward. There is not a lot of demand on the other end of that for this tremendous inventory restocking cycle we just went through. Then companies are going to slam on the brakes and stop buying in the first quarter. That could really be detrimental to economic health. . . . If (Fed Head) Jay Powell sees the real economy slowing, then I believe he will pause this tightening campaign in early 2019.”


Clinton Charity Not a Charity? Fed $ Trouble and USA Oil Boom

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 364 12.14.18) 

In Congressional hearings on Capitol Hill today, financial experts testified about the wrongdoings of the Clinton Foundation. One of the many big bombs dropped was the fact that the original Clinton charity was only for the Clinton Library. The original function of that charity was never modified as required by law to remain a charity. So, it appears the “Clinton Global Initiative,” and everything else that was not library related, never did the proper filings to be a charity. There were also allegations of “pay to play” by foreign governments like Russia, and we also found out there was an ongoing FBI investigation into the Clintons and their “charity.”


Trend is Clear – Rapid Decline of World Economy – Egon von Greyerz

By Greg Hunter’s 

Financial and precious metals expert Egon von Greyerz (EvG) says don’t expect the global financial situation to get better anytime soon. EvG says, “You know what the politicians are doing now? Theresa May is my best example. These politicians are just running around posing and acting, but they are not achieving anything, and they are not achieving anything because the world is in a mess. What we are seeing the beginning of is the decline of the western world economy, which means the whole world economy. . . . There is no use in putting a time period on it, that it’s going to happen this year or next year. The trend is clear. We know that the world economy is in a mess. It’s going to decline, and in my view, it’s going to be a rapid decline. . . . Gold will reflect all of this, and currencies will be totally debased. . . . (more…)

We are Heading for a Deflationary Inflationary Depression – Michael Pento

By Greg Hunter’s  (Early Sunday Release)

In September, money manager Michael Pento warned, “The massive bubble blown by global central banks is unraveling now.”  Look at the upheaval in markets and he was clearly correct.  Now, Pento sees, “Deflation, say it again, deflation . . . . We are heading for a deflationary/ inflationary depression.  That’s what we have been modeled for.  That’s why we went short in September. . . . We covered the short just before Thanksgiving, and we went short again last Monday just before the crash.”


Mannarino Market Analysis, Mueller Exonerates Trump, FISA Declassification Coming

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 363 12.7.18)

The stock market has made wild swings this week.  Gregory Mannarino from comes on to make sense of it all.  Mannarino gives his analysis on stocks, bonds, interest rates, gold and silver.  Is the market setting up to go higher or fall on its head?  Mannarino breaks it all down.


Deutsche Bank Crimes Can Cause Next Global Crisis – William Black

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has deemed Deutsche Bank as the most systemically dangerous bank in the world. Professor of Economics and Law, William Black, knows why and contends, “Deutsche Bank (DB) poses as what is called a ‘National Champion’ bank and the largest bank by far in Germany, but it’s actually the largest criminal enterprise in Germany. This is quite a statement because VW is such a massive fraud. . . .It is insane that we allow Deutsche Bank to go from fraud to fraud to fraud. . . .They cheat on everything else you can possibly imagine and, typically, they are getting caught, which is also not a very good sign in terms of their competence even as thieves. Even in the United States, there has been reluctance to crack down on Deutsche Bank. . . . (more…)