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Bad & Good News on North Korea, Obama Wiretapped Trump, Economic Update
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 302 9.22.17)
There is bad news and good news about the tensions between North Korea and the U.S. First, the bad news. President Trump threatened to “destroy North Korea” if the country continues on its nuclear path and tests more ballistic missiles. North Korea says they will deal with President Trump “with fire.” Now, the good news. China has agreed to enforce stricter sanctions on North Korea (NK) through its banking system. The U.S. has called on China to cut off North Korea from doing business with China’s biggest banks. That doesn’t mean the problem is solved, but it is a huge step by China to curtail NK’s missile testing by cutting down on the flow of cash going into North Korea.
Our Enemy is Truly Evil – Dr. Dave Janda
Greg Hunter’s
Radio host, patriot and retired orthopedic surgeon Dr. Dave Janda is an outspoken critic of Obama Care. Dr. Janda says, “Obama Care is cancer–period. You can’t tweak cancer. You have to cut it out. You have to destroy it, and any plan that does not completely get rid of Obama Care, the patient is going to die–period. The patient is going to die.”
China Dollar Dump Means Hyperinflation – Chris Martenson
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)
Resource analyst and futurist Chris Martenson says everyone should be taking notice of our “dangerous markets.” At the center of the danger zone is the declining U.S. dollar. Martenson explains, “We are talking about a steady erosion of the dollar as a reserve currency. I think that is most likely. The only thing that could make that really go fast is some kind of war. The United States and China, we got to keep our eye on this because Trump has been threatening a trade war with China. China responded and said if you do that, we may dump the dollar. . . . So, there is all this trade and financial back and forth and maybe even actual war at some point. . . . China has the ability to really impact the dollar in a big way on the world stage. We better hope it does not come to that because a slow erosion we can adjust to; a quick erosion is going to really roil the markets and maybe blow a few of them up.”
North Korea Fires Another, China US Trade Friction, Dollar Negative News
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 301 9.15.17)
North Korea (NK) has done it again and has fired another ballistic missile over the top of Japan. NK is extremely upset over the latest round of sanctions unanimously approved by the U.N. Security Council. NK has reportedly threatened to “sink” Japan and “reduce the U.S. to ashes.”
Dark Dollars Propping Up Failing System – Rob Kirby
By Greg Hunter’s
Forensic macroeconomic analyst Rob Kirby says few people have any idea how many “dark dollars” are out there. Kirby explains, “When you start talking about how many dollars there are in the world, nobody really knows. I would suggest to you the real quantity of dollars in the world is much greater than anyone imagines. A lot of these dollars are ‘dark,’ and they are held in the bowels of institutions like the Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF). So, the world may be cruising along thinking the total number of dollars in the world is ‘X,’ but the true amount in the world, if you count the dark ones, might be three or four times ‘X’. This really means the money supply is much bigger than anyone understands or believes.” Kirby contends that the so-called “dark dollars” are being used to prop up the Treasury bond market. The ESF simply buys the debt and essentially hides it.
Financial Zombies Cannot See Massive Inflation Coming – Gregory Mannarino
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)
Analyst/trader Gregory Mannarino thinks the public has a huge false sense of security about the financial markets. Mannarino explains, “The general public is zombiefied. . . . What the Federal Reserve is determined to do is kill the dollar. We might get a bounce here or there, but that downward trajectory that started in December is going to continue and has no end in sight. We know this because the Fed has said it is going to do whatever it takes to create inflation. The Federal Reserve thinks that making things more expensive and sucking the value out of the dollar means you are going to be better off. Right there you can see there is some kind of twisted mentality going on.”
Debt Deal with Dems, What Does Trump See Coming, Dollar Dump Gold Pop
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 300. 9.8.17)
President Donald Trump broke with the Republicans who have been overtly and covertly blocking him to get a short-term debt deal done. Some of the money is going to help the victims of Hurricane Harvey, but there is also a push to get the so-called debt ceiling repealed. Some in the GOP are furious, but this is the game of politics we find in Washington.
Globalism vs. Patriotism, Evil vs. Good – Mark Taylor
Greg Hunter’s (Early Release)
Mark Taylor, author of the wildly popular book “The Trump Prophecies,” correctly predicted, early on, a victory by Donald Trump to win the White House. Taylor is a retired firefighter that has become an unlikely prophet of God, who contends “President Trump is God’s anointed.” Taylor says what is going on is nothing short of a grand battle between good and evil. Taylor explains, “Here’s what I believe is going on right now. There is no longer a Republican and Democrat party – period. This is about globalism vs. patriotism basically right now. This is about light vs. dark. (more…)
Truth Revealed Will Mean Crashed System – Bill Holter
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)
Financial writer Bill Holter says 2017 is the year of the “truth bombs,” and along with the truth comes pain. Holter explains, “Unfortunately, the truth coming out will mean a crashed system. It will mean a nonfunctioning system. When truth finally comes out, and it will one way or the other, credit will cease because credit is based on trust. Credit is handed out on trust, and when the truth comes out, credit will cease. Then the system is going to have to reboot.”
Hurricane Harvey Disaster for America, Fuel Prices, Economy Sinking into Recession
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 299 9.1.17)
Hurricane Harvey has ravaged Texas and Louisiana, but losses will spread across the United States. Everyone will feel the impact in some way. Hurricane Katrina losses totaled $175 billion, and Harvey could be twice that or more. (Texas Rep. Pete Sessions: Harvey Impact Could Reach $1 Trillion.) Oil prices will spike, and banks and insurance companies, ultimately, will face big losses on flooded housed and vehicles.
Get Totally Out of Stocks – Deflation Coming – Charles Nenner
By Greg Hunter’s
Charles Nenner, renowned financial and geopolitical analyst, has been saying for a few years that “there would be no market crash until the end of 2017,” and “if people were not positioned correctly, they could lose everything.” It’s nearing the end of 2017, and Nenner says, “I think we are there already. . . . We, personally, are totally out of stocks at this point.”
We Are Facing Overthrow of United States – Steve Quayle
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)
Steve Quayle, filmmaker, author and 25 year radio personality, says America is under attack from the left. Quayle contends, “You have to understand, we are not just facing turmoil, we are facing the dedicated and very well positioned and financed overthrow of the United States government by former federal officers and by those in the military. I want to read the 13th rule of Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals.” They are doing this to President Trump. It’s character assassination. This is what people have to understand. The 13th rule is what Hillary Clinton, the Marxists and what all of the Obama Administration believe in, and they are following this blueprint. Saul Alinsky dedicated his book “Rules for Radicals” to Lucifer. He said at least he got his own kingdom. . . . (more…)
Crazy MSM Calls Trump Crazy, Antifa Repugnant Like KKK, Economic Update
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 298 8.25.17)
USA Today publishes this headline that reads “Talk of Trump’s Mental Health Spreads.” The reason why it is “spreading” is the fake news of the propaganda media is trying to destroy Trump by fabricating a completely false narrative of Trump’s mental health. Any medical doctor practicing psychiatry that can make a diagnosis by watching someone on TV is either a quack, a total partisan tool of the left or both. It’s more fake news and false narrative from an increasingly desperate left and Deep State. They know nothing is working to remove a duly elected Donald Trump from office. They are desperate to find some scandal to take him out before he destroys them and their evil plans for America. Don’t believe the hype and BS by the lying MSM.
Mnuchin Fort Knox Gold Tweet Alarming – Lior Gantz
By Greg Hunter’s
Financial newsletter writer Lior Gantz is deeply concerned about the political divide gripping the nation.Gants contends, “I think the U.S. is divided politically to a point where it’s dangerous. I have not studied any time in history where the U.S. was so politically divided. Just to give you an idea, 61% of Trump supporters say that Trump cannot go wrong. Whatever he does, he cannot go wrong. Now, 57% of the people who are against him say no matter what he does, they will never support him. This country is very divided, and division is the most detrimental part of any democracy.”
Alert: Dollar & Markets at Risk to Plummet – John Williams
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)
Economist John Williams is putting out a rare “Alert” on his popular newsletter. What does Williams see that scares him? Williams explains, “There are several factors. Number one, I think we are at risk of an extreme market reaction just tied to the economy slowing down unexpectedly against headline expectations. That is going to mess up the Fed’s planning for raising rates and liquidating their balance sheet. That is going to force them back to quantitative easing (money printing). That, in turn, will savage the dollar. As the dollar plummets, so will U.S. stock prices. They are heavily supported by the influx of capital from abroad. . . . Given the underlying fundamentals in the markets and in the economy, I think all the components are in place for one of the great financial panics of all time.”