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Real or Fake Bombs? Trump Will Stop Caravan, Economic Update

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 358 10.26.18)

There have been nearly a dozen so-called bombs sent to top Democrats around the country mainly on the east coast. None of them were detonated.  I say “so-called” because police are reporting that many of the bombs “could not have exploded.” White powder sent with some of the packages also turned out to be harmless. What gives? Law enforcement is treating this as a real threat, as they should. They are going to get to the bottom of this. Is this an attempt by an idiot wacko to hurt people, or is this an attempt by desperate Democrats to garner positive attention and play the victim for the midterm elections. Many around the internet are calling this a total hoax.


Interest Rate Spike Will End Extreme Fakery- Gregory Mannarino

By Greg Hunter’s

Trader/analyst Gregory Mannarino says, “This market is coo coo,” and “we are in an environment of extremes.” Mannarino says you will know when the real crash comes by watching interest rates and the bond market, not the stock market. Mannarino explains, “The potential for a hard uncontrolled selloff in the bond market is rising. What does that mean? If bonds sell off, yields spike, and that is when we are going to know when there is a big problem in this market. Right now, they seem to have that managed pretty well. This is a managed market . . . We’ve had a managed market since the meltdown of 2008. . . . Ever since DOW 6,000, they jumped in and started buying up everything in sight. It’s not just the Federal Reserve. This is every single central bank on the planet. They are all doing the same thing at the same time. Nothing is real. This is an environment of extreme fakery. I believe they are going to keep this going until they can’t do it anymore. If you are looking for the real issue, you don’t want to look at the stock market. You want to look at the bond market first.”


Trump Blaming Fed for Next Market Crash – Dave Janda

By Greg Hunter’s  (Earl Sunday Release)

Radio host Dr. Dave Janda says everybody in Washington knows the next big crash is right around the corner. It’s been 10 years since the Fed reflated the last meltdown, and Dr. Janda says President Trump is already blaming the Federal Reserve for killing the economy that his policies revived. Dr. Janda explains, “President Trump has been pointing the finger at the Fed. He’s been pointing the finger at the Fed, and that is exactly where he should be pointing. The globalist syndicate’s tentacle is the central banking system, and, in particular, in the United States, the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve is one of the entities that is directly responsible for this financial mess our country is currently in. You would never see Obama or the Bushes, or Bill Clinton, point at the Fed and say what Trump has said. Trump said, ‘I think the Fed has gone crazy. I think the Fed is making a mistake. They’re so tight with interest rates. I think the Fed has gone crazy.’ Just the other day, Trump said, ‘My biggest threat is the Fed. . . . The Fed is raising rates too fast, and it’s too independent.’ Now, wait a minute, listen to that. It’s too independent. When was the last time a president of the United States said the Fed was too independent? . . . . Banking groups, that is their priority. So, when the President says the Fed is raising rates too fast, and it’s my biggest enemy, and too independent, what he is saying is they are looking out for their own interests. They are not looking out for the interests of our country or for you or for me or for any American, and he’s right. I don’t know of any other president that has had the guts to say this.”


Economy Signaling Warning, Illegal Alien Caravan, 2018 Midterm Update

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 357 10.19.18)

The stock and bond markets look like they are wobbling and signaling a warning. One day the stock market is up 500 points, and the next it’s down 800 points. Gregory Mannarino of says, “Nothing is real and everything is fake.” The bond market is also gyrating up and down along with interest rates. With global debt at all-time record highs, even a small spike in interest rates could cause the whole financial system to come tumbling down without notice. The financial asset bubble blown to reflate the losses of 2008 could, once again, correct to fair value from a much higher high. Mannarino has long said everything will eventually correct to fair value, and that will look like a bigger disaster than the 2008 meltdown.


Entire Federal Budget Now National Security Secret – Dr. Mark Skidmore

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Michigan State Economics Professor Mark Skidmore made a stunning discovery late last year. Using publicly available government accounting reports, he revealed there was $21 trillion in what he calls “missing money” from the Department of Defense (DOD) and Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The data he used has been scrubbed, all accounting records are heavily redacted and now the federal government has declared its accounting falls under “national security.” Dr. Skidmore can no longer get the government to respond. Dr. Skidmore explains, “At this point, they are no longer responding to any of my inquiries. They are just not answering, and that is very astounding . . . and you can go on and look at the report yourself and see all of it blacked out. I actually lost sleep over that. That really bothered me. . . . Now, they are not even using standard accounting financial reporting rules. They are just moving things around and not telling anybody. So, first, all of this stuff is hidden because it is a national security issue, and now they are just changing the accounting standards. I would ask is that constitutional? I don’t think so. Does it match any of our financial reporting laws? I don’t think so. I am not sure what gives the government the authority to make that decision, and, yet, it’s happening.”


China China China Not Russia, Dow Crashes, Kanye Backs Trump

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 356 10.12.18)

We have been told constantly that Russia is trying to undermine America, but, in fact, it is China by a very wide margin. China has been recruiting spies to work with prominent senators like Diane Feinstein. Mitch McConnell has also enriched himself by granting access to China. Meanwhile, the only evidence of Russia collusion is with the Democrats and Hillary Clinton and NOT President Trump.


Freaked Out New World Order vs. We the People – Alex Newman

By Greg Hunter’s

Journalist Alex Newman says everywhere you look around the world, you see a “struggle for power” between “We the People” and the New World Order Globalists. Newman explains, “That’s right. What you have now is the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and if you don’t know about the Council on Foreign Relations . . . you need to do some research because the Council on Foreign Relations is the brain trust on this New World Order movement as it relates to the United States. This is just part of a global organization, and they have a sister organization in London called the Royal Institute of International Affairs. The CFR has a new article out calling for what they describe as a committee to ‘save the New World Order from President Trump.’ They are very concerned that their little New World Order is going up in smoke. Trump has been withdrawing from UN organizations. He’s been withdrawing from international agreements such as The Paris Climate Accord and UNESCO. Just recently, they said if an international criminal court tries to bring an American in, they are going to be prosecuted and their assets are going to be frozen. So, this is freaking them out.”


Fed Killing the Economy – John Williams

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Economist John Williams says the recent rate hikes mean the “Fed is killing off the economy.”
Williams says, “I heard President Trump make some comments to that effect, and he’s right. The Fed is trying to raise rates. The idea is if you get higher rates, the banks will be able to make more profits on their lending. It will also encourage bank lending. Unfortunately, on the consumer end, it raises the consumers’ cost of borrowing as interest rates go up. It makes mortgages more expensive. It makes borrowing more expensive. Mortgages go up, people don’t buy as many houses. What you are seeing right now is effectively a recession in the housing market, in the construction area. Existing home sales have been down for six or seven months in a row, and it’s down year over year.”


Presidential Warning, China Troubles, FBI Witness & Comey

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 355 10.05.18)

The Presidential Alert was this week. It was a test of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. Many are mocking the Trump Administration about the test, but according to the White House, several National Emergencies have been declared by President Trump in the last year. Are the Markets about to crash? Is America about to go to war? Are high ranking U.S. government officials about to get indicted for a failed coup against Trump? It could be all of the above, proving there are many good reason to test the emergency alert system.


People Will Be Dumping Dollars & Buying Gold – Peter Schiff

By Greg Hunter’s

Money manager Peter Schiff was in a small group warning of a coming financial meltdown that happened in 2008. Schiff says, “I was kind of a fixture on financial cable TV giving these warnings. My thought was the bubble would burst, and I knew that it would. Once the housing bubble burst and we had this financial crisis, I knew it would follow along with the Great Recession. I thought the Federal Reserve would try the best it could to reflate the bubbles in the stock markets and housing markets. But my thought was that their efforts would fail. The markets would not allow it and that a dollar collapse would intervene and would prevent new debt from being issued to fully reflate those bubbles. I was actually wrong. They didn’t just try to reflate the bubbles, they actually succeeded in blowing them bigger than ever.”


Economic 9/11 Markets Will Collapse – Gerald Celente

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Renowned trends researcher Gerald Celente is making a big change to his 2018-2019 economic forecast. Celente says, “We believe we are setting up now for a market crash that will be the worst in modern American history. The fundamentals are . . . the loan bubble. There is $250 trillion worth of debt out there. Let’s put this together. What did the Federal Reserve do last week? They raised interest rates. Now, we are looking at the Fed Funds Rate back to 2008 levels. What’s going on in the emerging markets? As those interest rates go up in the states, you are seeing currencies crashing. They are hitting new lows in Argentina, Turkey and India. At the same time . . . oil is back up at 2014 levels. . . . Go back to the last five recessions. What were they preceded by? Higher oil prices. When the higher oil prices kick in, the recession kicks in, and the markets go down and gold prices go up. . . . We do not give financial advice, but gold right now, we believe, is at the bottom. You might get a price $30 per ounce lower, but the risk is very low . . . because $1,200 per ounce is around mining cost.”


Kavanaugh Dem Desperation, Economic Warning, National Emergency

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 354 9.28.18)  

The circus that was supposed to be a confirmation hearing for Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh ended this week. It could not be more obvious that the Dems are desperate to stop or delay Kavanaugh’s appointment to the highest court in the nation. The one fact that shows the entire thing was an act of desperation was the fact that Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s own eye witnesses (3) all swore under oath that the alleged sexual assault by Judge Kavanaugh never happened. President Trump has called this a “big fat con job” by a Democrat smear campaign. The charges from two other women are also bogus. Expect Kavanaugh to be confirmed soon. (more…)

Gold & Silver Suppression Game Running Out of Ammunition – David Morgan

By Greg Hunter’s

Precious metals expert David Morgan thinks the price suppression game in physical gold and silver is showing signs of fatigue, especially in the gold price. Just last week, a billion dollars of gold (paper contracts) was reportedly dumped on the market in about a minute. The price went down less than $10 per ounce and, shortly afterwards, bounced back up. Morgan explains, “They are running out of ammunition as far as I can tell, which means when they do these massive sell-offs, they are being less and less effective. They have to use more and more power to get less and less result. This is why I am saying they are running out of ammunition. They have to do a fair amount of work to get the price down, and then it bounces right back. It shows you the resilience in the gold market. They can’t push it down, but they are not going to let it rise either because of this pricing mechanism to say dollar good, gold bad.”


Military Tribunals Beginning of Cabal Takedown – Mark Taylor

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Author of the popular book “The Trump Prophecies,” Mark Taylor says what is going on is all a setup for the coming military tribunals, which Taylor gave a prophecy for right after Donald Trump was elected in 2016. Taylor says the tribunals will be for “the evil people” of the failed coup of President Trump. Taylor also says, “If you notice, one of Hillary Clinton’s tweets is if Kavanaugh gets in, he’s going to gut Roe v. Wade. They are disguising it under Roe v. Wade. This has nothing to do with Roe v. Wade right now for the cabal or the Deep State. This has everything to do with military tribunals. They know it. They will be charged for treason, and some of them may be executed. I hate to be the bearer of bad news. . . . (more…)

Kavanaugh Triggers Dems, Declassified – Deep State Panic, Obama Trump Meeting Revealed

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 353 9.21.18)

Today, I am doing something different for the Wrap-Up. I have brought in Dr. Dave Janda of the popular radio show “Operation Freedom” to talk about the week’s top stories. The Wrap-Up is more in the form of a discussion and not the normal presentation. (more…)