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Gold & Silver Fight Tyranny – Catherine Austin Fitts
By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)
Catherine Austin Fitts (CAF), Publisher of The Solari Report, financial expert and former Assistant Secretary of Housing (Bush 41 Admin.), says, “The federal government is being run as a criminal enterprise. . . .not just a little criminal, but a lot criminal.” CAF thinks now is the time for state governments to act to protect their citizens from the dangers of a falling dollar and increasing central control over “We the People.” CAF explains, “One of the things we are talking with the states about is Sovereign State Banks, so they can protect their transactions in dollars. We are also talking about State Bullion Depositories. This is so states can protect their rainy-day reserve and, ultimately, their transaction ability with gold and silver. Under the Constitution, the states have those powers. This is very important if we are going to have sovereignty as individuals and not wake up one day and find ourselves in the same spot as the Canadian truckers who had their bank accounts shut down for protesting the CV19 lockdowns and mandates. (more…)
Iran War, Border War, CV19 Vax War, Economic War
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 619, 2.2.24)
Iran proxies attacked a US military base in Jordan, this past week, killing three and injuring 30. It was a drone attack, and war hawks want to strike back. Senator Tommy Tuberville says, “This war is getting ready to happen.” Iran says it will strike back, and there is no end in sight with the violence erupting all over the Middle East. Are we already in biblical end times? (more…)
CV19 Vax is Anti-Christ Technology– Karen Kingston
By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)
Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who has been reporting on the nightmare of the CV19 vax that she tagged as a bioweapon from the very beginning. She was the first to say the CV19 vax was created to hurt and kill people. She was one of the first to warn people not to take the CV19 vax. Kingston predicted that “vaccine” makers wanted to get people sick and then come up with new treatments to make money off the people they caused to get sick. She has been reporting on the nightmare of these “vaccines.” Kingston has new analysis on three important current stories that show people around the world are finally waking up to this crime against humanity. (more…)
Border War, Global War, Get Food and Special Guest Steve Quayle
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 618 1.26.24)
The southern border of the US is becoming a flashpoint for the political parties. Texas has been ordered by the Supreme Court to stand down and allow federal border patrol agents to cut down razor wired Texas installed to stop the invasion of illegal aliens. The Biden Administration is continuing to inviting and allow border crossers by the thousands every day. Texas is ignoring SCOTUS, and it is putting up more wire. Now many other states are joining in and supporting Texas to secure the border. Special Guest Steve Quayle says, “The border issue in America is the issue.” The Attorney General of Texas, Ken Paxton, says, “. . . Biden is trying to continue his illegal effort to aid the foreign invasion of America.” (more…)
Landslide Trump Victory in 2024 – Martin Armstrong
By Greg Hunter’s
Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong has correctly predicted every presidential race since the 1980’s with his “Socrates” data mining program. The 2024 race, featuring Donald J. Trump, is shaping up to be the most lopsided race for the White House in history. Armstrong explains, “Trump should win. This data has even shocked me, and it’s been right on every election and even Brexit. It’s basically showing, out of 6 models, it is showing four basically all for Trump, but two of them are showing absolute unbelievable landslides. It’s showing 61% for Trump. . . . The computer has never come up before with this complete gap . . . . In 2016, it showed Trump would win, but not overwhelming, but this one is absolutely stunning.” (more…)
You Will Own Nothing – Because They Will Steal Everything – David Rogers Webb
By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)
David Rogers Webb (DRW) is a financial expert and former global money manager who lives in Sweden. Recently, DRW revealed the game plan of globalists like Klaus Schwab who publicly predicts, “You will own nothing . . .” According to DRW, this is not some idle threat but a complicated active plan demonic Deep State globalist central bankers have been working on for decades. DRW has explained this theft in a free book and documentary called “The Great Taking.” It is a stunning plan to steal almost all wealth and legally not be required to pay one red cent for it. The plan is in the process of unfolding now. (more…)
WHO Wants Total Control, Stop CV19 Shots, Trump Wins
By Greg Hunter’s WNW 617 for 1.18.24)
The UN’s World Health Organization (WHO) wants total control in the next pandemic, and a pandemic is surely coming. They already have a name for it. They are calling it “Disease X.” Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is an Ethiopian Director-General of the World Health Organization, and he wants this control by May of 2024. It’s control over forced vaccinations, and there is zero dissension allowed in a surreal attack on free speech over the entire planet. This was the most important story coming out of the demonic Deep State World Economic Forum where they are planning to either kill or enslave all of mankind. (more…)
0% Interest Rates Coming Back When System Implodes – Craig Hemke
By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday night Post)
Financial writer, market analyst and precious metals expert Craig Hemke says the variables are so numerous it is nearly impossible to predict exactly what is going to happen in 2024. One thing is for sure, the variables are all bad. (more…)
Bigger War, Bigger Fraud and Bigger CV19 Death Toll
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 616 for 1/12/24)
This is the year of bigger, and in this case, bigger is NOT better. There is a bigger war brewing in the Middle East – much bigger. Some say this is the beginning of WWIII. There is no end in sight for the conflicts all over the region. You have a hot war in Gaza. Hezbollah is ready to ramp it up in Lebanon on Israel’s Northern border, and the US and UK both opened up big attacks on the Iranian backed Houthis in Yemen. Meanwhile, Iran was busy taking an oil tanker by force near the Strait of Hormuz. You have conflict on the biggest choke points for oil tankers and shipping at the Red Sea and the Persin Gulf. Is there a big economy-killing oil spike coming? If this keeps going, and it will, the answer is yes. (more…)
Disaster If WHO Gets Total Medical Control – Dr. Meryl Nass
By Greg Hunter’s
Dr. Meryl Nass is an expert on vaccines. She has testified to Congress many times. Dr. Nass warned about the dangers of the CV19 vax. Massive amounts of deaths and disabilities have been documented around the world caused by what many doctors say are simply bioweapon injections. Early on, Dr. Nass was a proponent of treating Covid with Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine with outstanding results for her patients. For this, her medical license was suspended in the State of Maine two years ago. (more…)
Trump is the Winter Coat – Charles Nenner
By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)
Renowned geopolitical and financial cycle expert Charles Nenner has been warning of a huge war cycle that happens every 120 years or so. With Tiawan/China and Russia/Ukraine and Israel and the Middle East conflicts, we are clearly in this huge war cycle. Nenner also says we are simultaneously entering a huge financial down cycle that could easily turn into the Greatest Depression–ever. Neither of these cycles can be stopped. (more…)
War, Dem Division, Vote Fraud, Tanking Economy and CV19 Kill Shots
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 615 1.5.24)
We start 2024 the same way we ended it–with five unstoppable trends. War on all fronts are increasing. From the Middle East to China, big trouble is brewing with no way to divert all-out war. (more…)
Pushback to Tyranny & Control Increases in 2024 – Catherine Austin Fitts
By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)
Catherine Austin Fitts (CAF), Publisher of The Solari Report, financial expert and former Assistant Secretary of Housing (Bush 41 Admin.), says the top story (out of 20 top stories) of 2023 was massive, documented pushback to tyranny and control by the evil Deep State globalists. CAF explains, “Our top story of 2023 is ‘The Year of Pushback.’ It was so long, and it was so big, we had to make a special page and move the other 19 top stories to a whole different section on another page.” (more…)
5 Unstoppable Trends for 2024 – Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 614 12.29.23)
In this last Weekly News Wrap-Up of 2023, I stand back and look at the biggest unstoppable trends coming in 2024. They are in no particular order: (more…)
UN Goal to Destroy West with CO2 & Education Scams
By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)
Award-winning journalist Alex Newman, author of the popular book “Deep State,” is back from the recent so-called COP28 conference in Dubai, UAE. Newman continues to report on the not-so-secret plan to destroy everything in America by pushing scams on the West in energy and education. Let’s start with what Newman calls the “scam” of CO2 reduction. Newman explains, “The thing that really jumped out at me with this whole UN COP28 summit, my big take away . . . is they were talking about phasing out carbon emissions and phasing out fossil fuels, but that’s just for the suckers in the Western world. That’s just the United States under Joe Biden. That’s just for European Union under their treacherous leaders. The communist Chinese, the Arab dictatorships, the Russians and all the different socialist kleptocracies, they were literally making oil deals at this summit. (more…)