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Declassify FISA Docs Coming, Mueller Desperate, Economy Tanking?
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 362 11.30.18)
Trump tweeted out a cartoon with some of the people behind bars that failed in taking him out of office in a soft coup. The cartoon asked “When do the trials for treason begin?” Could a release of the FISA documents laced with outright fraud used to spy on President Trump and prove a phony witch hunt be far away? People will go to jail over this.
We’ve Reached the Point of Debt Saturation – Bill Holter
By Greg Hunter’s
Financial writer and precious metals expert Bill Holter has been asking the same question many others have been asking. How long can the heavily indebted and manipulated global economy go before it blows or can it go on indefinitely? Holter says, “It can’t keep going because it’s already stopped. The inflection point has already been hit. If you look at credit growth, it’s not credit growth. It’s either credit stagnation or credit contraction. The global financial system is a Ponzi scheme. In order to continue to reflate it, you have to have . . . exponentially more debt. That’s where we’ve been, and now we are at the point of debt saturation. There is really no ability to add more debt. Look at the U.S. for example. The U.S. pays $300 billion to $400 billion a year going all the way back to the 1990’s. That number never went higher, even though the amount of debt doubled and then doubled again. The reason it didn’t go higher is they pushed interest rates from 7% down to basically zero percent. So, the debt service amount never grew, and now it’s growing, and it’s growing at a time when the U.S. has basically already crossed the banana republic threshold of 100% debt to GDP. In the past 12 months, we spent $550 billion in interest, and it’s on its way to the moon.”
We are Living with Maximum Uncertainty – Catherine Austin Fitts
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)
Financial expert Catherine Austin Fitts has said for years that the economy was not going to crash, but be on a “slow burn.” How long can they make this heavily indebted game last? Fitts says, “Our problem as investors is we don’t know. If you look at all the information we need to make an intelligent assessment, we don’t have access to that information. I have said many times this is a military question. Who has the biggest weapons and who has the ability to deliver force and control? So, we are living with maximum uncertainty. . . . Clearly, we are headed into a new currency world that’s part of a new control system, but the answer is we don’t know when. My fear with many, many commentators is they are underestimating the power and endurance of the system. I am always getting yelled at because people think I am pro-empire. I am not saying I am pro-empire or I am for the things they are doing to keep it going.”
Greg Hunter Weekly News Wrap-Up & Thanksgiving Message 11.23.18
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 361 11.22.18)
This Wrap-Up will talk about the upcoming problems on the U.S. southern border, the dark clouds I see coming for the markets and the banks. I also want to talk about what I think is the Democrat plan for President Obama’s third term. Oh, and the Clintons and their global charity fraud is not going away as Congress will hold hearings before it flips to Democrat control.
Wildfires Worldwide Unlike Ever Before – Dane Wigington
By Greg Hunter’s
Climate engineering researcher Dane Wigington says out of control wildfires are not just in California, but a global phenomenon and unlike ever before. Wigington explains, “Let’s look at the facts. This summer we had a state of emergency in British Columbia with nearly 600 wildfires. We had similar circumstances in Alaska, Canada, Finland, Sweden, Norway and Siberia. When you look at these massive fires in California, like the Carr fire over the summer or the campfire that just happened, the Carr fire 240,000 acres burned. In the campfire, 140,000 acres burned. Siberia, in recent years, has lost a hundred million acres, and nobody reports on that. So, we are losing forests all over the globe at an unbelievable rate.” (more…)
Growth Rate of US Dollar Gone Vertical – Rob Kirby
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)
Macroeconomic analyst Rob Kirby has one burning question for the U.S. Treasury selling record amounts of debt to finance the federal government. Kirby asks, “The question is . . . and more and more people are asking, with the traditional financiers absent from the game, so they are not buying the new debt . . . The question is who is buying it? The only credible answer is the debt is being monetized. This $21 trillion . . . in “missing money” . . . is being mobilized to monetize the debt. It’s memory holed, but this is not a game that can go on forever. This is not a sustainable practice.”
Recount Madness, California Fires, Credit Crisis Coming
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 360 11/16/18)
The Recount has hit a whole new level for the 2018 Midterm elections in voter fraud prone Florida. It looks like Ron DeSantis will be the next governor, but the race between Scott and Nelson is coming down to the wire. Democrats say every vote should be counted, but not when they are illegal aliens and dead people.
Elite Terrified of 1930’s Depression or Weimar Hyperinflation – John Rubino
By Greg Hunter’s
Financial writer John Rubino says everywhere you look, debt is exponentially mounting. Nothing demonstrates the “imminent bankruptcy” problem better than the financial obligations of New York City. Rubino says, “They just announced that they have unfunded liabilities for retiree healthcare, just retiree healthcare and not the rest of their pensions, of $100 billion. That’s for a city, not a state or a country, and if you add their unfunded liabilities for their pensions, which is another $50 billion or so, and their official debt, which is $50 billion or so, you get $200 billion that New York City is on the hook for that they have not put money away for. If a private sector company had finances like that, they would be insolvent, and their accountants would force them to say that.” (more…)
Declassify FISA & Indictments Follow – Dave Janda
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)
Radio host Dr. Dave Janda says Attorney General Jeff Sessions was removed because he did not release declassified FISA documents before the midterm elections that were used to spy on Donald J. Trump. It was a treasonous failed coup attempt to remove a duly elected President, and now justice is about to be served. Dr. Janda explains, “I think the first thing you have to start with is declassifying documents, and I believe he is going to do that. I also believe there is a very short time window here. The time window is between now and when the Democrats take control of the House of Representatives. When these documents are declassified, the criminals’ response, whether Republican or Democrat globalist criminals, they are going to say you are misconstruing these texts between McCabe and Comey that implicated me. You are misconstruing what we had to do with these FISA warrants. . . . You don’t have the documentation to support me being involved in this. . . . (more…)
Red Tsunami After Earthquake of Mass Arrests – Mark Taylor
By Greg Hunter’s (This takes the place of the Weekly News Wrap-Up for 11.9.18)
Mark Taylor, author of the popular book “The Trump Prophecies,” says what happened in the 2018 midterm elections is just the beginning of the coming “Red Tsunami” that was predicted in one of his prophecies. Taylor explains, “This election is not over. This election is going to be ongoing for a while now. The Lord said there was going to be a ‘Red Tsunami.’ We had a red wave. That’s what we had. We took the Senate and we added seats in the Senate. That was the goal of the whole thing. Don’t forget we had six states flip red for governorships. Why is that important? Because of the state Supreme Court justices they are going to appoint. Florida alone has three of them coming up. Why is that important? Because when Roe v. Wade gets overturned, it gets kicked back to the states.”
2018 Midterm Election Coverage from & Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s
I tried something different, and for the very first time, I live streamed my version of election coverage of the 2018 Midterms. It was about 5 hours long. During the broadcast, I also interviewed Dave Janda from Operation Freedom, Bo Polny from, Gregory Mannarino from and Nick Ruiz from Evolution Consulting. (more…)
Deflation Coming Not Inflation – Charles Nenner
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)
World renowned geopolitical and market cycle expert Charles Nenner said three months ago that interest rates would not rise when everybody else was fearing a spike. Nenner was right. What is Nenner seeing now? Nenner says, “Short term around the 6th or 7th of November, we are going to get a short term low in the stock market. So, we expect a bounce, and there is a better low the middle of December. So, we should have a rally into January, but longer term the market is down for a couple of years. I just remember in 2000 when the market tanked, it was an expansion of 11 years, and I still remember on CNBC them saying how could we be so stupid, we thought it would never end. So, it’s the same thing now. The expansion is so long, people think it will never end . . . I wouldn’t count on it. Our cycles also show that GDP should go lower, unemployment should go up and inflation is not going to be there. On the contrary, I am more worried about deflation than inflation when the economy turns down. It’s a whole different ball game than anybody thinks.”
2018 Election PSYOP, Caravan Invasion by NWO, Economic Update
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 359 11.2.18)
Whether it is the polls done by the mainstream media (MSM) or the phony pipe bombs with no explosives sent to prominent Democrats, this election looks like one giant PSYOP. Democrats have no platform except open borders, pro-illegal immigration, cop hating and tax raising. You simply cannot run on that. So, for the Dems, they have to lie and cheat, and that’s what they are doing.
Democrats Trying to Win by Cheating in 2018 Midterms – Eric Eggers
By Greg Hunter’s
Eric Eggers, author of “Fraud: How the Left Plans to Steal the Next Election,” says election and voter fraud is being discovered before the 2018 midterm elections, and that is good news. Eggers explains, “I think what people are realizing is you have to attack and address voter fraud on the front side of an election. . . . The reality is if you don’t address it on the front side, it’s virtually meaningless to address it afterwards. Trump’s talking about it and people reading my book and watching shows like this means they are paying attention. There is a story in Texas that happened not too long ago where it was confirmed that members of the Texas Democrat Party were sending voter registration forms with the boxes already marked that said, ‘Yes, I am a citizen; Yes, I would like to register to vote,’ and they were sending them to noncitizens and sending them to dead people. So, that is serving voter fraud up on a platter. The Texas Democrat party behind it is only confirmation of what many have known for a long time and what I write about in the book. There is an organized effort to exploit the vulnerabilities in our election system, and, thankfully, people are taking it seriously.”
Civil War Is Coming To America – Steve Quayle
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)
Radio host, filmmaker and book author Steve Quayle says a second civil war has been brewing in America for a quarter century. Quayle explains, “I believe the civil war is part of the fifth column and the plans of both the Russians and the Chinese military to initiate a civil war to turn a country against itself. A nation divided cannot stand. A house divided cannot stand . . . . I am getting reports about all of the weapons from all over the world going into Mexico. These weapons are being distributed even to the gangs in the United States. I think this is one thing people do not recognize is the gangs have adopted more of a military positioning than just simply a criminal positioning.”