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Next Financial Meltdown Fed Going All In – Michael Pento

By Greg Hunter’s

Money manager Michael Pento says the massive bubble blown by global central banks is “unraveling now.” Pento explains, “It is a fact, it is starting already. If you look at Chinese shares, if you look at all the emerging markets and if you look at commodity prices, the collapse is already starting. It starts here (in the U.S.) in the fall, and it really defuses around commodities and assets in general in 2019.”


Dollar Dominant & Dangerous – System Not Stable – Catherine Austin Fitts

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Investment advisor and former Assistant Secretary of Housing, Catherine Austin Fitts, predicts the global financial system “will take some big hits before the end of the year.” Fitts explains, “Right now, economists say the dollar is ‘dangerous and dominant.’ It’s still, if you look at the market shares around the world, it’s still very, very significant portion of total reserves. So, it’s still very important. At the same time, the U.S. dollar hegemony is probably not going to last forever . . . (more…)

Trump Calls Election National Emergency, FBI Leak Strategy, Economic Warning

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 352 9.14.18)

President Trump is out with a new executive order (EO) to stop and punish foreign interference in U.S. elections. Donald Trump is getting ready for the all-important midterm elections in November and wants to make sure there is no cheating. In this new EO, he “declares a national emergency to deal with this threat.” Is this Deep State actors, illegal aliens, foreign spies and anyone working to undermine U.S. elections? It’s all of the above and much more. (more…)

Media Blackout on Dire Global Debt – Greg Mannarino

By Greg Hunter’s

Trader/analyst Gregory Mannarino says the public is not getting the truth about the dire debt and currency problems in the global financial system. Mannarino explains, “People here in our country are not being allowed to see what is going on outside of the United States. The mainstream media (MSM) outlets are doing everything they possibly can to keep people misinformed and uninformed. This is what is happening right now. On a global scale, the world is overdosing on debt. I cannot stress that enough. So, what we are witnessing here in regard to the emerging markets is a currency meltdown. . . . World central banks are colluding with the leaders, and they honestly have no choice because the party ended in 2008. They have done all they can to re-inflate bubbles by introducing debt on every single living soul on this planet, unlike we have ever seen in the history of the world. . . . When this thing hits a point of maximum saturation, we are going to see cracks or the debt market let go before everything else, and that’s exactly what we are seeing here.  (more…)

Deep State Panicked About Coming Military Tribunals – Dave Janda

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Dr. Dave Janda retired from medicine to dedicate himself to his red hot radio show called “Operation Freedom.” Janda has top notch political, law enforcement and intelligence sources from years of consulting work in Washington D.C. on healthcare issues. Janda says the recent round of attacks on President Trump from the mainstream media (MSM) show the Deep State/Globalists are panicked that Trump is draining the swamp. Janda explains, “I believe this is not coming from a position of strength on behalf of the fake media, which is a tentacle of the Globalist syndicate. It’s a syndicate that has been responsible for multiple wars and the financial chaos that has occurred across the world.”


MSM and Deep State Panic, Forbes Issues Warning, Farm Report

Greg Hunter’s (WNW 351 9.7.18)

Panic is the word that comes to mind with the Democrats, Deep State and the mainstream media (MSM) with the shrill attacks on President Trump using only anonymous sources. They are trying to assassinate his character by making things up about his mental health that are totally untrue. They are lying to try to remove him from office because his policies are good for “We the People” but horrible for them.


$21 Trillion in Dark Money Will Cause Hyperinflation – Rob Kirby

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Macroeconomic analyst Rob Kirby says the big elephant in the global financial room, that nobody wants to acknowledge, is the still “missing” $21 trillion from the DOD and HUD. Kirby contends, “They don’t want to believe it. They don’t want to believe that, at least, $21 trillion in extra dollars has been created out of thin air. It is siloed, and I would say it is siloed in dark places like the Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF), which is the secretive adjunct to the U.S. Treasury. I would also contend that this enormous cache of dark money is exactly what is used to do dirty tricks like rig the precious metals market because that is a very expensive operation to carry out. That is not a sustainable sort of thing. The Fed . . . knew years and years ago that they were going to hit a point where the amount of money that they would need to be put into the system would have to grow vertically. This is why they created and siloed at least $21 trillion extra dollars.”


Bruce Ohr Reveals Phony Trump Dossier, Middle East Troubles, Emerging Market Crisis

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 350 8.31.18) 

Bruce Ohr, the one time high ranking Department of Justice (DOJ) official, testified behind closed doors this week on Capitol Hill. In hours of sworn testimony Ohr, said that the Trump Dossier was basically a fraud that should not have been used in a court of law. That didn’t stop the FBI and DOJ from using it to fraudulently get warrants to spy on Trump and his campaign and his Administration. Bruce Ohr is naming names and says at least a half dozen top members of the FBI and DOJ knew the dossier was untrue and made up just to stop Trump from winning and later to try and use the false accusations in the dossier to remove him from office. This also means the Mueller investigation was conceived in fraud and is illegitimate. The indictments are coming, that is for sure.


Inflation Has Run Amok – Danielle DiMartino Booth

By Greg Hunter’s

Former Fed insider Danielle DiMartino Booth is sure the Fed is going to raise interest rates again at the September meeting. Why? DiMartino Booth explains, “I think he’s (Jerome Powell) the most independent Fed Chair in the past 30 years, and I think he’s going to raise rates regardless of what is happening in politics. . . . You don’t kowtow to political pressure when you need to do right by the economy. . . . Powell thinks the inflation numbers are under-reported. He’s listening to companies saying their profit margins are being squeezed . . . non-labor costs are outpacing labor costs by the greatest extent in three years, and what that tells you is inflation has run amok. . . . I think the Fed is going to continue to raise rates. . . . I think the markets have priced in the (September) rate hike by 90%. We may be looking forward to Jay Powell backing off come December. So, I am not really worried right now about a skyrocketing dollar.”


$174,000 per Ounce Gold Not Funny–Scary – Jim Sinclair & Bill Holter

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday release)

Renowned gold and financial expert Jim Sinclair and financial writer Bill Holter are sounding the alarm now on global financial markets starting to burn down and implode. Sinclair and Holter are business partners at the popular financial website Sinclair explains, “‘When’ is the question we are asked constantly by our viewers and readers. . . . ‘When’ is a period of time all of this comes to fruition, meaning the date. . . .‘When’ is now. . . . This is the beginning of something few expect. This has very little to no precedent in history. . . . (more…)

MSM Distracting Public from Real Crime, Social Censorship is Here, Dark Economic Update

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 349 8.24.18)

It’s a game of “look over here” and not at the real crimes that have been committed. Now, the mainstream media (MSM) has gone hysterical on former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen pleading guilty to a crime that is not a crime. It’s about Trump paying off a porn star and a playmate to keep quiet about their affairs, but it’s not a campaign violation to pay your own money, and that is what Trump did. Legal scholars agree. This is just one more bogus story to get the public distracted to the real felony crimes by Hillary Clinton and many others in the Obama Administration in a failed coup to remove Trump from office.


Obama DOJ Wrote Phony Trump Dossier – Kevin Shipp

By Greg Hunter’s

CIA whistleblower Kevin Shipp says the next revelation that will come to light will be that Bruce Ohr, who was the fourth highest ranking official in the Obama Justice Department (DOJ), wrote the now infamous phony Trump Dossier which was used to apply for fraudulent federal wiretaps (with the FISA Court) to spy on Trump. Shipp, who is a former CIA Officer with a high security clearance, explains, “It all started from the fake dossier which led eventually to the appointment of Robert Mueller (Special Prosecutor) and the entire foundation is based on a falsity. . . . I understand the next revocation of security clearance is probably going to be Bruce Ohr because he crafted the fake dossier with Christopher Steele, and he may even have written the thing. (more…)

How Democrats Plan to Steal the Midterm Elections – Eric Eggers

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Eric Eggers, author of the new book titled “Fraud: How the Left Plans to Steal the Next Election,” says when Democrats say there is no election fraud, it is a huge lie. Eggers explains, “I think it’s certainly increasingly difficult for Democrats to make the claim there is no evidence of voter fraud. In this book, we had 40 pages of footnotes . . . so, there is quite a bit of evidence. As recent events have shown, it doesn’t take voter fraud on massive or national level for it to truly impact elections. . . . In the 2016 election, we found 2,100 incidents of double voting in the state of Florida alone.”


Brennan Loses Security Clearance, Big Tech Killing Free Speech, Dollar Update

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 348, 8.17.18)

Obama Administration CIA Director John Brennan had his security clearance revoked by President Trump. Brennan says it’s an attack on Trump’s critics. Others say it’s the beginning of punishment for being the “ringleader” of a soft coup to remove Donald Trump from office. Are indictments of Brennan and his co-conspirators coming soon?


Scarier More Dangerous Market Crisis Blowing Up Now – John Rubino

By Greg Hunter’s

Financial writer John Rubino says the currency crisis happening in Turkey is a stark reason for owning something a government can’t print more of at will. Rubino points out, “The function of gold and silver is to protect you against government mismanagement of your currency.   The emerging market countries (including Turkey) have screwed up their money. They borrowed a lot of U.S. dollars at low interest rates when the dollar was falling. They expected the dollar to keep falling and pay back their loans in ever cheaper dollars, but the dollar went the other way. So, now their loans are unpayable. Their currencies are blowing up, and you are seeing gold and silver rise in local currency terms. In other words, precious metals are protecting the citizens of those countries against financial mismanagement.”
