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MSM Distracting Public from Real Crime, Social Censorship is Here, Dark Economic Update

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 349 8.24.18)

It’s a game of “look over here” and not at the real crimes that have been committed. Now, the mainstream media (MSM) has gone hysterical on former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen pleading guilty to a crime that is not a crime. It’s about Trump paying off a porn star and a playmate to keep quiet about their affairs, but it’s not a campaign violation to pay your own money, and that is what Trump did. Legal scholars agree. This is just one more bogus story to get the public distracted to the real felony crimes by Hillary Clinton and many others in the Obama Administration in a failed coup to remove Trump from office.


Obama DOJ Wrote Phony Trump Dossier – Kevin Shipp

By Greg Hunter’s

CIA whistleblower Kevin Shipp says the next revelation that will come to light will be that Bruce Ohr, who was the fourth highest ranking official in the Obama Justice Department (DOJ), wrote the now infamous phony Trump Dossier which was used to apply for fraudulent federal wiretaps (with the FISA Court) to spy on Trump. Shipp, who is a former CIA Officer with a high security clearance, explains, “It all started from the fake dossier which led eventually to the appointment of Robert Mueller (Special Prosecutor) and the entire foundation is based on a falsity. . . . I understand the next revocation of security clearance is probably going to be Bruce Ohr because he crafted the fake dossier with Christopher Steele, and he may even have written the thing. (more…)

How Democrats Plan to Steal the Midterm Elections – Eric Eggers

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Eric Eggers, author of the new book titled “Fraud: How the Left Plans to Steal the Next Election,” says when Democrats say there is no election fraud, it is a huge lie. Eggers explains, “I think it’s certainly increasingly difficult for Democrats to make the claim there is no evidence of voter fraud. In this book, we had 40 pages of footnotes . . . so, there is quite a bit of evidence. As recent events have shown, it doesn’t take voter fraud on massive or national level for it to truly impact elections. . . . In the 2016 election, we found 2,100 incidents of double voting in the state of Florida alone.”


Brennan Loses Security Clearance, Big Tech Killing Free Speech, Dollar Update

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 348, 8.17.18)

Obama Administration CIA Director John Brennan had his security clearance revoked by President Trump. Brennan says it’s an attack on Trump’s critics. Others say it’s the beginning of punishment for being the “ringleader” of a soft coup to remove Donald Trump from office. Are indictments of Brennan and his co-conspirators coming soon?


Scarier More Dangerous Market Crisis Blowing Up Now – John Rubino

By Greg Hunter’s

Financial writer John Rubino says the currency crisis happening in Turkey is a stark reason for owning something a government can’t print more of at will. Rubino points out, “The function of gold and silver is to protect you against government mismanagement of your currency.   The emerging market countries (including Turkey) have screwed up their money. They borrowed a lot of U.S. dollars at low interest rates when the dollar was falling. They expected the dollar to keep falling and pay back their loans in ever cheaper dollars, but the dollar went the other way. So, now their loans are unpayable. Their currencies are blowing up, and you are seeing gold and silver rise in local currency terms. In other words, precious metals are protecting the citizens of those countries against financial mismanagement.”


AI Wants to Identify, Vilify, Nullify & Destroy All Patriots – Steve Quayle

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Filmmaker, author, and veteran radio host Steve Quayle says there is not just a plan to take down the President, but a much larger plan to take down America. The plan depends on artificial intelligence (AI) to get this done. Steve Quayle explains, “The United States, by all evidence, is undergoing a behind the scenes, total attempt to overthrow and take down President Trump and to identify all of his followers . . . by whatever means possible. I believe there is an orchestrated attempt and takedown underway to assassinate Alex Jones and those who are on talk radio. I have been on talk radio 25 years. The entire program is based on artificial intelligence (AI). We have assassination algorithms (AA) and not just AI, but AA. What is being postulated is simply this: to identify, vilify, nullify and destroy.”


Mueller Probe Illegitimate, Internet Purge is Here, Journalism is Dead

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 347 8.10.18)

Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani thinks the Russia probe by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller is going to “blow up” on Mueller and his team. It has become apparent Mueller has not got a single charge that Trump colluded with the Russians to win the 2016 election. The FBI and the DOJ simply made up crimes to frame Trump to try to kick the President out of office. It’s a failed coup, and the people that tried to pull it off are in deep trouble.


Elite Closing Down Truth Tellers – Paul Craig Roberts

By Greg Hunter’s 

Economic expert and journalist Dr. Paul Craig Roberts says the ideas of the elite are awful, and they want to suppress free speech to get their policies instituted. Dr. Roberts explains, “The agendas of the elite are hidden. They are not something the American people would support. The elite are fearful that their cover stories are so thin that if truth can be shown on their agendas, they will be discredited. They will lose their abilities to impose their agendas. So, they are closing down truth tellers in order to maintain control over explanations. Alex Jones is a threat to the elites’ control over the explanations. . . . They are sending the message that says get onboard with the official explanations or we terminate you.”


Former CIA Director John Brennan in First Wave of Indictments – Dave Janda


By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Dr. Dave Janda is a retired MD that started a radio career. Now, he has a red hot show called “Operation Freedom.” Janda says his sources say indictments are coming soon for those who tried to illegally take President Trump down. Dr. Janda explains, “Everybody who is a freedom fighter is tired of hearing it’s going to happen, it’s going to happen, it’s going to happen, and nothing is happening. What I am told and have been told, and it’s been consistently told to me, is you are going to start to see movement on the indictments after the primaries are over. The primaries are over on August 7th. . . . I think there is going to be restoration of the rule of law. That means serving of indictments. Not 40,000, but a fraction of the sealed indictments will be unsealed and implemented. There are going to be some prime players. My understanding is they are not going to dump 1,000 sealed indictments at a shot. It is going to come in sections and in waves. . . . I think one of the prime players that is going to get dropped in the indictments is John Brennan, former Director of the CIA. I have been told that John Brennan is going to be held accountable for his past actions.”


Trump Coup MSM Ignores, Trump Branding MSM Fake News, Tommy Robinson Free

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 346 8.3.18)

The mainstream media (MSM) refuses to acknowledge the fact the FBI and DOJ used phony research paid for by Hillary Clinton and the DNC to get warrants to spy on Donald Trump and his Administration. It refuses to report there is not one single piece of evidence linking Trump to the Russians, let alone that the entire Mueller investigation was started on totally false pretenses. It ignores former Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, who came out recently on CNN and essentially blamed the failed coup to stop Trump and remove him from office on his former boss President Obama. The MSM has turned into fake news.


Trump Rally Peaking Now – Gerald Celente

By Greg Hunter’s  

Renowned trends researcher Gerald Celente saw early on that Donald Trump would be good for America and the economy, but everybody knows the so-called “Trump rally” cannot go on forever. Celente explains, “We were the first magazine to call the ‘Trump rally’ two or three weeks after he got elected. We are the first ones to call the ‘Trump rally’ ending. Now, we are only a few points from the (stock market) high, but we see it peaking. It is the interest rates that are the issue and the overvalued and overleveraged stock market.”


Hammer of Justice Falling Now – Mark Taylor

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Mark Taylor, author of the popular book “The Trump Prophecies,” correctly predicted Donald Trump’s 2016 victory years in advance. That’s the best known of Taylor’s prophecies, he says came straight from God, but he’s made other prophecies, and many are also beginning to come true now. A November 2015 prophecy called “Time is Up for Those Who are Corrupt” is one of the ones coming to fruition. Taylor explains, “This includes President Obama. I got attacked because I said President Obama was going to go to jail or prison because he was going to be charged with treason. The prophecy says the presidency would be “ripped and stripped from him.” (more…)

Cohen Tapes More Fake News, FISA Lies and Clapper Blames Obama

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 345 7.27.18)

President Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen is revealing he taped Donald Trump discussing paying a former Playmate for her silence. Cohen is also claiming Trump knew about a meeting with a Russian informant that supposedly had dirt on Hillary Clinton during the 2016 Presidential campaign. Talk about a story with no there, there. Even renowned legal Constitutional scholar Alan Dershowitz, a Democrat, does not believe the President’s son committed any crime by meeting with the Russian source at Trump Tower during the campaign.  I see it as a big SO WHAT!!! (more…)

When Credit Cycles Blow Up, They’re Really Destructive – Chris Martenson

By Greg Hunter’s

Futurist and economic researcher Chris Martenson says we are not at the end of a business cycle but “. . . at the end of a credit cycle.” Martenson warns, “Here’s why people need to be concerned. Credit cycles, when they blow up, are really, really destructive. 2008 to 2009 was very destructive. Instead of realizing the error of their ways, they went for a third. This is the most comprehensive credit cycle that we have seen. Remember, bubbles have two things that they need. Number one, a good story that people can believe in and, of course, it’s a false story. Number two, ample credit. That’s what the Fed and central banks of Japan and Europe have done. They just flooded the world with credit. Now, we have bubbles everywhere. When these burst, it will be the worst bursting in anybody’s lifetime because we have never seen anything like this.”


Risk Exponential and Unmeasurable – Egon von Greyerz

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Financial and precious metals expert Egon von Greyerz (EvG) vaults gold for clients at two secret locations on two continents. He says his wealthy clients have at least 20% of their net worth in physical gold and silver. Some have much more. Why so much physical metal? EvG says it is because of record risk in the world today. EvG explains, “There is only ½% of all world financial assets held in physical gold. So, this is a very small group, but it is still a lot of money. Of course, the majority doesn’t believe this because if they did, all the other markets would collapse. The particular people that are concerned about risk that we deal with, and they are not concerned in a minor way . . . look at all the asset classes, whether you take the stock markets, bond markets or property markets, they are all in the most massive bubbles fueled by exponential growth in credit. Global credit has tripled since 1999 to today. Global debt went from $80 trillion to $240 trillion. When debt triples, it doesn’t mean that risk triples. Risk goes up exponentially. (more…)