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Democrats for Communism, Iran Nuke Deal Fraud Continues, Yield Curve Warning

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 342 7.6.18)

For years, I have been telling you the so-called Progressive/Democrats are nothing more than Marxist/communists. Top Democrats are now admitting this and proving me correct all alone. The Democrat Socialists of America have proudly announced on Twitter this week that “communism is good.” The head of the DNC, Tom Perez, also endorsed the far left Marxist Ocasio-Cortez as “the future of our party.” This is what the Democrats are running on in 2018 and beyond. Maybe that’s why millions of Americans are walking away from the Democrat party.


Most Dangerous Market Ever – Michael Pento

By Greg Hunter’s 

Money manager Michael Pento is sounding the alarm because we are getting very close to something called a “yield curve inversion.” Pento explains, “Why do I care if the yield curve inverts? Because 9 out of the last 10 times the yield curve inverted, we had a recession. . . . The spread with the yield curve is the narrowest it has been since outside of the start of the Great Recession that commenced in December of 2007. . . . The last two times the yield curve inverted, we had a stock market drop of 50%. The market dropped, and the S&P 500 lost 50% of its value.”


Fed Waterboarding Deutsche Bank – Rob Kirby

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Macroeconomic analyst Rob Kirby says there is a lot you are not seeing with all the bad news coming from Deutsche Bank (DB). You’ve seen DB stock hit all-time lows, the Fed downgrading them and flunking the bank on a recent stress test. Rob Kirby says it’s much worse than you think and explains, “Basically, it is the German regulator telling DB you are going to get out of this pool, then the Americans realizing how hostile the Germans have become to the criminal activity of the U.S. monetary complex. They basically said you are getting out of our pool?  Well, we’re going to waterboard you first, and we’re going to bring public shame upon you.”


Trump Picks Another SCOTUS, Crimes Against Children, Banking Dangers Increase

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 341, 6.29.18)

President Trump will be picking another Supreme Court Judge because Anthony Kennedy is retiring soon. Trump will be picking from a list of about 20 people he compiled while running for President. Trump says he has added five names to the list. The Democrats say they will stop Trump’s pick for the highest court, but then again, they said Hillary Clinton would win by a landslide too.


Real Inflation Rate 10% Squeezing Consumers – John Williams

By Greg Hunter’s

Economist John Williams says if Hillary would have won the 2016 election, we would “most likely be in a full blown depression.” The problems in the economy started long ago no matter who was elected. Williams says, “I would contend we were already in a recession at the end of the Obama Administration. That’s one reason why Donald Trump got elected.”


Inflate or Die Ponzi Scheme – Bill Holter

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Financial writer and precious metals expert Bill Holter thinks the long awaited debt reset has already started. Holter explains, “I think the reset is already in motion. . . . Credit is what created values and pricings that are incorrect. Just look at the Fed, they are talking about quantitative tightening (QT). They are talking about pulling $600 billion, I think, by the end of this year, and they can’t. There is no way. If you go back to Richard Russell ‘inflate or die.’  That is what this is. You cannot take capital out of a Ponzi scheme and expect it to stand up. That’s what this is. It’s a Ponzi scheme, and the Federal Reserve is bluffing, saying they are going to pull quantitative easing (money printing) out, and they are going to reverse it and take that out of the system. There is no way that can be done.” (more…)

Trump Border, DOJ FBI Indictments Coming, Big Bank Bankruptcy

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 340 6.22.18)

The Democrats and their mainstream media (MSM) lackeys are grasping at straws with the border battle with Trump. The vast majority of Americans want immigration enforcement, not more illegal immigration, which comes with a high price tag in the form of welfare.


Global Debt a Parabolic Ponzi Scheme – Craig Hemke

By Greg Hunter’s

Financial writer and precious metals expert Craig Hemke says nobody should be comfortable with unpayable global debt that has piled up since the 2008 financial meltdown. A debt reset is locked in, but nobody knows when it will come crashing down. Hemke says, “That’s probably the right way to put it. I would not want to say, hey, there is going to be a debt reset by August 29th. I don’t think that’s the way you want to go with it, but it’s pretty obvious to anyone that we are in this parabolic Ponzi scheme. The debt is now increasing globally at such an exponential rate that, at some point, it becomes unserviceable. Then, at that point, you get this reset they’ve been talking about.”


Elite Stole $50 Trillion and Will Invest in Space –Catherine Austin Fitts

Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Financial advisor Catherine Austin Fitts says, “The global economy is going to be controlled from space.” Even the U.S. dollar’s viability will depend on “how good the U.S. space program is . . . . President Trump gets it.” Fitts contends, “Trump has done a remarkable job educating the American people about the real deal. He’s currently educating people that you have to make the cash flows work on trade work. That’s number one. There is such a thing as financial accountability. (more…)

IG Report Bombshell Just Beginning, More Anti Trump Media Lies, Economic Update

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 339 6.15.18)

The long awaited Inspector General (IG) report on the FBI and how it handled the Clinton email (exoneration) case is out, and it has destroyed the reputation of fired FBI Director James Comey. It is also just the beginning in destroying the careers of many at the FBI and the Department of Justice (DOJ). There are many revelations including a goal to “stop” Trump from becoming President. Well, they failed. Now, buckle up because this is just getting started. Coming up, Hillary Clinton’s treason and phony documents used to spy on Trump. Lots of people are going down for treason, fraud, obstruction and other bigtime crimes.


Big Globalist Deals are Money Laundering Frauds – Dave Janda

By Greg Hunter’s

Radio host Dr. Dave Janda says Trump is bringing big changes to the world with tough talk on trade. At the end of the G-7 economic forum, Trump said America is “like the piggy bank that everyone is robbing, and that ends.” Trump is basically saying America has been cheated in trade deals for decades and countries like China, Canada and Mexico are ripping us off. Janda, who has deep political and Intel sources, says, “Yes, that is correct. Go back to 1992 and Ross Perot. He was demagogued by the media as a crazy man. He was marginalized. He was ridiculed. 110% of what Ross Perot said about NAFTA is correct. It was a great ‘sucking sound’ of jobs leaving and manufacturing jobs leaving. Who benefited by that? Multinational corporations that are run by the globalists and political leaders. . . . All these agreements that are created by the globalists are money laundering fronts. Whether it’s NAFTA or whether it’s the Iran deal, they are all money laundering fronts.”


Elites Want Death and Destruction of All Humanity – Steve Quayle

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Radio legend, filmmaker and prolific published book author Steve Quayle says what is going on in the news you see is simply cover for the awful and dangerous world being invented for the masses by the global elite. Quayle says, “The news coming out now I call “Circus-distract-ticus.”  I believe this is the most playpen like of news coming out that is meant to focus on the minors while keeping our eyes off the major events going on.”


Trump Winning Trade War, Iran Used US Dollar, Media Propaganda Continues

Greg Hunter’s (WNW 338 6.8.18)

A very big story has emerged out of a Senate probe that uncovered a secret deal to allow Iran to sidestep U.S. sanctions and use the U.S. financial system. The Obama Administration continually told the public it would not allow Iran to use the dollar for transactions, but did so anyway as part of the Iran nuclear deal that was supposed to curtail its nuclear programs. This is on top of the fact that the so-called “Iran Nuclear Deal,” or JCPOA, was never signed – by anyone.


Panic in the Deep State – Alex Newman

By Greg Hunter’s 

Journalist Alex Newman has written extensively about the New World Order, the push for one world government by globalists and the so called “Deep State” that has it’s invisible hand in just about everything. Newman contends things have not been going well for the people who want to rule the world since Trump won in 2016.  Newman contends, “I get the impression they are very worried, and there is a lot of evidence that they are getting concerned they are losing their grip on power.  I think we are starting to see some panic now.  It very much reminds me of the rats fleeing the sinking ship expression.  I think we are going to see some very interesting things in the days ahead.  Trump has kind of gotten them cornered.  I think they are actually very, very nervous about what comes next. . . .  There are a lot of good things happening, and bad guys are starting to get nervous.”


Banking System Has Huge Problem – Peter Schiff

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Money manager Peter Schiff says even though Deutsche Bank is the most systemically dangerous bank in the world (according to the IMF), that is just the tip of severe global financial problems. Schiff explains, “I think it’s a problem, and it’s not just Deutsche Bank. Deutsche Bank could be the weak link of a chain. If you remember back to when we had the financial crisis (2008). First, you had the sub-prime mortgages blowing up, and everybody was like don’t worry about it. It’s contained. I said it’s not contained, it’s just showing up first in the sub-prime market because these are the weakest mortgages. The entire mortgage market has a problem. (more…)